I NTERNATIONAL J OURNAL OF H IGH -E NERGY P HYSICS CERNCOURIER WELCOME V OLUME 5 8 N UMBER 7 S EPTEMBER 2 0 1 8 CERN Courier – digital edition Welcome to the digital edition of the September 2018 issue of CERN Courier. When is the LHC’s birthday? Ten years ago, on 10 September 2008, two yellow dots on a screen signalled LARGE HADRON COLLIDER the first time that protons had circulated CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC), marking the end of 25 years of design and construction. This issue of the Courier reflects on the media extravaganza that surrounded “first-beam 10 years and counting day”, and looks ahead as the machine and its experiments prepare for a luminosity upgrade (HL-LHC). The experience gained in organising, building and operating the LHC has been crucial for this upgrade and plans for future colliders, while a recent analysis reveals significant broader societal impact from the HL-LHC. But the LHC has more than one anniversary. Its first ever proton collisions were recorded on 20 November 2009, following the successful repair and consolidation of the machine after an electrical fault forced a pause in commissioning, and on 30 November 2009 the LHC eclipsed the Tevatron to become the world’s most powerful collider, reaching an energy of 1.18 TeV per beam. The LHC physics programme began in earnest on 30 March 2010 with collisions at 3.5 TeV per beam and, for many physicists working on the ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb experiments, this was when the LHC fully came to life. That makes spring 2020 another golden opportunity to take stock of the LHC’s immense contributions. To sign up to the new-issue alert, please visit: cerncourier.com/cws/sign-up. To subscribe to the magazine, the e-mail new-issue alert, please visit: cerncourier.com/cws/how-to-subscribe. WISP search gains momentum Elephants in the gamma-ray sky EDITOR: MATTHEW CHALMERS, CERN IceCube tracks cosmic neutrino source DIGITAL EDITION CREATED BY DESIGN STUDIO/IOP PUBLISHING, UK CCSep18_Cover_v4.indd 1 20/08/2018 16:11 CERNCOURIER www. V OLUME 5 8 N UMBER 7 S EPTEMBER 2 0 1 8 CERN Courier September 2018 Contents It’s Time for a Covering current developments in high-energy physics and related fields worldwide CERN Courier is distributed to member-state governments, institutes and laboratories affiliated with CERN, and to their personnel. It is published monthly, New Generation except for January and August. The views expressed are not necessarily those of CERNCOURIER the CERN management. Editor Matthew Chalmers V OLUME 5 8 N UMBER 7 S EPTEMBER 2 0 1 8 Associate editor Ana Lopes Books editor Virginia Greco of Power Solutions! CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland E-mail [email protected] 5 V IEWPOINT Fax +41 (0) 22 76 69070 Web cerncourier.com 7 N EWS Advisory board Peter Jenni, Christine Sutton, Claude Amsler, FOR RESISTIVE AND Philippe Bloch, Roger Forty, Mike Lamont, Matthew Mccullough • IceCube neutrino points to origin of cosmic rays • Closing in SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETS Laboratory correspondents: on the muon’s magnetic moment Dates fixed for strategy Argonne National Laboratory (US) Tom LeCompte • Brookhaven National Laboratory (US) Achim Franz update • First human 3D X-ray in colour • Italy and US join forces Cornell University (US) D G Cassel on sterile neutrinos Boosting high-performance computing in DESY Laboratory (Germany) Till Mundzeck • EMFCSC (Italy) Anna Cavallini Nepal ATLAS observes Higgs-boson decay to b quarks Enrico Fermi Centre (Italy) Guido Piragino • Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (US) Katie Yurkewicz CMS looks into the dark LHCb tests consistency of unitarity Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany) Markus Buescher • • GSI Darmstadt (Germany) I Peter triangle Probing quark–gluon plasma with charmed mesons IHEP, Beijing (China) Lijun Guo • IHEP, Serpukhov (Russia) Yu Ryabov INFN (Italy) Antonella Varaschin 21 S CIENCEWATCH CT-BOX Jefferson Laboratory (US) Kandice Carter JINR Dubna (Russia) B Starchenko All-In-One Current Measurement and Calibration System KEK National Laboratory (Japan) Hajime Hikino 23 A STROWATCH Up to ±1.000 A, 1 ppm/K TC, 100 ksps Data-Logger and Oscilloscope Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (US) Spencer Klein Los Alamos National Laboratory (US) Rajan Gupta CT-Viewer software included with Ethernet, Serial and USB NCSL (US) Ken Kingery F EATURES Nikhef (Netherlands) Robert Fleischer Novosibirsk Institute (Russia) S Eidelman 25 Search for WISPs gains momentum Orsay Laboratory (France) Anne-Marie Lutz PSI Laboratory (Switzerland) P-R Kettle Interest is growing in experiments that probe EASY-DRIVER Saclay Laboratory (France) Elisabeth Locci Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK) Jane Binks non-WIMP dark-matter candidates like axions. ±5 A and ±10 A / ±20 V Bipolar Power Supply Series SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US) Melinda Baker Full-Bipolar operation, Digital Control Loop, Ethernet Connectivity TRIUMF Laboratory (Canada) Marcello Pavan 35 Procurement at the forefront of technology Device supported by Visual Easy-Driver software Produced for CERN by IOP Publishing Ltd IOP Publishing Ltd, Temple Circus, Temple Way, The LHC would not exist without good organisation, innovative Bristol BS1 6HG, UK procurement and careful oversight. Tel +44 (0)117 929 7481 FAST-PS-M Publisher Susan Curtis 44 The day the world switched on to particle physics Digital Monopolar Power Supplies - up to 100 A Production editor Ruth Leopold Technical illustrator Alison Tovey The birth of the LHC 10 years ago this month offers a crash course High-Precision Monopolar Power Converters with Gigabit Ethernet Group advertising manager Chris Thomas Advertisement production Katie Graham in the communication of big-science projects. Embedded Linux OS, device supported by Visual PS software Marketing & Circulation Laura Gillham Head of B2B & Marketing Jo Allen 51 LHC upgrade brings benefits beyond physics Art director Andrew Giaquinto The high-luminosity LHC promises a quantifiable return to society FAST-PS Advertising in terms of scientific, economic and cultural value. Digital Bipolar Power Supplies - up to ±30 A and ±80 V Tel +44 (0)117 930 1026 (for UK/Europe display advertising) or +44 (0)117 930 1164 (for recruitment advertising); Full-Bipolar, Digital Control Loop, High-Bandwidth, 10/100/1000 Ethernet E-mail [email protected]; fax +44 (0)117 930 1178 59 Elephants in the gamma-ray sky Embedded Linux OS, device supported by Visual PS software General distribution Courrier Adressage, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Large-scale features in the gamma-ray sky continue to puzzle E-mail [email protected] In certain countries, to request copies or to make address changes, contact: researchers, calling for multi-wavelength observations. China Ya'ou Jiang, Institute of High Energy Physics, FAST-PS-1K5 PO Box 918, Beijing 100049, People’s Republic of China 67 ACES LACES E-mail [email protected] F & P Digital Bipolar Power Supplies - up to ±100 A and ±100 V Germany Antje Brandes, DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany E-mail [email protected] 1.500 W, Paralleling via SFP/SFP+, 1 ppm/K TC, 10/100/1000 Ethernet UK Sian Giles, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Polaris House, 77 B OOKSHELF Embedded Linux OS, device supported by Visual PS software North Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1SZ E-mail [email protected] US/Canada Published by Cern Courier, 6N246 Willow Drive, 80 R ECRUITMENT St Charles, IL 60175, US. Periodical postage paid in St Charles, IL, US Fax 630 377 1569. E-mail [email protected] NGPS POSTMASTER: send address changes to Creative Mailing Services, PO Box 1147, 86 A RCHIVE St Charles, IL 60174, US High-Stability 10-kW Power Supply - 200 A / 50 V I NTERNATIONAL J OURNAL OF H IGH -E NERGY P HYSICS Published by European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, CERNCOURIER Digital Control Loop, Paralleling via SFP/SFP+, 10/100/1000 Ethernet 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland V OLUME 5 8 N UMBER 7 S EPTEMBER 2 0 1 8 Embedded Linux OS, device supported by Visual PS software Tel +41 (0) 22 767 61 11. Telefax +41 (0) 22 767 65 55 LARGE HADRON COLLIDER Printed by Warners (Midlands) plc, Bourne, Lincolnshire, UK 10 years and counting © 2018 CERN ISSN 0304-288X On the cover: Image of a LHC beam screen recorded on 10 September 2008, WISP search gains momentum showing two spots corresponding to the successful circulation of protons once Elephants in the gamma-ray sky IceCube tracks cosmic neutrino source around the machine. p44 (Image credit: CERN.) www.caenels.com 3 Mars CAENels_OK.indd 1 26/02/18 11:55 CCSep18_Conts_v5.indd 3 21/08/2018 11:12 CERNCOURIER www. V OLUME 5 8 N UMBER 7 S EPTEMBER 2 0 1 8 CERN Courier September 2018 Viewpoint Lessons from the accelerator frontier The switch-on and operation of the LHC bring vital experience to its upgrade and future colliders. From a technical point of view, the LHC was a turning point in collider design, demanding a vast quantity of superconducting magnets with unprecedented field strengths. The past 10 years has also taught us that the machine is very well designed CERN-AC-0812002-05 indeed (thanks Lyn!). The LHC works so well, in fact, that it’s easy for operators to forget that it is a superconducting machine. I realised immediately when those first protons made their way around the ring that the LHC is, as we say in Italian, “bionic”: it can do things beyond our expectations. But we also learned, nine days later, when the breakdown of an electrical interconnect led to Innovative Detectors for High Energy Physics significant damage to one section of the machine, that the LHC is very fragile. This we will never forget: we have to be careful and we have to be Hamamatsu Photonics is proud of its long history of collaboration with many of the world’s leading humble, as a machine of this scale and complexity research laboratories – supplying award winning, high quality detectors which have contributed The transport of a 15 m-long, By Lucio Rossi can stop working at any moment.
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