Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1987 Daily Egyptian 1987 3-3-1987 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 03, 1987 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1987 Volume 73, Issue 108 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, March 03, 1987." (Mar 1987). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1987 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1987 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Tuesday, ~1ar c h 1,1987, Vol. 73, :\0, 10 , I ~ 1'<11,1 " Artists to share $20,000 trust award By Amy Bleser StaN Wnler James Cook and Grayce HolzheImer have been named recIp,ents of the Rickerl­ Z,ebold Trusl Award - and will split the $20,000 prIze for excellence In art. Cook , who specializes in ceramics. was honored (or his work in glass. and Hol zheimer. whose specialty IS sculpture. won for her work In bronze Cook said he wants to con­ tmue working i n glass. " blowing for a nd wIth other glass artists " Holzheimer plans to allend graduale schoollO pursue a career In the arts Their works can be seen Wednesday through March 25 at the Associated Artists Gallen ', 213 S IllinoIS The exhibits wi ll be shown March 26 to May 3 at Cmverslty Museum in Fa ner Hall The award. which has never been given to a 010 winner. does not specify how the n'oney IS to be spent, only that At left, Rlckert·Zlebold Trust Award winner James Cook displays the Iwo seniors must graduate three of the ceramic bowls that he entered In the competition which to receive the money. Previous is judged annually by art department faculty, Cook and winner winners ha\'e used the money Grayce Holzheimer, right, will split the $20,000 award, (or travel. su pplies or gradua le studies Sixteen finalists were chosen member casts a ballol, voting Patricia Covington. "hair of (rom a (jpld of 28 entrants 'wOarn." IS. mE"ancy caar~~ t'!"slesCO las.l ecthti,eOYn it's a winner. " reward the accomplis hments the award committee and head exhibiting va rious (orms of art h . r...&..:Io The competition is named of outstanding undergraduate of undergraduate studies in and design, Judges first looked is judged on its merits as an for Marguerite L , Rickert, who seniors in a rt and design, the arl departmenl, said as al enlr ants' slides and entity, "We don't need to died in 1971. She left one·third The annual contest is open to many as 10 or as few as two resumes. FinaJ ju~ was compare the work," Covingt.on oC her estate to the SlU·C arl or design majors who plan winners have been selected, based on the work itse\!,- said, " We just look at an in· Department or Art, and said to gaduate between "but never just one." Each arl department faculty rdi_'_Vl_'d_uaI_'_s_w_or_k._an_d_d_ec_ide__ if_the __ m_ OD_eY,-w_a_s_10_ be_ used_ __ to_l.lecemberandAugusl. Airline Sex diseases fool students By Tom Whelehan pUll-out StaHWnter What you don'l know can The Quiz o 4JI o· 'ne aoo.e hurt vou and some studenls E B.ndConty a shock 5 Car.ce' C· •.,'" .. r • • Kimmel Brady have 'proved they don 'l know Here ale 11K' ,JUeSflOfl,. "!.:>l'M asSOC131eo 'It, 111 'It,'"'''' c · ' '''e!of> By Dav id Sheets much, on me se . uaIIv lIa<ls.mllleo STDs' Ai rlink's chief executive of· OlseaseS OUIZ Ol$lrtbuleCI by 'ne Staff Wnter The 40 people who took the A Gor.nornea WeAn ess Center The correct ficer, said thai among the Sexually Transmitted B Cntam\lC>d Northwes t Airlink 's an· reasons for the pull out, Ihe anSwer 10 eact'! aueS11()n IS C H(>fO@S Diseases quiz given by the onnted 11'\ boIOlace type nouncement Monday that it number of passengers boar· Well ness Center last Tuesday D. Genit.1W'Tts was giving two weeks notice or ding Airlink al SI Airport in the Student Center did 6 What pefCefllage 01 womt·" 1 II..PPI'o..,nalel~ many its departure from Southern "wasn't as strong as we had poorly, gelting at least seven ro..... whO have cnlam)'c.a Pla.e ,,~ yO\IlQ aouII5 lages 15·251 will Illinois Airport was a surprise forecast." of the 10 mtlltiple choice S~'l'T\PlomS" gel a SeluaJt.y Transmrneo to everyone, particularly "We were expecting double A. 20pet'cenl questions wrong, DIsease alleast once? what we're gelting now," 9 J O~cent Southern Illinois Airport. Jennifer Rollo, senior in '" 1 a to 2f) percent Brady said, bul he declined to C 60 Defcenl Mike Kimmel. SI Airport psychology, had ooly ooe in· 8 . 20 to 25 percent D. SO percent Authority chairman, said he comment on what the existing correct answer and won dinner C .0 to 4 5 percent o note than 50 percent didn't know of the airline's boarding figures were. for two at Emperor's Palace. 7 Vlhal atE' The IIS)o5 fO a m..'t' plans to relocate to Williamson Kimmel said the bookings 01 aCQuIrIng oonorrnea or AU quiz takers received free 2 When 01 !ties£' statements IS Cfllam.,.O~ O\Jrf'lO II"ItefCOu! st' Cou nly Airport near Marion and boardings have doubled condoms and informatit')n not true about conaoms' until an hour before Monday's every montfl since Airlink once ·... lln sort'Ieot'Ie ,,,1€'Cleo aboulSTDs, A They are !tle tt'lllO IT'IOSI A. 2S pefcent news conference. began service at SI Airport on The quiz revealed t~al pOptNlr lorm 01 OIfth 8 50 Defeen' The company is scheduled to Dec , IS , with mosl of the Iradilional misconceptions con.'" C 75 oet'cenl begin nighls from Marion boarding and booking traffic B. They 'f' ... nable in dit· o 100 perCe!lt about sex are held, despite ter,nlsi::.s. March IS, coming from Carbondale, open·minded altituties, In a C 40 percent 01 all COf':lOmS B unl188lec cnt"ll""v"'" ar " I dl:'\ tremendously He said Airlink's relocation poll taken las l week, students are pUl'Chased bV women c.-."'"P .... r.ch 01 Ine foJ' ..... ~ :1 disappointed" In orthwest should not affect the expected agreed that it was okay to ask D SaNts at conooms have A mlen"ly Airlink, Kimmel said in a arrival of Green Hills Airlines a new partner to use a condom, lI'IC1'@aseQ 150 percent S PetvlC '"'ectons ItIOce 1980 statemenl to the press after of Kirksville, Mo" and was nol The m(6t common STDs in C Sotes 10 appeal Of'! tre Norlhwes~ ' s announcement. genItals the United States a r e 3 Whch Of the$e ctseases ale D. A.nd8 Mike Br~~y , Northwest 5..... PULLOUT, Pago 5 chlamydia, gonorrhea and the r'K)St prevlllenl ., IntS warls, Use of a condom country" 9 AOO·Ol'fl\.ueh· I.... man, .... Herpes chlamyo.a 90" Gus Bode probably won't allow them to ~ now na~e Ine AID!:> This Moming be transmitted, ....... ""US' B SyphII:. n.,..... pes ':Milmvo.a A one nail (milan New medical evidence has C Warts rhlarrlya.a syohlks B. ll02mllliron Competition foils connected genital warts with D. Chlamydia, gonorrh, • . C 4105mMlon cervicaJ cancer, which now is w.rt, o 100 000 local restaurants listed as an STD, Chlamydia 4 Which 01 rheSe statements rs 10 Who shOutd De ronc«!fn.-o has become so widespread lrue' -Page 3 partly because 60 to 80 percent aDOulacQUlOOO AIOS? A Genltaj herpes can onty be A Gays ana blsellualS of women in/ected have no transmlllea flgh! before or B Those wno ate sc"u.d dUring an 0Ulbr e...k Gymnasts score symptoms, partners ot tHqtl "," As a result, males have a 25 8 The fLtJbef waIs of con· groups (Q2VS Mr.,ueh mixed results percent risk of infection after dom. prOb.blV won I and tV drUO usPf'>j alaw herpes ChWrIyOII C Anyone nOI having intercourse with an ana U\ll'lOfThea 10 pass - Sports 12 monogamou~ fl.QI~" ,oJ -C. infected female, Left un· D. All 01 th•• booIe treated, chlamydia can cause C Thefe.e f'O hearth t\I.l. E AanaBr"'r -10, condcllrM eros .......,..IIIgIII"_1Oe GUI BliY' the alrpon should infertility and pelvic in· In ...lI. r.. oIvlnv do«, fections, 111 N. Washington Next to Tres Newswrap 529-3808 I worl d / nation Soviets present proposal JoIn Tommy Lee Johnsto", & ChrIs Pesko for the Four undergraduate o r on medium-range missiles graduate credits GENEVA CU PJ) - The Soviet Union Monday r.resented its ht 105 TAO proposal to eliminate me:dium-range nucl~r mis~i _ es in ~urope lNFORMAnON without a "Star Wars" hnk, and U.s. offICIals saId Washmgton Olcll •• Night r-sda'l'. Marc h 5 would respond soon with its own version of a " draft treaty," Super Contests, Beer Chugging. Plna Eating. 6 :30 pm Room 1046 American senators monitoring the arms ta lks - which wt! r ~ Communicatio ns Bldg. extende<l beyond their scheduled Wednesday conclusion - "",d "Gold Fish" EatIng. The Twist. Hula.Hoop. and the U.S. proposal would emphasize the need for satisfactory the Penny PInch. verification measures a nd limits on shorter-range missil es. ConiaCI Dr JOE: Foote 536·7555 or Ora." PrI_1 A 50's StylE Leather Jacket. Thomas ScwllJe Two die, three towns destroyed in earthquake co mpliments of Campbell's Harley.
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