CONGRESSIONAL-RECORD-HOUSE 2977. to authorize and direct a survey to be made of the Escambia further funds, it should be possible to make provision for tb,em in ample 'River and its tributaries, ·Alabama and Florida. time, as Congress will no doubt be in session by the time they are I ask unanimous consent for the immediate consideration of ; required. the bill. · - . Respectfully, There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of HERBERT HOOVER. 'the Whole, proceeded to consider the bill, which was read, as follows: · · · JUNE 15, 1929. The PBESIDENT. , B e it enacted, etc., That ·the' Secretary of War be, and be is hereby, SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith for your consideration an authorized and directed to cause a survey to be made of the Escambia estimate of appropriation for the Federal Farm Board· for $151,500,000 River and its tributaries, Alabama and Florida, with a view to the to be immediately available, of which amount $150,000,000 _is for a control of :floods in accordance with the provisions of section 3. of an revolving fund to be administered by the board, and $1,500,000 is for a ct entitled, "An act to provide for" control of the floods of the Mis· administrative expenses of the board until June 30, 1930, as follows: sissippi River, and of the ·Sacramento River, ·Calif., and for other "For carrying into effect the provisions of the act entitled the 'Agri­ purposes," approved March 1, 1917, the cost th~eof to be paid from cultural marketing act,' approved June 15, 1929, including all necessary appropriati ~ ns . heretofore or hereafter ~ade for such purposes. expenditures therein authorized, to be immediately available, $151,500,- The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, 000, ot which amount $150,000,000 shall constitute a revolving fund to ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. be administered by the Federal Farm Board as provided in said act, and FEDERAL FARM RELIEF FUND $1,500,000 shall be available until June 30, 1930, for administrative expenses in executing the functions vested in the Federal Farm Board Mr. W ARllEN. Mr. President, from the Committee on Ap· by said act, $151,500,000." propriations I report back favorably without a.m·endment the This estimate covers $150,000,000 of the $500,000,000 authorized to bill (H. R. 4016) making an appropriation to carry out the be appropriated by the act as a revolving fund for use in making loans provisions of the agricultural marketing act, ·approved June or advant!es, and the full amount of $1,500,000 authorized for the admin­ 15, 1929. The bill makes an appropriation of $151,500,000 _for istrative expenses of the Federal Farm Board until June 30, 1930. The the purpose of carrying out the proviSions of the bill which purpose of the estimate is to provide immediately sufficient funds to :we recently passed providing for relief of agriculture in the enable the board to commence operations under the act. United States. I ask unanimous consent for the immediate The foregoing estimate of appropriation is to meet legislation which consideration of the bill. l>as been enacted since the transmission of the Budget for 1930, and its The VICE PRESIDE.t.~T. Is there objection to the imme- approval is recommended. diate consideration of the bill? · Very respectfully, Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. Mr. President, I understand R. 0. KLOJ!lBER, this bill carries $1,500,000 for administrative purposes under Acting Director of the Bureau of the Budget. the farm relief act? Mr. W AR~EN. Yes; $1,500,0?0 is f~r administrative pu~- OPEN EXECUTIVE SESSIONS poses. _ Mr. JONES. I ask that the unfinished business be laid before Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. And $150,000,000 for a re­ the Senate. volving fund under the provisions of the farm relief· act The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolution. ( S. recently passed by Congress? · Res. 19) submitted by Mr. JoNES, May 6, 1929, to amend para­ Mr. WARREN. The bill provides for the appropriations graph 2 of Rule XXXVIII, relating to proceedings on nomina­ the Senator suggests. tions in executive session. The VICE ·PRESIDENT. Is there objection to the present RECESS con~ideration of the bill? -' Thei·e being no ·objection, the Senate, as in Committee of Mr. WATSON. I move that the Senate take a recess until the Whole, proceeded to consider the ~ill, w~icli was read, to-morrow at 12 o'clock. as follows: · ·- The motion was agreed to; and the Senate (at 5 o'clock and Be it enacted, etc., That there is hereby appropriated, out of any 55 minutes p. m.) took a recess until to-morrow, Tuesday, June money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for carrying into 18, 1929, at 12 o'clock meridian. effect the provisions of the act entitled the ·"Agricultural marketing act," approved June 15, 1929, including all necessary expen(}itures au­ thorized therein, the sum of $151,500,000, to be immediately available, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cf which amount $150,000,000 shall constitute a revolving fund to be MoNDAY, June: 17, 1fm9 administered by the Federal Farm Board as provided in such act, and $1,500,000 shall be available until June 30, 1930, for administrative The House met at 12 o'clock noon. expenses in executing the functions vested in the Federal Farm Board . The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered by such act. the following prayer : The bill was reported t'o tlie' Senate without amendment, or­ Blessed Father in Heaven, be with us to-day. Give us the dered to a third reading, read the third time; and passed. · vision that lends glory to common tasks and that sbeds splen­ Mr. WARREN. Mr. President, I a&k that. the letter from dor on obscure talents. Let Thy Spirit stir mysterious aspi­ President Hoover and the letter from the Acting Director ·of ration in all. Crown us with a new power coming· from beyond the Budget;· which I send to t)?.e desk, may be printed in the ourselves; then shall we have real and lasting weight of char­ RECORD. : - • - . -_ -: • acter. Expel froni our breasts every thought of hate, envy, The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, the letters pre­ strife, covetousness, and vulgarity. Cause love, joy, and peace sented by the Senator from Wyoming will be printed in the to grow and blossom in all our lives. Bless us with the con­ RECORD. scio!}sness of right doing and 'right living: These are of eternal The letters referred to are as follows : value, for they that thus do Thy will shall shine as the brighh JUNE 15, 1929. ness of the firmament and shall be crowned with everlasting The SPEAKER OF THE HOUSEl OF REPRESENTATIVES. honor. Through Christ our Savior. .A.J:llen. Srn: I have the honor to transmit herewith for the consideration of 'l'he Journal of the proceedings of Friday last was read and Congress an estimate of appropriation for the Federal Farm Board for approved. · $151,500,000, to be immediately available, for commencing operations BILL PRESENTED TO THE PRESIDENT under the provisions of the act entitled the "Agricultural marketing act," approved June 15, 1929. Mr. CAMPBELL of Pennsylvania, from the Committee on This estimate -provides $150,000,000 of the $500,000,000 authorized Enrolled Bills, reported that that committee did on June 14, to be appropriated by the act as a revolving fund for use in making 1929, present to the President, for his approval, a bill of the loans or advances, and .the. amount of $1,QQO,OOO authorized for the House of the following title : administrative expenses of the Federal Farm Board until June 30, 1930. H. R. 1. An act to establish a Federal Farm Board to promote The details of this estimate, the necessi~y therefor, and the reason the effective II).erchandising of agricultural commodities in inter­ for its submission at this time are set forth in the letter of the Acting state and foreign commerce, and to place agriculture on a basis Director of the Bureau of the. Budget, which is transmitted herewith of economic equality with other industries. and with which I COnCUl'. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT I should add that the additional amounts which will be needed by the board can not b£• determined except by the board itself, but as Con­ A message :from the PreSident of the United States was com­ gress-. might shortly recess I have thought it des.i;rable that a pre~im.i­ municated to the House by Mr. Latta, one of his secretaries, nary sum should be provided, If the board finds it necessary to have who informed the House that on the following dates the Presi- 2978 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE 17 dent approved and signed bills of the House of the following So we must look elsewhere under this administration for any relief titles: to farming than to the privilege of advancing prices. That privilege On June 6, 1929: is reserved for industry only under the President's decree. The so­ H. J. Res. 82. Joint resolution making appropriations for ad­ called farm relief bill which has passed the House recently was guarded ditional compensation for transportation of the mail by rail­ by rules 1n its consideration which made it impossible to offer as road routes in accordance with the increased rates fixed by the amendment a plan that would increase the price of farm products, or Interstate Commerce Commission.
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