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I cross-relerence isdefined asa aention of yoursubject ina lite on anotherindividual, organization event, activity or the lite. In processing crossreferences,the pagesconsidered lorpossible release include only those pages uhichaention yoursubject and any additional pagesshoeing thecontext in whichyour subject is lentioned. lhen such a page alsocontains inforaation about anothersubject aatter, the inforaation outside the scope olthe requestis aarted vith &#39;oIs&#39;in the aargin andbracketed. lheneverpossible, the ols aaterial is released; however,it is withheld if consultation vith another governaentagency wouldbe requiredor if it is otherwise eaeaptfrol disclosure. For yourintoraation, theereaptions thatapply to the aaterial hadit been within the scope of your requesthas alsobeen noted on the docuaent. THIS IS ENCLOSUREof [Q[,5 ENCLOSUF£ Sl can ourucmov rcc run ms Pass: -..,. " _,-"- --&#39; -- &#39; 11:1 . 92/ } _ .- ca:e&#39;?w1~ A-_L - pg} ~=1&#39;--*~A->11. I . s - I .A r.&#39; . //Z¢? Rgport nr, = S11?" " ° t: rm acr 0: *,&#39; ::1-,x1r.-.&#39;=.Tc.a:&#39;<20;-rim-&#39;1=:*: 12? 1-:An&#39;-".11: P.a+":=. 1. P-- L _. t .-1» D._ #. 8.-92.. .-,:- -EV-"l~l7"t:iUT. P112:-:~g chg_-ck!: Superior ! Q, Fl _92 Valunbln ! Uéablc ! n¢t Usnbl» < ! 7 92 5 .-92 I i~ll;&#39;.*.&#39;"~_?-":T= FOP; __-W3. " ;1-i:~1cr.m*::o>r """ I &#39; . , ,?f?»??&#39;?*?~&#39;? 0 ? . IQ, 1 &#39; REw192&#39;:-ll 3-. &#39; | 40 ~ 7 ;__ . 0 D =. __ umb ~1~.E1 |N P _ 92 9292-J - 1 1&#39; "&#39; .92_-~ - _9292 &#39;1 492 - I --. Wlwrvlp Wu .1-92-p 1 wdq4,&#39;qn~1r-a.s= F 92 3 =3 E.-V Salvador, Hey 10, 194? Report Ho. 13258 .. - 92 ATTACK OH I.-AlI}I--A-ilT*.IGA7I OOPL»!U1~1ISTS BY I-LADPJD PAPER Followine is data confidentially supplied by a reporter with a good record of credibility: The following article, which appears to have originated with a Madrid newspapz "Arriba,&#39; has been widely reprinted in Central America and has attracted considers? E interest and attention. T "Madrid, April 194?: "The North American senator, Mr. Vandenber;, has recendly received a deluge of letters denouncing Communist activities in Central America and the Antilles, "In Cuba, there has been discovered e dnnzerous Comintern center, in Haiti several Communist agents have been held, in Nicaragua, during the recent elections, activities of Bolshevique sic! origin were noted, and Mexico continues as one of Stalin&#39;s principal points of support. "In Mexico, the Communists even took advantage of President Truman&#39;s recent visit to that country to manifest their opposition towards the United States. Ther has also been news regordin: mysterious eras shipments is southern Mexico, in Briti Honduras and in other points in Central America, There have been unmistakable Uoumunist disturbances in Trinidad and in other British islands in the Caribbean. All this indicates once more that "Moscow points towards Panama and those lan wnich are the weakest point in our belt," as writes one of the most important American newspaper writers in pugilistic language. Qpncrete denunciations have been made recently by the ex-President of Guaten ceneral*Ponce, declaring iron his enile in Mexico that there exists a vast Gon- munist&#39;plen to take over Central America, in which the present_Cbnmhnist government of Guatemala will play an important role, He points to the_r§bent&#39;discovereies of contraband arms as part of the Moscow plot to overthrow the governments of Honduras El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, ," &#39; Even though the article in question, issued by the United Press, did not expressly say so, we know that General Ponce accuses the Guatemalan ambassador in Washington, GarciayGranados, of being the representative of the Kremlin in all these actions, 1 s I N. ; ¢~ This accusation dais not surprise us, as Garcia Granados:is an intimate frien oft iral and Alvarer del Vayo. At Lake Success he acted ae intermediary between them and the Soviet delegation, taking pre-eminence even overr£angeand~Manuilski is the attacks on Sain, These details take on importance and confinn to a certain extent General Ponce&#39;e accusations. In 1936, when we placed ourselves uder the leadership of Franco to revive th 1?? 5§Hi. the Presidents of Guatemala and El Salvador, General Ubico and General 64 4000- 0- 3,1, .- -v 92&#39;" 1* 1 92 92 - i z &#39; , I I &#39;7 &#39;. &#39;n-v 1 - I I I &#39; 1&#39; ~. - 92 q --o . J g - J . ~ : &#39;!&#39; . *92, - X July 15, 1949 A . XQQQQQ&#39; &#39; . f5m!um& ~, q- AQLOL{&#39;l76.-__ arsrzcnnusseaman833- »92Q9 , J] RearAdmiral a. Hillsnkoetter Roscoe _ Director ~ I F-. &#39; Central Intelligence Agency . 2430 E Street, x, w. : Iaahington, D, C, I Dear admiral llenkosttsn 1 Enclosedhe:-eeith is e letter deted June27, 19-$9, ffblwand addressed to an--. Franklin n. Roosevelt. tbs &#39; enclosed letterwas forwardedto this Bureau by Ire. Rooseveltby letter dated July ll, 1949. - I Iron a review of the enclosure it is reected that the correspondent requested Mrs. Roosevelt to forward this letter to » "Hr. J. Edgar Hoover," however, the correspondent appears to be s Osman internse in Venice, Italy, and purports to have inforwation I of interest which he is desirous of relating to inc:-icsn lntel_IL1gencQ authorities. It is noted that - refers to "but the fact that I as writing on my own initiative to FBI and CIA. However, a review of this Bureau! files fails to reflect previous correspondenceor any _ identifiable informationrelative theto nus 1 Hrs. Roosevelt was advised by letter dated July 1 19$,5 " F V from this Bureau that the letter of was forward &#39; your office- ts -I 7 _,.,,§ § &#39;_ . Inasmuch as this matter is of possible interest t§@ &#39; it is being forwarded to you for an; action you may deen a gin- Us 7 -uni - Iinoere yours, &#39; _ I-92-u&#39;I g. 4 1.92@" _ :1! _ b- . tar HOOVQT . - V ___ - &#39; j &#39;- - "" ,____ Ed HO , _._"-"3-"__.___-:~""*:i _ . P y"[commumAI_+_o:1s_ I secnm,-E11,, n 11/V °&#39; _f!_,4 he-&#39;" r s."EF*L "??55E"°.",1 ~ --*-~&#39;-"i -- __E.c o P statydrJo§ie%4%f g letter addresso Hrs. Franklin i ti D RooseveltIl_agr_ . datedrBe June2&#39;7, are 1949,being Insq??? ut reference.! re " F.-I V _ Q03Q10 L 0; i,"_&#39;,&#39;g_-A &#39; __________ _- _ 1; , I 4-= I _ . 1. »~92 &#39;l_=. .&#39; _ a- ghlly 15, 1949 . I i 6%-_,7 , 235-/64-H i Ire. Franklin D. looeevelt u Val-Iill Cottage I Ryde Park, Dutcheee Co. law Iork I Iy dear Ira. Roosevelt; the letterYouraddressed note datedto you July by ll i 1949, to therdated with June 2&#39;7,1949, which you encloeed, has been received, Ineeuuch ea action on the request as contained in the letter o1_ia under the direction of the : Central IntelligenceAgenc!»an Iforwardingp i comunication to Rear Admiral Roscoe ll. Ille oetter, Director oi that Agency, for hie information and whatever " action he nay deem appropriate, | O I I Iith kindest personal regards, | . _ Sincerely youre, _ y, Inger Hoover NOTE:A revieq of theBureau filesfails toreflect anyidentif:1nin.f¢§rma- tion on His letter to Ire Roosevelt was allegedly forwarded 5 from a Cerman intez-nee camp at Venice, Italy, and requested Ire. Roosevelt to -I forward his letter to lb J Edgar Hoover, FBI The letter attempts to relate -- eemti one which he feelegwoul be,o.f interest to American Intelligence ~ _, - 2 authorities and is requesting HI in Home toarrange for an interview with ~ &#39; him. The &#39;_letter is of ayrambl J g&#39; nature and i is unintelligible92 &#39; Iith respect to _any fact:or namee..- In» gmch ascorr qpondentieointerned inItaly, the . - &#39;r-- éimmmtafneaesszornu .._... <;§=%ém;@r,92§=~;.i;§,¥°==*1;"-at . -e-- ,-- -1T.-.....-._i. , J I V , -~-.- ... ._q, --kn _ -H $2 __ i._-_ _,,.e *&#39;75""" ., do 3 92~.K &#39;"£. .&#39;." &#39;.:,;1;;_-. a »&#39;I . ; - " &#39;"< ll 151949</10; W,. I E - f ¬92 92 ___; _ .. _ . .._ _&#39;a__..__ &#39;..__. _ .__ __.___ 7 __,__ 1 1 _ 0 I - I A I. .G . " 1 - K &#39; | . _&#39; &#39;,92___ 90...!, &#39; VAL.-|<|u. C01-ms: _ &#39;-1 . , . _ ... "Tu PIIK. DIITCHIII CO. .. I _-PI ,__________ IIW YORK -&#39;- 5 "" ------ -- 1 Hi. |92".. 1 MI. loo ....- Mr. &#39;1&#39;:-ley......... Hr. Blrbo ......... .. Hr. Xx-1~r ...-_. .. July 11, 1949 Talc.
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