Volume Balranald Mineral Sands Project 1 Commonwealth Environmental Impact Statement Prepared for Iluka Resources Limited July 2016 Main Report Appendix A - Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines Appendix B - Study Team Volume 1 Executive summary Table of contents Part A Introduction, site and context, regulatory framework and consultation Part B Environmental impact statement Part C Commitments and justification and conclusion References Acronyms and abbreviations Appendix A Environmental impact statement guidelines Appendix B Study team Volume 2 Appendix C Biodiversity Assessment Volume 3 Appendix D Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Volume 4 Appendix E Non-Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Appendix F Rehabilitation and Closure Strategy Appendix G Water Assessment Appendix H Groundwater Dependant Ecosystems Assessment Report Volume 5 Appendix I Balranald Mineral Sands Project Groundwater Assessment Appendix J Surface Water Management Report Appendix K Geochemistry Assessment Volume 6 Appendix L Radiation Risk Assessment Appendix M Social Assessment Appendix N Economic Assessment wwwcom.au www.iluka.com BalranaldMineralSandsProject CommonwealthEnvironmentalImpactStatement PreparedforIlukaResourcesLimited|18July2016 GroundFloor,Suite01,20ChandosStreet StLeonards,NSW,2065 T+61 2 94939500 F+61294939599 [email protected] www.emmconsulting.com.au BalranaldMineralSandsProject Final ReportJ12011RP14|PreparedforIlukaResourcesLimited|18July2016 Prepared CassandraThompson JarredKramer Approved BrettMcLennan by by Position EcologyServiceLeader EnvironmentalEngineer Position Director Signature Signature Date 18July2016 18July2016 Date 18July2016 This report has been prepared in accordance with the brief provided by the client and has relied upon the information collected at the time and under the conditions specified in the report. All findings, conclusions or recommendations contained in the report are based on the aforementioned circumstances. The report is for the use of the client and no responsibilitywillbetakenforitsusebyotherparties.Theclientmay,atitsdiscretion,usethereporttoinformregulators andthepublic. © Reproduction of this report for educational or other noncommercial purposes is authorised without prior written permissionfromEMMprovidedthesourceisfullyacknowledged.Reproductionofthisreportforresaleorothercommercial purposesisprohibitedwithoutEMM’spriorwrittenpermission. DocumentControl Version Date Preparedby Reviewedby 1 13April2015 CassandraThompsonandJarredKramer BrettMcLennan 2 24April2015 CassandraThompsonandJarredKramer BrettMcLennan 3 14May2015 BrettMcLennan R 4 21December2015 BrettMcLennan R Finaldraft 29January2016 BrettMcLennan R Final 18July2016 BrettMcLennan R T+61(0)294939500|F+61(0)294939599 GroundFloor|Suite01|20ChandosStreet|StLeonards|NewSouthWales|2065|Australia www.emmconsulting.com.au Table of contents wwwcom.au www.iluka.com Tableofcontents ExecutiveSummary E.1 PARTA Introduction,theproject,regulatoryframeworkandconsultation Chapter1 Introduction 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 NeedfortheBalranaldProject 1 1.3 Approvalsrequired 3 1.4 EISformat 4 1.5 Keyassessmentrequirements 6 1.6 EISstudyteam 7 Chapter2 Generalinformation 9 2.1 Introduction 9 2.2 Titleofaction 10 2.3 Theproponent 10 2.3.1 General 10 2.3.2 Environmentalrecordofproponent 10 2.4 Objectivesoftheaction 13 2.5 Locationofaction 14 2.6 Backgroundtoaction 15 2.6.1 Overviewofmineralsands 15 2.6.2 Iluka’sminingoperationsintheMurrayBasin 17 2.6.3 Resourceexploration 17 2.6.4 BalranaldProjectmineralcharacteristics 19 2.6.5 Iluka’smineralprocessingintheMurrayBasin 19 2.7 Relationshiptootheractions 19 2.8 Statusofaction 19 2.9 Consequencesofnotproceedingwithaction 20 Chapter3 Theproject 23 3.1 Introduction 23 3.2 Projectoverview 23 3.3 Schedule 24 3.4 Constructionphase 24 3.4.1 Siteestablishment 30 3.4.2 Gravelextraction 30 3.4.3 Constructionofaccess roads 31 3.4.4 Accommodationfacility 34 J12011RP14 i Tableofcontents(Cont'd) 3.4.5 Buildings,workshopsandotherancillaryfacilities 34 3.4.6 Installationofdewateringandinjectioninfrastructure 34 3.4.7 Establishmentandcommissioningofprocessingplant 36 3.4.8 Watersupplypipeline 36 3.4.9 Constructionequipment 37 3.5 Operationalphase 37 3.5.1 Minelayout 38 3.5.2 Processingarea 38 3.5.3 Groundwatermanagement 40 3.5.4 Miningmethod,stagingandsequence 46 3.5.5 Miningequipment 50 3.6 Processingplant 51 3.6.1 Preconcentratorplant 51 3.6.2 Wetconcentratorplant 52 3.6.3 Wethighintensitymagneticseparationplant 52 3.6.4 Ilmeniteseparationplant 52 3.6.5 Productstockpiles 52 3.7 Tailingsandminingbyproductsmanagement 53 3.7.1 Tailingsstoragefacility 53 3.7.2 ProcessingminingbyproductsfromHamiltonmineralseparationplant 53 3.7.3 Managementofpotentiallyacidformingmaterial 55 3.8 Sitewatermanagement 56 3.8.1 Watersources 57 3.8.2 Waterstorageinfrastructure 58 3.8.3 Waterdemand 58 3.9 Wastemanagement 59 3.10 Roadsandtransport 59 3.10.1Mineaccessandinternalroads 59 3.10.2Producttransport 59 3.10.3Backloadedprocessingbyproducttransport 59 3.11 Accommodationfacility 60 3.12 Electricityandcommunicationsinfrastructure 63 3.13 Workforce 63 3.14 Rehabilitationanddecommissioning 63 Chapter4 Considerationofalternatives 67 4.1 Introduction 67 4.2 Alternativesconsidered 67 4.3 Miningmethodsandhandlingofoverburden 68 4.3.1 Dragline 68 J12011RP14 ii Tableofcontents(Cont'd) 4.3.2 Dredging 69 4.3.3 Integratedminingsystem 69 4.4 Miningsequence 70 4.5 Minefootprint 70 4.6 Processingarealocation 71 4.7 Powersupply 72 4.8 Gravelsupply 72 4.9 Materialshandlingandprocessing 73 4.9.1 Runofminepads 73 4.9.2 Miningbyproductsdisposal 73 4.10 Producttransport 73 4.10.1TransportoforefromtheNepeanmine 73 4.10.2Transportofheavymineralconcentrate 74 4.10.3Transportofilmenite 74 4.11 Accommodationfacility 74 4.12 Watermanagementandsupply 75 4.12.1Groundwatermanagement 75 4.12.2Freshwatersupply 76 Chapter5 Approvalframework 77 5.1 Introduction 77 5.2 Approvalsobtained 78 5.3 Approvalsrequired 78 5.3.1 Commonwealthapproval 79 5.3.2 KeyNSWapprovals 81 5.3.3 KeyVictorianapprovals 83 5.4 Commonwealthlegislation 83 5.4.1 EnvironmentProtection andBiodiversityConservationAct1999 83 5.4.2 NativeTitleAct1993 83 5.4.3 WaterAct2007 84 5.5 NSWlegislation 89 5.5.1 EnvironmentalPlanningandAssessmentAct1979 89 5.6 OtherNSWlegislation 99 5.6.1 MiningAct1992 99 5.6.2 ProtectionoftheEnvironmentOperationsAct1997 99 5.6.3 WaterAct1912andWaterManagementAct2000 100 5.6.4 NationalParksandWildlifeAct1974 108 5.6.5 ThreatenedSpeciesConservationAct1995 109 5.6.6 NativeVegetationAct2003 109 5.6.7 RoadsAct1993 109 J12011RP14 iii Tableofcontents(Cont'd) 5.6.8 CrownLandsAct1989 109 5.6.9 WesternLandsAct1901 110 5.6.10HeritageAct1977 110 5.6.11RuralFiresAct1997 110 5.6.12DamsSafetyAct1978 111 5.6.13RadiationControlAct1990 111 5.6.14WorkHealthandSafetyAct2011andWorkHealthandSafety(Mines)Act 112 2013 5.6.15PipelinesAct1967 112 5.7 Strategicpolicies 113 5.7.1 DraftMurrayRegionalStrategy 113 5.7.2 NSW2021 114 5.7.3 StrategicRegionalLandUsePolicy 115 5.7.4 NSWAquiferInterferencePolicy 115 5.7.5 NationalWaterInitiative 116 5.8 Summaryoflicencesapprovalsandpermits 117 Chapter6 Consultation 119 6.1 Overview 119 6.2 Ilukaandstakeholderconsultation 119 6.3 Consultationobjectives 120 6.4 Stakeholderconsultationactivities 120 6.4.1 Consultationstrategy 120 6.4.2 Stakeholderconsultationplanningoverview 120 6.5 Indigenousstakeholderconsultation 132 6.6 Communityandserviceproviderconsultation 132 6.6.1 Landholderconsultation 133 6.6.2 Communityserviceproviders 136 6.6.3 Balranald(andsurrounds)communityconsultation 136 6.7 Projectdesignconsiderations 143 6.8 Exhibitionofdraftenvironmentalimpactstatement 145 6.9 Ongoingstakeholderengagement 163 PARTB Environmentalimpactstatement Chapter7 Existingenvironment 167 7.1 Geologyoftheprojectarea 167 7.1.1 WestBalranalddeposit 167 7.1.2 Nepeandeposit 169 7.2 Hydrogeology 169 7.3 Geomorphology 170 J12011RP14 iv Tableofcontents(Cont'd) 7.4 Soilsandtopography 171 7.5 Climate 173 7.6 Surfacewaterresources 173 7.7 Biodiversity 173 7.8 Landownership 174 7.9 Surroundinglanduses 175 7.9.1 Agriculture 175 7.9.2 Naturalresources 175 7.9.3 Conservationareas 176 7.9.4 Mining 176 Chapter8 Impactassessmentapproach 181 8.1 Assessmentapproach 181 Chapter9 Biodiversity 185 9.1 Introduction 185 9.2 EISGuidelines 186 9.3 Methods 187 9.3.1 Databaseandliteraturereview 187 9.3.2 Fieldsurvey 188 9.4 Results 194 9.4.1 Databaseandliteraturereview 194 9.4.2 Vegetation 196 9.4.3 Flora 201 9.4.4 Fauna 201 9.4.5 Commonwealthlistedspecies,populationsandcommunities 202 9.5 Impactassessment 205 9.5.1 Directimpacts 205 9.5.2 Indirectimpacts 206 9.5.3 Impactstothreatenedbiodiversity 207 9.5.4 Keythreateningprocesses 209 9.5.5 Cumulativeimpacts 210 9.5.6 WillandraLakesRegionWorldHeritageArea 211 9.5.7 CertaintyofimpactsonMNES 211 9.6 Managementandmitigation 211 9.6.1 Avoidance 211 9.6.2 Managementandmitigationmeasures 212 9.6.3 Biodiversityoffsetstrategy 215 9.7 Conclusion 221 J12011RP14 v Tableofcontents(Cont'd) Chapter10 Aboriginalculturalheritage 223 10.1 Introduction 223 10.2 EISGuidelines 224 10.3 Methods 225 10.3.1Aboriginalstakeholderconsultation 225 10.3.2Databasesearches 226 10.3.3Literaturereview 226 10.3.4Fieldsurvey 226 10.3.5Assessmentofsignificance 227 10.4 Results 229 10.4.1Aboriginalstakeholderconsultation 229 10.4.2Databasesearches 237 10.4.3Literaturereview 241 10.4.4Fieldsurvey 244 10.4.5Summaryofsurveyresults 246 10.4.6Significanceassessment 248 10.5 Impactassessment 250 10.5.1Introduction 250 10.5.2Aboriginalarchaeologicalrisklayers
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