00-03 - Contents 50_1 NEW_jan2014 10/04/2014 14:24 Page 1 70+ SPEAKERSS S FROM 155 COUNTRCOUNTRIESRIES WILLL BE ININ CEBUCEBU PROBABLYPRROBOBABLLYY THE BEST INTERNATIONALINTERNAATIONALTIONAL SPEAKERSPPEAKER LINE-UP EVEREVVER FOR HOSPITALHOSPITTTALAL MANAGEMENTMANAGEMENTT IN ASIA BBYY TTHEHE TheThe nownonowow popularpopopopular EIGHTEIGIGHT HMA subjectsusuubbjbjjeecect tracksttrrackckkss ofof HMA:HMHMAA:: CEBU numbersnumbers 1.1. HospitalHoHosospspitpipit taalal ManagementManananagagegememenentnt andanandnd AdministrationAdAddmmmiinistrststratatit on 1,000+ delegatesdeelegates expectedexpected 22.. QualityQQuuaualalitty ImprovementIImmpmprprorovememement ToolsToooolsols 33.. ManagingMMaanananagaggiiinngng PatientPatitiieenentnt SafetySSaaffeetety 70+ speakersspeakkers fromfrom 15 countriescountries 44.. CustomerCCuusuststommeerer ServiceSSeerervrviiccece 55.. ManagementMMaanananagaggeeemmemenentnt andand EssentialEEssssseseennnttital Skillskikiillllllsls 30+ countriescounttries rrepresentedepresented 66.. Marketing,MaMararkrkeettiningngg,, PR,PRR,, andanandnd OnlineOnOnlnlinlliinen e PresencePrPreresesseenencncece 77.. InformationInInfnfoforormrmatitioionon TechnologyTecechchnoloogogygy inin HospitalsHoHosossppipititalss 400+ŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƟŽŶƐŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƟŽŶƐ 88.. 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Some saysay PhilippinesPhhilippines is the ConferenceCConference Partners new tiger of Asia.Asia ƙɁɁȽȱȷȯɂȷȽȼΎȽȴΎƠȳȯȺɂȶȱȯɀȳΎƨɀȽɄȷȲȳɀɁΎ̚ơȼȲȷơ̇Ύ̘ΎƙƫƬƪƧƦΎƠȽɁȾȷɂȯȺΎ˱ΎƠȳȯȺɂȶȱȯɀȳΎƛȽȼɁɃȺɂȯȼɂɁΎƨɀȷɄȯɂȳΎƤȷȻȷɂȳȲΎƙɁɁȽȱȷȯɂȷȽȼΎΎȽȴ ƠȳȯȺɂȶȱȯɀȳ ΎƨɀȽɄȷȲȳɀɁ Ύ̚ơȼȲȷơ̇ ΎΎ̘ ƙƫƬƪƧƦ ΎƠȽɁȾȷɂȯȺ ΎΎ˱ ƠȳȯȺɂȶȱȯɀȳ ΎƛȽȼɁɃȺɂȯȼɂɁ ΎƨɀȷɄȯɂȳ ΎƤȷȻȷɂȳȲ Ύ ƠƠȳȯȺɂȶȱȯɀȳΎƞȳȲȳɀȯɂȷȽȼΎȽȴΎơȼȲȷȯΎ̘ΎƠȽȼȵΎƣȽȼȵΎƠȽɁȾȷɂȯȺΎƙɃɂȶȽɀȷɂɇΎ̘ΎƠȽΎƛȶȷΎƥȷȼȶΎƛȷɂɇΎƥȳȲȷȱȯȺΎƙɁɁȽȱȷȯɂȷȽȼΎȳȯȺɂɂȶȶȱȯɀȳΎΎΎΎΎΎΎΎΎΎΎΎΎΎΎΎƞȳȲȳɀȯɂȷȽȼ Ƚȴ ơȼȲȷȯ ̘ ƠȽȼȵ ƣȽȼȵ ƠȽɁȾȷɂȯȺ ƙɃɂɂȶȶȽɀȷɂɇ ̘ ƠȽ ƛȶȷ ƥȷȼȶ ƛȷɂɇ ƥȳȲȷȱȯȺ ƙɁɁȽȱȷȯɂȷȽȼ View the summary of what they are ơơȼȲȷȯȼΎƠȳȯȺɂȶΎƛȯɀȳΎƩɃȯȺȷɂɇΎƞȽɀɃȻΎ̘ΎơȼȲȽȼȳɁȷȯȼΎƠȽɁȾȷɂȯȺΎƙɁɁȽȱȷȯɂȷȽȼΎ̘ΎƢȯȾȯȼΎƠȽɁȾȷɂȯȺΎƙɁɁȽȱȷȯɂȷȽȼΎȼȲȷȯȼΎΎΎΎΎΎΎƠȳȯȺɂȶ ƛȯɀȳ ƩɃȯȺȷɂɇ ƞȽɀɃȻ ̘ ơȼȲȽȼȳɁȷȯȼ ƠȽɁȾȷɂȯȺ ΎƙɁɁȽȱȷȯɂȷȽȼ ΎΎΎ̘ ƢȯȾȯȼ ƠȽɁȾȷɂȯȺ ΎƙɁɁȽȱȷȯɂȷȽȼ Ύ sayingsaying here:: ƣƣȽɀȳȯȼΎƠȽɁȾȷɂȯȺΎƙɁɁȽȱȷȯɂȷȽȼΎ̘ΎƬȶȳΎƥȳȲȷȱȯȺΎƨɀȯȱɂȷɂȷȽȼȳɀΎƫȽȱȷȳɂɇΎȽȴΎƠȽΎƛȶȷΎƥȷȼȶΎƛȷɂɇȽɀȳȯȼΎΎƠȽɁȾȷɂȯȺ ƙɁɁȽȱȷȯɂȷȽȼ ΎΎΎΎ̘ Ƭȶȳ ƥȳȲȷȱȯȺ ƨɀȯȱɂȷɂȷȽȼȳɀ ΎΎΎΎΎΎƫȽȱȷȳɂɇ Ƚȴ ƠȽ ƛȶȷ ƥȷȼȶ ƛȷɂɇ http://bit.ly/1hNK2Ckk PR Partners ƙƛƦΎƦȳɅɁɅȷɀȳΎ̘ΎƛɀȳȯɂȷɄȳΎƛɀȳɁɂΎ̘ΎơȼɂȳȵɀȯɂȳȲΎƨɃȰȺȷȱΎƪȳȺȯɂȷȽȼɁΎ̚ȷƨƪ̛ƙƛƦΎΎΎΎΎΎΎΎΎƦȳɅɁɅȷɀȳ ̘ ƛɀȳȯɂȷɄȳ ƛɀȳɁɂ ̘ ơȼɂȳȵɀȯɂȳȲ ƨɃȰȺȷȱ ƪȳȺȯɂȷȽȼɁ ̚ȷƨƪ̛ 3 EASY WAYSWAYYS TO REGISTERREGISTTER TODAY Online: http://hospitalmanagementasia.com/http://hosspitalmanagementasia.com// Email: Efren Solimanman Phone:Phone: Efren Soliman on registration/delegaregistration/delegates/ates/ [email protected] +6322 846 8339 00-03 - Contents 50_1 NEW_jan2014 10/04/2014 15:25 Page 2 Contents Contents volume 50 number 1 Editorial Staff Executive Editor: Eric de Roodenbeke, PhD 03 Editorial Desk Editor: James Moreno Salazar Eric de Roodenbeke and Alexander S Preker External Advisory Board Alexander S Preker Chair of the Advisory Board, World Bank Improving hospital performance Jeni Bremner, European Health Management Association 04 Building a culture for innovation: A leadership challenge Charles Evans, American College of Healthcare Executives Lynne Maher Juan Pablo Uribe, Fundación Santa Fe de Bogota Mark Pearson, Head of Health Division (OECD) 07 The key to health services in Turkey: New perspectives on leadership and hospital Editorial Committee management Enis Baris, World Bank Dov Chernichosky, Ben-Gurion University Alper A Sahin Bernard Couttelenc, Performa Institute Yohana Dukhan, African Development Bank 09 The National Accreditation Board for Hospital and Health Care Providers Nigel Edwards, KPMG, Kings Fund KeeTaig Jung, Kyung Hee University accreditation programme in India Harry McConnell, Griffith University School of Medicine Girdhar J Gyani and B Krishnamurthy Louis Rubino, California State University Editorial Office 13 Hospital accreditation – A foundation for high reliability Paula WIlson C/O Hôpital de Loëx, Route de Loëx 151 1233 Bernex (GE), SWITZERLAND 16 Hospital productivity: How to KILL or create a productive hospital environment For advertising enquiries contact our Communications Michael Podolinsky Manager at [email protected] 19 Teamwork and communication: An effective approach to patient safety Subscription Office International Hospital Federation Sandhya Mujumdar and Diana Santos c/o 26 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4AG, UK Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7969 5500 23 Are clinical audits enough to bring about improvement in overall health care delivery? Fax : +44 (0) 20 7969 5600 Amin Rajani and Syed M Sohail ISSN: 0512-3135 Opinion matters Published by Global Health Dynamics Limited for the International Hospital Federation 27 Assessment of changes in health care needs Khuderchuluun Nanjid, Chimedsuren Ochir, Sumberzul Nyamjav and Purevjav 20 Quayside, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 1BH Mendsaikhan Telephone: +44 (0) 1394 446006 Facsimile: +44 (0) 1473 249034 Internet: www.globalhealthdynamics.co.uk Reference 31 Language abstracts Subscription World Hospitals and Health Services is published 35 IHF corporate partners quarterly. The annual subscription to non-members for 2013 costs £175 or US$280. All subscribers automatically receive a hard copy of the journal, please provide the 36 IHF events calendar following information to [email protected]: -First and Last name of the end user -e-mail address of the end user World Hospitals and Health Services is listed in Hospital Literature Index, the single most comprehensive index to English language articles on healthcare policy, planning and administration. The index is IHF Governing Council members’ profiles can be accessed through the following link: produced by the American Hospital Association in co-operation with the National Library of Medicine. Articles published in World Hospitals and http://www.ihf-fih.org/About-IHF/IHF-Executive-Committee-and-Governing-Council Health Services are selectively indexed in Health Care Literature Information Network. IHF Newsletter is available in http://www.ihf-fih.org/IHF-Newsletters The International Hospital Federation (IHF) is an independent non- political body whose aims are to improve patient safety and promote health in underserved communities. The opinions expressed in this journal are not necessarily those of the International Hospital Federation or Global Health Dynamics. World Hospitals and Health Services Vol. 50 No. 1 1 00-03 - Contents 50_1 NEW_jan2014 10/04/2014 14:24 Page 2 00-03 - Contents 50_1 NEW_jan2014 10/04/2014 14:24 Page 3 Editorial Management innovation from HMA ERIC DE ROODENBEKE ALEXANDER S PREKER CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, CHAIR, EXTERNAL ADVISORY BOARD, INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL FEDERATION INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL FEDERATION he Health Management Asia (HMA) Conference is the environment” Michael Podolinsky stress that productivity comes premier learning conference and expo for hospital managers from investing in people and giving them the tools and authority to Tin Asia. Now in its thirteenth year, HMA is committed to do their jobs effectively. keeping hospital managers, clinicians and health care leaders and Likewise in “Teamwork and communication: An effective medical doctors in Asia updated on worldwide health care approach to patient safety” the authors Sandhya Mujumdar and management thinking and experience while creating a real and Diana Santos remind readers about the critical role played by virtual forum for regional networking among health care managers. effective communication and teamwork in the delivery of high It includes thought-leading topics for the plenary sessions, and a quality safe patient care, especially within a complex organization. CEO Forum and a Health Leaders’ Summit that are targeted at In “Are clinical audits enough to bring about improvement in the senior and top executives. overall health care delivery?” Amin Rajani and Syed Sohail show The articles in this issue of World Hospitals and Health Services that regular audits and system reviews not only improve the quality include some the most innovative contributions from the twelfth of services to patients but also build a more positive organizational HMA held at the Shangri-La Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand, on 12–13 culture. September 2013, which hosted over 880 delegates representing Finally, in “Opinion matters” the authors Khuderchuluun Nanjid, 398 hospitals and organizations from 34 countries.
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