SIX LEWISTON EVENING TELLER, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1904 Naniwa—Japanete cruiser, seventh class, ■USSt-M PM ES: WER DICTIONARY 3700 tous,|24 guns W. F. KETTENBACH. President . .. _ - RUSSIAS ACTING .GEORGE K. RESTER, C ., W Navarin—Russian battlesaip, third class, Alexieff, Admiral—Russian Viceroy in 10000 tons, 42 guns, 6 torpedoes. supreme command of Russian forces. WAD MINISTER Nakhimoff—Russian belted cruiser, fifth Bant Antung—Russian town at mouth of Yalu class, 800 tens, 52 guns, 4 torpedoes. The Lewiston National River. LEWISTON. IDAHO ^ Takes kouropatkin’s Place While A m llerst Is,ands_ Niitaka—Japanese battleship, third class, Corner of Main and Fourth Sts Corean group in Y’ellow 3420 tons, 20 guns. the Latter Goes to Sea. Nii Chwang—Russian port on Gulf of Pi j Akitsushima—Japanese battleship, third DIRECTORS th e F r o n t Chi Li near Port Arthur. class, 3150 tons, 20 guns, 4 torpedo tubes. C. C. Bunnell, J. Alexander, J. B. Morris, W. F Kettenha h ---------- / Ominato—Japanese torpedo base George H. Rester, Grace Pfafflin KettenbaciT ’ * 'C' (Special Telegram to Evening Teller.) Akashi—Japanese boat of sixth class, 2700 Orel—Russian battleship, first class, (see ST. PETERSBURG, March 4.—Gen­ tons, 24 guns, 4 torpedoes. Borodino) eral SnkharofT, who has been appoint­ Askold—Russian protected cruiser, fifth Osliabia—Russisu armed cruiser, second ‘ TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ed minister of war during the absence class, 6500 tons, 34 guns, 6 torpedoes. class 12,674 tons, 61 guns, 6 torpedoes.! of General Kouropatkln In the far east, Asahi—Japanese battleship, first class, Pallada—Russian second class cruiser, see ||iight Exchange aold on alt the principal cities of the United St has be "a for several years chief of 15,200 tons, 52 guns, 4 torpedoes. staff of the Russian army in Turkestan, Aurora. and Is a veteran of the Turkish and Asania—Japruese battleship, second class Pe Chili—Gulf west of Port Arthur open­ Turkestan campaigns. Both Tlexieff 9750 tons, 34 guns, 5 torpedoes. ing into Yellow sea. Kouropatkln ire old comrades of Sak- Aurora—Russian second class cruiser, 6630 Peresviet—Russian armored cruiser. (see haroff. who iR a member of the coun­ tons, 38 guns, 4 torpedoes. Osliabia.) cil of state of the empire, and Is sixty- Azuma—Japanese battleship, second class, ONLY A DOLLAR three years of age. Petropoblovsk—Russian battleship, secoud | 9436 tons, 40 guns, 5 torpedoes. class, (see Poltova. Commence now—if not familiar with O'Keefe vs. Clifford Bayan—Russian armored cruiser, 7800 tons, Pobieda—Russian armored cruiser, second ! our system drop in to our office and 37 guns, 2 torpodoes. we will be pleased to give you all In­ (Special Telegram to Evening Teller.) class, 61 guns, 6 torpedoes. formation you want. THE SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, March 4. Boroding—Name applied to general class Poltava—Secoud class Russian battleship, You can begin a savings account —Jack O'Keefe, of Chicago, and Jack of Russian first class battleships, 5 in 11,000 tons, 53 guns, 6 torpedoes- with a dollar here and get four per Clifford, the Salt Lake City lightweight j number, 13,566 tons, 4 twelve-inch guns, cent for your money, compounded IDAHO I Pomiat Azova— Russian cruiser, fifth class, quarterly. are slated for a fight tonight before a j 12 six-inch guns, 20 three-inch guns, 28 local athletic club. The articles call for , 6700 tons, 14 guns. It seems a little bit when you say it small guns, 4 torpedoes. and when you spend It But did you a twenty-round contest at 138 pounds. J Port. Arthur—Russian base of army and Boroding—One ot Borodino class. ever stop to think how much the things TRUST CO The two are regarded as evenly i navy supplies. that you buy, because they’re “only a matched and as a consequence the bout Chefu—Chinese port opposite Port Arthur. dollar” cost you In a year? SAFETY BOXES Quelpart Island-—Corean territory, south 0 FOR RENT Is expected to be one of the liveliest Chemulpo—Corean port on Yellow Sea, for I peninsula!. seen hereabouts in a long time. the capital, Seoul. ; Retvizan—Russian battleship, first class, Chin Yen—Japanese battleship, 7350 tons, 12.700 tons, 62 guns, 6 torpedoes. Part­ 18 guns, 3 torpedoes. ially destroyed by Japanese. SETTLED BY Chitose—Japanese battleship, third class, Rossiya— Russian belted cruiser, 12,500 4760 tons, 30 guns, 4 torpedoes. The Idaho National Bank tons 68 guusx 6 torpedoes. Lewiston, Idaho Chiyoda—Japanese cruiser, seventh class, Ruriak—Russian belted cruiser, 10,950 COLLEGE DEBATE 2450 tons, 27 guns, 3 torpedoes. tons, 48 guns, 6 torpedoes. Capital $50,000. Surplus $25,000 Czarevitch—Russian battleship, first class, Sago—Japauese base of supplies, on island W. P .’H urlbut, President G. W. T hompson, Vice President E. D. T homas, Cashier. Question of Anglo-American Alli­ 13.000 tons, 64 guns, 4 torpedoes. (Parti­ near Corea. ally destroyed by Japanese.) eollctlons a Specialty Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent ance Determined in Contest Saseyo—Japanese base of supplies near Dalny—First Russian station inland from Nagasaki. Transacts a general banking business. Is prepared to grant its eus tomets the most liberal accommodations consistent with sound bankins in O h io Port Arthur on railroad. Sai Yen—Japanese cruiser, 2320 tons, 11 Interest paid on deposits. * Dina—Russian second class eruiser. (See guns, 6 torpedoes. (Special Telegram to Evening Teller.) Aurora.) • Seoul—Capital town of Corea. WOOSTER. O., March 4.—Ohio Wes­ Dmitri Donskoi—Russian third class crui­ Sebastopol—Russian battleship, second leyan University, which for several ser, 5880 tons, 44 guns, 4 torpedoes. class. ( > e e Poltova.) years has held the debating champion­ Shikishima—Japanese battleship,first class, If not today or tomorrow, tnen ship of Ohio, will defend its honors Fu Chau—Russian town on railroad, near 14850 tons, 6? gun«, 5 torpedoes. some tim e in the future, and you here tonight in a forensic contest with Port Arteur. Shimonoseki—Eastern terminal of Japanese want to know the best way 10 go. the chosen debators of Wooster college. Fuji—Japanese battleship, 12,000 tons, 34 railroad from Tokio to Yellow sea. You Are The question chosen for debate Is em­ guns, 5 torpedoes. braced In the following proposition: Slava—Russian battleship, first class, (see Fusan—Corean coast town, on the Sea of Borodino ) Keep one fact before — the "Resolved, That In case it becomes nec­ Japan. essary for the preservation of the fn- Sissoi—Veliky, Russian battleship, third Burlington offers a greatar selec­ tegrlty of the Chinese empire, the Fuso—Old Japanese iron plant. No fight­ class, 9000 tons, 48 guns, 6 torpedoes. tion of routes to the east and United Statgs should favor an alliance ing value. Suma—-Japanese boat, fourth class, 2700 Going southeast than any other trans­ with Great Britain or other such pow­ Gromouoi—Russian armored cruiser, third tons, 24 guns, 2 torpedoes. continental line. er, for that purpose.” Wooster will class, 12,367 tons, 64 guns, 4 torpedoes. Sumatru Baron—Japanese envoy to Europe Support the affirmative and Ohio Wes- Hatsuse—Japanese battleship, first class, on special war mission. lA-on the negative side of the question. 15.000 tons, 52 guns, 4 torpedoes. Skydloff—Russian admiral, termed “fight­ You can go via Billings, Den­ ing Bob of Russian Navy. East ver or St Paul and the Burling­ Another Contest on Same Question Hashidate—Twin boat to Itsukushima. (See the same.) Talienwan Bay—Arm of Yellow sea on ton. route and be sure of good (Special Telegram to Evening Teller.) service and a satisfactory trip Heiyen—Japanese gunboat, old class, cap­ which Port Arthur is situated. DELAWARE. O.. March 4— Orators JTakeshiki-Japanese coaling station, strong­ whichever way you go. of Western Reserve am) Ohio Wesleyan tured from China in 1895. ly fortified. universities are to meet ln dehnte here Idzumi—Japanese cruiser, 3000 tons, 17 Takachiho—Twin boat to Naniwa. (see the this venlng and the contest promises to guns. Tell me what point you wish to reach be one of the most interesting events of same.) and I will tell you how to get there and the university year. Ohio Wesleyan Idzumo—Japanese battleship, 9800 tons, 42 Takasago—Japanese boat third class, 4300 w hat It will cost. has the affirmative side of the ques­ guns, 4 torpedoes. tons, 30 guns, 5 torpedoes. tion: "Resolved That In case It became Imperator—Alexander III, Russian battle­ Takahira, Rorgora—Japanese minister at HduIg necessary to preserve the Integrity of ship. (See Borodiuo.) 1 Washington. A. B. JA CK SO N, Agent the Chinese empire, the United States Itsvkushima—Japanese battleship, third Tangchau—Chinese port opposite Port Ar­ ST. LOUIS FAIR, 1904 should favor an alliance with Oreat das:-, 4277 tous, 34 guns, 4 torpedoes. Jamieson Building, Spokane. Wash Britain or any other power." thur. While the Ohio Wesleyan debaters Imate—Twin boat to Idzumo. Tokio—Japanese capital, inland, popula- are supporting the affirmative side of Kasagi—Twiu boat to Chitose. (See same.) 1,3OQ,0OO, / the question tn the debate here with Kiao v hau—German coaling station and Togo—Vice admiral in command of Japan- Western Reserve a second team of naval port near Port Arthur, on Chinese eese fleet at Port Arthur. Ohio Wesleyan will be defending the coast. negative side, of the same proposition Tokiwa—Twin boat to Asama (see the In the debate with Wooster college, Kaminura—Vice admiral with Japanese same) Fifty Years the Standard which takes place tonight at Woostqr. fleet at Port Arthur. Tsushima—Twin boat to Niitaka. (See the ! Kniaz—Potenkin Tavritchesky, Russian ; the same).
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