;Page 20 CRANFORD CHRONICLETThursday, July 3,1986 Where else butKinss? Celebrate with the SERVING CRANFORD, GARWOOD and KENILWORTH •••iffc— ; Vol. 93 No. 28 Published Every Thursday Thursday, July 10,1986 USPS 136 800 Second Class Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. 30 CENTS United Tastes of America. A'first'for the Fourth Anti-Rathskeller The spirit of Liberty is yours at Kings. As for our Liberty specials, they go from sea to shining sea. From Alaskan.. In brief You can see it in the special Liberty bunting and banners that welcome you to Snow Crab Claws to Hawaiian Papayas. From Iowa Boneless Sirloins to our door. And once you're inside, you'll find the colors and flavors and melodies Pennsylvania Chickens. From Wisconsin Bratwurst to Vermont Cheddar. From [Sales Days begin] group sues town of America in every corner of the store. Florida Mangos to California Avocados. From Jersey-Fresh Zucchini to Dressed in red, white and blue, we£H don Uncle Sam hats and Liberty tiaras. Mississippi Catfish Fillets. - .Cranford Sales Days are under-! Our list goes on and on. And when itxorres to the colorful touches that way today. A special section on And from toe-tapping music to Liberty souvenirs and specials, this is a the bargains of July accompanies celebration for all ages. ^ brighten a room, just come to our Floral Corner for anything from our Liberty this edition. over variances Bring the children on July first, jecond or third to meet Uncle Sam. In Planters to our Red, White and Blue Carnation Bouquets. U . Opponents of the expansion of the property by trading all or part of a addition to our special commemorative balloons, .WlL giveyou our folders on- So come to Kings and celebrate the spirit of Liberty in this unforgettable Rathskeller into a family restaurant residentiary zoned lot he owns along Public Viewing Sjtes for Liberty Weekend as well as our United Tastes of - .-• Centennial week with a whole country of tastes. Race winners on Centennial Ave. have appealed the Grant. St for equal value of a America Recipes. And if you're one of our first 100 shoppers on July third', «•' Rich McNally won the Jaycee's Zoning Board of Adjustment's ap- township owned lot fronting on Ar- Firecracker Run. Mike McHale, proval of the plan. thur St., the undeveloped road one you'll receive a special Liberty flag. ' ', ; "•-. (P.S. All of our stores will be open on July Fourth from 8 am to 6 pm. the first Cranford finisher, came, I • In a civil lawsuit filed in Superior block to the south. in third. Winners of the annual Court, Citizens for Community Pride Glueck's plans to expand the The Butchers Corner The Deli Corner Thltt Fafniers Corner The Seafood Corner The Dairy Corner I canoe races are also listed on challenged the Zoning Board's ap- tavern into a family restaurant sur- r Page 12 along with field tevent { proval of a variance that would allow faced while the township government Five Alive Beverages Tropical Citrus, champions. - -- « a residential lot to be used for a park- was actively exploring development USDA Choice Iowa Beef Kings Homemade USDA Choice The Largest-Most Flavorful The Crab 'N Crawfish Berry Citrus or Fruit 'A-gal. *1£9 ihg-flfta for the restaurant. prospects for six township owned l —> - * meless ^ . ~ i Jrunl KJUUJOI'MU •• •They contend that the board lias by—acres in the residential zone between Steamer 2 Minute Maid Rape here A its decision relocated the zone line Centennial and the Garden State Sirloin "between-therresidentialand business^ Parkway. ' ' each A woman who accepted a ride Neighborhood antipathy toward Apple" 1 zones and that the use variance is Steak ib. Louis Rich Solid White Meat Feadhes Six Jumbo Hard Shell Crabs, six in Union early Monday was tantamount to a zone change. the tavern generally and suspicions Caterer's Turkey Breast Vi lb. $2.69 3 per Ib. avg. Mix & Match Crawfishy-two Yams, two ears of Corn Juice V4 gal. | driven to Centennial -Ave. in The plaintiffs" also listed the about the new owner's expansion Porterhouse or T-Bone Steak Cranford where she was raped. | plans emerged in a dialogue over the Louis Rich Smoked or Red Blush and our sliced Cornbread, all Township Committee as a defendant. $ I and robbed. Page 16. larger development between the real Tailless __Jb. 3.99 perfectly layered; spiced, and sold They contend that the mayor and Turkey Breast •/? lb. '3.69 Nectarines Friendship members of the governing body "in- estate commissioner at that time, USDA Choice Beef Louis Rich Salt Free in its own cooking pot, Steams to duofcd" the owner of the Rathskeller, Dick Salway, and the citizens. $ 3 per Ib. avg. Ib. Stepping out: Standar'd bearers for the new band shown.her&helped town commemorate Turkey Breast LJ/i lb. 3.79 99 perfection in just 12 minutes. Sour Cream Pt. either directly or indirectly, to Qn June 25, 1983, Williams and Lady. Liberty Marching 100 band, step out Statue of Liberty centennial at Union County Kings Homemade Golden Crisp Juicy Hums All Varieties Serves two as an entree and four as believe that the Zoning Board would Fred Hayeck, whose business is King Non Butterfat Dips 4 ahead of. the musicians in the -first modern $ Jb. College and in the parade. The Uncle Sam Southern Fried Chicken_lb. 2.79 4 per Ib. avg. an appetizer. Wow! An audit of the financial 1 parade for Independence Day here. Event at- grant a variance for parking use of across Arthur from the Ratskeller, Mignon ib. O Onions or Chive 8 oz. 59* turned out to be Aunt Sam. More photos of the another residential lot that he sought suggested to the Township Commit- Kings Homemade Barbecued: Axelrod Cottage Cheese 8 oz. 2/99* records of St. Anne Parish! tracted a large crowd along Walnut, N. Union band by Greg Price on Page 11. More parade Whole Untrimmed, Custom Cut to $ through a swap last year. That pro- tee that a "squaring off" of the Cornish Hens > lb. 2.39 Northwest Extra Large Eresh Blue Ridge Mountain revealed a total operating deficit j and Springfield avenues and drew, musicians photos on Page 6. your Specifications Sweet *N Low Afogurt of $305,000 over the past four \ posal was dropped a year ago. Business-3 zone might benefit ;,ihe Spareribs #1h. *2.19 11 Row Size—Dark Red and marchers from other towns. The new local Rathskellar and Hayeck used the $ All Varieties 8 oz. 3/*l years...The borough has a new( In the complaint filed by its Filet Mignon Steak Daniele Hot Capicola _V4-lb. 3.99 Crunchy Sweet TYout lawyer, Lawrence Litman, Citizens term "spot zoning" to describe that $ $ tax collector and a treasurer. Trimmed Ib. 5.99 Daniele Abbruzese % Ib. 349 Fillets i Royal, Dairy Page 17. for Community Pride lists itself as an zone change concept. Where Else But Kings? Schaller & Wfeber Bing unincorporated association. Its Salway disputed the use of the term Store Made Kabobs with Skewers Bockwurst____ Vi Ib. *2.29 $J49 Cream chairman is Jim Williams, a former arid said the squaring off of the business zone grew out of a variance Beef Sirloin Steak, Round Cubes, Batampta Large Vi Sour or Garlic Cherries n>. Hawaiian. Planning Boafd member who has C (1 inch min. average diameter) Cheese 8 oz. CBD progress been active in local politics and lives at the rear of Hayeck's property, Turkey Tenderloins or Dill Pickles _______each 29 Lobster across Arthur St. from the tavern. granted early in 1985. The squaring of Lamb Leg Cubes Ib. $3.29 Kings Homemade: Polly O Regular or Smoked The Downtown Management j the B-3 would have included $ Other nearby residents in the The Turkey Store Parts Boneless: Boston Baked Beans_ Ib. *2.99 First of the Season IMlS 12 oz., each String Cheese _5^ oz. 1.59 Corp. hopes to get streetscape Southeast Cranford neighborhood Hayeck's Fine Foods as well as the Ground Turkey u. Ib. $1.79 Robusto Salad Ib. »1.79 Plump Sweet Previously Frozen Polly O Ricotta Cheese ' •• changes along Walnut and N.I are members of the group which sub- Rathskeller. However, Salway said Union avenues underway next/ the change was dropped because it Breast Slices lh. *3.79 Pesto & Ibrtellini Salad '/: Ib. *2.99 Whole Milk or Light _3 lbs. »3.99 mitted 560 petition signatures to tike Jersey Dorman's Slim Jack spring. An engineering- township government last fall was not acceptable to the communi- Tenderloins ' Ib. *3.29 Nacho Chips 12 oz. *1.29 49 -fresh Louisiana architecture firm will be recom-. ty, and Doug Nordstrom, mayor, said $ Cheese Slices 6 oz. *1.39 against development of the area Breast Roast Ib. 2.99 From Wisconsin Usingers Blueberries Pt. mended soon for the (400,000 pro-1 generally. the B-3 change was a "dead issue." Free Range Kings Natural Knackwurst, Veal Knackwurst, Seafood Laughing Cow Mini Cheeses ject. Meantime, the sign and! Ed Glueck, the propYietor, said Unable to swap for the Arthur lot, $ Jumbo California Sweet Red Whole Chicken From Pennsylvania Bratwurst or Weiners 12 oz. 3.75 $599 All Varieties 3% oz. *1J69 facade assistance program has I that the public had given input before Glueck proceeded with plans to place Ducth Country Ib.$ 1.79 Salad Onions. Jb. 69* Boudin ib. Reddi Whip Made with . been streamlined, and the chair-, the Zoning Board at the hearing on parking on his Grant St. lot which A Cajun Sausage made of short grained $ man, Tom O'Brien, gave a status Fresh Grain Fed Boneless Pork Jersey Fresh: Real Cream 14 oz.
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