the iulk details of the Raider state championship, see page C-1 covb WESTFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS FANWOOD .£"' Friday, November 27,1998 50 cents | Briefs Raiders Iteewillbe lit on Sunday are state i WESTFIELD —The annual tree lighting ceremo- ny, hoeted by the Chamber of Commerce, will be 5 p.m. champs Sunday at the North Avenue side of the train station. Mayor Tom Jardim will turn the lights an at 5:15 p.m. UECORD-PRESS SCOTCH PLAINS — Fbrget all about Charlie Sheen, Emilio Town meetings Estevez and Lou Diamond will be televised Phillips. Tho Scotch Plnins- Fanwood boys soccer team has a WEOTFIELD—The Town much more exciting .set of young Council u planning to tele- guns, vise local meetings. Led by n stable of tulented A recently signed 15-year sophomores, the Raiders put their contract with Comcast will brand on the Group ,') .state cham- provide the town with pionship trophy for the second 176,000 • $50,000 immediate- straight year on Friday by virtue ly and $25,000 in five years. of n 1-0 victory over Delsen nt the "1 think televised meet- College of New Jersey. ings will heighten the inter- The most unlikely of heroes est of the public in town coun- stepped forward to give Head cil proceedings and make Conch Tom Brezniuky bin sev- access to the governing body enth state title in 12 years. Of all easier especially for those the goal scorers on the team, it who are unable to come out was unheralded .sophomore at night to the meetings," Michael Franzone who came off said Jack Walsh, chair of the the bench in the 47th minute and public works committee. sent a left-footed blast into the •We'd also be interested in nets, just IUH fourth fjonl of the discussing whether we could season. upgrade the current equip- "1 don't know how I feel right ment that wt> have at the now. I'm just so excited it hap- Westfteld High School for pened," Hiiid Kranzone, younger general public program- brother of Haiders quarterback ming," Walsh added Joe Frnnzone. Currently, on TV 36 resi- "HeVf jufit one of those super dents caii see taped Board of sophomores," Hre/nitflky said, "we Education meetings, football have seven of them, and we could* games, soccer games and n't have J5»t'f>1» here without other sporting events. them." "We didn't expect till this" »aid Holiday house aophomore forwurd Mike Zotti, a starter on last year's team which tour on Dec. 5 graduated 13 seniors. "Last year waa pretty great because I scored WESTFIELD - The w Mnv ow iv noiwni Rake and Hoe Garden Club in the championship game, but will hold its "Deck the Halls" this is pretty nice, too." holiday house tour 10 a.m.-4 The Kaiflers equalled the task p.m Saturday. Dec. 5 of the 1992-93 squads, winning Four homes and a bou- buck-to-back championships for tique in the town sir* part of Sidewalk repair program introduced the second time in the program's the tour. Each of the homes history. Breznitwky declined to Bay will offer holiday decorations WESTFIELD-Mayor Tom lar to that utilized in many lump sum or n i a yearly assess- Mnyor Jardim said ofllciuls which title wtin more impressive with n different theme: Will- Jardim has announced his gup other towns in New Jersey and ment, the mayor indicated. have good reason to encourage to him. iamsburg,"<'ranberry Christ- port for a sidewalk repair incen- around the country," Mayor "Anyone who has ever tried to property owners to fix dihtpidat Even senior m ruptain Todd mas," n "Holidav Wedding" tive program for the Town Jardim said. "The municipality push a baby stroller or walk on d dlk Moser, a veteran of four straight and "Twas the Night Before Thin program calls for a 50- would budget a fixed amount of the sidewalk at night knows the "Even though Westfield, like ntate championship games who ChruUnas" 50 sharing of the cost of repair- funds each year boned on the hazard" thnt exist throughout many towna, nun an ordinance has committed to play at Rutgers The boutique on North ing or replacing broken side popularity of the program and the Town on our sidewalks," Haying propnrty owners fire next fall, got into the act of praifl- Avenue will feature many walk* between the Town and resident* could apply to share Mayor .lurdim said. n'spoiiHible for tiiHintennncp of ing the underclassmen. items incorporated in each of re* i dents. the cost of having sidewalk* Muvnr Jurdim requested thp Hidowalks, such ordinaiKcs have "There were more or less all the houses. Through a referral menaoran repaired by rut outxicie contrac- Town Council appropriate not rthielded rnunicipiilitifrn from HeniotH lual year, and we'd all been dum to the Town AdminiRtrntor tor retained by th»* inuiiicipnii- $100,000 in the 1999 r-apitnl being Hiied," the mayor nuid. pluying together forever," Moser Nearly 15 members of the 1 "Sulcwulk luwMtiitH art> among garden club work together to and the Town * public works and ty" hudij^t for the first year of t>i«* snid "Winning last year was nice, 1 finance committee*, Mayor In accordance with the cur- program. Kuch an appro|>rin the iiiont common type* of HIMIM hut notxKiy thought we'd be back decorate each noun* fully in filed agaiiiHt niiinici pulit i»'H, the nexl yeiit I don't think anyone the respective theme. •Jnntim outlined the detail* of rent <trogram of curb assess- tion, if npproved by the council, the program ments, residents could either would II!low the program to with HH many an on«> sidewalk on our team Ihou^ht HO, either. Coat is $15 in advance or begin by Spring IWW9 related lawsuit filed each week." Well, we made it buck." $1H the day of the event "This program would Iw simi- pay thfir portion of the cost in n Advance tickets ore available at Clvne & Murphy, 1-aji i jmt4-r HiiUmnrk, IV-nwinkle's Downtown Fine Gift* and Rorden FOvilty Megan's mother Tiny Tim will host caroling set SCOTCH PLAINS The tells her sad story a holiday annual Tiny Ttm enroling fund drive liax IHMMI sched- Maureen Kunku brings her message uled for H !• p in \hn \) celebration ( iirolfMs will no hmi#tr> to (•mine Kinging CtiriKliuiiK of the importance of teaching kids SCOTCH I'LAINK Thn Courth fimmiil "Old-Fitwhionnct rarotii mid conduct*- the pro- to ediKiile her children HIIIIIIJIV CelebratiiHi" will tak«1 gram at All Huint* KpiwoiMil fiboiit Millet v. the ddiwr of HFl HMO I l>lii((< noon 5 p.m Sunday, !>ec. G Church. Individum* itml *tr«n«**ri* »rni driigit Hlie WHN mi'ler the iiiispiccK D( the .Scotch Kp on the ITA executive board and WKHTFIKI.H UM-NH ainl I'mfeNsionfil Itwvnmler* ut therhurrh f|eMiwnat<>'l fin I he "cmer^t'tK v Riink»i lold i« Bteiry uti pnrrnt (HI'A > Tiny Tim provide* finan tumu" |iftfKt(lM culled tu HCiipe luivi* to t^ll but i«vnrv /riMijiM (nun I he area rinl n«*i*tiiM<t" In Snitch out (()>• iM'iyhhof hiiuil when *hi)iil<l hnvtt to h»>iw ^ live on the Village Plain* and Fan wood rliihln'ii When Knnkii ullowwl her 7 thetr iliildrcn wi'ii-n't lirutit- tin 1 (ireen diirinn the alter tmoll Wllll I !»'«•<! IIK^Itlill Itlli lill'l vt'«r *>!(( dnii((ht(*r Megan l(r tlllir llnr'.i1 drawn luivndi'N Will IM> i Jilinot nlliittl It t r'oHK the ptlrecl from her Inunr When »h«' reail about I'nllv IMIIIIIII town l^.'10-i ,')() K<»r inliffiiiiition. mil Mmt to «i't Hgtrllrtoinl u> (iiin*> fiiit t't Klani" who wnu kii(n-i|ip'-'l Itoin Mrt^vitl ut MHtHi J..V.\nn\A> p II) ' IIMI )»I 71/ per piny, Mir didn't know tlitcr< f* ntiiinbfr piirtv M> ( Mliliitma, gTun ut I'HlMi 2AA -JAM, children niidi-i V, will ri<|e free. pt'd'ripbill*" lived <Ktlv htPlinen her henrl went mil In I'nllv B Anne (> linen MI'<«>"> 7f.fi Men IKIIIIM idmi^ I hi- ' Unlidny flWHV IKUfnN mul -In [unfi'il th*' wmilfi [rllKil B.td'lv VVnlk ' lire IIIIIIIIIIK ;i crililt'Mt. hotii'*, but n npiiihbtir *«* K*1 • 1 inn ren>ive Jree hllirtl, llllC'l M< K"'l Mitli (il' ll'HtM' l/een mjnd iiiiil li\lt ill 11 l\. I 'tinni'i M.I'I reihl'iifitew Of iiM/.fn ilnntilt'il by Inside ifoiiiipiitnj ln»t n iiitj'('v '" ar|1 I l|l>VI|nt :|1ll| . V ij^tr'fifl, in* riiriijieij l her, mulom MHld I I III IK' I ..Hi he TV I'WM.'l; Hi! Comm#ntary . .A-4 l/rn| hi'l unit •(rrtliKled b*«i 111' [Mil I 111' Mt'WnpfllH'f Inwn IIIH) 1 put II |lln»tt( ytitJnifef'' buy nver wniit mi With HIV I TINA (il)AHIN' "HI r;<)Mf) I'llt Sf. I'iri' I le|ini tiiiertl will give Community Life A-6 her Iwml utitl <IUMl|M'(| l»fl life mv luiinl v wn« 111 I II I. it *inild M*ur**n brought h*r m#iiiMi(|» nbout Ih* ImporWnc* of > r 1111 :1 JI || Ir Kiln Ihe lnWtlNlll|) \can [HU\\ in ft muttbv (uirk llt'VI I )l l|l(|l|l til II .. it wmilil urtta touching rhlldntn to b*r«nta «tt Hl* lnt»rrn»di«tiltndit i SScheot li(-bti Obltunrle* ..
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