THOROUGHBRED DAILY N,WS ""TI"T'" October 24; 1993

THOROUGHBRED DAILY N,WS ""TI"T'" October 24; 1993

t ~CL 543 errm a .... THOROUGHBRED DAILY N,WS ""TI"t'" October 24; 1993 iliUm J'-.JORTH AMERICAI'".'; STAKES RESULTS Margins: 6, i 112. 3, STELLAR CAT romps home to becornu the 17th stakes WASHiNGTON D.C. INTERNATIONAL MILE S.·Gl winner for Storm Cat (nlS 11 th of 1993), 10-23, $600,000, 3yO/up, 1.38, 1-8UCKHAR, h, 5, Danar le,e. .;;,iU,U"I.Jl.J1 MIAMI BUDWEISER BREEDERS' CUP H,-GJ, C(C, 10~23, The Axe II, ~John W. Meriweather; $159,3501 3yo/upt abt 9fT, 1 ~47 2/5. sf. invest Jersey, Ltd. (KY.): T-Willard 1-CARTERISTA, C, 4, Dr. Carter (Gainesway Farm-KY) ­ 1$70,000 yearling 1989 Keeneland ;:;:""tb,,,,,k•.,.. Bosun's Bride, by Nashua. O-C, S, A of South Florida, sale); $360,000. Jnc,: B-Jaime Rizo PatrOil (I=L.); r ...Ronald B. Spatz; 2-Mlu'Yland Moon. c, 4, AI Mamoon {Cardiff Stud ($10,000 yearling 1990 Ocala 8reeders' Sales Co. CAl -Foufa, by Swrm Bird, O~Sondra D. Bender; Augu~t sslel. $95.610 $120.000, 2-WHd C, 4, Green Forest (jc,nabell FarrY!-KY) ~ 3 Cleona, C, 4. Theatrical (Ire) iBrookslde Farm·KY) -Sauna Knightly Jet. by Knightly Dawn. O-Buckram Oak Farm; (Avstl. by Loosen Up, O-Allen E, $60,000, $31,870. tviargins: 1 , /2, nose. 2. 3-Mr, Explosive, hi 5, Explosive Bid \Dead} -Europa, by BUCKHAR. wins his second start of 1993 first was an Medieval Man o.David S. Romanik; $17,529. allowance race October 3 at Belmont that he won by I,) 3 1/4, 3/4, 3/4. 1/2 lengths}, n8 recovers nicely f(Qm a vascular disorder O"r",,,,,,<,,"T' goes wire-Io-wire for tM v/in, that Dccured shortiy after finiShing 2nd by a nose in the Christmas Day Hendicap at Calder CLEONE finished BUDWEISER BREEDERS" CUP H,·Gl, 2nd, but was disqualified to 3rd. ~URIOUSLY firliShed 3yo/up, BfT, 1:37 1/5. fm. ..,.",1,A .... g, t}, *Vaguely Noble (Dead} ­ Lyphard'g Lady, by LypMrd, O"Av(lrs Wexler; 8~N. e. ALL ALONG 5.-02, Lri, 10-23, $250,000, 3yo/up, f and m, Hunt T-Charles J. Viflci; ($60,000 two-yelk-old 9fT. i:o i 2/5, yi 1989 2yos sale); $61 ~515. i-LADY BLESSIf'JGToroJ iFr), 1!1, 5, BaillamQnt (Breeders 2-Wordlof Stallion Station-Jpn) -Lady Sharp !FrL by Sharpman. 0 KYI Valor; B-Horse Breeding Corp. (FR.), T-Mark Hennig; $150.000 2~Vla Borghese, f, 4, Seattle Dancer (Ashford Stud-KY) ~ Bid (M!lfer Farm, Inc,-NY) ­ Angela Serra ({~BL by Arctic Ten'l, O-Malcom E, Parrish; Racing, Inc. and ($100,000 weanling 1989 Keaneland November "",~"""..." stock sllte); $50/000~ ~¥~argins: head, 2 1/2, f, 4, Brogan (Oak Spiings F-a(m~PA) -. Going at odds the 70th Misty by Gleaming. o-Welleva Stables; ($1,300 stakes winner of sire "Vaguely Noble. yearling 1990 Kaene!ana September yearling ssie); $25,000. IN REALITY Sf; $400~OOOt 1 3/4 ellgible Florida stamons, 8.5f, 1 ft. edges out VIA, BORGHESE to l-HOlY BULL, C, 2, Great Abolle ",o,,..o.n North American win. FL) ~Sharon Brown, by AI Hattab, Jr.: T~Peliegn Stable (FLJ; $240.000, 1(}'23, $18B,000, 2YQ, 1, 8.5f. 2-Rustiu Light C, 2, Country Pine iHldden -Flickering Big Bum. CAT. T, 2, Storm Cat (Overbrook Farm-KY) • ($28,000 yeariing 1992 Ocaia w"r,,,,rl~,<, ,-.'-,""""" \/::l!;:'I,,>hr,.,. Honey Jl3Y. O/B~Ov8rbrook Farm August Sll~e); $80,000. Wayne Lukes; ($85,OOO 3-FofW!Ilrd to Lalui, /;, 2, Stutz Blackhawk (Double September yearling saie); Diamond Farm-FU-Honeytab, by AI Hattab, Pomerantz and R. Sullivan, ($32,OOO tw~year~o!d 1993 Ocala Breeders' Sales Co. February Sale); $44.000. 1v1argins: 7 1/2! 1 f 1 1(2. Futurity (G1) winner (defeating D~here) HOLY BULL remains undefeated lifetime in 4 starts, MY DEAR GIRL S" Cre, 10-23, $400.000, f, progeny of eligibh~ Fionda $taUi(Hl~f 8.5t 1:47 CK'1:41 _ITHOROUGHBRFllDAlLY NB"wS If@tn THE CHARM, f, 2, Cutlass (Dead) -Charmilig Classen (OH.); T·James E. Morgan; S80,QOO. Fappiano, by Fappiano. O-Kathy Jo Stable: T. 2-F J R's FIt, f, 3, Wajlma -Miss by Jerry Jr. (FLl; r.James E. tw(}­ Crow. C).Frank Regalbuto Dan Tutner; $:10,000 "<,,,u..,,n 1993 Ocala Breeders' Sales Co. February 3-Roy.' Ve~gess, m, 5, Rock Hn'dlilll,j iWoodview Farm­ OK) ~H8v6ages3. by Ha'\lP~lnn Z-IVlII,1I Gitu~on County, f, 2, W!nnghtt Hills ($20,000 two·year~oid i 990 Sales Co. ~Rajab's Treasure, r,y Aajab. Q-Mike 2Y05 in training sale): $10,000 yesrling 1992 Ocala Breeders' Sales Margins; neck, nose, nose, 1"',,,........"". sale~; $80,000. 3-Waddlng Jitters, f, 2, Runaway Groom \V!nery-KYI REM!NGTON GREEN H" f;,P, 1 $100,000,3yo/up, Classy Tricks, by Hold Your Tricks O-New 9fr, 1 :482/'5, fm. ($30,OOO tw~ear-old 1993 Ocala Breedsrs' Sales 1-#BE MY REPLY, g, 4, Assert (Ire) sale); $44,000. et du Gue Fou!on-Fr) -Archimillionn8lrs, 2,4 112, d'Or. O-James and Harvey Wallander; St~bles (VA,): T~Tony J. Richey; ($1 yearling 1990 BUDWEISER BREEDERS' CUP H" Aqu, 10­ Keeneland September yearling sale): $60,00Q, $1 3yojup. fand m, 8fT, 1:391/&, sf. l-Link, hi 5; Qui Native {VIctory Rose 1-0NE DREAMER, m, 5, Relaunch (V"vimbledon ~Dudlina iFrl, by Owen Dw.:lley. Pretense OiS-Glen HiU Farm (FL.): T· $20,000. Proctor; $94,440, 3~Scottllh Cilitie (GB;, h, 5, Scottish Reei Z~!I:&1118 Ma,Anl. Minay, f, 4, Tunerup (Cardinal Hili Stud-Eng) ~Show Home, by Music 8oy, by Ya!!an Native, O.. MCre Ii More iii; $11,000. \Jn~lri"'!n 1990 Keeneland September Margins: 3. 2. 2. yearling 3~lrlsh linnet. m, 5. Saattle Song {Domino Stud·KY}­ BUNTV LAWLESS S" WO, 1023, $92,650, by Match. O-Austin Delaney; progeny eligible Ontario stallions, 8fT, 1 $18,888. l-SHINY KEY, g, 5, KHy to the ~..10Qn iDead) ~v1afgli\$: 2, nOse, by Little Current. O/B~D. lvi, Firestone MCKAYMACKENNA 4th, c; 4; Steady GroVvth {Kil,glisvt)n BEST OF OHIO S" Td!l, 10-23, $150,000, by Young Generation. O~Uttle 3yo/up. Ohio-foated, 10f, 2:03 3{5. ft ($11, 000 vveanfing 1989 Keeneland November l-NUMERiCAllV, Q. T@n (Dead) -Second Reel, by , $18,530, Red 8-AiMit and Louis Milano 3-Grand c, 4, Bold Ruckus !Park ,OH). yearHng 1991 Ocala Osmolarit'l Orel, by Brave Shot (GB). O·p E L Breeders' sale); $90.000. 0,191. 2--Cozzemight, c, 4, (Gainesway Farrn-KYi - Margins: 1 1/2, nose, 1 Peppermight. by P€ivlish: S30,000. 3~Til Ai1dy'1 High Honors (Darby Dan Farm- HENRY P. "USSELL H., SA, 10-23, $82,350, 3yo/up, not), OH) -Swoon My Rea! Value. O-John J. winners at a mile or over in 1993. 10fT 2:00, Conway; $15,000 Margins: 1, 53;4, 2 112. 1~FAST CURE, C, 4, the Blues (Yinery-KYl -Ailoy (Fn. NUMERICALLY wins It! 3 ticks off the recQrd by Pharly, O-Mary Jones Bradiey; 8-PHIi:U Stud, Inc, O(y.): T~RodMY Rash; yearling 1990 KSl'1neland BEST Of OHIO JUVENILE Tdn, 10-23, $100,000, 2yo, September yearling , $48,600, Ohia-.foaled, 8.5f, 1 ;44, ft 2-D'Arro! (Ire), c, 4, Baillamont (Breeders Stallion StatiM­ i-DEFENSE WITNESS, C, 2, (!3ridlewood Farm­ Jpn) -Beiie Senora, by Northern Dancer, ()'Mary jones R) -Phi Theta O/B-Arthur i, Bradley; $15,000, Appleton and James R, (OH,); T·James R, 3··EI Met&OfD IArg), h, 51 Chapman; $60,000, Cambremont. 0-[;1 2~Another Sound~ C r 2, (Dead) -Duck Margins: 4, 2. neck, Pond, by Quack, O-Arthllf I. An!r'lIA'tflr'l ($2,100 yearling FAST CURE gets hiS first North stakes victory. 1992 !"asig~Tlpton Kentucky salel; It.aflAIl ..., n~ ... Al. I.i' $20,000. 1'!!!i'\1'!1! !:JCJ.\\.:M M., 3yo/up, 7f, 1:22 3-Long nma Past, t 2, \/lJise (Nuckols Ferm, Inc- 215 (El--R), ft KYl -Anglican Queen, by King Pellinore, 1-#SONG OF AMBITION. 9,4, {VVlmbledon Crutcher; $10,000, Farm~KY) -Classic O-Harold QUeen. Marglns: 14, 5 :3/4, 33/4, 8-Ronaid K. Kirk (KY,); ($60,000 yearilng , $45,000, Z-Coolln it, C, 4, North ~Seven 3yo!up~ f and tn l 9f, 1 Valieys, by Hoad At Sea, , ($40,000 1-P FOR PERFECT, T, 3, Turkoman two-y'ear-oi(j 1991 FaSig-Tipton in training Cioned Princ@ss. by Brents Pnnce. saie at Caider); $15,000, THOROUGHBRED DAILY NEWS lOI!V~3 ut -..... 1 l' 3~Dinlel'l 80V, fl, 5, Huckster IT-Square Stud-FL) -Wilint, SRUCE a. SMITH MEMORIAL .1" Suf, 10·23. $40,200, by Nostrum, Q-Alvin W. DeioBch; $8,250. 3yo/'.JP, abt a.5fT, 1:49415, yl. Margins: 3 i/2, neck, 2 l--#HiGH DANCING, g, 5, Semi Northern (Lushi&nd Farm ~Step High, by Sette BaHo, o.June Searcy and WOODLANDS DEBUTANTE Wds,10-23, Kenneth R. Wade: B-Warren H (FL); T·Cand!ce f, 6f. 1:11415, ft. J Graham; 1 l-#~~ATIVE KANSAN, f, 2, Our Native (Pensioned)­ 2~Beau's Power, a, 6~ Beaudelalre (Haras Gat!en- Show. by ish'! (ire). o-WhippoorwW Fr) -F>ockei: Pawer,by Full Packet O-Jiil/-\, Henderson; Farm, Inc.; &-Timothy J.

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