1 I Census of India, 1951 DISTRICT POPULATION. ' STATISTICS UTTAR PRADESH 19-ETAWAH DISTRICT -- ------_ 315.42 ALLAHABAD: '1'aDrrINo AND :A.TIONERY, UTI'AR PRADESH, INDIA 1951 19!J! ETADPS FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in March, 1952, to supply them for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statistics with separation for scheduled castes (i) mohalIa/ward -wise [or urban areas, and (ii) village-wise for rural areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsil or urban tract and the request frorn (he Uttar Pradesh Government came when the slip sorting had been finished and the Tabulation Offices closed. As the census slips are mixed up for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tehsil or urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes population by mohallas/wards and villages would have involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afresh. Fortunately, however, a secondary census record, viz. the National Citizens' Register, in which each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre pared mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural areas. Th e required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In the above circumstances there is a slight difference in the figures of population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the National Citizens' Register. This difference has been accen· mated by :l:n order passed by me during the later count from the National Register of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad District, Raidas and Bhagat as 'Chamars'. (ii) Count Bhangi, Khakrob, Sweepers, Harijan, Mehtar, Jamadar and Achhut as •Balmikis'. The fact, that some members of the scheduled castes had returned their caste by names which did not find place in the schedule as notified under section 34] of the Constitution ofIndia, came to my notice during the course of the earlier sorting, but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite and uniform orders. I have tried to rectify it by passing this order for the purpose of counting from the National Citizens' Register. The differences in the figures of the two counts have been clearly set out in the tables that follow. 3. The figures of total population of mohallasjwards have been arrived a 1 by actual counting from the National Citizens' Register, while the figures of total population of villages are those determined by actual sorting of the slips and recorded in the Primary Census Abstract. 4. In the Summary of Urban Population the code number of each (Own has been given. The first clement of the code gives the code number of the district, the .econd the code number of the tchsil (or towns of over one lakh population) and the third the code number of the town (other than a town of one lakh population). The key to the code numbers of tehsils will be found in the Summary of Rural Population. RAJESHW AR J PRASAD, I.A.S., RAMPUR: Superintendent, Census Operations, July 23, 1952 . Uttar Pradesh. LIST OF ERRATA TO DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS or ETAWAH DISTRICT A-Errata to population figures (Urban) ----- -------------- . -- -._-------_-_ For Read Partioular~ 5 6 7 5 6 7 ----- ------------------ --.. -----_--------------- 4 JASWANTNAGAR (T. A.)- 4 B-Katra Pukhata Ward- 4 2 -Katl'a. pukhHta 67 108 48') 660 4 3-Phakal'pu1'B. 717 67 108 'i42 B-Errata to column 1, Code no. and name of vi1Iages (Rural) la) Correction in exist.ing names of vfllage~ pag" nO. Jl'or 7 43-BAl'ana 43-·Baraua. 7 61-Babironpur .. 61-Bhaironpur. 7 73-Bhikampur AUl'uiya 73-Bhikh.. pur. 7 119-Chihuli 119-ChiT·huli. 7 129-Darngawan J 29-Dahgawun. 8 20O-jat]J3ishnl1gar 20O-Jauish Nag",.. 8 207-Kachbl'i 207 -KachahaJ'i. 8 260-Money Auraiya 260--Maneypur Aura.iy~. 8 270 ·-Milak Ftu~ainpul' 1\1alo'1 270--Milak Husainpur Kala n. 9 421-8utp\11' 421·-Suatpur . 9 426-SUl'llnyadhDk 426--Suraya·ndho. 9 l8-Bachari 18-Bachheri. 9 39-BaJ'cha 39--Ba~echh" . 9 56-Baispm 56--Biaspu", 9 57-Bijauli 57--Bibuuli. 9 59--Bieauli 59--Bija u 1i . II 5-Ailikoyiali S-Aili. II 6 ·-Air'",,, 6·-Airwa Koyuli. 12 . 243 ---Maror(>zpil'lll 243-Mamrezpur AI. 13 '313-Patti Moran 313-Patti Foruo. 13 327-Purwa Rut'/] 327-Pm'wa, Bhudo";va }{1I1·8. 13 II-Alaropul' HMri" II ~Alnmpul' N.U'ili. 13 17-Arazi Kegh 17-Al'uzi Res!. 14 59~Bhana Rai 59-BbainsAt'ai. 14 130·-Gurdayalpt.r 130-Gnra Dayalpm, 15 314·-BaS8,TpUr 314-S'3n1!arpm. 15 316 -Huutokhpur Hargawana 316-8antokpUl' ltAgHI\RI'l. 15 362-trdhasulD .• 362--1Tdhunpura. ---- .__ .. _---- ------------ ._------- DISTRICT ETA WAH Summary of Urban Population populaticn Scheduled Code nO. and'nRme of Town Males FJmales Total Muslims CH·st.CR Others 3 4 Ii 6 7 18 --1-28 AURAIYA MUNIC·IPAL BOARD .. 7.437 5.967 13,404 1,477 1,331 10,1)96 18-1-324 PHAPHUND TOWN AREA 2,873 2,481 5,354 1.931 66,9 M64 18__:2 -50 BHARTHANA TOWN AREA 4,210 3,018 ;,228 825 559 5,844 18-2-161 LAKHNA TOWN AREA 1,969 1,730 3,104 .314 3.19 a,Oli1 18-4--118 EKDIL TOWN AREA .. 2,082 1,781 3,863 738 718 2,407 18 -4-161 JASWAN'l\NAGAR TOWN AREA .. 4,211 3,,799 8,010 2,865 680 4,465 18-A-121 ErAWAH MUNICIPAL BOARD 32,729 27,183 59,912 17.243 5,682 36987 Total .. 55,390 45,964 101,475 25,393 9,9€8 66,114 population according to Primary Census Abstract .. 55,511 4s,615 101,101 pop.ulallon of Muslims according to Table D-H .. 25,381 Population of Scheduled Caste~ according to 'Iabip D· III 10,167 2 DISTRICT ETAWAH Population of Towns by Mohallasj'Wards Population -~~-- Soheduled Code no. and name of Moh all a Males Females Total MusliPls C!',Stes Others 2 :; 4 5 6 7 -----------~-... --~--- AURAIyA (MUNICIPAL BOARD) A Bagha Katra Ward BaghaKatra. 635 ri05 1,140 203 234 703 2 Madar Darwaza 304 346 710 H2 50 GUS B Baihan Tala Ward 1 Baihan Tala 254 218 472 472 2 G",rh"iya .. 276 24~ 51S 518 3 Mahobia Tala 140 148 288 288 4 Najhai .. 222 200 422 19 1 402 I> Shuklan Tala 150 144 303 3 300 0 Bidhi Chand Ward BidhiChand 522 Hi! 970 In 50 859 Parhin narwaza 477 408 885 34 347 504 D aumti Ward 1 Baza 7R n 150 II 144 2 GUlllti 405 351) 755 63 5 687 3 Gurhai !l86 1372 1,558 58fi 183 790 4 Halw"i Khanl1 2U8 259 557 17 540 E !fI omgallj Wa.d 1 Homganj .. 48S 2,i() 744 £iii II?!) 2 Khirki s"h."b R,,; 44(1 :166 806 14\1 :l 654 3 NarainRur ., GHf) 47f) 1.040 71 263 701i 4 Parhl1rTola 108 HI 189 189 F Ruhai Ward 1 DalhiDarwaza 22R 201 429 40 389 2 Prarthu Gali 10!) 101 210 210 3 Rllh"i 248 217 465 27 437 4 Thathrai ., 4~(I :l;iR 793 He); WI 557 Total 7,1,37 5,907 13,404 1;417 ],831 10,596 Population according to Prillllary Census Abstract 7A3,? 5,MG /3,378 Ward-A PHAPHUND (TOWN AREA) I Bharao IS" 18~ 368 336 17 15 2 K"t.r", Him N ath ll6 91 207 6 34 167 :I Kn.trall1aneypur 141 110 251 11 88 152 4 Kayasthan R7 7!. 166 1 165 6 Lodhiyan 87 87 174 17 157 6 Tiwarian 114 10!) 223 223 7 Uncha,Tila 2!)5 247 502 !H; 113 294 Ward-B 1 Ba1'kiTola 24ii 1811 431 1!l4 fi7 . 180 2 Oharnanganj 56 5;) 111 III 5 45 :; Govindaganj 87 83 169 11 168 4 Homganj 2 Z 4 4 5 Jogian .. 148 130 278 195 83 6 Mahajnan 12(1 IlS 244 fig l8f, 7 Mewatian lIJ6 118 274 213 12 4!J S Taharplll' 127 88 215 I(jO 55 9 Tarui 53 61 114 83 31 Ward-G I Matipur 192 164 356 41 28 287 2 purwaBah" 188 158 346 f)!) 64 223 3 Ka,isn..rhn.ni 197 172 369 167 I) 107 4 Saidwara .. 122 60 191 !l3 23 75 5 Zuberi 189 17~ 361 31i) 24 22 Total 2,873 2,481 5,354 1,931 659 2,76 1 PopulatioD aeCordjDgto prilnary Census Abstract 2,829 2,1'98 5,327 --~-.--~~----- -----_--_. 11 DISTRICT ETAWAH Population of Towns by Mohallas/Wards Population Scheduled Codo no. and name of Mohalla M"les Females Total Muslims Gaste" Ot,h€rS ---- 2 a 4 5 6 7 BHARTHAN'A (TOWN AREA) A Candhinagar Ward 1 AzadRoad 31i1 268 6i9 16 21 582 2. BazazaRoad 54 It! 72 l() 53 3 Brijrainagar .. 3D:! IR2 475 14 37 424 4 Chaudhariganj urf Baluganj 282 lli3 435 2 433 5 GaliGodown I (i;l 50 113 ]13 6 Gandhinugar 417 :>49 766 12 84 670 7 Hanumanganj 103 102 205 53 4 148 8 Itomganj 75 63 13S 3 135 9 .J"wahar Road I 07 30 97 96 10 KatraAbu Mohammad 48 45 93 29 64 11 Mahabirnagar . 439 300 799 5 129 666 12 Mandlr Danshaha1 184 123 307 13 25 269 13 Maulviganj I 14 PnraniBardhai 100 89 189 23 14 102 15 SabziMandi 81 71 152 40 112 16 SaraiRoad 72 56 128 66 62 17 Sarojni Road 62 47 109 43 8 58 B Motiganj Ward 1 Anwarganj 2GO 184 450 365 34 51 2 Gali Godown II 148 89 237 25 12 200 3 Jaw ..harEoadII 155 88 243 19 12 212 4 Maulviganj II 5 Motiganj 287 186 473 28 25 420 6 N,.r"inganj 103 91 194 n 183 7 Neivilganj 246 167 413 20 29 364 8 Station Road 233 132 365 84 42 239 9 TnakRoad 81 75 15" 17 139 Total 4,210 3,018 7,228 825 !j!j9 5,844 PopUlation accGrding to Primary Census Abstract 4,117 2,940 7,066 \; AKHNA (TOWN AREA) Ward-A I Dikshatan 92 118 210 210.
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