32434 Domesday Book Place-Name Forms Darby-Versey Order

32434 Domesday Book Place-Name Forms Darby-Versey Order

32434 Domesday Book place-name forms Darby-Versey order Typeset by Keith Briggs with pdfLATEX http://keithbriggs.info Last modified 2014-02-09 09:37 1 Bedfordshire Chicksands Chichesana 210b 218 Chichesane 210b 218 Ampthill Ammetelle 214 Clapham Clopeham 212 Arlesey Alricesei 210b 212 214b 218 Alriceseia Clifton Cliftone 210b 217b Clistone 212b 210b 212 214b 218 Alriceseie 210b 212 214b 218 Clophill Clopelle 214 Toangedone 214b Cockayne Hatley Hatelai 217b 218 Aspley Guise Aspeleia 213 Colmworth Colmeborde 211b 213 213b Colme- Astwick Estwiche 213b 215b worde 211b 213 213b Culmeworde 211b 213 213b Barton-le-Clay Bertone 210b Cople Chochepol 213v 214 214 217b Cochepol Battlesden Badelesdone 211 216 218 Badelestone 213v 214 214 217b 211 216 218 Cotton End Wescota 214 218b Wescote 214 218b Bedford Bedeford 209 210b Cranfield Cranfelle 210b Beeston Bistone 212b 215 216b 218 218b Cudessane Cudessane 211b 214 Biddenham Bideham 210 210b 211 213b 214b 218 Dunton Daintone 216 Bidenham 210 210b 211 213b 214b 218 Easton, Huntingdonshire Estone 210 211b 213 216 Biggleswade Bicheleswade 217 Picheleswade 217 216b Eaton Bray Eitone 209b Biscot Bissopescote 209b Eaton Socon Etone 212 Bleadon, Somerset Bledone 210 Edlesborough, Buckinghamshire Edingeberge 215 Bletsoe Blacheshou 213r 213b 217 Blecheshou 213r Edworth Edeworde 212 218b 213b 217 Elstow Elnestou 217 Blunham Bluneham 210b 212b Blunham 210b Elvedon in Pertenhall Elvendone 216b 212b Eversholt Evreshot 209b 213 218b Evresot 209b Bolnhurst Bolehestre 209b 210 211 217 Bulehestre 213 218b 209b 210 211 217 Everton Eurecone 217b Bromham Brimeham 211 213b 217 218b Brune- Eyeworth Aieworde 215 218 Aisseworde 215 218 ham 211 213b 217 218b Farndish Fernadis 216 216b Caddington Cadendone 211 Felmersham Falmeresham 216b 217 Flammere- Cainhoe Cainou 214 218 Chainehou 214 218 sham 216b 217 Campton Chambeltone 211b 212 216b Flitton Flictha 215 Cardington Chernecone 217b Chernetone 212b Flitwick Flictewiche 216 Carlton Carlentone 209b 214b 216b 218b Goldington Coldentone 210 212b 213b 218b Gold- Chalgrave Celgrave 212 216b entone 210 212b 213b 218b Chalton Cerlentone 217b Great Barford Bereforde 213b Channel’s End Chainhalle 212b Hanefelde Hanefeld 211b 218b Hanefelde 211b Chawston Calnestorne 212 213b 215 Chauelestorne 218b 212 213b 215 Harlington Herlingdone 214 1 Harrold Harewelle 217 Maulden Meldone 211b 213 214 217 218b Harrowden Hergentone 211 214b 217b Herghetone Melchbourne Melceburne 209b 211 214b 217b Meppershall Malpertesselle 216b Haynes Hagenes 213 Millbrook Melebroc 214 Henlow Haneslau 214b 215b 218 Haneslawe 214b Millow Melehou 210b 211b 212 215b 218 Hanslau 214b 215b 218 Hanslaue 214b Milton Bryan Middeltone 209b 213 Mildentone 215b 218 209b 213 Higham Gobion Echam 213 Milton Ernest Middeltone 212 213 214b 215b 218 Hinwick Hanewic 210 214b 216 216b 218 218b Mildentone 212 213 214b 215b 218 218b Hanewich 210 214b 216 216b 218 Henewic 210 Nares Gladley Gledelai 217 214b 216 216b 218 Henewich 210 214b 216 216b Newton Bromswold, Northamptonshire Newen- 218 tone 210 Hockliffe Hocheleia 218 Northill Nortgible 212b 214 215 Nortgive 212b Holme Holma 212 213b 214b 215b 217 217b 218b 214 215 Nortgivele 212b 214 215 Holme 212 213b 214b 215b 217 217b 218b Oakley Achelei 215 217 Acheleia 215 217 Holwell Hertfordshire Holewella 210b 211 Odell Wadehelle 211 215b Wadelle 211 215b Holewelle 210b 211 Old Warden Wardone 215 217 218 Houghton Conquest 213 217 217b Houstone Ous- Pavenham Pabeneham 211 215 216b tone 213 217 217b Pegsdon Pechesdone 210b Houghton Regis Houstone 209b Peterborough Burg 210b Hulcote Holecote 214b Podington Podintone 215b 216 Husborne Crawley Crauelai 214 216 Crawelai 214 Potsgrove Potesgrava 216 217 218b Potesgrave 216 216 217 218b Kempston Cameston 217 217b Camestone 217 Potton Potone 217b 217b Priestley 214 218b Keysoe Caisot 212b 216b Caissot 212b 216b Prestelai Chaisot 212b 216b Pulloxhill Polochessele 214 Kimbolton, Huntingdonshire Chenebaltone 211b Putnoe Putenehou 212b Kinwick in Sandy Chenemondewiche 210b Radwell Radennelle 214b 217 Knotting Chenotinga 209b Riseley Riselai 210 212b 213 216b Langford Langeford 215b Roxton Rochesdone 213b 215 Rochestone 213b 215 Leighton Buzzard Lestone 209 210b Rushden, Northamptonshire Risedene 210 212b Lidlington Litincletone 211 Salford Salsford 213 Little Barford Bereforde 210b 216b Salph End Salchou 213 Lower Dean Dena 209b 210 211b 218b Dene 209b Sandy Sandeia 212 210 211b 218b Segenhoe Segenehou 216 Lower Gravenhurst Cravenhest 213 Sewell Sewelle 209b Lower Shelton Eseltone 214 216b 217b Esseltone Sharnbrook Scernebroc 210 211 213b 216 216b 214 216b 217b 217r 217b 218 Sernebroc 210 211 213b 216 216b Lower Stondon Standone 210b 218 217r 217b 218 Serneburg 210 211 213b 216 216b Lower Sundon Sonedone 211b 217r 217b 218 Luton Lintone 209 209b 218b Loitone 209 209b Shelton near Swineshead Eseltone 210 218b Shillington Sethlindone 210b Marston Moretaine Merestone 211b 214 Merstone Shirdon, Sandy Segresdone 216 211b 214 Silsoe Sewilessou 214 216 Siwilessou 214 216 2 Southill Sudgible 212 212b 215 215b 216 217b Wyboston Wiboldestone 210b 212 213b 214b 216 Sudgivele 212 212b 215 215b 216 217b 218 Wiboldestune 210b 212 213b 214b 216 218 St Edmundsbury St Edmundi 210b Wymington Wimentone 214b 215b 218b Stagsden Stachedene 209b 211 212b 217 Yelden Giveldene 210 Stanford Stanford 218 218b Stanforde 213b Stanwick, Northamptonshire Stanewiga 210b Steppingley Stepigelai 214b 2 Berkshire Stevington Stiventone 211 Abingdon Bertune 58b 59 Stotfold Stodfald 213 218 Stotfalt 213 218 Aldermaston Aeldremanestone 56b 58 Eldremanes- Stratton Bluneham 217b Blunham 217b Sqatone tune 56b 58 Heldremanestone 56b 58 211b 215b 217 Aldworth Elleorde 63 Streatley Stradlei 212 213 214b 218b Stradli 212 Appleford Apleford 59 213 214b 218b Straillei 212 213 214b 218b Appleton Apletone 63b Apletune 61b Studham Estodham 215 Ardington Ardintone 62 Sudbury, Eaton Socon Subberie 216 Ashbury Eissesberie 59b Sutton Sudcone 217b 218b Suttone 212 Ashden in Compton Assedone 60 Tempsford Tamiseforde 210 212 216 218b Aston Tirrold Estone 56b 60 Thurleigh Lalega 212 213b 215 215b Aston Upthorpe Estone 63 Tilbrook, Huntingdonshire Tilebroc 211b Avington Avintone 62b Tilsworth Pileworde 212b Bagnor Bagenore 63 Tingrith Tingrei 214 Bagshot, Wiltshire Bechesgete 60b Toddington Dodingtone 212 Barcote Lierecote 63b Totternhoe Totenehou 215b 216 Barkham Bercheha 57 Turstin Turstini 216b Bayworth Baiorde 58b Beckett Becote 60 Turvey Tornai 209b 210 211 213b 214b 215 215b Beedon Bedene 58b 218b Tornei 209b 210 211 213b 214b 215 215b Benham 58b 63 63b 58b 63 63b 218b Torneia 209b 210 211 213b 214b 215 215b Beneham Benham 58b 63 63b 218b Torvei 209b 210 211 213b 214b 215 215b Benneham Bessels Leigh 58b 218b Torveie 209b 210 211 213b 214b 215 215b Leie 218b Betterton Bedretone 57 61b Bisham Bistesham 60b Upper Dean Dena 209b 210 211b 218b Dene 209b Blewbury Blidberiam 56b 60 Blitberie 56b 60 210 211b 218b Bockhampton Bochentone 62b 63b Upper Gravenhurst Cravenhest 213 Boxford Bochesorne 58b 63 Bovsore 58b 63 Upper Shelton Eseltone 214 216b 217b Esseltone Bradfield Bradefelt 60b 214 216b 217b Bray Braio 57 63b Bras 57 63b Upper Stondon Standone 210b 218 Brightwalton Bristoldestone 59b Upper Sundon Sonedone 211b Brightwell-cum-Sotwell Bricstewelle 59b Bristow- Ware, Hertfordshire Wares 212b 213 213b 214 elle 59b Sotwelle 59b Warres 212b 213 213b 214 Brimpton Brintone 62 62b Wilden Wildene 209b Buckland Bochelande 59b Willington Welitone 213 Welrone 214 Bucklebury Borchedeberie 57 60 61b 63 Borchelde- Wilstead Winessamestede 217 berie 57 60 61b 63 Borgedeberie 57 60 61b 63 Woburn Woberne 211 218b Woburne 211 218b Borgeldeberie 57 60 61b 63 Wootton Otone 216b Burghfield Borgefel 60b 62b Borgefelle 60b 62b 3 Burlei Burlei 60b 63b Eaton Eatone 61b Buscot Bordardescote 60 Eaton Hastings Etone 61 Calcot in Hungerford Colecote 60 Eddington Eddevetone 57b Carswell Chersvelle 63b Enborne Aneborne 61 61b 62b Taneburne 61 61b Catmore Catmere 60 62b Caversham Caveresham 56b Englefield Englefel 60b Inglefelle 60b Chaddleworth Cedeledorde 59b 62 Cedeneord 59b Ewelme, Oxfordshire Awilma 56b Awilme 56b 62 Faringdon Ferendone 57b Charlton Cerletone 57 60b 61 62b Farnborough Fermeberge 59 Charney Bassett Cernei 59b Fawler Spersold 59 Chieveley Civelei 58b Fawley Farellei 60 Childrey Celrea 61 62b 63 Finchampstead Finchamestede 57 Chilton Cheltone 59 Ciltone 61b Frilford Frieliford 58b Cholsey Celsei 56b 62b Frilsham Frilesham 60 Clapcot, Wallingford Clopecote 61b Fulscot Follescote 62b Clewer Clivore 62b Fyfield Fivehide 60b Coleshill Coleselle 59b 63 Coleshalle 61 Gainfield Gamesfel 63b Compton Contone 57b 58b Garford Wareford 59 Compton Beauchamp Contone 61 Goosey Gosei 59 Cookham Cocheham 56b Gratentun 61b Crookham Crocheham 63b Great Coxwell Cocheswelle 57b Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire Crem 56b Great Shefford Siford 62 62b Cumnor Comenore 58b Greenham Greneha 60b Curridge Coserige 59b 62b 63b Hampstead Norreys Hanstede 63 Dedworth Dideorde 63 Hamstead Marshall Hamestede 63 Denchworth Denchesworde 60b 62 Hartley Hurlei 62b Denford Daneford 61 Hartridge Hurterige 60b Donnington Deritone 61 Harwell Harowelle 62b Dorchester, Oxfordshire Dorkecestre 56b Hatford Hevaford 62 Draycott Moor Draicote 59 Hinton Waldrist Hentone 63b Drayton Draitone 60 61b Hodcott Hodicote 61 62b Duxford Dudochesforde 63b Hurley Herlei 62 Earley Erlei 57 58 62 Herlei 57 58 62 Inglewood Ingheflot 62 63b Ingleflot 62 63b Ingle- East Eling Elinge 62b fol 62 63b East Garston Lamborne 62 Inkpen Hingepene 61 63b Ingepene 61 63b East Ginge

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