Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections http://archives.dickinson.edu/ Documents Online Title: The Daily Senator (Fall 1961) Date: Fall 1961 Location: RG 8/1 - 7.1.8 Contact: Archives & Special Collections Waidner-Spahr Library Dickinson College P.O. Box 1773 Carlisle, PA 17013 717-245-1399 [email protected] the (Sally senator _________ ______________________________________ ______________ sept ,2UL editort Charles g. wadas dickinson college ____________________________________________________student senate WELCOME! Chorale Rehearsal Tho student body and faculty There will be a full choral© of Dickinson College wish to ox- practico at 1^:00 in the music tend a most hardy welcome to our building today. All members are now president Dr, Howard Rubendall asked to bo present. and his family. Wanted! Chapel Referees for IP football. If All students and faculty arc interested contact Ed Salter or required to attend the formal con­ call CH 3-6176 at tho theta chi vocation ceremonies for the 1961- fratdmlty before next wed. 1962 academic year in tho Alumni gymnasium today at 1 1 :00, Swimming Important I Any boy interested in trying out for the swimming team is asked All persons wishing to place to report at the swimming pool at articles in the Daily Senator Ip: 30 on thursday afternoon, today. please submit them, before 5 :00, Coach Eavenson to the mailroom in Old Wost tho day before you wish it published or else contact Greg Wadas at tho Alpha Chi Rho fraternity before 8:00, Thank you, Greg Wadas Sunday T his Sunday there will bo a matriculation service held In Allison Chapol, Everyone is invited. Faculty Reception T he faculty reception will bo tomarrow night in tho gym at 8:00. Everyone is invited to go. the daily senator* ____________ sept. 22 oditor: Charles g. wadas dickinson college student senate President’s Reception Important I T he President’s reception Any person wishing to place ■will be held tonight in alumni an article in the daily senator gymnasium at 8:00. It is a gen­ please submit them to the mailroom eral get-together of the now in Old West before 5:00 the day students, old students, and the before you wish it published or members of the faculty. Everyone else contact Greg Wadas at the is invited. Alpha Chi Rho fraternity before 8r00. thank you. Lawn P arty Wanted! The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity is having an all-campus lawn party Referees are needed for the tomorrow at 2:00. There will be oncoming IF football season next a Rock-and-Roll band and the party week. If Interested contact Ed is open to all. Bring blankets Salter at the Theta Chi fraternity and dates. or call CH 3-6176 before w?edn. Sunday This Sunday there will be a matriculation service at the Dickinson College Chapel. Everyone Is Invited. the daily senator sept. 25 editor: Charles g, wadas dickinson college student senate Students with cars Campus Journalism AEE APPLICANTS for car permis« T oday at throe o’clock in sion mush have the auto registra­ the McCauley room in the basement tion card filled out and returned of Old West there will be a moet- to the Dean of Men by Wed. sept.27. of the staff and all those inter­ Some permits arc ready for distri­ ested in working on the Belles bution now. Lettres’ Literary Bulletin maga­ zine. Freshmen interested in campus journalism are strongly ATTENTION urged to attend this meeting. Thore will be a meeting of all students enrolled in Economics 61 Social Committee at 3:00 today in South rm. 2. The all college social com­ All persons taking vocal semi­ mittee will meet in the McCauley nar (music 83), please contact Mr. room at 12:30 today. Mueller immediately for schedule arrangements. Mermaid Players If thore arc any men who arc still interested In singing in the Everyone Is invited to tryout Dickinson College Choir, see Mr. this Wednesday afternoon 2:00- Mueller in the Music building right 5:00 or in tho evening 7 :30-9:30 away. or on thursday afternoon from ip: 00-5 : 3D or in the evening from 7:30-9:30. Reading Classes Are you interested in improving Wanted! your rate of reading comprehension? Classes begin Wed. afternoon, sept. Anyone willing to give one 27, at 2:00 and 3:00 . T here are hour a week to help Cub Scout 10 weekly sessions. Fee is $10.00. Pack 189 (Allison Methodist Church Register at the Office of the Reg­ is asked to see Prof. Sloane, istrar. T ho size of each class Denny 6. is limited to twenty, so hurryI Referees Remember Anyone wishing to be a refer­ Any person wishing to place ee in this year’s IF football an article in the daily senator league contact Ed Salter at the please submit your article to tho Theta Chi fraternity or call CH- mailroom in Old West before 5:00 3-6176 before Wed, the day before you wish it publish­ ed or contact Grog Wadas at the There will bo a Dickinsonlan Alpha Chi Rho fraternity before editorial board meeting today at 8: 00. 5 :00, if your name appears on the mast head— be there! Student Senate Debate Team Tho student senate will hold its first meeting today at ip: 00 There will be a meeting of in Memorial Hall. everyone interested in trying out for the college debate team in room 8 Denny at 7:00 tomarrow;. All freshmen are welcome. the daily senator _______________________________________________________________ SEPT. 26 editor: Charles g. wadas dickinson college student senate Chapel Service Microcosm Today’s speaker is Bishop ¥» Attention freshmen and all Vernon Middleton, the Bishop of the upperclassmen! The Microcosm Is Central Pennsylvania District of looking for those people with tho the Methodist Church. Bishop versatility and interest needed Middleton is a dickinson graduate to produce a first-class yearbook. and trustee of the college. He Wo need photographers; copy, will inaugerate this years ffiepre- sports, feature and specialty sentativo American Preachers writers as well as business and Series on "Religion and the Intel­ secretarial help, /in organizat­ lectual Life", at 11:00 In the ional meeting will bo held this Dickinson Chapel. Thursday evening at 7:30 in the Chorale Memorial Hall, All members of the Chorale are expected to be at the Dickin­ I.F.C. son Chapel at 10:55. Your gowns have been moved to the Chapel and There will be an Inter-frat­ you will vest and form in fellow­ ernity Council meeting tomorrow ship hall. night at 7:15 in the McCauley rm. I.V.C.F. Orchestra The Reverend Dr. Keuhner, Dean of Tho College-Community Orch­ the Reformed Episcopal Seminary estra will meet In tho music bldg, in Philadelphia, will speak tomar at 7:00. Plans are to present an: row evening in Old West at 7:00 Orchestral Concert this semester on the topic, "‘Christianity’s and the Brahms "REQUIEM" with the Cross". All students and faculty choral organizations during the are invited to attend. spring semester. Mermaid Players Basketball Players Everyone is invited to try­ There will be a meeting of out for Moliere’s Tartuffo, the all interested candidates for the new mermaid players production. college basketball team today at Tryouts are: Ip: I}_5 in the gym. Bring a copy of Wed.: 2-5, & 700-9:30 your class schedule with you. If Thurs.: [{.-5:30, & 7:30-9:30 you can't make it at this time I will be in my office untill 5 :30, it is important. Debate Council Coach DuCharme There will be a meeting of everyone interested In intra­ Reading Classes college dobating meet tonight in the McCauley room in Old West Are you Interested in impro­ (new room from yesterday) at 7 :00. ving your rate of reading compre­ All freshmen are welcome. hension? Classes begin this Wed. afternoon at 2:00 and 3:00, There are 10 weekly sessions. Foe is Students With Cars $10.00. Register at the office of the Registrar. Tho size of ALL APPLICANTSfor car permits each class is limited to twenty, must have the auto registration so H U R R Y ' ________________ card filled out and returned to Yearbook pictures on steps of West: the Dean of Men by Wed. sept. 27. 5:00— Freshmen Counselors Some permits are ready for distri­ 5:05--0rientation Leadors + faculty bution now.__________________ ____ 5:10--Foreign Students The following photographs will be 5:15— Senate officers and senators taken for the 1961-62 Microcosm 5:25— Class officers this thursday In Qrayor Lounge: (Taken in Denny Hall): 12:30— President's Council 7:00— Dickinsonian Editors 12:35“-!'' Tcllenic Council 7:20— Microcosm Editors 12:i|0— Ir -fraternity Council 12:ij-5““Wh' end Chain tho daily senator* ________ _____ _____________________________________________ Sept, 27 editor: Greg Wadas — — — dlckinson college student senate Students with Cars Microcosm Pictures ALL APLICANTS for car permits The following photographs wil] must have the auto registration be taken for tho 1961-62 Microcosn card filled out and returned to On thursday— (in Drayer Loungo): the Dean of Men bo today. Some 12:30— Presidents Council permits are ready for distribution 12:35--Pan Hellenic Council now. 12:£j-0— Inter-fraternity Council 12:1^5— Wheel and Chain (on the old stone stops of West): I.V.C.F. 5:00— Freshmen Counselors 5:05— Orientation leaders The Reverend Dr. Kcuhner, (faculty and students) Dean of the Roformed Episcopal 5:10— Foroign students Seminary in Philadelphia, will 5:15— Senate Officers and speak today in Old West (Memorial Senators Hall) at 7:00.
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