tE.l <I(El-6q*rfu{qfr$ft"N <TR4lCh-f lJniversity Grants Commission of Bangladesh ffiqfiqrqeiiofr.F q1rl6lte, c.rc4..<]"qq| 1,T<', trfsl- ) {o 1 I {l{s{(- qR'rrs al ->b-lo>x er6l"F <t.qqtcnf ffilltrT lqfr nfu"trl-< ffi {k"fltr ,.as 'rt<frrsfi fuGtq-< qfrcq "lffis s-fl- {ffis, qll.&s fr-q.f{ e frq-crq fifuq tFll{ to)bt( qtcdt-{ q-{T mrf{ Tfdfr-s frq'RqlFm< p,54m-{ qlg q_+-g fiffi 6166 'l6{6ft eNrK {(BiE T-"r-ttr{ sfrE{ {trk"mm sfr"i{ n-re."lw o{o +r+n-+vn< ffi er$t.l qffiI 'lr<{6fI e-$lq{ ElFrfl fix-*'f s-<I (n) +fl s qHR-s'tt?t1-g efFrR-wtc<ffiu..{<(<t&q 'lm{cttq<ry'q q{ISs @lTs qsffis'rr{{$ er$rg'{ FIr{FTq efsa "iliiulqrc<{{ s tlisl{l o ) - ) o- lo )bR, Etltrcrl ;R c-stTFrqls t 8 Linguistic Features of the Bangla Professor Dr. Shaila Sultana Accepted Language within the Local-Global Institute of Modern Languages lnterface University of Dhaka, Dhaka t. TI{fr g<T FT{aoT< oqr F(fsT T?lTxz oKelc' s. a]agrq1n]{xfffifq Accepted qtritqo s d'rh-< q{nld rmtil qmilfr-sFf uts.tR{iqrlq-{. r]sI I Public Diplornacy During the Dr. Fazrin Huda Accepted E,r.nergence ol Bangladesh: Search fbr a Associate Professor New Identity Department of World Religions and Culture University of Dhaka, Dhaka 01776414430 8. Understanding Religion-based Md. Didarul Islam Accepted natior.ralism behind the Rohingya Assistant Professor refugee crisis Dept. of World Religions and Culture University of Dhaka, Dhaka Cell: 01728871812 Email: [email protected] qa;y| c. 'ts3rlg rcieH TdeE rg q6{ F6' s scwr< s. flt. c"l1<q.rTFr Accepted rul<=fiq{rmf;I Qfuqmfa'v-n Archeology and Tourism of Panchagarh <mttftfuiftmqx, <-mttil r district: Searching Problems and Probab ilitv g. fltetdqr-K {fs,Trh Ts<]qr € Tffi{ ns,<€ etF r{ s. q, as. .!T qqN uql{ Accepted erdfi Etstftcr[{ Efr.ot , ,{sfr yeq{+s qffid ?fuRst'I ROLE OF THE BENGALI EXPATRIATE IN q]qtftrmt< fr,qftryn-"I, {lsf{, ff{I U.K AND U.S,A DURING THE crfdtq B o)v5\9\gbboq j LIBERATION WAR OF BANGLADESH:A t-rlt{ : .j asim.h u(@gmail.com COMPARATIVE STUDY C:\LIsers\kamruzzanran\Desl<top\Pro.jectProsalWebsit20lg.doc $t-l ,n/' J -^l. q. <Tiotrrk ffia , {srr@< {ffiftrrol{ Eirof q{iits s. cn'f. qr{Fr ql-{r{ Accepted The Liberation War of Bangladesh: Efrqqnstt q.ptf,-w]< qlsl{, Role of US Media ffi-rns. trlsT I V. Documentation of Punch-marked Coins Professor Dr. Bulbul Ahmed Accepted in the Collection of Selected Private Depaftr-nent of Archaeology Collectors of Bangladesh Jahangirnagar Un iversity, Savar, Dhaka ffi q.t<Tfgs 1m{ h'rq< E-dre{ {il{5Iq clcT-rET s. qlqs r{"]. ,tl4 Accepted .qql{ sifrd EIEV rrqr{ aVFq,fu' qgep l<\rl'l qrrrad< q|gt<, uFpl r eFdffis stry L w{|ft{illt{fr,qRrynx, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF rTl<ftd 3 o)qeeceqbqb CULTURAL TOURISM ON n-ratq : [email protected] ARCHAEOLOGICAL REMAINS OF ANCIENT LAUR I(INGDOM OF SUNAMCONJ DISTRICT: THE IMPORTANC <F,q.]rqz.f c<{iff .m+i{tr qtlxl, "F<ir{ s q$l'ms. fl'ls {qTq,!ERl Accepted qd&€ ,!{v\"r<gl' eoBwlqffi "irfoqlu.il efuqFq ftst"f etqfr-fi'm ffiqiqil, cleK, urfl asaff CqqK "f$-r-q'i .: rmIRR]D B"f&Tq.lT crmlK GT. fllqfcc]E.qs Accepted $Fi-{ qyffi{ : (sft a-6 qk"i Gft$ eX I?ep <\el'l slmq"il q.eft<a-t< qts]-{, uf$.l t -L*, ffiiE{, ARCHAE,OLOGICAL REMAINS OF 6TKit4 s o)hi)-88qc\G, PATNITALA AND DHAMURHAT t-dt{ s ea.tr{-u@gmail"seltr UPAZILA IN NAOGAON DISTRICT: A FIELD BASED STUDY Bangabandhu. the l97O Electiorr s(T-r]T s. ({fqlqq cqlq.fiq?q almiT Accepted Campaign, and the Making ol a EfufreFr qlslr, National ldentity for Bangladesh qlqfi-fl'k ft"jfrqrtrT, dlsl I qK q,]zTrd 4(f.I ?F-alcn Dnf,ara<zro aE-< qrfi'rs s. q qi{ €{ Accepted . <l!f] I-L.-, L<\rl)l qIeTftf,.rrlK ffimx, q]sk. wsl )8. qk{ {,Tistt'r-{ EEfu-rr sirSh FTlialrp< {r{tr g. TIqfllT ql$lsI Accepted f"r:ipt, ,{+fr f<t{s q{]rptu;n Tq=FIilt q{fi'lS 'l'H l: CONS]'RLJCl'lON tll'r l'H lr ;riRO e affist-rt C0NCIPl- 0F hiAl-l()NAl. CIN[:ih4A qRrfi|a{5K ft.{frq-itrTl, rflelK, rTsl IN ZAHIR RAIHAN'S ITII,fulS: A CLOSB ANALYSiS um'r fufu.ro< qlflrEr{ aiarEFf,{cl, wrrq crRqq'{#E sak Accepted 5C. ''lir,il EqTi cqFr+<{,ffi-K qmQo w*rrn : elgsg s {arrlfi q{if'fs qlarq-< qrfis q<rrn q8e$ l<\,lrl qlsf{, qtqtfrr"TrrR r TOWARDS A COMPREHENSIVE -L-. frxfik1s'r, trlsl APPROACH ON ({f<'ii{ 3 o)q)eoe\9eo1 DOCUMENTATION, i-rltq : [email protected],!1 CLASSIFICATION AND EVOLUTION CHURCH ARCHITECTURE IN DHAKA DIVISION : A CROSS DISCIPLINARY STUDY ON ARCHITECTURE AND ARCHAEOLOCY The Role of Translanguaging to teach Sumana Gupta Accepted EFL in a Bilingual Classroom Assistant Professor Depaftment of English Jahangirnagar University, savar, Dhaka. \o h{q {wfl{.fi4]zr{ Tfqamt s <t(Elrrri{ s. {Eelr'TqlB'K Accepted aqs'ialqttfi"j$ C.\LJsers\kamruzzarnan\Desktop\Proiect Prosal Wehsit 20 I 9.doc wXT-rI {isqfqt<qrf q.effirflK R{rRqlET, qlvk, tr]sI POLITICS OF SAYED NAZRUL (TKT{ B o5q)8v)cbq\ ISLAM AND EMERGENCE OF BANGLADESH su ltana_hi st3 4j u@yahoo. com )u. " qls:vfr-s Rsrrq-< w{ej, ?}fu -i'fu s qBqvf, s. 5ag aq6aa Q-aa1-q Accepted uisl "RL<-{ E"rc{ ai6a6+r" qsffiftqtl-fi'ls' "Situation, Principles""6 & complexities of ffioftfuefteFf qaHlrrfulRqxE{, Inter Religious Marriage (lRM): a trffi r review on Dhaka City" c{RIt{ B o)v)eqqetseb, o)b\\b5qcqc 'Faith Based Education and the Social Sufia l(hatun Accepted Discrimination of Madrasah Students in Associate Professor Bangladesh' Depaftment of Islarnic History and Culture Jagannath University, Dhaka Cell:01712612055 Email :sufi [email protected] Qo. Maulana Bhasani: The Mercurial Supad I(umar Ghose Accepted Leader Assistant Professor Departrxent of Bangladesh and Liberation War Studies Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU), Noakhali Cell: 0L7 49340884 Email: s u p a d. gLr o s e @ grnail. co ITI t5. Towards a Practical 'English as Md. Harun Accepted Medium of Instruction' (EMI) Policy at Assistant Professor the Universities in Bangladeslr Department of English Cornilla University. Comilla Cell:+8801915961909 Emai l: [email protected] qeFrq TCe< <(t( {fi rT:I}TIf: q61s rg E;IK ({T: nlTtrqlTf;I Accepted {6rtq q-lotii qttil"lT Monga Problem in Greater Rangpur ifrqtqs eswRq{ Region: Past and Present c<um mrr+Tlffi-rle's, R(T{ | flKlte: o)9){-b11obo se'fcfiflI <FT{l< dlqTlI< 's EBEI fiFFr: QhiqlFro cq.+T",B v. i{' Not Accepted by the q11"6 ARCHITECTURAL REMAINS OF KALAKOPA {"iEr fiEx;afi} Evaluation Committee ANDBANDURA:AHISTORICAL tlrifm{ tfu'q rs cqTB f{stt BACKGROUND W+'t ft,rfRrfrerT, rlsI r m<itq e o)E)cs)\ucbl a8 Organizational CIimate of PubIic Universitl' Plof'essor Dr. Muhanrmad Mezbah-ul- Not Accepted by the Libraries: Erploratorv in Islam An Study EvalLration Committee Bangladesh DepI. of Infbnration Science and l-ibrary' Management Llniversitv of Dhaka. Dhaka Cell. 0l7l 1244677 qTill iiscs q{dm ,fll{sr qrm{o qlEsIEFr{f,siBr ao <Rdl.Im6.] Tt-<tq s. 6nl8 Not Accepted by the qlfttsj PERSIAN TRANSI,,ATION LITERATURE +t-<Fr v=tsf rs fr-sr'i Evaluation Committee IN BANGLADESI-I IN 2II-H CENTURY aorft{ftrlrq'{, ltf,l r Gt<tq g o5g)coowbvo) 1)coo\99b1 i- cltdr a aksarkerfDdu.ac.bd ql{+q{m q€{h w $E'3 ffi43l{qlrdF EIqtqEtr Tl-iq Not Accepted by the Iq(slftq<lTgm C:\Users\kamrLrzzaman\Desktop\Pro.ject Prosal Websit 20 I 9.doc x d1. gEF]glri ANIMAL WORLD OF THE HOLY QURAN Evaluation Committee IN THE URDU AND ARABIC LANGUAGE rtfl fi,SRI,IdK, EI$l-) ooo I{<tE S o)1){oobece ?-ra?q c dr.rashiddur?emai l.com \o qlTil q$]q {]l,{c-q< lrml.l{l{t (ql{r{<F {'t) u. FrIqI,qq.r{Ir{+rql'5r Not Accepted by the THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARABIC {{Grlftqrrl"ls Evaluation Committee TRANSLATION LI'IERATUI{E q"rrftfrsl"f (MODERN PERTOD) uretft,qftmq*r, utfl r ({mt{ a o5q5Q5coo8y i-ntq : dushahid liaienail.com \L ( v. <f+-f,q utXf-ro lGin nf:M, "iirn-qTfrn Modern Saudi {q1. iTqtr Not Accepted by tl-re Arabian litelature: Trends and Trails >rrorilsqPro qmi]ftstE Evaluation Committee o+rfu*rRrIrer, rlsl r II"KtiE ;rR: o) 1)Q)ogbQc' qlrBf;ro omm TiFIRI Tl-qTql 'iri-<i61-< aqfi $+ns1a6 f6, s. fl|. rqTl;| Not Accepted by the q'r-tkr< Afuq{eftr{fi'FI ifuclq r: n<1G fdo,r Evaluation Committee aqqtfuftqitq:r, oerrt r rqf<ltE: o)q)\9Q8cool qffi-ii B"fsief< i1,-uqFr- ercq \3 rsl<n]' qlFftT v. TR{ql "lrET Not Accepted by the History-Heritage and Probability ol Atrvari ift{aftETt Evaluation Cornmittee Upazila 3.q-trftf{qfrhrTryT, <m.nft r FCTF T|IIE Fcr(F{ 6i?i- : ITTE s li<il s. flR-T. sffi TE.{r ql€sK <l{ Not Accepted by the >116ilftqill"rp POETRY OF FAYEZ AHMED FAYEZ: Evaluation Committee NATURI AND LIFE Wfist,r nqqt fuiftqit"m, <tq.ttft r cfi<'ttE , o)3)ug)clw i-cqior, [email protected] C{ff< BertsTdff{ 6flloq Ele5glr ffi"1 ffi1t1 ffiq g qdfierT s.
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