2018 1st Quarter | 第一季 QTSA 會訊NEWS [協會透視 QTSA Perspective] 優質旅遊服務協會23屆周年大會 QTSA 23rd Annual General Meeting 新春國際匯演之夜 International Chinese New Year Night Parade 「 提 升 旅 遊 服 務 業 營 商 能 力,眾 智 求 勝 」項 目 “Enhancing the capability of the tourism services industry through sharing wisdom” Project [業界掠影 Industry Express] 幻彩詠香江� A Symphony of Lights 舊城中環� Old Town Central [會員透視 Member Perspective] 新會員登場 New Members Highlight 目錄 Content 編者的話 Editor’s Note [協會透視 QTSA Perspective] 新一屆執行委員會於2017年12月13日舉行的優 質旅遊服務協會第二十三屆周年大會順利誕生。 優質旅遊服務協會23屆周年大會 1-3 在此,我們再次感謝過往一眾委員對協會寶貴的 QTSA 23rd Annual General Meeting 貢獻。深信眾執行委員會委員的加入定必使協會 優質旅遊服務協會主席專訪 4 繼往開來,有助促進及提升「優質旅遊服務」。 Message from QTSA Chairman 來年,協會將繼續努力與各界合作,為會員擔當 與政府及業界之間的溝通橋樑,進一步提升香港 優質旅遊服務協會副主席專訪 5 優質旅遊服務的水平及營造優質的營商環境。 Message from QTSA Vice-Chairmen The QTSA is pleased to announce that members of the 新春國際匯演之夜 6 new QTSA Governing Council were chosen during the International Chinese New Year Night Parade 23rd Annual General Meeting held on 13 December 2017. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to members 「提升旅遊服務業營商能力,眾智求勝」項目 7 of the previous governing council that have contributed so “Enhancing the capability of the tourism services industry through sharing much in the past two years. We believe that the newly wisdom” Project elected governing council will continue to enhance the high quality tourism services and contribute to the further improvement of the industry. QTSA pledges to work even [睿智之言 The Insights] more closely with the government and industry players in 邵家輝議員立法會批發及零售界議員之見 8 order to enhance services standards and create a better business environment. The Hon Peter Shiu Comments from the Legislative Council Member, wholesale and retail functional constituency [業界掠影 Industry Express] 幻彩詠香江 9 A Symphony of Lights 香港盛宴11月 10 Hong Kong Great November Feast 香港除夕倒數 11 Hong Kong New Year Countdown Celebrations 舊城中環 12 Old Town Central [會員透視 Member Perspective] 新會員登場 13 New Members Highlight 優質旅遊服務協會第二十三屆周年大會 Quality Tourism Services Association 23rd Annual General Meeting 協會於2017年12月13日假The Mira Hong Kong,舉 The Quality Tourism Services Association’s 23rd Annual General Meeting 行第二十三屆周年大會。會上通過本會二零一六/一 was successfully held on 13 December 2017 at The Mira Hong Kong, 七年度年報及賬目。周年大會中由優質旅遊服務協 Tsim Sha Tsui. The QTSA’s Annual Report and accounts for the year 會主席郭少明博士, SBS, 太平紳士匯報協會二零一 2016/17 were received and adopted at the meeting. Dr Simon Kwok, SBS, JP, Chairman of the QTSA, presented the highlights of the many 六/一七年度的活動回顧及成果。郭主席表示,只要 projects and achievements during 2016/17. Dr Kwok emphasized that 會員同業界團結一致,以客為先,定能克服困難,再 QTSA will continue to collaborate with its members and organise more 創輝煌。來年協會將致力為會員開發更多商機,努力 events to further explore business opportunities. With the co-operation 發展培訓項目,凝聚業界智慧,攜手克服逆境。 of its members, trade partners and guided by the customer-first spirit, QTSA stands ready to face future challenges. 協會十分榮幸邀請到香港遊發展局主席林建岳博 We were pleased to have Dr Peter Lam, GBS, Chairman of the Hong Kong 士, GBS及旅遊事務副專員廖廣翔先生為在場的 Tourism Board and Mr Aaron Liu, Deputy Commissioner for Tourism as 與會者演說,並分享交流。林主席表示,旅發局會 our guest speakers. Dr Lam expressed the Hong Kong Tourism Board’s 繼續支持協會開辦更多培訓、研討會、工作坊及學 continuing support of QTSA in organising more training workshops, 習平台等,提升前線服務人員專業水平,推動優質 seminars and in building more learning platforms to uplift service 旅遊服務文化,鞏固香港「好客之都」的形象。廖副 excellence and professionalism of frontline staff – as part of the effort to promote quality services culture and uphold the hospitable image of 專員相信在新一屆執行委員會的帶領下,協會一定 Hong Kong. Mr Liu expressed his belief that under the leadership of the 會繼續推動零售和服務業界發展得更趨專業,為訪 new Governing Council, the QTSA will undoubtedly continue to develop 港旅客提供賓至如歸的旅遊體驗。 tourism service industry professionals and help them provide an unforgettable experience for tourists from all over the world. 01 優質旅遊服務協會執行委員會成員 2017-2019 Quality Tourism Services Association Governing Council Member 2017-2019 主席 陳永安先生 Mr Ken Chan Wing On 主席 Chairman Chairman 太興飲食集團 Tai Hing Catering Group 陳家偉先生 Mr Calvin Chan Ka Wai 主席及行政總裁 Chairman and CEO 副主席 美國家得路天然健康食品有限公司 CATALO Natural Health Foods Limited Vice-Chairmen 周允成先生 Mr Winston Chow 董事兼副總經理 Director & Deputy General Manager 周生生集團國際有限公司 Chow Sang Sang Holdings International Limited 麥文浩先生MH,�太平紳士 Mr Manu Melwani MH, JP Partner Partner Sam’s Tailor Sam’s Tailor 委任委員 梁淑敏小姐 Ms Grace Leung Shuk Man Appointed 總經理 General Manager Members 時代廣場有限公司 Times Square Limited 余壽寧先生,�MH Mr Homer Yu Sau Ning, MH 行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 昌興(1917)有限公司 Cheong Hing Store Ltd. 選任委員 - 零售界別 Elected Members - Retailer Category 朱賢文先生 Mr Eamon Chu 董事及首席財務官 Director & CFO 太子珠寶鐘錶有限公司 Prince Jewellery & Watch Company Limited 郭詩雅小姐 Ms Kitty Kwok 業務發展總監̶電子商貿 Business Development Director, E-commerce 莎莎國際控股有限公司 Sa Sa International Holdings Limited 魏麗霞女士 Ms Lisa Ngai 主席及執行董事 Chairman & Executive Director 日本城(香港)有限公司 Japan Home Centre (HK) Limited 鄧梅芬女士� Ms Karen Tang Mui Fun 執行董事 Executive Director 位元堂藥業控股有限公司 Wai Yuen Tong Medicine Holdings Limited 曾詩韻小姐 Ms Michelle Tsang 副店長 Deputy Store Manager 崇光(香港)百貨有限公司 SOGO Hong Kong Company Limited 謝邱安儀女士 Mrs Annie Yau Tse 主席及行政總裁 Chairman & Chief Executive Officer 謝瑞麟珠寶有限公司 Tse Sui Luen Jewellery Co Ltd 黃嘉信先生 Mr Karlson Wong 執行董事 Executive Director 奇華餅家有限公司 Kee Wah Bakery Ltd 選任委員 - 食肆界別 Elected Members - Restaurant Category 陳錦輝先生 Mr Kavin Chan Kam Fai 行政總監 Managing Director 蘭桂坊餐娛概念 Lan Kwai Fong Entertainments 02 何悅妍小姐 Ms Jacqueline Ho 營運及發展總監 Business Development & Operations Director 鴻星集團 Super Star Group 林平樂小姐 Ms Diana Lam Ping Lok 市場行政高級經理 Senior Executive Marketing Manager 富臨集團 Fulum Group 李曉明女士 Ms Caroline Li 人力資源總監 Director, HR 稻香集團 Tao Heung Group 李成文先生 Mr Li Shing Man 董事 Director 火車頭越南餐室 Cafe Locomotive Contemporary Vietnamese Cuisine 其他服務機構界別 Other Service Provider Category 謝淑敏女士 Ms Connie Tse Suk Man 總監 CEO 恒宇仁龍拳協會有限公司 Heng Yue Yen Long Kwon Association Limited 當然委員 劉鎮漢先生 Mr Anthony Lau 總幹事 Executive Director Ex-officio Member 香港旅遊發展局 Hong Kong Tourism Board 名譽顧問 方剛先生,�GBS,�太平紳士 Mr Vincent Fang, GBS, JP 行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer Honorary Adviser TOPPY國際集團 TOPPY International Limited 張宇人議員,�GBS,�太平紳士 The Hon Tommy Cheung, GBS, JP 行政會議成員兼 Member of the Executive Council and Member of 立法會議員 - 飲食界功能界別 the Legislative Council - Catering Functional Constituency 邵家輝議員 The Hon Peter Shiu Ka-fai 立法會議員 Member of the Legislative Council 批發及零售界功能界別 Wholesale and Retail Functional Constituency 陳志輝教授,�SBS,�太平紳士� Professor Andrew C. F. Chan, SBS, JP 行政人員工商管理碩士課程主任 Director of the EMBA Programme 香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 陳裕光博士 Dr Michael Chan Yue Kwong 主席 Chairman 顧問 時代生活集團 The Lifestyle Group Adviser 郭少明博士,�SBS,�太平紳士 Dr Simon Kwok Siu Ming, SBS, JP 主席及行政總裁 Chairman and CEO 莎莎國際控股有限公司 Sa Sa International Holdings Limited 李敬天先生 Mr Frank Lee 總裁 President 通利琴行 Tom Lee Music Co Ltd. 李應生先生,�BBS,�MH,�太平紳士 Mr Tommy Li, BBS, MH, JP 主席 Chairman 百成堂集團 Pak Shing Tong Group 李子良先生,�SBS,�太平紳士� Mr Brian Li, SBS, JP 董事長 Chairman 百老滙攝影器材有限公司 Broadway Photo Supply Ltd 03 「優質匯聚 福犬迎春賀豐年」 “Quality Brands, Splendid New Year” InternationalInternational ChineseChinese NewNew YearYear NightNight ParadeParade 國際匯演之夜國際匯演之夜 日期 Date 2018年2月16日(星期五) | 16 February 2018 (Friday) 巡遊時間 Time 晚上8:00至9:30 | 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm 巡遊路線 Parade Route 從九龍尖沙咀香港文化中心廣場出發,沿廣東道、海防道、彌敦道及梳士巴利道前 行,以 香 港 喜 來 登 為 終 點。 The parade starts at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon and will proceed along Canton Road, Haiphong Road, Nathan Road and Salisbury Road. It will end in front of the Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel. 協會將會連續第九年參與由香港旅遊發展局主辦的「新春國際匯演之夜」,於尖沙咀的鬧市與全球各地的旅客 和香港市民一起共度新歲。 本年度的匯演主題是「環球盛事 開心盛載」,協會將連同十一家「優質旅遊服務」計劃認證商戶合組花車,包括 美國家得路天然健康食品有限公司、昌興醇酒坊、香港空氣淨化器中心有限公司、香港老飯店、奇華餅家有限公 司、六福珠寶、莎莎化粧品有限公司、崇光(香港)百貨有限公司、太興飲食集團、謝瑞麟珠寶有限公司及位元堂 ( 零售) 有限公司,與另外其他花車及表演隊伍於農曆年初一的晚上參與這個年度新春盛事。 QTSA has participated in the International Chinese New Year Night Parade for nine consecutive years, as a way of celebrating the Chinese New Year with visitors and the local community. “Good Fortune World Party” is the theme for 2018. On the first day of Chinese New Year, QTSA will team up with eleven accredited merchants to create the traditional float. These merchants are CATALO Natural Health Foods Limited, Cheong Hing Vinsac, Hong Kong Air Purifier Center Limited, Hong Kong Old Restaurant, Kee Wah Bakery Limited, Lukfook Jewellery, Sa Sa Cosmetic Company Limited, SOGO Hong Kong Co Ltd, Tai Hing Catering Group, Tse Sui Luen Jewellery Co Ltd and Wai Yuen Tong (Retail) Limited. 06 http://elearn.qtsa.com 「 提 升 旅 遊 服 務 業 營 商 能 力,眾 智 求 勝 」項 目 “Enhancing the capability of the tourism services industry through sharing wisdom” Project 「提升旅遊服務業營商能力,眾智求勝」項目已 “Enhancing the capability of the tourism services industry through 順利完成,協會透過此項目舉辦了不同類型的 sharing wisdom” Project has successfully launched. QTSA likewise 培訓活動如研討會、培訓短片、工作坊、「智囊 organised different training activities such as seminars, workshops, 團」咨詢服務及實地訪查顧問服務等,參加者 "Think-tank" consultation services and site visit consultation services. 十分踴躍參與是次培訓活動及對其整體表示 Through these activities, QTSA members acquire new knowledge, solve 滿意。項目可讓他們吸收新知識,解決經營問 operational problems and have a better grasp of how to develop the 題,幫 助 公司 未 來 發 展,參 加 者 更 表 示 會 於 未 company in the future. Participants expressed their satisfaction with the project and their continued support for future training programs 來繼續參與協會所舉辦的類似培訓項目。 organised by QTSA. 協會舉辦此項目的目的為支援本港旅遊服務 業界的中小企提升服務、銷售、正向思維及管 The project aims to help SMEs increase their sales, improve service quality and competitiveness, encourage positive thinking,
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