THE CITY RECORD INDEX FOR JULY, 1939 ART COMMISSION— BROOKLYN, PRESIDENT, BOROUGH OF- COMPTROLLER, OFFICE OF THE- Minutes of meetings held— Proposals- 221-a applications denied, 5273. June 13, 1939, 4681. For fencing with chain link fences eight (8) feet high 221-a applications to Board of Estimate, 4837. July 11, 1939, 5141. vacant lots located as follows : On the east side of 221-a applications filed, 4836. ASSESSORS, BOARD OF— Brighton 1st place between Brighton 1st street and 221-a and tax applications filed, 4997, 5061, 5272. Notice to present claims for damages— Brighton Beach avenue, known as Lots 1066, 1068 Approval of sureties, 4837, 4998, 5061, 5083, 5273. Brooklyn, Borough of, 4694. and 1070, Block 7284 ; on the north side of Degraw Claims allowed, 4837, 4997, 5061, 5082, 5273. Queens, Borough of, 4694. street between Hicks street and Cheever place and Claims certified to Board of Estimate, 5273. BOARD MEETINGS, 4675. on the west side of Cheever place between Kane Claims disallowed, 4837, 4997, 5061, 5082, 5273. BRONX, PRESIDENT, BOROUGH OF THE— street and Degraw street, known as Lots 71 and Claims filed, 4836, 4997, 5061, 5082, 5273. Changes in the department, 4999, 5142. 72, Block 321; on the south side of Avenue M Claims paid on transcript of judgment, 5273. Extracts of minutes of Local Board meetings held June between McDonald avenue and East 2d street, and Opening of proposals, 4837, 4998, 5061, 5083, 5273. 28, 1939, 4864. on the east side of McDonald avenue and on the Orders, judgments, etc., filed, 4837, 4997, 5061, 5083, Proposals— west side of East 2d street, each between Avenue M 5273. Construction of sewer and appurtenances across the and Avenue N, known as Lots 1, 7 and 8, Block Changes in the department, 5068, 5113, 5126. land of the New York Central and Hudson River 6564 ; on the north side of McDougal street between Interest on City bonds and stock, 4676, 5117. Railroad near Spuyten Duyvil Station between the Saratoga avenue and Hopkinson avenue, known as Notice of issue of corporate stock and serial bonds, 4668. boundary line of Bronx County and Spuyten Duyvil Lots 47 and 48, Block 1526; on the north side of Proposals for corporate stock and serial bonds of The road, together with all work incidental thereto, 4675. Myrtle avenue between Tompkins avenue and Throop City of New York, 4847. Repaving with sheet asphalt the roadway of Macy avenue, known as Lot 52, Block 1748; on the south Statement of cash operations of City Treasury during place from Prospect avenue to Hewitt place, together side of Snyder avenue between Rogers avenue and month of June, 1939, 4978. with all work incidental thereto, 4675. Nostrand avenue, known as Lot 33, Block 5111; and Statement of operation of Sinking Funds of City of New Repaving with sheet asphalt the roadway of East on the south side of 53d street between 2d avenue York for period ended June 30, 1939, 4876. 148th street from 3d avenue to St. Anns avenue, and 3d avenue, known as Lot 26, Block 813, 4676. Vouchers received— together with all work incidental thereto, 4675. For fencing with chain link fences eight (8) feet high June 30, 1939, 4671. Repaving with sheet asphalt the roadway of Belmont vacant lots located as follows : On the east side July 3, 1939, 4692. avenue from East Tremont avenue to East 187th of Gelston avenue, and on the west side of Fort July 5, 1939, 4711. street, together with all work incidental thereto, 4675. Hamilton parkway, each between 90th street and July 6, 1939, 4834. For furnishing all equipment, labor and materials 92d street, known as Lots 6, 8, 44, 47 and 49, Block July 7, 1939, 4852. necessary or required for the demolition and removal 6089; on the southwest corner of Henry street and July 10, 1939, 4903. of buildings and other structures, for Grand Con- Middagh street, known as Lot 26, Block 216 ; on the July 11, 1939, 4919. course (west side) : Between East 140th street and east side of Ralph avenue between Park place and July 12, 1939, 4949. East 149th street (parcels A to D, inclusive), ex- Sterling place, known as Lot 10, Block 1466; on the July 13, 1939, 4964. cluding Lot 1 and Lot 18, Block 2346, together with south side of South 2d street between Wythe avenue July 14, 1939, 4983. all work incidental thereto (Contract No. 7070-A) ; and Berry street, known as Lot 9, Block 2416; on July 17, 1939, 5018. between East 149th street and East 153d street (par- the west side of West 4th street between Avenue P July 18, 1939, 5031. cels E to G, inclusive), together with all work inci- and Quentin road, known as Lots 35 and 36, Block July 19, 1939, 5048. dental thereto (Contract No. 7070-B), 4675. 6627; on the south side of 59th street between 3d July 20, 1939, 5065. Furnishing and delivering portland cement, sand, avenue and 4th avenue, known as Lot 12, Block 862; July 21, 1939, 5080. broken stone or gravel, common brick, timber, vit- on the north side of 85th street between Bay 16th July 24, 1939, 5111. rified pipe, cinders, oakum and cast iron manhole street and 18th avenue, and on the west side of New July 25, 1939, 5124. heads and covers and wrought iron manhole steps Utrecht avenue between 84th street and 18th avenue, July 26, 1939, 5138. in connection with the construction of sewer and ap- known as Lots 59 and 83, Block 6326; on the south- July 27, 1939, 5252. purtenances in Herschell street between the existing west corner of 7th avenue and 19th street, known as July 28, 1939, 5264. sewer about 200 feet east of Halsey street and a Lot 41, Block 886; and on the east side of 11th point about 150 feet easterly therefrom, together with avenue between 67th street and 68th street, known CORRECTION, DEPARTMENT OF— all work incidental thereto, 4684. as Lot 8, Block 5766, 4676. Reports for weeks ended— Furnishing and delivering rented equipment, 3 to 4-ton For furnishing all the labor and materials required to June 24, 1939, 5067. dump truck, in connection with the construction of construct connection for dry weather flow and con- July 1, 1939, 5083. sewer and appurtenances in Herschell street between trol chamber in Ralph avenue at or near Flatlands avenue; force main from the sanitary sewer in COUNCIL, THE— the existing sewer about 200 feet east of Halsey Brennan, Joseph F., resignation as a Commissioner of street and a point about 150 feet easterly therefrom, Ralph avenue about 75 feet south of Flatlands ave- together with all work incidental thereto, 4684. nue to the Paerdegat Sewage Pumping Station and Deeds "under protest," 4932. all appurtenances being: Section No. 2 of sanitary Brooklyn, President, Borough of, requesting passage of Furnishing and delivering portland cement, broken a local law introduced by Messrs. Schanzer and stone or gravel, sand, common brick, timber, cast sewers in Avenue T from Flatbush avenue to Ralph iron frame and grating and hood and manhole heads avenue, etc., 4970. Surpless, relative to regulation of sand pits, 4933. For furnishing and delivering miscellaneous materials Buildings, Committee on, report of the— and covers and wrought iron hook and steps, vitri- In favor of adopting an amended local law to amend fied pipe and oakum for the construction of sewer as specified for landscaping Tillary street from and appurtenances in Hering avenue between Lydig Washington street to Hudson avenue, etc., 5071. the Administrative Code of The City of New York, in relation to human occupancy and ventilation, avenue and Pelham Parkway South, together with For furnishing and delivering plumbing materials as 4936. specified for landscaping Tillary street from Wash- all work incidental thereto, 4684. In favor of adopting an amended local law to amend Furnishing and delivering rented equipment, 3 to 4-ton ington street to Hudson avenue, etc., 5071. For furnishing and delivering iron and steel materials the Administrative Code of The City of New York, dump trucks, 360-cubic-foot air compressor with in relation to exits from floor areas, 4936. dust collecting equipment, for the construction of as specified for landscaping Tillary street from sewer and appurtenances in Hering avenue between Washington street to Hudson avenue, etc., 5071. In favor of adopting a local to amend the Administra- ,Lydig avenue and Pelham Parkway South, together For furnishing and delivering bituminous materials as tive Code of The City of New York, in relation to with all work incidental thereto, 4684. specified for landscaping Tillary street from Wash- maintaining approved plans on construction projects, Paving work, in connection with regulating, grading, ington street to Hudson avenue, etc., 5071. 4936. setting curb, laying sidewalks and crosswalks, re- For furnishing and delivering wood stakes and slats In favor of adopting an amended local law to amend moving and replacing trees, building inlets, receiving as specified for landscaping Tillary street from the Administrative Code of The City of New York, basins, drains, culverts, approaches and ,guard rails, Washington street to Hudson avenue, etc., 5071. in reference to exits from floors occupied by more where necessary, and paving with sheet asphalt Fur furnishing and delivering paint, varnish and stain than one tenant, 4936. (permanent pavement), the roadway of Arlington ave- as specified for landscaping Tillary street from In favor of adopting an amended local law to amend nue from West 232d street to West 235th street, to- Washington street to Hudson avenue, etc., 5071. the Administrative Code of The City of New York, gether with all work incidental thereto (No. 6998), For furnishing and delivering trees, shrubs, etc., as in reference to area required per person in .school 5053.
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