ZHENGHUA 2.0 Where I Belong 正华 2.0 Zhenghua 2.0 ஜெங்வா 2.0 我的生活在这里 Di Mana Saya Miliki இ鏁வவ எ இ쏁ப்ꮿட믍 Zhenghua_2020_Final KHL.indd 1 27/03/2020 13:47 ZHENGHUA ADVISOR’S MESSAGE Dear Residents, SUPPORTING YOUNG FAMILIES The Pang Sua Pond and Zhenghua I understand that education is a Nature Park provide our residents top priority on the minds of parents. with more green spaces to play We have many good primary schools and exercise. We have a number of located in close proximity. For early community gardens in the estate for childhood education, we have PCF our residents to harvest a variety of Sparkletots in Hillion Mall, as well plants, vegetables and fruits. Also, as My First Skool along Zhenghua residents can enjoy the scenery while Nature Park which has provided jogging and cycling down the park opportunities for children to get close connectors in our town. to nature, enhancing their learning and growth. Children are our future OUR COMMUNITY grew up in the Bukit Panjang and education will always be one of People are the heart and soul of area and have always lived my key focus areas. our community. Strengthening our around here ever since. My social fabric is something that I have family’s daily routine still CARING FOR OUR SENIORS strongly believed in and have always revolves around Bukit Panjang To thank our Merdeka Generation’s been championing for. Helping those and most importantly, we contributions to our nation, we in need and volunteering our services have many good friends here. introduced the Merdeka Generation for the community are the little IThis is my home; this is where I Package to support our seniors, things that we can and should do belong. I am proud of the significant helping them to stay active and to make Zhenghua a more inclusive improvements made to the town in healthy. Fei Yue Senior Activity Centre home. We will work on fostering the last decade and Bukit Panjang provides a range of healthy living neighbourliness and strengthen the has transformed into one of the most activities and we have organised sense of belonging in our community. liveable towns in Singapore. many health screening and activities for seniors. Also, we have pushed for WORKING WITH YOU TRANSPORT IMPROVEMENTS the Bukit Panjang Polyclinic which FOR THE FUTURE Transportation has always been will bring greater convenience for our We are not done building Bukit an area which I am most passionate residents. Panjang. More developments are about. We have pushed for new coming your way. Our vision is for bus services such as 976, and AMENITIES our town to be a liveable and caring improved frequency for existing We have heard your feedback for home where seniors can live well, buses. The LRT system will soon more facilities and amenities in the families are well-supported, and undergo a major revamp as well. The neighbourhood. The Hillion Mall our pursuit for greener and more Bukit Panjang Integrated Transport and Greenridge Shopping Centre sustainable ways of living as a Hub and Downtown Line have have offered retail, entertainment harmonious community may be significantly reduced travelling time. and dining options. Residents can achieved. It has been a privilege to The Exit C of the Bukit Panjang MRT now also have more food options at serve you and your families over the Station in particular has benefitted the Bukit Panjang Market and Food past 13 over years and I look forward many commuters living in the Senja Centre as well as new coffee shops to continue to do so in the years area. In addition, we have improved in the precinct. There will be more ahead. our roads and flyovers, and one developments in the years ahead such example is the Bukit Panjang such as the new Senja hawker centre. Flyover. The upcoming Senja-Kranji Liang Eng Hwa expressway interchange will allow GREENERY MP and Grassroots Advisor drivers to reach their destinations We have worked hard to preserve Holland-Bukit Timah GRC (Zhenghua) faster. and cultivate nature in our town. Vice-Chairman of Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council Zhenghua_2020_Final KHL.indd 2 01/04/2020 19:22 03 亲爱的居民们, 我自小在武吉班让一带长大,并一直在这里生活。我心系 在未来几年,新的信佳小贩中心也将落成给予居民更多饮 武吉班让,武吉班让市镇也是我和家人生活和活动的地方。武 食的选择。 吉班让市镇的种种设施建设在过去的10年间,得到了很大的改 虽然,我们的市镇设施已不同往日,武吉班让市镇的建设 善,我为此感到欣慰。武吉班让市镇已成为新加坡最宜居的市 尚未完成。接下来,我们已策划了下一阶段的市镇邻里的发展 镇之一! 计划,务必要把武吉班让镇打造成一个宜居、有凝聚力和充满 在公共交通方面,过去五年我们推出了许多新的巴士路线 爱心的家园。在这里,我们的年长者生活无忧、家庭享有各种 如976号等,并增加了现有巴士的服务趟次。武吉班让综合交 便利、孩子们有一个健全的环境成长,居民拥有健康、绿色可 通枢纽中心和市区线的启用也为居民提供更大的便利。我们的 持续性的生活方式,各社区族群能和谐共处。 轻轨列车系统也正在进行大规模更新并改善,提升服务、可靠 我很荣幸能在过去的13年为您服务,为我们的市镇做事, 度与载客量。 解决问题。我期待未来几年能继续为居民效力,做好更多的改 武吉班让市镇汇集了许多多优质学校、托儿中心和幼儿 善项目,好让居民能过更好的生活。衷心感谢! 园,家长们不乏选择,莘莘学子都能获得良好的开始。 为感谢立国一代国人的贡献,政府也推出了立国一代配 连荣华 套,协助他们负担医疗费用。我们也正在兴建武吉班让镇综合 荷兰-武吉知马集选区 诊疗所与及照顾年长者的看护中心与活跃中心。 基层组织顾问(正华 ) Penduduk yang dihormati, Saya dibesarkan di kawasan Bukit Panjang dan ini baik di kejiranan ini. merupakan tempat tinggal dan kehidupan saya. Saya berasa Bagi warga emas, kita mempunyai Pakej Generasi bangga dengan peningkatan yang ketara dalam sedekad Merdeka dan bakal mempunyai Poliklinik Bukit Panjang. yang lalu di bandar Bukit Panjang. Kita juga boleh jangkakan sebuah pusat penjaja Senja baru Dari segi pengangkutan, kami telah berusaha gigih pada tahun-tahun akan datang. untuk mendapatkan khidmat bas baru 976, dan membaiki Ia merupakan satu penghormatan bagi saya untuk kekerapan bas sedia ada. Sistem LRT akan jalani perubahan berkhidmat kepada anda sejak 13 tahun yang lalu dan saya besar tidak lama lagi. Dengan Hab Pengangkutan Bersepadu berharap dapat terus lakukannya pada tahun-tahun akan Bukit Panjang dan Laluan Downtown, ia telah memberi datang. kemudahan yang lebih baik kepada para penduduk. Liang Eng Hwa Untuk membantu keluarga, kami mempunyai banyak Penasihat kepada Pertubuhan Akar Umbi sekolah rendah, pusat jagaan kanak-kanak dan tadika yang Holland-Bukit Timah (Zhenghua) அன்ꮾர㞨㞤 埁羿யி쏁ப்ꮾளர㞕ளள, ꯁக்垿翍 பாஞ்ா柍 வ翍்ாரத்垿쯍 வளர㞨் எனக埁, பராேரிபꯁ ந垿்㞲ய柍்쿁믍, பா㞲ர பள்ளி쿁믍 உள்ன. எ இ쯍㞲믍, எ வாழக்், எனக埁ரிய இ்믍 믂த்தோ쏁க்கா, பேரம்க்ா ்்㞲믁்றத எல்லமே இ鏁்ா. ꯁக்垿翍 பாஞ்ா柍 ந்ரி쯍 ்்㞨் த�ொ埁பꯁத்垿翍்믍 அறி믁்ோகி뿁ள்鏁. அத�ோ翁, ꯁக்垿翍 பத்ா迍翁்ளா் ஏறப翍羿쏁க埁믍 埁றிபபꮿ்த்க் பாஞ்ா柍 ப㞲鏁்ற ே쏁㞨்்த்垿 ்翍翁ோனத்垿ற埁믍 மேம்ப翁களைக ்迍翁 நா பப쏁்ே அடைகிறே. நா柍்쿍 믁யற்ி எ翁த்垿쏁க்垿ற�ோ믍. எதிரவ쏁믍 ப�ோக埁வரத்்ப ப�ொ쟁த்வ்ர, ꯁதிய ஆ迍翁்ளி쯍 ꯁதிய ப்்ா உைவ柍்ா羿 ந垿்㞲யத்் மப쏁㞨鏁 ம்்வ 976 த�ொடங்பப翁வ்ற埁믍, நா믍 ஆவ쯁் எதிர்பரக்㞲ா믍. ்றமபோதைய மப쏁㞨鏁 ம்்வ்ளி மநர ்்㞨் 13 ஆ迍翁்ளா் உ柍்쿁க埁母 இடைவெளி்ய மே믍ப翁த鏁வ்ற埁믍 நா柍்쿍 ம்்வயாற쟁வ்்ப பப쏁믍 பாக்垿யோ்க 믁யற்ி எ翁த்தோ믍. இ㞲埁 இரயꮿ쯍 ம்்வ வꮿ்ரவꮿ쯍 ்쏁鏁கிறே. எதிரவ쏁믍 ஆ迍翁்ளி쯁믍 பபரிய அளவꮿ쯍 毀ர்ேக்பப்வꮿ쏁க்垿ற鏁. ꯁக்垿翍 உ柍்쿁க埁த த�ொடர்鏁 ம்்வயாறற ஆவ쯁் பாஞ்ா柍 ஒ쏁柍்垿்ைக்பப翍் ப�ோக埁வரத鏁 எதிர்பரத்垿쏁க்垿மற. ்ேய믁믍 ப்ௌ்ퟁ இரயꮿ쯍்்믁믍 நே鏁 埁羿யꮿ쏁ப்பளர்쿁க埁ப பப쏁믍 வசதியா் உள்ன. 쮿யா柍 எ柍 ஹுவா 埁翁믍ப柍்쿁க埁 ஆ்ரவா், இவவ翍்ாரத்垿쯍 ஹꮾல㞨鏁 ꯁக㞕垿翍 鏀மꮾ அ羿த㞤ள ்ரோன ப㞲 த�ொடக்ப்பள்ள쿁믍, 埁ழ㞨்்ப அமமபꯁ㞕ளின ஆளலꮾச㞕ர (ஜெஙஹவꮾ) Zhenghua_2020_Final KHL.indd 3 30/03/2020 17:27 ZHENGHUA Improvements in town public transport 提升交通设施 Peningkatan pengangkutan நகரி ப�ொ鏁ꯍ awam di bandar ப�ொ埍埁வரத்鎿쯍 居民畅行无阻 பேம்ப翁க쿍 Launch of Bus Service 976 Other Bus Services Launch Zhenghua_2020_Final KHL.indd 4 30/03/2020 17:28 05 Opening of Downtown Line Bukit Panjang Integrated Transport Hub New Exit C Downtown Line B6 HOME | THE STRAITS TIMES | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2019 | Bt Panjang SleekContinuous new train for aimprovements smoother ride to LRT system Energy-efcient LED lighting Having resided in Bukit LRT on track More reliable door system Panjang for the last 20 over years, the addition of Downtown to leave Line was a game changer to us. The Integrated Transport Hub, as well as problematic the additional buses such as BPS1, 971E, LED lighting system 972, 973, 974 and 976, have enhanced Passenger past behind information Passenger halt button system panel connectivity and convenience to the CBD Energy- High-performance and our nearby estates. efcient air-conditioner Better signalling Passenger intercom propulsion system redundancy system and condition monitoring features Jagathishwaran Rajo Rail mapping It should be able to match Sengkang-Punggol system LRT in reliability by 2024 after revamp: Khaw Source: LAND TRANSPORT AUTHORITY STRAITS TIMES GRAPHICS Christopher Tan It connects commuters in Bukit “The local MPs were not too con- friendly LED lighting, while 13 Senior Transport Panjang to the Choa Chu Kang MRT vinced,” he said. “When I returned newer trains will be retrofitted. Correspondent station on the North South Line. to the Ministry of Transport in This means the line will operate “Residents looked to the BPLRT 2015, I was determined to address with two visually different trains. with great expectations,” Mr Khaw, the BPLRT problem decisively.” All will run on alternating current 19 Canadian engineering firm Bom- motors, which are more efficient The problematic Bukit Panjang who is also Coordinating Minister LRT (BPLRT) should be able to for Infrastructure, recalled during a Number of the oldest trains that will bardier, which supplied the original than the direct current motors used visit yesterday to the BPLRT’s depot. system in 1999, was awarded a $344 now, the Land Transport Authority match the Sengkang-Punggol LRT be replaced with sleek tram-like (SPLRT) in reliability by 2024, But they were soon disappointed, million contract last year to over- said. Transport Minister Khaw Boon as the system’s reliability proved trains equipped with some of the haul it. The line will run on alternating Wan indicated yesterday. patchy from the start. Over the newest features, including better Work is under way to replace current, not direct current like the Currently, the 20-year-old years,Zhenghua_2020_Final there were disruptions air-conditioningKHL.indd systems 5 and trains, the signalling system and Sengkang-Punggol LRT line.
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