PAOB BIGBnBBN' TUESDAY, MOVBMBBR 9, 1971 Avtwgt Daily N tl P m a Run iianrl;?at»r lEarains For The Week Ended The Weather October 80, 1971 Partly cloudy, cold tonight; ot The Pilgrim Choir Center The Grade 9 Confirmation St. Bridgot Home and School low about So. Mostly sunny and AboutTown Ooneregatlonal Church will re- Olaaa of Center Congregational Association will meet tomorrow ^ ‘Y ’ Group Sets not as cold tomorrow; high In hearaa tomorrow at 1 p.m. In Church will meet tonight at 6;40 MILK ItookviUe llmbtom Olab will at 8 p.m. in the school oafe- 15,581 mid 40s. Friday's outlook. fair the church library. in Memorial Hall ot the church. torla. I Demonstration FOR HOME DELIVERY and milder. teva a potluck tomorrow at Gradea 7 and 8 will alao meet at • :I0 p.m. at tho Blka Homo on 7 TIMES WEEKLY IN RETURNAELE Manchester— A City of Village Charm The Waya and meana commit­ 6:40 at the church. The Center Congregational Of Yule Decor Park It. for momboni and tee of Center Congregational GLASS EOHLES gueata. A biiainou aoaalon will Church dlsousaipn group on VOL, LXXXXI, NO. 86 (FORTY PAGES—TWO-SEfTTIONS) Church will meet with canvaa- The executive boat^ of the "SelfAhiderstandlng” will meet There will be a demonstration MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1971 (Olaesffled Advertlalag on Page 07/ PRICE FIFTEEN CENT! bo eonduoUd at a. M m Kay aers tcmight at 7 In Woodruff Women'a Society of (Communi­ cf Christmas decorations by (We beUeve.mUk tastee better in glsM) MEarloy la in obargo o f tbo pro­ tomorrow at 1 p.m. in the Hall of the church. ty Raptlat Church will meet to­ churoh library. members of tho Y-Krafters at gram. " night at 7:80 in the choir room The Adult Bible d aaa of Zion at the church. the meeting of the YWCA Des­ The Chrlstlah education board sert Lecture Series Wednesday DARI-MAID MILK CO. INC. Thera will ba a toohnioal re- Bvangellcal Lutheran Church of Trinity Covenant Churoh will Harris Seen haaraal tonight and a dreM n - wUl meet tonight at 7:80 at the Reeervatlona cloae Friday for at 1 p.m. at the Community Y, m iPHONI «43-6424 meet tonight at 7:80 at the 79 N. Main St. haaraal tomorrow at g p.m. at church. the Goodwill luncheon apon- church. The Only Dairy Proeesolng MUk in Manchester the Baat OathoHo High lehool sored by tho Church Women >' ___ 'f i Dessert and coffee will bo Ending Drive served at 12:30 p.m. auditorium for the LkUe Thea­ The Adult Forum of North United and may be made by Daytime LaLeche League Labor Chiefs Politician Slain in Saigon; The Latin American art of tre of ICamdiastor’a Production United Methodlat Church will contacting Mrs. Jamea BlJlott will meet tomorrow at 10 a.m. making corn husk dolls, and the of "PUimy Oiri.’* meet tonight at 8 at the Church. of 30 Cheatnut St,, Mrs. RiUph at the home of Mrs. George Wil­ For ’72 Nod making cf large bows (or Frank ot 98 Frances Dr., or lo­ son, 187 Pratt St., Glastonbury. wreaths and making items of The board of truateea of Wealey Circle of South United cal church repreaentatlvea. The A dlsousaion on the “Ad­ WA8HTNGTON (AP) _ .acorns, pine cones and house­ North Unitad Methodlat Chprch Methodlat Church will meet to- event will be held Nov. 18 at vantages of Bresatfeeding” will Demooratic sources said- today hold obJects will be demon­ Welcome wiU meet tonight at 8 at the night at 7:80 in the church re- noon at the Manchester Country be led by Mrs. Kent Slclth of ^ n . Fred R. Harris of Okla­ Join Critics strated by Mrs. Leonard ohuroh. cepUon hall. caub. West Hartford. The event is Back homa Is planning to drop his Cong Kill 25 in Cambodia open to all expectant or nursing Kearns, Mrs. Wilfred Lisk, brief bid (or the Democratic nhe Senior High Youth mothers. A baby sitter will be Heads Pageant Mrs. Raymond Merriman and preeldentlal nomination. Forum of North United Metho­ Mrs, Anthony Salafla. available for tixldlers. • Barry Shaw of 160 Bryan Dr. Lucille! Theee sources eaid fund-rais­ SAIGON (AP) —The dist Church will meet tonight at There will be other hand­ has been named chairman for ing problems were the maJor Viet Cong and North Viet­ PUBLIC AUCTION 7 at the church. Gradea 8 and 9 The Senior High Drama Work- crafted Items on display and (or (M tor In a decision they said Of Rehnquist the 1973 Miss Manchester Pag­ namese attacked the BY ORDm OP THB SUPniOR COURT will alao meet at 7 at the church slu^ of South united Methodist sale. Harris was expected to an­ and Grade 7 at the church pai^ eant by the Manchester Jay- LUCILLE Phnom Penh airport and a Church will meet tonight at. 7 cees. The meeting Is open to all In­ nounce later today. FOR TOLLAND COUNTY sonage. terested persons. Babysitting BESILE By JOHN CHADWICK radio transmitting station in the Jesse Lee House of the The pageant will be April 8, HerrU aald he will hold a Premlme; Khown aa l i t Qerald Drive, Vernon, Oonnecti- will be available. For further near the. Cambodian capi­ church. 1973 at Bailey Auditorium at news c la r e n c e at 3 p.m. BST, WASHINGTON (A P)— Labor leaders Joined today in out, and alao known and deaignated aa Lot No. 81 There will be services of Holy information contact the Man­ HAS RETURNED to 'dlecuss plans with regard tal early today, and . the on a map entitled, "Birobdale H ei^ta Vernon * Manchester Hljfh School. an attack mounted by civil rig^hts leaders agrainst Su­ Communion tomorrow at 10 Dupee Chrcle of South United chester YWCA office. to hia candidacy for the 1973 preme Court nominee William H. Rehnquist and Sen. Cambodian (x>mmand said nuagton, Conn. John MoKeown, Owner A Devel­ Applications for participants TO WORK ON at least 25 persons were oper leale l ” — 80' Sheet No. 8. I hereby c e r ^ a.m. and 6:80 p.m. at St. Methodist Church will meet to­ are now. being taken. All Inter­ D em ^ratlc nomination (or James O. Eastland said the Justice Department lawyer Mjary’s Episcopal Church. At night at 7:80 in the Susannah FRIDAY Pre^dent.’’ thia map la aubetanttally cinrect and aoning mgula- ested girls are asked to contact is “a badly persecuted man.” killed and about 30 wound­ tloHb are not violated Kverett O. Gardner R.L.S. the' evening service, there will Wealey House of the church. ed. Michael DlBella of 173 Union St. Saber Champion AND Jam ea Monroe, adminis­ The Mississippi Democrat, r -------- ^7- r ------—;;-------;--------- 4888 Rockville, Conn., June 8, 1968,” which map la be the Fall Ingathering of the or Ron Lewis of 804 Main St. trative assistant to Harris, de­ In Vietnam, a politician re­ on file in the Town Clerk'a Office in aald Town Of UMted Thank Offering of the Ruth Circle of Chmmunlty chairman of the Senate f*;' “ Va.. lawyer, for further information and en­ To Open Classes SATURDAY clined to say whether tho sena­ Judiciary Committee, said that ^ second vacancy on the Bu- ported under consideration for Vernon, reference to vdileh la hereby made for Elplsoopal Churchwmnen fol­ BdpUst Church will meet tomor­ the premiership was assassi­ furtlmr daaoiiption. try forms. tor would withdraw his can­ Rehnquist "will make an out- ,,,, lowed by a potluck In Neill Hall row at 3 p.m. at the home of Bud Marofiote, former Con­ didacy, but added “there will at nated In Saigon, five Americans laid premiaea ccnalat ot a alngle family 7 room of the church. Mrs. Cbarias Butler, 143 Walker standing Justice of the Suprme f'", “®*' died In a helicopter crash, a apUt-levol frame dwelling on a building lot with Martin and South schools will necticut saber champion, will least be w>me changes made.” Court” but declared he Is telng “ .f ,, demonstrated that St. hold open house this week, and booby trap killed two U.S. sol­ appradmately 117’ frontaige on Gerald Drive. give fencing lessons for begin­ Another Harris aide said “persecuted without cause by Sale: Saturday, November 18, 1971, at 1:00 P.M. on the prem- Manchester Emblem Club will the entire family Is invited to AND INVITES ALL HER FORMER FRIENDS diers near Hue, and U.S. planes “there la a poseiblllty he Is go­ those who are opposed to him.” ?{®*, *" ^® 18M . 0 ^ for Inapeotlon on day of sale at 11:80 A.M. sponsor a public auction Sat­ The American Legion will meet the teachers and see the ners and experienced fencers on AND CUSTOMERS TO STOP IN AND ing to pull out, and there is a „ . that he wants to change our made their 74th attack of the TJarma of urday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. meet tonight at 8:80 at the Post classrooms. South School-, opea 'Thursdays from 7 to. 10:30 p.m. poaelbUity he'll cut back staff." Eastland spoke out after An- ^ „ r m of government to year inside North Vietnam. •ale: Sale ia a u l ^ t to apmwval of the Superior Court. A at the Elks Home on Biaaell St. Home. house wilt be toniglit from 6:30 'id, the Unitarian Meetinghouse, SEE HER drew J. Blemtll^, legislative strengthen the executive The two attacks In C^ambodla depoeit of 18,000.00 In caah or certified check muat Proceeds will be used for com­ to 7:80, and Martin Schocd open 466 Main St.
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