LAW AND ADMINISTRATION IN POST–SOVIET EUROPE Vol. I/2018: 35–51 DOI: 10.2478/lape-2018-0005 Wojciech Sławiński Kolegium Jagiellońskie Toruńska Szkoła Wyższa Objectives, tactics, and actions of communist authorities towards the Christian religious minorities between 1945 and 1956 Key words: The article aims at presenting the outline of the tactics legal and democratic order in its religious community, applied by the communist authorities towards religious hence various Temporary College of Authority, which, minorities. Its ultimate aim was, regardless of whether e.g. in case of Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church we consider it to be a real plan or not, the liquidation of (Polish Orthodox Church) had not been provided for the institutional form of religions (Churches), and later in the act. Also accusations (mostly fake ones) towards on the religion per se. The below presented theses ought clergymen of various denominations, as well as laymen to be regarded as an invitation to the discussion and detained during the proceedings against Churches, completion of suggested conclusions, or revision, or the concerned mainly espionage, currency trade or the col- criticism proving their inadequacy. laboration with the Germans during the occupation period1. The –classified, yet „legal” in accordance with the Theses for discussion communist law and acts, and the classified and illegal, against even the law of the People`s Republic of Poland, Getting to the core of our pondering, we ought to note nowadays defined as „communist crime” according to that the realization of the denominational policy in a communist state had always been conducted on two planes: –open, legal one, since there were always the 1 It was only the decree from 5th July1949 on the protection attempts to preserve at least the appearances of the rule of the freedom of conscience and religion, Dz. U. 1949.45.344, of law in all the official actions the communist authori- that introduced legal sanctions for „the excessive use of the free- ties had undertaken towards the Churches. In the worst dom of religion to achieve the aims hostile towards the system in the Polish People`s Republic” with the punishment for even cases, the actions were legitimized in propaganda by preparations „to commit the crime”. It might have been writing referring to the support of democratic majority within but not giving of a sermon that was not law-abiding”. And the a particular Church, which demanded the restitution of punishment was sever, even up to 5 years in prison. 36 Law and Administration in Post-Soviet Europe the regulations of the Act on the Institute of the Na- ties, however, were mainly interested in the informa- tional Memory2. tion necessary for the everyday work, i.e. the register The tactics as well as activities of the communist au- of organizational units of Churches, their authorities, thorities could be summarized in several points, how- acts regulating their position (their complexity would ever one ought to remember that on no account could be clarified to low level officials in the first after-war they be ordered chronologically. Various elements of period in special circulars) internal statutes, registers of the tactics had been applied simultaneously towards real property also for tax purposes, cemeteries, histori- different individuals, organizational units of Churches. cal buildings, or the ones owned by the state but used In one place, for instance, the property of a parish was by Churches ( for fiscal reasons, to claim the rent). confiscated (the state took over the Lutheran church Part of the information was conveyed, as it was in of St Trinity in Warsaw), whereas in the other it had case of characteristics, to the security apparatus, which been returned (Protestants of Augsburg Confession re- was collecting also the basic data. While reading the gained their pre-war church building in Lipno, which files from the first post-war period one may notice that after 1945 was used by the Catholics), the Orthodox the officials of the Security Office were rather inapt Church received both material and organizational sup- whole describing minority Churches, and were not ful- port (with a view to acquiring Greek Byzantine Catho- ly familiar with the details, at times referring to terms lics) in areas of the Recovered Territories, while at the used by Catholics4. Afterwards, however, their knowl- same time the property of this Church was confiscated edge developed, also the one concerning the genesis in the deserted due to relocation parishes in the eastern and reasons for the origins of some Churches. There regions of Poland. also appear agents` reports in the form of a concise his- tory of a particular denomination and its apologia with some polemical or even accusative accents towards the The recognition of „the opponent” Catholic Church5. It is not easy to answer the question whether the knowledge was acquired by public officials Through the data collected by the state administration themselves or during some training. In the Ministry responsible for denomination issues, i.e. at the central of Internal Affairs library run by the „C” Bureau, the level by the Denomination Department of the Ministry studies were collected concerning particular Church- of Public Administration and afterwards by the Office es, including the ones dating back to previous years. for Religious Affairs. The oldest position prepared for the state services came Through strong and directed invigilation with all from 19476. Obviously, the information on the organi- the methods applied by the security apparatus: first of all by informers, but also eavesdropping techniques, the 4 The Archive of the Institute National Remembrance, review of correspondence (perlustracja), etc. Delegation in Bydgoszcz, [furtherj: IPN BY], sygn. 069/116, k.k, 3, 6–7, 9–20; IPN BY 069/1160, k. 1. The data on Churches and Communities was col- For several years according to the guidelines of Centralna lected by the state administration officially responsible Komisja Metodyczna (the organ recommending methods of for denomination issues, independently, during their managing the national archives) at Naczelna Dyrekcja Archi- everyday work, for the sake of the office as well as -or wów Państwowych (the Headquarters of Polish Archives) the method of standarizing the pagination of particular archival dered by upper level administration. There used to be materials stored in the Institute of National Remembrance. also orders from the security apparatus.This was the Once, e.g. photos in an envelope marked with subsequent num- case of collecting characteristics of all national Catholic ber did not bear numbers themselves, these days they frequently and Lutheran clergymen3. The administration authori- bear subsequent numbers like the pages of a stapled file. It re- sults in the situation that the entries made by the author still in 2007 are slightly misleading when it comes to pagination. Since 2 Art. 2.1 of the act from 18th December 1998 on the the author of the text has not managed to introduce all the cor- Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) – The Commis- rections, he is forced to inform the Honorable Readers that the sion of Pursuing Crimes against the Polish Nation, Dz. U. page numbers might be shifted 1 to 3 numbers forward. 1998.155.1016 with amendments. 5 „Evangelical Church is a small group loyal towards our 3 The Archive of Contemporary Acts [AAN], Office of statehood, which cannot be stated about the Roman Catholic the Denomination Affairs [further: UdSW], sygn. 5b/6. See. Church ”, IPN BY 069/1235, k. 179. R. Michalak, The Protestant Churches and the State and Party 6 Bureau „C” was responsible, most of all, for operational Authorities in Poland (1945–1956), Warszawa 2002, [further: register and the archive. In the library there are amongst the R. Michalak, Protestant Churches], p. 220. other the following studies: Religious sects and non-Catholic Wojciech Sławiński: Objectives, tactics, and actions of communist authorities... 37 zational structure of the Church as well as the manner 2. The number of cases run by the Ministry of Public of taking decisions, i.e. who, which group and to what Security at the target extent were responsible, were of significance. 3. The number of registered cases At the level of district and county Security Office 4. The number of arrested in the target the information was obviously much more detailed. 5. The short review of situation in the target with par- The description of a parish was a basic document. The ticular focus on „personal changes of individuals in seat, territorial range, count, social structure, (whether charge” and conflicts within parishes, organization intelligentsia was prevailing or individuals of working of meetings, conferences, or any activity requir- class background), who the parson of the parish was. ing involvement and group work. Monitoring the Beside these descriptions of clergymen passed from the sermons of a clergyman and their possible politi- field to Warsaw, there was also collected the description cal influence, as well as distributing any publishing of so called parish activists, members of parish boards, amongst believers including the ones that were not records of all societies acting at churches, along with entirely legal, was of importance. individuals in charge, at times including the full list of 6. The list of registered cases „concerning believers” members, even though it might just be a parish choir. 7. The influence of security organs on the situation of With the passing of time, along with the development the „the target and its activities”9. of agency there appeared the records of all members of a There were also collected all possible materials that parish. Apart from a name, surname, address, and date could be taken advantage of while blackmailing, use- of birth, one could find there a short opinion of the fol- ful at recruiting secret collaborators, or diversely, the lowing types: „loyal”, „critical towards current reality”, ones that could be the evidence that a loyal informer „secretive”, „not active”, „ex rich peasant „, ”has a fam- could be gained due to the recognition of his, „patri- ily abroad”.
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