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''\£ AWARDED SCHOLARSHIP CHURCH BAZAAR TODAY K! Towii Treasury Facing Howard M. Bromage Receives Major Controversy Is Annual Event Being Held at Enfield •i 1 Honor at Brown University. Congregational Church. Welfare Work Will Need Announcement that Howard M. The Christmas bazaar conducted by Bromage, son of former Selectman the Ladies' Benevolent Society of the Shortage In Ready Cash and Mrs. Edward Bromage of Pearl Impending Over Enfield Congregational Church opens At Least $40,000 More ' ' '"i-: ' this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the t x? t - street, has received the John S. Bray- chapel, and at 6:15 a supper will be ton Scholarship at Brown University served in the chapel dining room. Will Very Probably Have Exhausted Borrowed will be interesting news to his many Mrs. Milo J. Horton is general chair­ Present Appropriation For Town Welfare De­ friends in town. This is one of the man of arrangements, with Mrs. Wil­ Funds In Anticipation of Taxes Long Before major scholarships given by the uni­ fred W. Hopkins in charge of booths partment Proving Wholly Inadequate to Meet versity, at which Mr. Bromage is Attempt to Reduce Haz- and Mrs. Allen H. Chillson, chairman Any New Tax Money Is Available—Deficit Is completing his senior year. He is a of the supper committee. Those pre­ Demands For Help As Winter Approaches— graduate of the Enfield High School, ardville Rate May Re­ siding at the various sales booths are .Due to Large Amount of Unpaid Taxes—Gen­ class of 1928, and for a year after as follows: Fancy work, Mrs. Edward Work Relief Is About to End For the Season, graduation he was in the employ of sult in Transferring Hopkins; aprons, Mrs. Lillian Tuck­ eral Financial Status Not Impaired. Harold G. Moore, rug and carpet er; candy, Mrs. Raymond A. Waser; With the Sum Set Aside For It Almost Spent. -* dealer, as a salesman. While a stud­ Cost of Water For Fire grab bag, Mrs. Kenneth J. Ridley. ent at Enfield High he was promi­ Other members of the supper com­ According to a frank statement of nent in dramatics, in which he was Protection to Districts. mittee are Mrs. Charles C. Chapin, Although the fiscal year is scarcely, POLISH HEROES Town Treasurer Timothy J. Sullivan cast for leading roles, and he is also Mrs. Terry Chapin, Mrs. A. Storrs three months old, the town officialsNUFFIELD MAN made this week, the town is facing a an accomplished musician, playing Campbell, Mrs. Perley Emerson, Miss are already much concerned about the serious deficit in its treasury, which both the clarionet and saxophone. He That the outcome of the issue rais­ Fannie Hunt and Mrs. Paul Connor. financial outlook for the present fis­ MEMORIALIZED was a member of the school orches­ SUPPOSED TO BE ¥ a rim nTTUTT\ i it become acute long before the fis- ed at the annual town meeting over The dining room service will be di­ cal period. This concern relates par­ I A \ I \|||\l|| \ \ ical year ends. The situation as sum- tra and is now a member of the Brown the cost of water for fire protection rected by Mrs. Edward Talbot and University band. Mrs. Oliver Stoughton. ticularly to the financial status of the LillO 1 kJUi"IlJl\ 1 marized by Mr. Sullivan, is the result in the Hazardville district, and the municipality next spring, and the GOOD PICKING ________ I of a condition which had its beginning action of the town in arbitrarily reg­ prospects of being able to finance the -w-,, , . t-» „'last year, and which commenced with town welfare department for the fis­ Ol the unusual amount of unpaid taxes. ulating the hydrant charge will devel­ Hilaborate Irrogram CHRISTMAS SEAL op into a controversy which will in­ STATE BEGINS cal period on the present appropria­ But He Told the Police l?vfti./.{0n0 A,u! The fact that this amount was ap- UUtj proximately $4B,000 more than it volve the town and all the districts, tion. Hixercises L/arried. is now apparent from the present At the annual town meeting an ap­ On the "Pickers" And Tn WV110V1 Triliiitn Wnn'would have been under normal condi- SALE IS NOW IN status of the question. INSPECTION OF propriation of $60,000 was made with ill VVIUCII inuuie W tions at the end of the fiscal year, left As a Result Four of Chairman P. T. Malley of the board the recommendation that $15,000 be the town treasury short of a corres­ used in providing employment for Also Paid to George ponding sum in actual cash. This of selectmen has invited the members Them Are in Hartford PROGRESS HERE of the four district committees, and AUTOMOBILES those in need, or what is termed work Washington. meant that the money was not avail­ relief. The remaining $45,000 was Jail Awaiting Trial. able to pay the bills as the fiscal year the representatives of the two cor- i porations furnishing water for fire specifically ordered to be used in wel­ came to a close, and it was found nec­ Every Effort Is Being fare relief work. According to the Two noted figures in Poland's his- essary to take it out of the sum pro­ _ j protection in the town, to a meeting Intensive Check-up Will Because Anthony Zukowski, a farm­ - tory, Count Pulaski and Thaddeus M"ade to Tti1TITP«S«5 ffip which will be held in the town build- town officials, a considerable portion vided by the annual town meeting aft­ dUe 10 im Get Underway to De­ of the work relief appropriation has er of Suffield, was supposed to be Koskiuszko, and the Polish heroes of er the borrowing power had been re­ prebb me ing. next Tuesday evening. Mr. Mal­ the World War were memorialized in ley proposes to lay the facts of the been expended in providing work for "well fixed" and would therefore be stored. By the action of the town People With the Im­ termine Cars That Are the unemployed this fall, and with the "good picking," a rather crude and exercises that took place here last meeting the selectmen and town present status of the water for fire Sunday, and at the same time cogniz­ portance of the Move­ protection service in the town before beginning of the winter season at wholly unsuccessful attempt to mulct treasurer were authorized to borrow In Condition to Be Op­ hand, there will be little opportunity ance was taken of the Washington the sum of $225,000 in anticipation of these groups of officials and get their him out of $5,000 by the blackmail Bicentennial period. The exercises ment Succeeding. opinions regarding the possible course erated On Highway. to provide any relief with the remain­ taxes, which is the usual procedure, route was made last Tuesday. The opened with solemn high mass which and" this was done* to be taken in the matter. der of it until the spring. •was celebrated by Rev. Stanislaus As the matter stands at the pres­ With the regular welfare appro­ principal reason for the failure of the I The heavy demands on the treasury The bright Christmas Seal posters, Because there has been a decided priation the situation is even worse. Federkiewicz, pastor of St. Adelbert's by all the departments of the town ent time, Mr. Malley, in obedience to scheme was that the intended victim Church, with Rev. John Sobeleski as conspicuously placed about the town the action of the annual town meet­ let-down in the degree of care which Over half of this sum of $45,000 was government for the first two months with the aid of Girl Scouts of Moun­ expended even before it was appro­ refused to be intimidated and prompt­ deacon, and Rev. Franklin J. Corri- of the present fiscal year indicated to ing, has refused to pay the bill of the owners and operators are giving their gan of St. Patrick's Church, subdea- tain Laurel troop, the Christmas seal Hazardville Water Company, which cars, the Connecticut Department of priated. This was due to the fact that ly notified the authorities, after read­ Treasurer Sullivan that the borrowing the department was unable to meet ing the threatening letter which he con. During the services, Rev. Fr. power of the town will be exhausted talkie trailer shown at the Franklin has been reduced from $60 to $54 per Motor Vehicles plans an extensive Federkiewicz gave an appropriate hydrant, whereas the town meeting its obligations, both local and to other took out of his mail box, and which long before the revenue from taxes theatre over the Thanksgiving week­ and continued inspection of safety municipalities for several weeks be­ gave_ instructions regarding the dis­ sermon to the large congregation of comes in after March 1. This will cre­ set the sum to be paid for this serv- his own parishioners, and which also end, the display of the double-barred' Ice" ar$25*"whic'h irthe" amount'now mechanisms and appliances to begin fore the end of the fiscal year.
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