République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire Ministère de L’enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique Université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis – Mostaganem Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie Département de Biologie THESE DE DOCTORAT Présentée par DILMI Fatiha Pour obtenir le diplôme de DOCTORAT EN SCIENCES Filière: Sciences Biologiques Spécialité: Microbiologie Moléculaire THEME ISOLEMENT ET CARACTÉRISATION DES MICRO ORGANISMES CAPABLE DE DEGRADER LE PETROLE DE LA RAFFINERIE D'ARZEW Soutenue publiquement le: 19 / 06 / 2019 devant le Jury composé de: Président MEKHALDI Abdelkader Prof Université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis – Mostaganem Examinateur DJIBAOUI Rachid Prof Université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis – Mostaganem Examinateur KIHAL Mebrouk Prof Université Oran 1 Ahmed Benbella Examinateur BOUHADDA Youcef Prof Université Mustapha Stambouli- Mascara Examinateur SENOUCI Khadidja MCA Université Mustapha Stambouli- Mascara Promoteur CHIBANI Abdelwaheb Prof Université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis – Mostaganem Laboratoire de Microbiologie et Biologie Végétale Année universitaire 2018-2019 People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Ministry of higher Education and Scientific Research Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University – Mostaganem Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences Department of Biology DOCTORAL THESIS Presented by DILMI Fatiha For admittance to the degree of DOCTORATE IN SCIENCES Branch: Biological Sciences Specialty: Molecular Microbiology THEME ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF OIL DEGRADING MICROORGANISMS FROM ARZEW OIL REFINERY Publicly Examined on : 19 / 06 / 2019 in front of the following examiners’ Committee Chairman MEKHALDI Abdelkader Prof University of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis – Mostaganem Examiner DJIBAOUI Rachid Prof University of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis – Mostaganem Examiner KIHAL Mebrouk Prof University of Oran 1 Ahmed Benbella Examiner BOUHADDA Youcef Prof University of Mustapha Stambouli- Mascara Examiner SENOUCI Khadidja MCA University of Mustapha Stambouli- Mascara Supervisor CHIBANI Abdelwaheb Prof University of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis – Mostaganem Laboratory of Microbiology and Plant Science University year 2018-2019 DEDICATIONS I dedicate this thesis to: My Mother Source of light of my life My Father God bless his age My husband for his help, supports, understanding and encouragement during my study My children Joumana, Anes and Raihana, source of happiness and love My brother and my sisters To all my family To all my friends I ACKNOWLEDGMENTS له الحمد في الﻷولى واﻵخرة First, I must express my deepest thanks to ALLAH. Without support and pity of ALLAH, I would have never been able to start and finish my thesis. I would like to express my deepest and sincere gratitude to my advisor Pr. CHIBANI Abdelwaheb, for his guidance, instruction and support throughout this research work. I would also like to thank my advisory committee, Pr. MEKHALDI Abdelkader, Pr. DJIBAOUI Rachid, Pr. KIHAL Mebrouk, Pr. BOUHADDA Youcef and Dr. SENOUCI Khadidja, for their constructive suggestions and comments. I immensely grateful to Pr. BOUHADDA Y, for allowing me to use his laboratory equipment‘s and for his kindness and help. I would like to thank Mr. DJENDARA A for his time and help. And also I would like to extend my gratitude to Dr Senouci k, for her support and help. Many thanks to thank Dr. LEPAGE Pierre and all the members of McGill University and Genome Québec Innovation Centre, Montreal Canada for their helpful material and comments. I would also like to thank Mr BEHIH and all members of National Institute of Soils, Irrigation and Drainage (INSID of Ksar Chellala, Algeria). Extra thanks to Mr. BELMIMOUNE A and all member of Arzew oil refinery. II ملخص حػد حظسباث البترول ومىخجاجه التي جددر أزىاء الىقل، الخخصًٍ والخكسٍس مً أبسش امللىزاث البيئيت هظسا للظسز الكبير الري جددزه في الىظام البيئي. وحػخبر املػالجت الحيىٍت باطخخدام الكائىاث الدقيقت طسٍقت فػالت ملػالجت التربت امللىزت بالىفط. تهدف هره الدزاطت الى غصل و حشخيص وجددًد البكخيرًا املدللت للىفط مً جسبت ملىزت بهرا ألاخير؛ وخﻻل هره الدزاطت جم جمؼ خمظت غشس غيىت مً التربت امللىزت بالىفط مً طبػت مىاقؼ في مصفاة أزشٍى، الكائىت شمال ؾسب الجصائس. وبمػاًىت الخصائص الفيزًائيت والكيميائيت لػيىاث التربت وجد أن السمل والطين هما الجصءان الظائدان فيها، وأنها جدخىي غلى وظبت ملىخت مىخفظت، وهي ملىزت بيظب غاليت 5 بمجمىع هيدزوكسبىهاث هفطيت جتراوح مً 2 إلى ؽ 68 / كلغ . في خين جساوح الخػداد البكخيري مً x 10 1.6 إلى 8 x 10 1.4 وخدة قادزة عى الىم ى لكل ؾسام واخد مً التربت مما ٌشير أنها جدخىي غلى حػداد بكخيري غا ٍل مقازهت مؼ التربت ؾير امللىزت. جم غصل 86 مظخػمسة بكخيرًت ذاث أحجام وألىان مخخلفت باطخخدام وطط مػدوي ًدخىي غلى 1٪ مً الىفط الخام. وقد جم اهخقاء وجددًد ازىين وغشسًٍ طﻻلت بكخيرًت بالىظسالى قدزتها الػاليت غلى جدليل الىفط الخام، ومً زم جددًدها مً خﻻل الخصائص املسفىلىجيت و البيى كيميائيت. وكاهذ 11 طﻻلت بكخيرًت فقط مىطىع الخىصيف الجصٍئي، وذلك وفقا لطــسٍقت الدظلظل الجيني ملىززت الحمع الىىوي السٍبي ARNr 18S و قد وصفذ الظﻻﻻث البكخيرًت املػصولت غلى أنها ألاجىاض و / أو ألاهىاع الخاليت : Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Achromobacter xylosoxidans, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus cereus, B. anthracis, B. subtilis, Exiguobacterium aurantiacum, و Lysinibacillus macroides, P. fluorescens, Burkholderia cepacia, Staphylococcus hominis Lysinibacillus sphaericus. في خين أبدث 6 طﻻﻻث بكخيرًت مً هىع P. aeruginosa هديجت إًجابيت مؼ البادئت ألاولى املطابقت للمىززت 434bp) alkane 1 monoxygenase)، وقد جم اخخباز قدزة 12 طﻻلت مػصولت غلى جدليل الىفط في وطط مػدوي مً خﻻل قياض الكثافت الظىئيت والخدليل الكخلي. خيث أشازث الىخائج إلى أن جميؼ الظﻻﻻث املػصولت لها القدزة غلى اطخخدام الىفط الخام كمصدز وخيد للكسبىن . كما لىخظ أن أغلى مػدل همى كان لدي طﻻﻻث P2.1( Pseudomonas aeruginosa وB4.2 Lysinibacillus macroides ،)P2.3 و P2.2 Achromobacter xylosoxidans وهي الظﻻﻻث هفظها التي خققذ أغلى مظخىٍاث الخدليل البيىلىجي، بديث جاءث وظبها غلى الخىالي %76.37، %60.92، %47.46 و45.20% . ومً جاهب آخس جم اخخباز قدزة الظﻻ ﻻث املػصولت )مىفسدة ومجخمػت( غلى جدليل الدًصل مً خﻻل قياض الكثافت الظىئيت،الخدليل الكخلي وجدليل GC-MS. وقد دلذ الىخائـــــــج غلى أن أغلى مظخىٍاث الىمى في وطط مػدوي مصود بالدًصل كان لدي املجمؼ البكخيري وطﻻلت Pseudomonas aeruginosa P2.1. وأن أغلى مػدﻻث الخدليل البيىلىجي كاهذ للمجمؼ البكخيري بيظبت 86.82٪ وجليها طﻻلت Pseudomonas aeruginosa P2.1 بيظبت 88.61٪، وخلصذ الىخائج أن لدي املجمؼ البكخيري قدزة غاليت غلى الخدليل البيىلىجي للدًصل مقازهت بالظﻻﻻث الفسدًت، بيىما كشف جدليل GC-MS أن املجمؼ البكخيري والظﻻﻻث الفسدًت ًدلﻻن بشكل أكبر الجصء ألاليفاحي للدًصل مقازهت بالجصء الػطسي وأن هىاك اهخفاض في جل مسكباث III الدًصل و بشكل خاص غىد اطخخدام الخجمؼ البكخيري وجد أن هىاك اهخفاض كلي ملسكباث n-alkane )مً C9 إلى C26( وهرا بػد 11 ًىما مً الخدظين. وأخيرا جم جددًد الظسوف املثلى )دزجت الحسازة و دزجت الحمىطت و امللىخت و التهىٍت( التي جمىذ الظﻻﻻث البكخيرًت قدزة غاليت غلى الخدليل البيىلىجي للىفط. خلصذ الدزاطت إلى أن غيىاث التربت املدزوطت جدخىي غلى مجمىغت مخىىغت مً البكخيرًا املدطمت للىفط وٍمكً اطخخدام هره الظﻻﻻث في املػالجت الحيىٍت للتربت امللىزت بالىفط والىفاًاث الىفطيت ألاخسي. الكلمات املفتاحية: الػصل، الخىصيف، الخدليل البيىلىجي، الكائىاث الحيت الدقيقت، الىفط الخام، الدًصل، حظلظل الجين 18S ARNr ، التربت امللىزت بالىفط ، مصفاة أزشٍ ى الىفطيت. IV ABSTRACT The spills of petroleum and petroleum product, which occur during transport, storage and refining, are a major contaminant in the environment, as they produce harm to the surrounding ecosystem. Bioremediation is an efficient method used to treat petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil using indigenous microorganisms. The purpose of our study was to isolate, screen and identify the hydrocarbon degrading bacteria from oil polluted soil. Fifteen Oil-contaminated soil samples were aseptically collected from seven sites in Arzew oil refinery, North-West of Algeria. Physico- chemical parameters of soil samples showed that sand and loam were the predominant fractions. The soils were neutral to slightly alkaline pH, have a low salinity and highly polluted with total hydrocarbon content ranging from 2 to 86 g/kg soil. Bacterial enumeration ranged from 1.6 x 105 to 1.4 x 108 CFU/g soil indicating high bacterial count in oil-contaminated soils compared with non-contaminated one. Seventy-eight bacterial colonies with different size and color were isolated using mineral salt media supplemented with 1% of crude oil. Twenty-two bacterial isolates were screened for their best degradative abilities of crude oil, and then they were identified based on morphological and biochemical characterizations. Fifteen isolates were identified using 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis; the isolates were identified as the following genera and/or species: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Achromobacter xylosoxidans, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus cereus, B. anthracis, B. subtilis, Exiguobacterium aurantiacum, Lysinibacillus macroides, P. fluorescens, Burkholderia cepacia, Staphylococcus hominis and Lysinibacillus sphaericus. Six bacterial isolates ( identified as P. aeruginosa) showed a positive result with primer pair specific to alkane 1 monoxygenase gene (434bp). The ability of 12 isolated strains to degrade crude oil was carried out in a liquid medium by measuring optical density and gravimetric analysis. Results indicated that all the isolated strains had effectively utilized crude oil as carbon source. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P2.1 and P2.3), Lysinibacillus macroides B4.2 and Achromobacter xylosoxidans P2.2 had the highest growth in the medium with crude oil and exhibited the highest biodegradation percentage with 76.37%, 60.92%, 47.46% and 45.20% respectively. The ability of individual pure isolates and bacterial
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