Sc Ollege Annu Al 20192020

Sc Ollege Annu Al 20192020

PROVIDENCE WOMEN’S COLLEGE ANNUAL 20192020 a-e-_-m-d-n-s-e B-Z-y-s-¯ h-n-s-a³-k-v s-I-m-t-f- P-m-b t-{-]-m-h-n-U³-k-v 2019-þ20s-e a-m-k-n-I {-]-k-n-²-o-I-c-n-¡-p-¶-p F-¶-d-n-b-p-¶-X-n (For your PhD.) k-t-´-m-j-w. a-\-p-j-y-c-m-i-n-b-p-s-S X-s-¶ P-o-h-n-X-¯-n A-`-q-X-]-qÀ-h-a-m-b H-c-p hÀ-j-a-m-W-v- I-S-¶-p t-]-m-b-X-v. A-X-v \-s-½s-b-Ã-m-w G-s-d t-h-Z- \-n-¸-n-¨-p-, {-]-n-b-s-¸-« ]-e-c-p-w \-s-½ h-n-«-p ]-n-c-n-ª-p-, ]-eÀ-¡-p-w t-c-m-K-¯-n-s-â A-h- i-X-I-f-n-e-p-w G-I-m-´-X-b-n-e-p-w I-q-S-n I-S-¶-p t-]-m-t-I-ï-nn h-¶h-¶-p.p. {{-]-I-r-X-n]-Ir-Xn \-s-½-s-b-Ã-m-w I-q-«-n A-S-¨-p \-a-p-¡-p N-n-e ]-mT-§Ä X-c-n-I-b-p-pw s-N-b-v-X-p.N-bv-Xp. s-`-u-X-n-I-a-m-b-n A-I-¶-n-c-p-¶-p-s-I-m-ï-v X-s-¶ B-ß-o-b-a-m-b-nn F-§-n-s-\F-§n-s\ Miss. Manjusha K.K. A-S-p-¸-w \-n-e-\-nÀ-¯-m-w F-¶-v A-X-v \-s-½ ]T-n-¸-n-¨-p. \-m-ww A-X-y-m-h-i-y-wA-Xym-h-iyw (Dept. of Computer Science) F-¶-v I-c-p-X-n-b-n-c-p-¶ ]-e-X-p-w A-\-m-h-i-y-a-m-b-n-c-p-¶-p F-¶-p-ww A-s-X-m-¶-p-wA-sXm-¶pw C-Ã-m-s-X-b-p-w P-o-h-n-¡-m-w F-¶-p-w ]T-n-¸-n-¨-p. e-f-n-X-P-o-h-n-X-¯-n-s-â-b-p-wn-X-¯n-sâ-bpw a-n-X-h-y-b-¯-n-s-â-b-p-w k-t-µ-i-w \Â-I-n. \-a-p-¡-p t-h-ï-nn A-tA-t-\-I-w\-Iw a-\a-\-p-p- j-yÀ-, h-n-t-i-j-n-¨-p-w N-n-I-n-Õ-m c-w-K-¯-p-Å-h-c-p-w i-m-k-v-{-X-K-t-h-j-I-c-p-w-,X-K-th-j-I-cpw, c-m-h-p-w ]-I-e-p-w-, P-o-h-n-X-w X-s-¶ A-]-I-S-s-¸-S-p-¯-n-s-¡-m-ï-vv A²A²-z-m-\-n-¨-zm-\n-¨v t-k-h-\-¯-n-s-â a-l-X-z-w ]T-n-¸-n-¨-p. a-ä-p ]-e-c-p-w k-m-¼-¯-n-I-h-p-wn-I-hpw kk-m-a-q-m-aq- l-y-h-p-a-m-b k-l-m-b-§Ä s-X-m-g-n \-ã-s-¸-«-hÀ-¡-p-w \-n-c-m-e-w-_À-¡-p-wm-ew-_À-¡pw F-¯-n-¡-m³ A-²-z-m-\-n-¨-p. s-]-m-X-p-t-a-J-e-b-p-w k-z-I-m-c-y-t-a-J-e-b-p-wa-J-e-bpw X-½-n-X-½n- e-p-Å k-l-I-c-W-w F-{-X {-]-[-m-\-a-m-s-W-¶-v C-u A-\-p-`-h-w \-s-½ I-m-W-n-¨-pm-Wn-¨p X-¶-p. h³ k-m-¼-¯-n-I t-i-j-n-b-p-Å c-m-P-y-§Ä ]-I-¨-p \-n-¶-t-¸-mÄn-¶-t¸mÄ P-\-X- t-b-m-S-v {-]-X-n-Ú-m-_-²-a-m-b `-c-W-I-q-S-§-f-p-Å s-I-m-¨-p c-m-P-y-§Äy-§Ä \-a-p-¡-p\-ap-¡p Miss. Vidya K.T. a-m-X-r-I I-m-W-n-¨-p. H-c-p `-m-K-¯-v- k-a-{-K-m-[-n-]-X-y `-c-W-§Ä C-u I-m-e-s-¯m-e-s¯ (Dept. of economics) N-q-j-W-w s-N-b-v-X-p P-\-§-f-p-s-S A-[-n-I-m-c-§Ä I-hÀ-s-¶-S-p-¡-p-I-b-p-w¶-Sp-¡p-I-bpw a-\-p-j-y-m-h-I-m-i {-]-hÀ-¯-\-s-¯-t-¸-m-e-p-w `-o-I-c-{-]-hÀ-¯-\-a-m-b-n]-hÀ-¯-\-am-bn a-p-{-Z-ap-{Z- b-S-n-¡-p-I-b-p-w P-\-h-n-c-p-²-\-n-b-a-§Ä ]-m-Ê-m-¡-n-s-b-S-p-¡-m³m³ {-i-a-n-¡-p-{i-an-¡p- I-b-p-w s-N-b-v-X-t-¸-mÄ X-s-¶-, a-d-p-h-i-¯-v k-l-n-¨-p a-S-p-¯p-¯ P-\-X-b-p-s-SP-\-X-bp-sS {-]-X-n-t-c-m-[-{-]-Ø-m-\-§-f-p-w i-à-n-b-m-b-n D-bÀ-¶-p h-¶-p. F-¶-m C-u a-l-m-a-m-c-n a-\-p-j-y-c-m-i-n-s-b ]T-n-¸-n-¨ G-ä-h-p-ww A-\-i-z-c-a-m-bA-\-iz-c-am-b ]-mT-w h-n-\-b-¯-ntâ-X-m-W-v. a-\-p-j-y³ t-e-m-I-¯-n-s-â N-{-I-hÀ-¯-n-b-s-Ã-¶-p-w-,I-hÀ-¯n-b-sÃ-¶pw, N-c-m-N-c-§Ä a-p-g-p-h-\-p-w `-q-a-n-b-p-s-S A-h-I-m-i-n-I-f-m-s-W-¶-p-w-pw, k-z-mÀ-°-zmÀ-°- e-m-`¯-n-¶-m-b-n {-]-I-r-X-n-s-b N-q-j-W-w s-N-b-v-X-mÂ-, s-s-P-h-ir-wJ-e-b-p-s-SP-h-ir-wJ-e-bp-sS \-n-b-a-§Ä s-X-ä-n-¨-mÂ-, {-]-I-r-X-n s-h-d-p-s-X-b-n-c-n-¡-n-s-Ã-¶-p-ww ]-c]-c-n-xØ-n-X-nn-xØn-Xn Miss. Lijiya Manju K.C. X-IÀ-¡-p-¶ h-n-I-k-\-w \-s-½ h-w-i-m-h-k-m-\-¯-n-s-â h-¡-nÂn F-¯-n-¡-p-F-¯n-¡p- (Dept. Of Psychology) s-a-¶-p-w k-l-P-o-h-n-k-v-t-\-l-h-p-w I-c-p-W-b-p-w a-m-{-X-t-a \-s-½½ c-£c-£-n-¡-qn-¡q F-¶-p-w C-u I-m-e-w \-s-½ ]T-n-¸-n-¨-p. \-s-½ A-X-v Z-p-c-´-ww A-\-p-`-h-n-¸-n-¨-p-,A-\p-`-hn-¸n-¨p, ]-s-£ F-§-n-s-\ C-\-n Z-p-c-´-§Ä H-g-n-h-m-¡-W-s-a-¶ k-t-µ-i-h-p-wµ-i-hpw X-¶-p.X-¶p. A-X-n-\-p {-]-I-r-X-n-t-b-m-S-p \-a-p-¡-p I-r-X-Ú-c-m-b-n-c-n-¡-p-I. C-u ]-mT-§Ä DÄ-s-¡-m-ï-p a-p-t-¶-d-m³ \-½-p-s-S b-p-h-X-e-a-p-d-b-v-¡-vp-h-X-e-ap-d-bv-¡v i-à-n-b-p-w h-n-t-h-I-h-p-w D-ï-m-I-s-«. 2021 H-c-p ]-p-X-n-b b-p-K-m-c-w-`a-m-I-s-«.m-cw-`am-I-s«. B-i-w-k-I-t-f-m-s-S-, k-¨-n-Z-m-\-µ³k-¨n-Zm-\-µ³ UÂ-l-n-,, 16 P-\-p-h-c-n-,P-\p-h-cn, 2021 Miss. Divya M.R. (Dept. Of Malayalam) In Thy Light We See Light Mother Mary Veronica of the Passion Foundress of the Apostolic Carmel Providence can provide Providence did provide Our Lady of Mount Carmel Providence will provide “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will nd refuge.” Psalm 91:4 Sr. Maria Karuna A C Provincial Superior. History often takes us by surprise and shock in unimaginable ways!. This year is on such epoch that took us through trials and tribulations on an unprecedented scale teaching us new life lessons, the hardest way. In the midst of this urry of frenzied activities, Providence Women’s College has stood her ground upholding its lineage of service through education. She has proved that bitter trials can often be turned into blessings in disguise. A real testimony to this, no doubt, is the college magazine of the year – a souvenir of dazzling creativity indomitable diligence and brimming zest for life. The healing tough the institution has so far extended, continues to heal the new wounds both virtually and really. As we break the chain, I congratulate the editorial board, the sta and the students for expressing themselves in myriad forms on the pages of their magazine. These unfurl their vision and imagination in and around the pandemic.

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