. I ' , DOCUMENTfl* 0 u ED 138- 745 , CE 610 (144- , . M'' AUTHOR Bake., Linda M. HaircuttingGuide for Cio,gTetology Students. INSTITUTION Rutgers., The State Univ.,illqw Brunswick, N.J./ Curriculum Lab. SPONS AGENCY New Jersey State Dept. of pcation -Trenton. DiV.ôf Vocational Education. REPORT NO ' BC-40C PUB DATE' Fceb 77 RorE 79p. 4 AVAILA6LE FROM New. Jer ey Vocational-TecArfi'cal Curriculum Labora ory, Huilding 4104,041mer Campu Rttgers Univers y, New -13run8wick01.01. Jersey 9iO3 ($2.50 LL.,1!' . plus postge) diw ' ,:.EDRS PRICE MF,-$0.83 HC-$4.67 Plus P;OStage. ID-ESCRIPTOR8' *Cosmetology; Instructiaterials; Job Skills; Job Training; Manuals; P'ols':tk,econdary Education; Secondary Education; *Vocatidnal Education IDENTIFIERS *Haircutting / y. ABSTRACT Intended for use at any po3,nt in a beauty culture coarse, tOts student manual on haircuttingimplements andtechniques focupes on-two basic haircutspage and shoTtsummerputto describe and Illustrate basic cutting-and shapi2q techniques1-...Thpre are four major sections'in the manual: cly Hairshaping Implements and Techniques (Implements Used In Hairshaping, SafetT.and Sanitation:, Handling Scissorl and Thinftimg Shears, Use of.Scissors, Use of Thinning Shear's, Handling the Razor, Cattingdwith the Razor, and Neccnne Trimming), (2) flair Shaping' (Juter Perimeter, Inner Perimeter, Haix Growth Patterns, -Elevation, Using the Guideline, A.ng]e Cutting, and.Prepatalmg to Cut), (3) Short or Long Page with MOlificatUTs, and (4) ShOrt.Summer Cut with Moditicqations. Also included are a glossaryibf hair shaping terminology, instructions for 'shitizi.ng implements, a wOrd puzzle,,a review quiz, and a bibliograpWy. Dftwings5are.inters6ersel throughout tb il,lustrate 'techniques and procelIeres. (HD) N. .1% , * * 4 ,Documents-acquired )by ERIC include many informal unpublished * matenOls.not availab,kv-from other souices. ERICmak.es every effort. *,to obtal,n the best cols* available.* NevertheleSs, items ofmarginal * * reproducibility are often encountered,and this affects,thequality * of the microfiche and'hardcopqreproductions ERIC makes Available * via pile ERIC bocument'Reproduction'Service (EDRS).EDRS'is not responsible for:the qUality'of the o:iginal document. Repr9ductions * supplied by F,Dig-are the best that can be made from theoriginal. 4c , *********************************************************************# tate of New Jersey partment of Education Division of Vocational Education tat ,HAIRCUTTHIG GCH-DEYOR,-,COSIVIETOLOGY SI-UDENITS 7, Linda M. Baker, Instructor William H. Adams, Superintendent Slem County Vocational-Technical Schtiol, -----,Woodstown, New Jersey . , OEPARTMENT OFHEM.TH. U.S. WELFARE . EDUCATIONAINSTITUT E OF NATIONAL. EDUCATION . HAS BEENREPRO- DOCUMENT RECEIVED FROM THIS EXACTLY AS ORIGIN DUCED ORORGANIZATION THE PERSON JNIEW OROPINIOtA POINTS OF REPRE ATING IT NEZESSARILY SIAT ED DONOT INSTAIUTE.OF iCIAL NATIONAL: SENT OFF POSITiON ORPOLICY EDUCATION Vocational-Technical Curriculum Laboratory Rutgers ..The State University Building 4103 Ki1mcr Campus New Brunswick,'New Jersey February 1977 3 NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FRED G. BURKE, COMMISSIONER RALPH H. LATAILLE, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER' DIVISION_ OF VOCATIONAL ,EDUCATION WILLIAM WENZEL, ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER (Acting) JOHN t. RADVANY, DEPUTY ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER HAROLD R. SELTZER, DEPUTY ASSISTAIIT COMMISSIONER (Acting) BENJAMIN SHAPIRO, DIRECTOR, VOCATIONAL-CURRICULUM LABORATORY , CURRICULUM LABORATORY RUTGERS THE STATEIJNIVERSITY,, BUILDING(4103 KILMER CAMPUS NEW RRUNSWICK, NEWJEAEY . This, took is designed to interest stildents and make the study of the art -of haircutting more enjoyable. We have used simple langnage, a light 'touch, and niimerous illustratiOns to clarify the content. It :may be used at .any point in the BeatityCultuVecourse.. The techniqUes illustrated are /those` that the author has found most effective through year's of teaching thesubject. Experience. with preliminary, copies of this manual have indicated an enthusiastic response by the students. The two basic, haircuts page, and short summer cut are described and illustrated indetail. 4'When die student has mastered ,these; she/he is well 6n the way to being a successful haircutter. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page, Ns. Introduction. ....... ...... To the Studeni Modern Trends in Haircuttin iv 1 .,Introduction of Characters Hairshiping Implements and Techniques .... 3 Implements Used inHalitKaping . .......... Safety and Sanitation ..... ..... , .. 'Hndling Scissors and Thinning Shears , Use of Sciors.. : ... 1.2 Use of Th. ning Shears .3 . 16 Handling the Razor _., . ... 20 Cutting with the Razor . .. .. .% . 23 Neckline Trimming 29 k Hair Shaping ..... 4 . .-3 Outer Perimeter . 34 Inner Perimeter, . ,. Hair Growth Patterns 35 Elevation 38 Using the Guideline 41 Angie Cutting . .... 43 3. Prepa.ring-to Cut ' 44 Shor,t or Long Page , 47 . Motlications of Short or Long Page 54 Short:Summer Cut 56 Modifications .Of Short Sumnier Cut 62 Terminology in Hair Shaping-4." . ...... .. 64 Sanitizing Implements .. .. .. , ... 66 Word Puzzle . Review Quiz . 69 Bibliography'..,,. .. .. .. .. 72 , 9 To the Student Haircuttingisthe most importantskill you can maker asa hairdresser;ittakesskillfulhands,agood eye,practice, and ateention. : Hair shaping is the foundation for all hairstyling. This book has .beendesignedtogiveyou abetterunderstanding of professional hairshapingtechniqueswiththehelpof illustrationsand suggested - aCtivities. A haircut means more than just taking off length. In factrhair can be shaped-without changing the length" at all. Know hairshapingthoroughly;itisveryimportant! A good haircutterwillgradually acquire loyal patrons who appreciate a fgood haircut. His or her value as an emploYee" will *also increase. Piid more valiie to the shop mens a bigger paycheck. .. Modern Trends'in Haircutting The look of today is natural. Hair is-soft-flowing, touchable, and bouncy; withahealthy sheen. Today's length may be super-short or -shoulder length. Whatever the style or length, t'he cut makes the difference in the look. Soft curls and waves are also very popular, with the aid of a mild; body perzniffeiftWWC-13tovv-drying and iron-curling help give, a natural look. Very littlesetting is-necessary, and definitely no highly.' vcr teased and heavily lacquered coiffures. Low pH (potential hydrogen) shampoos and organic conditioners -are verypopular tokeepthenatural. look. The moSt_ popular g. haircutting tool or today iS the small, regular scissors. Thinning and tapering,.of the hair in ,the pasthave been used to make a cushion for successful back-combing (teasing).The natural look: requires very httle or no teasing. Therefore hair is onlythinned or tapered when it is necessary to decrease excess bulk. Hi, I'm Junior Curly. A cfoss-sectional view under a misc,roscope wduld ihow me to be almehst flat.eanyou believei that? Hello, I'm Mrs. Straight. A cross.sectional view under a microscope would show me to be'round. We Will sbe your guid s throughout this book. -So come along with us and join in the fun! . - Hi, my name is Doctor Trichology. I study the hair and its care: Hello there, I'm Mr. Wavy. ° Hello, I'm Ms. Trichdptilosis. A cross-sectional view under a Due to strong-detergent shampooing, sun, wind, blow- microscope would show me to be drying, iron-curling, harsh permanent waving,arid hair oval s straighteners, my ends :are split, dry and. briqle. I'm a Mess! Ms. TrichOptilosis and Her Split Eil,ds thole at poor Ms. Trichoptilos sis. She is so,sad because her hair is .split and dry. I'm going tO make .,sorne ,professional suggestions that will help /Jen Hey -there, Ms. Trichoptilosis! I reCommend that ydu get the' ends Of your hair trimMed immediately. I knowyou don'ti want your hair cut. short, but just get to 1 inch trimmed off ,For temporary relief keep. the .ench trimmed. ever); 4 .to 6 Weeks. Overcombing and over brushing:can split .the cuticle layer of your hair, ,so comb and brush just enough for grooming pUrposes. Coveryour hair when you sunbathe; use a low-pH shampoo and a good conditioner. Cet your permanent .waves at a professional beauty salon; - that goes for hair ccrloring tOo. v Oh, thank you forYour professional advice Dr,,Trichology. I" will folloW every bit of it. 2 Hairshaping Implements anci Techniques ; ..rsh , r , 4S4I.', , i Implements Used in Hair Shaping %ow , 4th FINGER MOVING BLADE L TTLE FINGER STILL BLADE HAIRCUTTING SCISSORS THUMB.: SINGLE-EDGE THINNINGSHEA CLIPPING EDGE DOUBU-tDGE THINNING SHEAR SAFETYGUARD SINGLE-EDGERAZOR' REMOVABLE BLADE . GUARD qaircutting Implements-and Their Uses , Regularhaircut ingt scissors An .implement pf two. sharg-edged bla es used for cutting hair (only hair). Come 1. in rriany different.sizes. Regular"haircutting scissors may be usea for blunt-cUtting, slithering, and taperkg the hair.' .. Single-edged thinning shears An ithr4ernent with one .,notched blade, used to thin and remove ekcess bulk of hair. Single-edged. Vars reifioNids'4 more hair than thgioubfe-. dged e ars- °- Double-edged thinning sheaxs ---- An implement with two -notched blades, used to thin and remove excess gulk of hair. Double-edged shearsiètnoveslesshair than single- edged silears. Singre-edged razor An impktnent Lised to cut and/or tapef the hair. V st akays be Used with a safety guarcL Eleciric..cliPpers 'An implement _used to clean,,the hairs off the neckline. Electric clippers will not make hair grow in thicker or darker. g2 A Safety And Sanitation- , < 1. Drape patron xpr4perlyto
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