iEbttrb ifjnrully f nr <trln.ar ifjnrul .<trnurrugr SerVing 'Ihe Central Penquis Jlrea . Vol. 5 No. 1 '· Thursday, January 6, 1966 Ten Cen The Next Move Is Up To You! Decker Resumes as Manage · (Photo by Mike Brigharr. Woodrow W. Decker will resume his duties as Manager of tl: MiloPlantofThe American Thread Company, effective Feb . 1 1966, succeeding his son, it was announced today by John B Love, Assistant to th,e -President. He was relieved of his mar: agerial responsibilities at his request, for health reasons , i Mayofi965, and, sincethattime, has served as Assistant MaJJ ager at the Milo location. Love pointed out how very pleased a personnelare that Woodrow Decker has now recovered and ca resume ·this managerial position. Mr. Paul H. Day, chairman of Piscataquis County, and Mrs. In a companion announcement, Charles S. Johnson, Jr. Ma Iarold Owen, chairman of Women's Volunteer Services poth ager of Southern Plants of The American Thread Company, ad ,filo r esidents} recently attended the Northeaster n Regional me­ vised that effective Feb. 1, 1966, John G. Decker, the prese !ting of the National Foundation in New York; .. They are shown Manager of the Milo Plant, will be promoted to the position < :bove with Miss Lori Ann Wagner, · a, five year old victim of a AssistantManager at The American T4read Company's Sevie1 :rippling birth defect from Milwaukee, V'{isc .. who was chosen North Carolina location. LS the 1966 Poster Girl. ·· Woodrow-Decker has been associated with American Thread Milo Plant twenty-seven years. He is a native of Milo and r e €aitoriaLLll - S. pe~ 'ki:n.g · ceived his education in the Milo schools and at Columbia Uni\ What has the March of Dimes done for .us lately? .. ersityinNewYorkCity. In1938hewentto work in the America Someone asked us this the other day, saying now th<:.t polio is Thread's Milo Plant, rising from machine operator to AssistaJ age2 T HE T O WN C R I ER THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday cnLifo eomHtUHit\f evening by the TOWN CRIER PUBLICATIONS. We hope to be of help to the citizens of the towns in our coverage through NEWS, .INFORMATION, ;J.lo~pital · '-fLew~ AND LOWER PRICED ADVERTISING. We accept no financial responsibility for errors DuringDecemberhospitalwas filled to 83% of capacity. Com­ in advertising but will gladly print corrections. paring years 19-65 versus 1964 figures show: Average patient Copies of most photos appeario.g in THE,.TOWN ·census 87.91% vs 86%. Total in patients, 1974 vs 1047. Total CRIER mav be obtained through our office. · out patients for 1965 was 1726. If you lui.ve news or available photos of any sort . Receptionists are: Friday, Marguerite Hamlin; Saturday, Eva we urge you to call an editor or dr9p in. Dead­ Legacy and Pearl Day; Sunday, Marybelle York and. Elizabeth line will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate Murray; Monday, Vivian Wibberly; Tuesday, Mary Dority; Wed- .copy received earlier in the week. nesday, Marion Rutherford; Thursday, Frances Hamlin. Classified ads 50 cent minimum 1ncluding up to ·The Hospital Trustees are to meet Monday at the offices of the 12 words , 3 cents for each additional word. Dis­ play ad space by the column inch. Bangor Hydro Co. PATIENTS ADMITTED: From Milo.: From Charleston: Bernice Williams, Charlotte Simmons EDITOR - Joanne Brigham Basil Curtis From Medford: Milo 943-7384 Douglas McDonald Susie Boobar Vera Smart From Browr.Fille: Edward Kelley Francis Butterfield Harry Leighton Amelia Nichols Barbara Canney Linda Dubois Walter Bohan From Bradford: ' you want to BUY, SELL, Lee Spear Gleason Morrison :EN'f or SWAP, try "Town From LaGrange: :rier" Classified. Allen Chas;e Fern Ward Jeffery Niles PATIENTS DISCHARGED: )LORER SERVICE SANGERVILLE · .. From Dover-Foxcroft: From Milo: ~ed your camp or home. roof South Sangerville Grange will Delia Banger d ed ? Anytime this winter meet with VaHey Grange at Basil Curtis From LaGrange: · Leon Smith ~ Wi 3-7752 or Wi 3-2363 Guilford Center Saturday eve­ Laura Bishop Wesley Kerr leave your house or camp ning, January8. A6:30supper Linwood Ward Edward Kelley location. will be served.. Members Dawn Ward Douglas McDonald please bring pastry. From Brownville: SRVICE PARKMAN Joseph E Hiott Leonard Swazey Traveler 1s Express Money Parkman Grange will meet Bonnie Hurley From Medford: rders available at Daggett's Wednesday evening. The Third Vera Smart Susie Booher harwacy , Milo. and Fourth degrees w'm .. be, Bernice Williams From Charleston: From Bradford: conferred. Joan King Jeffery Niles Piscataquis Pomona will Charlotte Simmons · Allen Chase LP WANTED meet with South . Sangerville From Sebec: ·omen to care for children Gleason Morrison Grange, Thu-rsday evening, Jeanette Crockett le mother works. Live in . Jan. 6. Lecturers night to be st be dependable. Call obser ved. A 6:30 supper pre- r ilyn Burgoyne, 564-7686. cedes the meeting. The Neoteric Club will meet ~r 5 p.m. GUILFORD Tuesday, Jan. 1L The Carpo Clup will meet The MHS Alumni will meet GIFTS .. Thurs day, Jan. Sthatthehome Wednesday, Jan. 12. :RVICES of Helen Libby with co-host- . The Modern Idea Club FOR ALL OCCASIONS & G Painting,Decorators ess Adeline Dauphinee. The will mtractors, Interior and Ex- speaker for the evening will be lneet Wednesday, Jan. 12. Melanson r ior~ work. ·Call for free Mrs. Mary Johnston,· on the . The Milo Jaycees will hold ;timates at Guilford 876- subjectnHealthin The Schools". thei.r 4th Annual Fishing Der­ Jewelry Co . ~8 . Valley Gra nge will meet Sat- by at Schoodic Lake Feb.19-20. Guilford, Me . urday night at the grange hall ~----------------------~ LO with a 6:30 supper. South San- ~TIC E gervilleGrange willbe guests. ·0 the citizens of Milo: All This will be th~ annua: "Pay ICE FISHING DERBY IS COMING! ners or keepers of dogs four Your Dues · Nigh~." 1 LOT EMINENT ICE AUGERS mths old or over are required MILO . 8" $8.00 law to license said dogs Aldworth Chapter'# 39 O. E. ,. nually before January 1st. S. wiil meet Monday; Jan. 10. '711ilo Sport Shop WSCS will . meet Tuesday; Jan. 11. - .....0 - Bl~a1efs ~n. ,_.,_ 9' ~ISH FOR3.5i SAL~DA 64count DUBIE HECKSSTY LE GRADE "A" JUMBO Tea 'B¥ CH U C /( Deluxe Cut Et(s . 5) . 43+ lb. :JrqJd. 11 FANNING'S C uc k St. ea k FROZEN 6 oz. can f.ek les 59+1b. Ola.t~te ~ ~ts Ground Chuck "duice 69+ lb. LUCKY LEAF #~ tin CHASE & SANBORN 1 ' p, • Reg. or Drip RESH JUMBO Rjj;,,'' Coflee ,. Chicken legs 3r.;v.fJ· ~ 39+ lb. YELLOW RIPE SU NSHINE HYDROX COOKIES 49~ lb. ananas 10+ lb. s~ 1M 9~ StWU«J4 WORTHEWS ARKET BANK SQUARE GUILFORD ?age 4 THE T0W N CRIE R lRMER SANGERVILLE The new business will be ~LFO RD BUSY IN CIVIC known as the Harvey Crosby MAINE HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMITTEE NEWS "FAIRS IN CALIFORNIA Neal Funeral Home. Mr. Har­ "We need a stepped-up education program that will get the need telatives here have received vey has served the community for Ughway safety to every driving citizen of this State. " · This statement was made by Chairman of the Maine Highway ~ following clipping from a and surrounding towns with andale, Calif, paper, telling sympathy and understanding Safety Committee Jac~ Atwood for release to the news media . the activities of a former and it is with regret that the Atwood is concerned with the limitations of the present programs :~gervi lle and Guilford man town must lose such a valued now in effect. He has repeatedly called for more aid to public school driver education, as well as increased aid to adult driver :trence Clark. The clipping m~mber. Mr. Harvey has no ::teaded"C lark Set for a Third definite plan at present. refresher courses. rm": Carlton C. Harvey·, II who Atwood went on to say~ "The present Driver Improvement Pro - One of Glendal~ 's busiest has been associated with his gram is a sound step towards reducing accidents. The program ic leaders has been appoint­ father for many years, has has been under consideration for some time, but Maine didn't for , a thrid term on the bought the Ke nneth Tripp actually get the first phases started until November because a !:>lie Service Commission. sporting goods store and will program of this type needs to be considered from every angle :e is Clarence Clark, assist­ take over the business Jan. 1. before we can go all out on it as a project. The DIP has under­ : vice president at the Gle n­ Mr. Tripp has operated the gone extensive evaluation and research by the National Safety .e office of United California business for 25 years, and was Council and other cooperating agencies. I wish to assure the nk . formally proprietor of the Gold people of the. Stat>.• of Maine .that the Driver Improvement is a 1 addition to serving as a Nugget. well developed, and well accepted new approach to mass comm­ unication. Our goal under the present setup is to r each every r commissione~rsinc e June ' >9 and as commission pre­ citizen of Maine through the most proven method of communicat­ ldent this year, Clark is 1965 .SUL~ HJ'C ................ ion a face-to-face , mouth-to-mouth campaign. Most important, asurer of the Glendale Lions the campaign is highly structed to assure results. It deals with The lat-est enltlti.es for the nar­ a complete and c:oncrete eight-hour course in defensive driving ibandwillserve the Cham- ness a-acing program scheduled of - of Commerce in the same Jan. 22 at 4!he .Moosehead Winter and involves each member the Maine Highway Safety Comm­ 1acity starting in February.
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