V •I •*•• .• Beoond OIIM Postage Paid Vol. LXXVn, No. 42 3 Sections, 22 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1970 Cranford, New Jersey 1)7016 15 CENTS 8tP Michael's Convent Building LeafCotketiont QQP Retains Qontrol of Committee To Be a Mental Health Center As Meyer Wins in Reelection Bid; » The newly-opened Mount Carmel Guild Mental Health Center, which has been Six public works department crews operating in the guild's building at 2J4 Wal- working since Monday of last week on leaf collections will have completed one sweep of . vnut Ave., is scheduled to move in the near UnitedFundBrive future to expanded quarters in the convent the whole town by tonight (weather permit- Seymour Named to Freeholder Board ting), it was reported by Township Engineer building of St. Michael's Church at 108 Alden Patrick J. Grail, yesterday. St. ' (The local election tabulation will be Attains 40 Percent Mr. Grail said the men have been ham- i found on page 8 of this section) Rt. Rev. Msgr. John F. Davis, pastor of pered somewhat by rainy weather during St Michael's reported that decision was made the past two weeks and the work also was Republicans will retain control i- i Of $98,000 Goal to turn the convent building over to the guild interrupted on Tuesday by the Election Day of Towriship-Committee next year t The Cranford United Fund has nowas of November 1. holiday. - by a 3 to 2 margin as a result of reached -$39,268 or 40 percent of its goal of "The financial .arrangement has to be He said a second sweep will follow im- •fifty's - rtpnpral F.l^Hnn in delayed at the present time due to negotia- jnediately with expectation of covering the, $98,000, Robert W. McArthur, general chair- "Whole town again in a period of two weeks. which Public Safety Commissioner man for this year's drive, announced at the tions with the State and Federal Government This will be followed by a third sweep to William H. Meyer was reelected to second of a series of official audits. on the part of the guild," he said. conclude fhe leaf collection project for this a second three-year term by an Again leading the divisions was "Special He also reported that negotiations are year. > 827-vote plurality in a bitter three- Gifts," headed by James Kae, with 70 percent, in progress with the township zoning board There are 30 men in the six crews on the of its goal of $22,600. *> for the transfer of the variance granted for job, including four extras hired for the way race. particular project • . "I am very optimistic that this division the Mount Carmel Guild building on Walnut The votes for the local candi- will exceed the goal," Mr. Rae commented. Residents have been requested to place dates follow: , "Looking at the returns to date, many have Ave., which is for sale. - ; leaves in bags or rake them into the gutter increased gifts over last year. At a time The six * Benedictine Sisters who have' in windrow fashion instead of stacking them William KL^eyer (R) 145 when our agencies need the assistance more been living in the convent building will in large piles, to help facilitate rerifaval and Edmond W Kiamie (Vy<. 3,318 than ever, I am encouraged that our residents move to the Mother House in Elizabeth avoid hazards to playing children.* Peter J. Moran LB) 3,089 , are so concerned about the community of Commissioner Meyer carried 11 Cranford." - and commute here each day. The church has It was pointed out that rocks, sticks or purchased two cars to transport them. other foreign materials placed in the gutter of the townsnip's 20 districts, piling The commercial division was second, can cause damage to equipment*, and the with 48 palrcent of its goal of $8*500. Pleased The Mount Carmel Guild Mental Health crews have been instructed to by-pass piles up large pluralities in the third, with the returns of his division, Charles »Center in its new quarters will. serve the of leaves containing such debris. fourth, ..seventh, sixteenth, eigh- Lynch, manager of the Cranford branch of disadvantaged and handicapped of Union teenth and twentieth districts. County, providing diagnostic evaluation and Mr. Grail also reported that the town- City Federal Savings and Loan Association, ship's- road resurfacing program has been Mr. Kiamie ran first in seven said. treatment for children' with hearing prob- held up because the contractor is working WILLIAM H. MEYER HAROLD J. SEYMOUR, JR. "1 am particularly delighted to see our lems, for blind and retarded children and on a county project. He pointed out that districts. He received sizable mar- business community willing to be concerned children with emotional problems. Counsel- the work is to be done under a contract gins in the tenth, eleventh and and to share in this total community effort. ing of parents also will be part of the awarded by the State Highway Department thirteenth districts. Mr. Moran led It is an indication of the awareness of not program. which merely requires completion of the job only the business person but of all residents It was reported at a recent meeting of within a specified time "after start of the only in the second and fifteenth to serve each other." •the center's community advisory board that project," whereas contracts awarded by the districts, but most observers agreed Albert M. Gessler, president of the fund, .the center has opened an out-patient clinic township call for competion within 30 days that the three-way contest did more and in the near future will provide a day Democrats Take Four Seats noted that $2,000 of the $11,000 pledged dur- "after awarding of the contract." damage to the chances of-the Demo ing the residential telethon has been received treatment program. Dr,, Michael Permison was named medical director, and Rev." Sal- The resurfacing work should take only and was included in the figures released this 10 or 12 working days, the engineer said, crat and Independent candidates week. Mr. Gessler also expressed pleasure vatore Citarella. was appointed administra- than to Commissioner Meyer*" tor oi the center. and hi added that "we are confident it will Board at the increased number • of "fair share" be completed before the weather gets too The election had been preceded gifts. He explained that a "fair share" ia^tfie Attending the meeting were 35 board Crawford Tax CoWector members representing the communities of cold." * by three confrontations of the local dollar or more, for each of the 19 member --'mottr, Jr.^^ras- elected to the Union County agencies. Cranford, Clark, Railway, Linden, Roselle candidates at debates as well as Returns were reported by other divisions and Westfield. Board of Chosen ^Freeholders on Tuesday as 9 town-wide distribution of literature as follows: Industrial , $12,959, or 38 percent It was explained that the purpose of the K of C Plans Dinner-Dance he and. his Democratic running mates won of goal of $34,000; clubs, $349, or 35 percent board was to seek community participation four seats on the nine-member county gov- 'Forces of Fear making charges and counter-char- of goal of $1,000; schools, $992, or 23 percent in offering advice and suggestions as to the First annual' dinner-dance of Cranford erning body, presently all-Republican. - ges. Both Mr. Moran and Mr. Ki- of goal of $4,300; residential, $5,086, or 19 needs of the various communities which will Council 6228, Knights of Columbus, will, be Sharing the victory with the local man amie visited Marisa's Restaurant percent of goal of $26,200, and municipal, be served by the center and how it can help held at 7:30 p.m. this Saturday at St. Michael's Defeated Tuesday, $17, or 1 percent of goal of $1,400. : School. Tickets will be available at the door. were Thomas W. Long, principal of Myles Tuesday night and extended con- meet such-'-needs. J. McManus Junior High School in Linden; gratulations to-Commissioner Mey- Everett C. Lattimore, a Plainfield council- Mayor Declares er. : MOttley, Elizabeth tax as-" sessor. Majcor .Malcobn Pringle yesterday ex- A total of 10,814 of Cranford's 14;346 eligible voters cast ballots. Seymour, Long and" Lattimore were pressed gratitude for the reelection of Public . w ColonyClub Charity Ball Saturday Evening nameboardd anto dthree-yea Mottleyr termto ths oen remainin the freeholdeg twor Safety Commissioner William H. Meyer in This figure will be increased by yearhnorHs o„„,f th! M«fH«e unexpire, •„d thter»m r^oi^nc of Harrr y •„,V.« Tuesday-S General Election and declared absentee ballots. Osborne, Jr., of Cranford, who resigned that it marked "a victory for continued pro- The 75 percent who did VOte " - The twenty-first annual Charity Ball of from the board when he was named a gressive1 , constructive government in Cran- split their ballots in Strange Ways. JJue. Colony Club- of Cranford will be held Superior Court judge last May. Jord.£ord" Congresswoman Florence P. Dwyer, this Saturday evening at the Wlnfleld Scott They, defeated incumbent Freeholders "The forces of fear, negativism, derision Republican, -earned every district Hotel in Elizabeth. Jerome M. Epstein, Arthur A. Manner and and reaction were soundly defeated, Mayor by M ^ t U y 7090 A social highlight since the dub's in- Charles S.. Tracy, who sought reelection for Cast Announced for 'Crucible,' three-year terms, and Henry J. Daaleman Pringle said. by ^n . ception for members and guests, the ball "Now it is time for, all citizens, whether total to mar3,132 foS tro he roUr UDemocratip a c serves also as the major fund-raising eve>nt of Elizabeth, who ran for the unexpired of the year.
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