&KURQRORJ\ 5HYLHZHGZRUN V 6RXUFH-RXUQDORI3DOHVWLQH6WXGLHV9RO1R 6SULQJ SS 3XEOLVKHGE\University of California PressRQEHKDOIRIWKHInstitute for Palestine Studies 6WDEOH85/http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/jps.2012.XLI.3.253 . $FFHVVHG Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. University of California Press and Institute for Palestine Studies are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Palestine Studies. http://www.jstor.org CHRONOLOGY 16 NOVEMBER 2011–15 FEBRUARY 2012 COMPILED BY MICHELE K. ESPOSITO This is part 113 of a chronology begun in Journal of Palestine Studies (JPS) 13, no. 3 (Spring 1984). Chronology dates re!ect North American Eastern Standard Time. For a more comprehensive overview of regional and international developments related to the peace process, see the Quarterly Update on Con!ict and Diplomacy in JPS 163. 16 NOVEMBER 2011 Ramallah; and an arrest raid nr. Hebron. (PCHR 11/24; OCHA 11/25) Israel allows the 1st shipment of A Hamas-appointed lower court in construction material for private re- Gaza rules that 2 major banks in Gaza, building projects in Gaza, to be used the Bank of Palestine and Palestine Is- to reconstruct 10 factories destroyed by lamic Bank, must pay 10s of millions the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) dur- of dollars in !nes and back fees for re- ing Operation Cast Lead (OCL) in 2008– fusing to recognize the Hamas author- 9. In the West Bank, the IDF conducts ity’s power to levy tax, instead remitting late-night arrest raids, house searches taxes to the West Bank PA. Bank of!- in al-Azariyya outside Jerusalem, and cials boycott the hearings and say they nr. Bethlehem and Qalqilya (arresting may simply shut down to avoid paying. 4 children ages 13–17); conducts late- The ruling is seen as precedent set- night patrols in 3 villages nr. Jenin. ting and possibly applicable to Gaza’s 6 (NYT, PCHR, WP 11/17; PCHR 11/24; other banks, as well as companies that OCHA 11/25) import fuel and electricity and operate In s. Lebanon, a bomb explodes cell phones. (NYT 11/18) at a hotel in Tyre that is frequented by UN employees, causing damage 18 NOVEMBER 2011 but no injuries. Minutes later another bomb damages a liquor store in the In Gaza, a Palestinian is fatally elec- city, causing no injuries. The UN says trocuted in a smuggling tunnel under it does not believe its employees were the Rafah border. In the West Bank, the targets. (NYT 11/17) IDF conducts morning and late-night patrols in Jericho; conducts daytime 17 NOVEMBER 2011 patrols in 2 villages nr. Ramallah and 1 each nr. Jenin, Sal!t, and Tulkarm. The IDF patrols in 3 villages nr. Ra- Palestinians (sometimes accompanied mallah in the morning; makes a morn- by Israeli and international activists) ing raid into Tulkarm city to search the hold weekly nonviolent demonstrations homes of at least 2 mbrs. of the Pales- in Bil’in, Nabi Salih, and Ni’lin nr. Ra- tinian Authority (PA) security forces; mallah and in Kafr Qaddum nr. Qalqi- raids Dura nr. Hebron in the afternoon, lya. While intended mainly to protests rearresting a Palestinian released in Israel’s separation wall, land con!sca- the 10/2011 prisoner swap for IDF tions, and settlement expansion, pro- Cpl. Gilad Shalit (see Quarterly Update testers also chant slogans calling for [QU] in JPS 162); patrols in 1 village nr. national reconciliation, Palestinians Jenin in the afternoon. Late at night, the rights, and the release of Palestinian IDF conducts synchronized patrols and prisoners. IDF soldiers beat and !re 1 arrest raid in 3 villages s. of Jenin late rubber-coated steel bullets, tear gas, at night; separate patrols in 1 village nr. and stun grenades at the protesters, Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. XLI, No. 3 (Spring 2012), pp. 1–32, ISSN: 0377-919X; electronic ISSN: 1533-8614. © 2012 by the Institute for Palestine Studies. All rights reserved. Please direct all requests for permission to photocopy or reproduce article content through the University of California Press’s Rights and Permissions website, at http://www.ucpressjournals.com/reprintInfo.asp. DOI: jps.2012.XLI.3.1. JPS4103_Chronology-not use.indd 1 6/7/12 6:01 PM 2 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES lightly injuring 3 Palestinians (including a freeze in East Jerusalem and the West journalists) in Nabi Salih. (PCHR 11/24; Bank, but give no details. (NYT 11/22; OCHA 11/25) JPI 12/2) The IDF makes a late-night incursion 19 NOVEMBER 2011 into s. Gaza, patrolling in and !ring on residential areas of Rafah, causing no The IDF conducts daytime patrols in injuries and making no arrests. Israeli Tulkarm and nearby Anata village, as naval vessels !re on Palestinian !sh- well as in 4 villages nr. Jenin, Jericho, ing boats off the n. Gaza coast, forcing Qalqilya, and Ramallah; conducts late- them back to shore. In the West Bank, night arrest raids, house searches nr. the IDF raids and searches the home of Qalqilya and Sal!t. (PCHR 11/24; OCHA a PA police of!cer nr. Jenin, arresting 11/25) him; patrols in 7 villages nr. Ramallah, in 1 instance !ring rubber-coated steel bullets, tear gas, and stun grenades at 20 NOVEMBER 2011 stone-throwing Palestinian youths who confront them. (PCHR 11/24; OCHA U.S. Dep. Secy. of State William 11/25) Burns meets with PA Pres. Mahmud PA Tourism and Antiquities M Abbas to urge him to revive peace talks Hamdan Taha says that now that Pal- with Israel and delay formation of a estine has full membership in UNESCO unity government with Hamas. (CNN (see QU in JPS 162), it is planning to 11/21) seek world heritage status for the old The IDF conducts morning patrols in cities of Hebron and Jericho. An appli- Qalqilya, Sal!t, 2 villages nr. Jenin, and cation for Bethlehem is already in the 1 village each nr. Jericho and Tulkarm; works and is expected to have a better !res tear gas, stun grenades to dis- chance now that Palestine has member- perse a funeral procession nr. Hebron, ship. The PA also plans to seek recov- causing no serious injuries; conducts ery of artifacts looted by Israel, increase late-night arrest raids, house searches funds for preservation and excavations, in and around Jenin and in Sal!t; con- and use its status to force Israel to ducts late-night patrols in Jericho, 2 vil- stop calling West Bank sites “Israeli lages each nr. Ramallah and Tulkarm, antiquities.” (WP 11/22) and 1 nr. Sal!t. Jewish settlers in He- King Abdallah of Jordan makes an bron attack the home of a Palestinian of!cial visit to Ramallah (his 1st in released in the prisoner swap deal 10 yrs.) to hold talks with PA pres. Abbas that freed captured IDF soldier Gilad on their independent efforts to reconcile Shalit in 10/2011, hang posters urging with Hamas and personally to inform that he be killed, vandalize a grocery Abbas that Jordan has invited Damas- store owned by a relative; the Palestin- cus-based Hamas leader Khalid ian, Hani Jaber, had been sentenced to Mishal (barred fr. visiting Jordan since life in prison for fatally stabbing a set- 1999) for an of!cial visit to Amman. tler in 1993. The incidents spark several The king stresses that any improvement clashes between the settlers and local in ties with Hamas is not intended as a Palestinians in which settlers attack move against the PA or as a gesture to and vandalize several more Palestin- Jordan’s Islamist opposition. The U.S. ian homes; the IDF intervenes, separat- reportedly has expressed displeasure to ing the sides. (WP 11/21; PCHR 11/24; Jordan over the Mishal visit and hinted OCHA 11/25) that U.S. aid could be cut if Jordan rec- onciles with Hamas. (NYT, WP 11/22; 21 NOVEMBER 2011 JPI 12/2) U.S. Dep. Secy. of State Burns meets 22 NOVEMBER 2011 with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss ways of reviving peace talks Overnight, the IDF conducts arrest with the Palestinians. U.S. of!cials say raids targeting the Popular Front for that they are trying to !nd ways around the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in Palestinian demands for a settlement Jenin, Nablus, and Ramallah, arresting JPS4103_Chronology-not use.indd 2 6/7/12 6:01 PM CHRONOLOGY 3 about 17. In the morning, the IDF pa- completely incapacitated.” The UN, trols in 2 villages nr. Ramallah and 1 U.S., and Quartet have each contacted each nr. Jenin (!ring "ash grenades to Israeli PM Netanyahu in recent days to intimidate residents) and Jericho. Late in urge him to restore the transfers, with the evening, an IDF drone !res a mis- Quartet special envoy Tony Blair stat- sile at a training camp in s. Gaza, caus- ing today: “Only those who oppose ing no reported injuries; the IDF makes peace and Israeli-Palestinian coopera- a brief incursion into Rafah, sporadi- tion bene!t from the withholding of PA cally !ring on residential areas, causing funds.” A Netanyahu aide says that if no injuries; and Israeli naval vessels the PA pledges not to pursue member- !re on a Palestinian !shing boat off ship in any more UN organizations and the s.
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