Union Demands Data on Retained Fort Jobs SEE STORY BELOW Rainy and Cool Rainy and cool today. Cloudy and cool, some rain tonight. THEDMLY FINAL Cloudy with late rain tomor- row. / EDITION (Sco Details, Page 2) I Monmouth County's Home Newspaper lor 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 193 RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1970 18 PAGES 10 CENTS City Mob Ties Charged TRENTON (AP) -, The his opening statement indivi- mine whether the hearings The SIC has focused its State Investigation Commis- duals responsible for the al- would lead to criminal pros- efforts on alleged corruption sion said today it is con- leged lack of law enforce- ecution of anyone connected in Long Branch since the vinced that "organized crime ment in Long Branch. with the investigation. crime panel was formed last elements exert an influence Witnesses scheduled to He noted that several wit- year. In February, the com- over the governmental and testify as the hearings got nesses refused to answer mission held public hearings business activities" in the under way included Long questions before the commis- into the operation of the city of Long Branch. Branch Mayor Paul N. Nas- sion, leading in some cases Monmouth County prosecu- William F. Hyland, com- tasio Jr. and Police Chief to imprisonment on contempt tor's office which produced mission chairman, stated at Joseph D. Purcell. charges. testimony about misuse of the opening of public hear- Richard J. Bowen and He added that two witnesses funds but no criminal indict- ings in the commission's Frank Vanore, two former ments. probe of official corruption in city business administrators "are now in prison under in- the Monmouth County shore in the community, were also dependent criminal convic- Hyland noted that Long area: scheduled to take the witness tions, thereby diminishing Branch was chosen as the "The hearings about to stand. the opportunity of the com? first target for the SIC be- commence will establish Hyland revealed that other mission to compel meaning- cause of widespread publicity clearly, in the opinion of the witnesses who appeared be- ful disclosures under the alleging that "prominent or- commission, that the citizens fore the' SIC in private ses- threat of contempt citations." ' ganized crime figures were of Long Branch have every sions would not Jestify in The references were ap- operating there in an atmo- right to lack confidence in public "out of concern on the parently to Angelo "the spnere of relative security the willingness or determina- part of the commission for Gyp" DeCarlo, who has been frqm law enforcement pres- tion of many of their public their safety or standing in imprisoned on an extortion sure and that this situation officials and law enforce- the community." conviction in federal court, had been allowed to develop ment personnel to recognize Not Identified and Anthony "Little Pussy" and continue through the and to deal effectively with The individuals were not Russo, who was jailed on corruption of public officials the -menace of organized identified. charges of perjuring himself or the lack on their part of crime." The commission chairman before a Monmouth County an aggressive campaign to Hyland did not pinpoint in said he was unable to deter- grand jury. correct the problem." Separate Trial Is Sought NEWARK (AP) - Attorneys for alleged Mafia kingpin Si- mone "Sam the Plumber" De- Cavalcante have filed motions seeking a trial on gambling SEARCHING FOR THE DEAD — Soldiers and relief workers look for bodies of charges separate from that of victims yesterday in ruins of Gediz, Turkey, which was shattered by an earth- _54 other persons with whom quake Saturday night. Government officials estimate about 1,300 persons were he is accused of operating a killed in Gedii ancl surrounding^ villages along the Anatolian fault in -western $20 million a year gambling ring. Turkey. • (AP Wirephofoi One attorney, Raymond Brown, filed the motion yes- terday. The motion asked De- Cavalcante's trial be severed because there is "no relation- Union Demands Army ship" between the gambling charge and a charge accusing some other defendants with conspiring to make extortion- ate loans. Detail Secure Jobs The indictment against De- Cavalcante and the others was By DORIS KULMAN month to questions about the Saturday of ECOM officials, returned last December. It WASHINGTON — The Na- announced job protection for representatives of Ft. Mon- identified DeCavalcante as tional Federation of Fed- trainees, an ECOM spokes- mouth Local 476 of Uie NFFE, the ring leader of the alleged eral Employes has demanded man said it applies only to and Rep. James J. Howard, operation. to know exactly which those in career positions and D-N.J. there was speculation trainee jobs the Depart- is detailed in a Department the trainee layoff immunity Six counts contained in the of Defense personnel circular is a Department of Defense indictment outline the alleged ment of the Army is sparing from the Department of De- and restated in the Oct. 8, directive. extortion conspiracy, but did 1969 federal personnel man- not name DeCavalcante. fense-ordered cutback of civ- It's a Department, of the ilian posts — and why. ual. 'Army directive, Mr. Wolko- Attorney Irving Vogelman, At a three-way meeting (See Union, Pg. 2) an associate of Brown, also The Army alone among the 1 services has ordered that said motions were filed asking trainees be given job protec- some 25 questions about the FLIGHT SLOWDOWN AT JFK — An airlines departure board indicates flight conditions at JFK airport in tion above senior employes, alleged gambling conspiracy Nathan T. Wolkomir, NFFE New Yoric yesterday as passengers line up at reservations desk. Most planes are experiencing equipment de- and seeking any wiretap ma- president, said here yester- lays since aircraft are arriving on limited basis and are not available for turn-around departure flights. terials the government may day. have on DeCavalcante. 1AP Wirephoto) "We want to know the Vogelman said the Attorneys basis for the Army's stand," also asked the court for a Mr. Wolkomir declared, "and protective order to stop any we want to know, the Civil information or wiretap ma- Service regulation on which terials from being made pub- it is based. If there is such Councilman in Long Branch lic. a regulation, our legal staff DeCavalcante was one of hasn't been able to find it. the central figures in a series "We're having this trouble of wiretaps released by the only with the Department of government last year in con- the Army," he added. nection with the case. Announcement that ap- Enter Wide Open Contest proximately .600 trainees are immune from being fired dur- dng the layoff now in progress By AL HORAY Besides Councilman Cioffi, time of 3:59 p.m. Also seek- Also filing for council posts LONG BRANCH — All six the mayor will be opposed by ing re-election are City Coun- has aroused deep resentment were James W. Dennis, 32 Hijackers among employes of the Army incumbent city officials have the former Councilwoman cil President Wilbert C. Bus* Slocum Place; Donald L. filed for re-election, with Mrs. Lucy Wilson, who was sell, Councilwoman Gertrude Electronics Command at Ft. Phillips, 611 Long Branch Monmouth, were 2,458 civil- Councilman Henry R. Cioffi the last to file for the post Berman and Councilman Sam- Ave.; Mario Vasquez-Soto, 149 uel Teicher. Tricked ian workers, including many filing for the top administra- yesterday at 3:08 p.m.; Wil- Grand Ave.; Gary G. Tomaini, top-level employes with three tive post against Mayor Paul liam Mari of 71 Brighton Ave.; Also seeking council seats 1235 Ocean Ave., and L. Leon- decades and more in the fed- Nastasio. William J. Scott, 73 Dudley are former Councilman Mi- ard Joline of 408 Second Ave. In Korea eral service, have been noti- • Seventeen persons filed for St.; and Kenneth S. Lombardi, chael G. Celli; William A. Dinkelsplei Surprises ified that they face possible 478 Atlantic Ave. • SEOUL (AP) — The pilot the live council seats up for DeLisa, last year's city fire A surprise political move firing. ECOM is under orders grabs in the May 12 balloting Beats Deadline chief; Samuel DeBartolis, the of a Japanese airliner hi- to eliminate 561 jobs by June Councilman A. V. fppolito was made here yesterday jacked by leftist students and six mayoral candidiates city building inspector; John when Edgar N. Dinkelspiel, 29. filed before yesterday's 4 p.m. filed one minute before yester- D. Taylor, former Board of landed at Seoul's internation- long thought by political ob- Notification Given deadline. day's deadline with a recorded Education president; Frank J. al airport today, and the servers to be a mayoral can- Meanwhile, it has been Pallone, a retired police of- South Koreans tried to trick didate, entered the city clerk's learned that Pieatinny Ar- ficer here, and George P. the hijackers into believing office a few minutes before senal, Dover, following dif- Hoffman, owner of the Hoff- they were in North Korea. the filing deadline, then left ferent reduction-in-force pro- man Funeral Home, Broad- But the ruse failed. the office without filing. cedure than Ft. Monmouth, The Inside Story way. About four hours after the Rev. C. P. Williams, pastor last Friday gave affected em- Milton Garr of 298 Poole plane landed with 115 per- of the Second Baptist Church, ployes specific notification New York Mets' 1970 preview Page 9 Ave., a frequent critic of the sons aboard, the pilot asked also gave rise to speculation whether they are to be fired prospectus Page 9 city administration, filed for the control tower to allow him Shore Conference 'B' baseball yesterday.
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