• "'r'- •V •' • sf.V'X • '.M '•-V-'^u: '• • .-v •. PITCAIRIT ISLAIO) Leeson, Ida. "The Kitchell Library, Sydney. Historical and Descriptive iiotes". Sydney, Public Library, 1936. Pitcaii-n Island. Per Pitcairn the records include John Adam's narrative of the Hutiny of tlie 'Bounty', given to officers of H.M.S. Blossom in 1625; 'V.'' (2) a description of the island, with names and ages of the inhabitants, etc., in 1856, contained in Ftemarks on Places Visited in 1837-8, by Sir A.P. Ryder; •7 9'^ (3) the Pitcaim Island Recorder, Ja.-May, 1838, kept by the Rev. G.H, Hobbs, including Remarks made at Pitcaim's Island by William Guim during a visit paid in H.M.S. 'Curacoa' in I84I; (4) a list of the inhabitants in 1855» Kobbs' Journal gives a good account of the daily life of the Pitcairners. A. M ••v,'' BnJr^v-• ••-„.•' Ilk®*!-'''"" •' •l .r • fey •\ rV I If •- y. ' rji; - . ''1*' Yt'% i «.rS ' • • » J 'L PAUiER'S INDEX to THE TIMES; p' .l864j Oct-Dec., Bounty^.Th^ - Bounty Jumper's Revenge 1n, 12c. :"(- v. ^ ,• /«. l874» Jan-March, PScaim l8lanc(ers) - lOj, 12a '"lytV.V u'^ •'••'''.It'jjB* .< 1876, April-June, Pitcaim Island - 20a, 12a •yi., ,sV ' »' I''' I" 1877? April-June, Pitcaim Island - 12a, lOh 'i 1*;' 1878, Oct-Dec, Pitcaim Island - 7d, 12"bj 12d, IPaj 14d, lOf; 17d, 3f; ••M - Report about 4d, $f. l879» Pitcaim Islanders (Jan-March) Aid to - 13f, 6e; 15T» lOe; Pitcaim Island (Oct-Dec^- visit to, 19n» 5®; notes on 22n6d, 25n, 8c. "V*:" ji¥ 1880, April-June, Pitcaim laland(er8) - note on 10j, 6e. ? 1881, April-June, Pitcairia Island, 28a, lid. P1882, Jan-March, visit of H.M. Thetis to Pitcaim Island, 27f, 6d. 1883, April-June, Pitcaim Island - Islanders note on 4a,bf; a Lady's Account of, 19d, 4a. 1884, Jan-March, Pitcaim Island, 21j, 10b; Oct-Dec, Pitcaim Island, 6n, 10c. 1889, April-June, Pitcaim Island, centenary anniversary of the Mutiny of the Bounty, 29a, 6a; account of 14ni, 10a. P 1890,July-Sept., Capt. Smith's visit to Pitcaim Island, 14a, 9l3» P 1898, Oct-Dec, Pitcairn Islander sentenced to death, 8n, 4e. ... V 'v , 1. ''M \ ' •:> >' '• j.. t I -fti' t ^ I899j Jan-March, Pitcaim Island, visit to, 4ni, 11f. ' J- ••A.! 1901, July-Sept., Pitcaim Island(ers), 28a, 5^; Oct-Dec, letter on, 12d, 12f, 1902, Oct-Dec, Pitcairn Island, 15d, 10f. 7 1905? Jan-March, Pitcaim Island(er8) 22f, 10h; April-June, Islanders the plight of thO, 9j> 6a. TIMES AMUAL INDEXI ? 1909» Pitcaim Island, Flora H.M.S,, visit announced, April 7> 14d. P 1911* Pitcairn Island, natives speak with harque Wendur, Feh 20, 12c. 1912, Bounty, The (under Navy) - mutiny of 1789 (leading article "The Mutiny of the Bounty"), April 27, lid. r • <r,. l'' - 3 - • OFFICIAL INDEX TO THE TIMES: 191?) April-June, Pitcaim Island, Letter from chief inhabitant quoted April 10, 4b. (Christian, Gerard R.B., on Pitcaim Island - conditions). "P 1920, July-Sept,, Pitcaim Island, population statistics, Sept. 25, 9f. 1921, July-Sept., Pitcaim Island, particulars, July 19j 9g(l.e.); Accident, boating: natives killed, July 19» 9g(G»eO; Rodwell, Sir Cecil - official visit, July 19» 9g(l.e.)» P 1922, Jan-March, Pitcaim Island, conditions. Sir C. Rodwell (report). Dr. H.W. Mann (report), Jan 12, 9a- 7( 1923, April-June, Pitcaim Island, corrugated iron sheeting, supply landed by Remuera, May 3, 10c. P 1927, July-Sept., postal agency established by N.Z. Govt., Aug. 9» 9g- ? 1928, July-Sept., wireless transmitter presented, Sept. 4s lOd. 1936, April-June, Christian, Fletcher - correspondence. May I8, 10c; Christian family: correspondaece May 11, 8d; correspondeece May 8, 12dj 13, 12e; 18, 10c; 22, 10b; 27, 12e. 1937s Jan-March, Pitcaim Island, Fairclough, Mr. R.B. (1.), Mar. 23, lOg. .x"' I-• ' •.••I.'•••''• •' 7'i" ^I-'k .'i|4 •' i-' .j'i,] - 4 - 1938, Oct-Dec, Pitcaim Island, official study: report, Oct 7, l6e. 1941» July-Sept., article Aug. 19> 3d(4 ), (Mr. Pred Christian, biographic^-i c.al) 1943, Jan-March, Bounty, The, Mutiny of the - Moffat papers, see Rhodesia, southern. (Rhodesia, southern - Moffat papers, further acquisition. Mar 6, 3c 4'). 1949, Jah-March, Bounty, The, Bounty Bible return see Pitcairn Island: Pitcairn Island, Bible belonging to Bounty to be returned by U.S., Jan- ""S' 3b (and 3*); London Mar 31, 2b. 1950, April-June, Bounty, The, Bounty Bible, returned to Pitcairn Island (See Pitcaim Island). 4pril-June, Bounty Bible returned; report on islanders, April 22, 5c> (and 54, 5 )• 1951, Jan-March, Christian, P., suggested Preservation of birthplace, Jan 23, 2c. 1957,(Sept.Oot, Pitcaim IsUnd, castaway on Henderson Island Identified as if-s. national, Sept, 13, 9c(3*). • H'.'- Nov-Dec, Bounty, The, renains found, see Bligh, W. '.5 (Bligh, William - remains of Bounty found, Dec 2, 8e (and 10f, 5*); Pbotos 11, 18)' 1958, May-June, Bounty, The (See under Navy) Ra^: Bounty (Mutiny, I789) - minutes of court martial sold, June 17, i960, Pitcaim Is, May-June, light article, Mayl6, i4f. correspondence 23, ' .f • r I' ADDITIOHS AMUAL INDEX TO THE TIMES 1910, Pitcairn Island, Mails for (additional information to De obtained). OPPICIAL INDEX TO THE TIMES 1927? July-Sept, Pitcairn Island, postal agency established by N.Z. Govt., Aug 9, 9g. 1928, July-Sept, Pitcairn Island, wireless transmitter presented Sept 4, 10d. 1930, April-June, Pitcairn Island, stamps (additional information to be obtained). 1938, Jan-March, Pitcairn Island, wireless apparatus. Mar 9» 13d} April-June, Pitcairn Island, shipping calls resumed, July 27, 13c. i.--. 1940, Oct-Dec, Pitcairn Island, see under War 1939- gift of walking sticks for wounded soldiers, Dec 24, 3f} 27, 3e (4 )• 1941> April-June, Pitcairn Islanders, men volunteer for war service, June 3j 3f (4*); July-Sept, war effort (Pitcairn Island), Aug 19j 3d (4*). 1947j Jan-March, Christian, Mr. F,, meets Duchess of Gloucester, Feb. 22, 3e; Pitcairn Island, visit of Duchess of Gloucester, Feb 22, 3e. 1948, Pitcairn Island, Oct-Dec, children's gift to Corinthic, Nov I9, 2a. iMmi ^ •> • h' u- »• >*PITCAIRN ISLAND. JOHN BUFFETT, Buffett's Diary. Mr. Blackly (Asst. to Judge Simpspn), who lived in Norfolk Island for 11 years, states that Buffett's manuscript diary is in the possession of Young Evans. 2. Apparently a former Administrator asked the Norfolk Islanders to hand over any material in their possession of historical value for safe keeping and presentation, but instead of depositing what he thus collected in the Mtchell or other library he took everything himself. The islanders are therefore loth to show (and still more to lend) anything that still remains in their possession. 3. Nevertheless Mr. Blackly thinks that if suitable guarantees were given to &Ir. Evans he might be willing to loan his diary for photostating. Mr. Blackly would be willing to help himself by reassuring Mr. Evans as to my bonafides. ^ -> " ^ r -"I r~i^ ^ H .e. ' ga ^ . ,f-. O O f1 <-.-• Q •xs-JOS^ . ^ •j iz> •—^ - v-AiB n 0_> 5—.. , CS-SA. 3^ ^ ' '-1 ft — U3. Ci3-a- —sr~ssa—S. • . » o rg ^ - - .. cs .. r> ^ r">_jl— Ci_i —9- " n*' •'-O i ^ — ^-.S£:caSkXiL«SL«— v_r^J->t^; vj^r,^.. k: ^ r-> c->, .. IV ^ f-^ O—\> \ l-jca^^'Sv. i>_fa-~ n. V t3Cv > oCD,^.<=a ;l i 3 S { i ;r • i < ' t uhiyy Voy q£. '79® Note re Motini , 1- from"The Flora of Rarotonga, the chief Island of 'v the Cook Group^"^ "by Thomas P. Gheeseman. in Transactions of the Linnean Society of London Second Series - Volume VI - Botany. Vl (^Vay 1903^ ' Pages 261 - 313. p.281 GurcurhitaceaeCurcurhitaceae hx&Xox. Po^>ttAjS^ Lagenaria "Luffa Cylindrica, Roem., var. insularum, Gogn. - ^Tauive name "lotine. Not uncommon in the lower portions of the island, climhing trees. Throughout Polynesia, also in Australia and the Malay Archipelago. <Xo Fe'v>^ p.311, t ^giopteris Evecta, Hoffm. - Native name Anae. Very abundant in the valleys of the interior, and attaining a large sizeo *1 ry Warm regions of the Old World." Here again he lists it as one of the indigenous plants. r.V •'Vv'.i "• PITGAIPII ISLAM) VISIT OF "SURBY"; 1821 •v^;>TiP SG Sat. June 2« 1821, 2b. Surry (from Valparaiso, Sydney arr, "this morning" - see Ship News above) "touched on return hither at Pitcaim's Island, vAiere the descendants of the celebrated Christian (of the Bounty) live in undisturbed security^ and apparently are blessed with every possible happiness. Captain Raine ensures us, that contentment, joy, and perfect innocence, pervade this little colony; as evil has not yet sullied their hemisphere. v/e are promised by Captain Raine much pleasing information relative to his late u. expeditiojis and fortunate voyage, in which Pitcaim's Island will be combined; CSurry left Valparaiso 10 March - see immediately under heeuding SYDIIEY, 2b]. vGA- .\- • H.-v i .*>• •%** •..,V.U ' M- ^ '.y• .•r:' "-Vv.-Mlv • -v; .'V:' •Y-'-Y'' jfi-,; .. •I, t "'V.!v' .I.rm)- I- •Y- •:"• "V V" PITGATgyiAWA The following two documents may he found In Central ArchiTas: A transcript of oorrespondenoe CoweU - Chri8ti8n,196l-5« Sxtraota from the records of the Local Goveroment of I^tcaim Island 1903-AS edited hy T^S. Gr^well. '"i.: kJ' \ ji IAChronological list of Tteports on Fltoaim Island (* iii p^tral Archives : in some oases wox4d.ng copies are held in SPO) 1. 19Q5 ♦Simons : administrative ; WPSC 252/1898 2. 1916 ♦Routledga, Mrs : general : WfHC 5241/16 3. 1921 ♦Sodwell ; administrative : US Misc. No.93, WPHC 2543/21 4» 1929 ♦Pilling : administrative : CR No,53 3* 1932 ♦Maxwell-Andersen : general : WPHC 897/32, PITTO 6. 1937 ♦Neil and Cook : administrative and medical j WPaC 2234/37 7# t entomologioal : WFHC 328/37 8.
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