English supplement of SVQBQDA. Ukrainian daily, found d 1893. Dedicated to the needs and, interests of young Americans of Ukrainian descent. 9 JERSEY CJTY, N. J., SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1940 оаша&ма YVASHINiGTONTO BESITE OF UKRAINIAN CON­ • Ш CAN!T rBELJEVE fHEM •/ UKRAINIAN DEVELOPMENTS US GRESS. IN MAY Ap^irently to win the confidence and.aid of»)Ufk- immw -ішт ти rainians''"fpr the projected plane to;reconstitute a- tpGe Poland, certain ргощідепі Poles have on several occasipns Representatives of leading Uk­ UKRAINIAN ^PtEAL rainian-American national organ­ expressed themselves in favor of Ukrainian.national free­ izations meeting in . Philadelphia dom. Typical of such comment is that of General'Haller, last Saturday, unanimously resolved now turned tourist who recently said: "J believe and favor ROME (AP). —Euhen Onatsky, to go .ahead., with the, preparations [Rome .avrrespondeflt^of "Svpbo- for the qoming Ащегісап-Ukrainjan an independent Ukraine ..." . da"}hjhaa. sent.en. open letter«^^ I Congress, and scheduled it to take ,Much as .we would ДЦсе to believe General J^aUe^and SumriervWelies, Rre^enti|loose- place early,in May in the nation's velt's. special епі^р^тЩкю^ре, capital, Washington. others Цке ЬДт, we simpjy cannot. There is too, niuph pleading ь£ог .• x&#f&tionmj{ рМЛ evidence to > the contrary. In addition, - history shows cause,- ^he.Rome office о&фщщЯр: As,a final effort, .however, .to rainian Nationalists, disclosed * tor. gain for the,congress the support that. all;such- Polish,overtures of friendship toward, the of the- Workingmen's and. Provid­ Ukrainians, were .insincere. Whenever* 4Jher Ukrainians ac- %3ie tetter, asked (tbai *ЇЩЇГІЬІ~) ence, associations,, whjch, refjauned • cepted them, they • always found cause to deeply- regret States і'.'Ьеаг injmind" the. national from participating in the confer­ their decision. aspireikos^jpf Чб^0Д)(Ю:^Лааіп- ence, the assembled representatives іала wheh.and«i£ ЛІю United States unanimously resolved themselves %f Aiaepg such current evidencer,to the contrary,, for participates m.je-esiablismiient.of \ in fayor..of. having,.the congress : European peace, f^p sponsored, by only the four frater­ example, are- the January 26 and February? -9 issues of nal orders .(UkrainianOvulational "Free Europe," a newfpr&iightly published .in Jyondpn and -Onatskyijfcld:a¥elles >the Ukrain­ Association, . Ukrainian .National devotedjto "Central and I?ast European affairs." .Although ians have been - • Aid Association„plue. the .Working- promises j to^vJcecreate iPoland ,-ле-, : men's and Providence Associations), the name, of its publishers does not appear in it, even jj a cause >they .did not !desire**toepeti- . provided, however, the '•. four. ..of cursory,.examination reveals its. close connection .with tion of the misfortune of) finding them ("Big Four!') agree by March influential 'Polish; pircles,. especially < Geaer^sSiJiGrski's themselves included,-.as thejfoerere 6th to sponsor it in the fallowing after the і World. .War, in the bound­ manner:, XI). All ^тт^іп^п^Аиї** government.' Consequently its statements- have an- autho­ aries nf^apPolish .state.'4-ІИіе letter of the congress ..sponsoring, com­ ritative ring jo them. |B| Щ also..said thattUkrainians. inside mittee and of the-.j»hgress itself {.Reading jthese.twP.issues carefully/we cannot,find the Russia desire independence. "• are.to be-,.signed .only, by .the "Big Newarb.EveaingJiews, ЕеЬл28. F о u r" {^presentatives, (2), the slightest evidence that- Polish leaders desire freedom for praesidium. which,,will conduct the Ukraine pr^auy^art of her.. On :фе contrary* all tae;dfeect congress is to consist of Wpg Four" and rindirect references to the subject that appear-it, ARMED-REVOLT IN EVIW representatives alone, (3) but.all ; decisions in respect to Jthe con­ clearly-indicate that responsible Polish circles are-of no Special Cable to International News gress, including those pertaining mind to even.acknpwledge Ukrainian claims to freedom. to the .resolutions and to the crea­ : Such an.indication -can be found, for instance .in Pre­ .СР^АЦТСШ^тдіщ'^еЬ. 22. tion of a supreme Ukrainian-Ameri­ r —Soviet poUce.,)have,.un<»vered:3 can representation C pin m і 11 e e, sident Wladyslaw T Raczkiewicz's indirect reference і to wjldespread plot ajpins^tte Russian which are £b -be. proposed. at the Western Ukraine as "pur Polish territory;". wJuch .upon I congress, are to .be made only in the defeat of Germany and Russia will be returned to "us" reyealed..fciday..ara^'sj^laTaved up- joint .conference of the.representa­ risinft. atWfffw (J<embeim^;. tives of ^ Шгаіпіап-American na­ < Роїев). Щ Ukrainians re­ tional organizations participating in :It can also be foinui in the article entitled "Russia sisted- Russian attempts to search I the. congress. their..homes,. op^ng fiJe^pji^p! and Poland: Their Future Relations," ..wherein ritsRussian >' ¥ tt ЬЩМагсп 6th .the "Big Foot" : SqvJet/pol|ce with; Q^Cffbie^ ganspt'; do not agree to these.terms, then . writer, Gleb Struve,. attacks the idea of a-free Ukraine was claimed. the representatives of .the. organ­ because, .among ptherv.things, 'fthe creation of. an; inde- .Qnly a|ti№;jSoYiet officials.order- izations represented at the Phila­ ,pendent Ukrainjan.Repubhc, as.suggested: in some.quar-- е^^аГШІегу. .brought untied -train- delphia Conference will .reconvene : e4jMp^ii|Oie.Ukrabu^ and proceed with preparations for ters, would not be in the interests of Poland.. Щ •the noting, шШ ЩЩ the." congress, ..which will then. be Still another suph indication can: Jbe found in ..the 4(^viet troojpe^ werealleged to held definitely under the ацврісез article on VThe Political Ideology of General/ Sikoreki's"> have machine-gunned,:ШгаІпДап of-all national organizations that 4 peasante i^jp^ortkow^^tjer they care" to participate in it. Government^' by J. Hj^Retinger, who cites the* December refused to^^umd over^^gjpplies of Since both of .them attended-the 20,1939 declaration of^that government on the. subject p£ I wheat,m^ater, it.,was Philadelphia Conference and agreed former Poland's і national minorities, wherein it, is stated were executed.) . to the above terms, it is safe to that reconstituted ^Poland shall be a democratic state. Yl JfounialrAmerican, Feb. .23. assume that the Ukrainian Nation­ al Association (oldest "and - largest Дег national.minorities, which, together with the Polish Ukrainian .fraternal order.in the people, took part In .the struggle and remained faithful to . UKRAINIANS PRESS CLAfflS country) and ,the Ukrainian Na­ '-IN: BUCHAREST ;Щ| tional , AidAssociation will ^parti­ the State, will be assured justice, free national and cul­ cipate in -the congress no matter tural development, and due legal protection*" Boeder Groap^Now P^3[ whether it will be sponsored by the Big Four alone or by all Ukrainian- Now, this statement Is very cleverly phrased. •• It is a American national organizations. fine example of a "double entente." On the pne. hand, it By Telephone to -the,New York The Philadelphia Conference was gives^e,impression that. formerr Poland's,,national mi­ attended by the following representa­ norities, were loyal,, which; in turn gives the impression BUCHAREST, Rumania, Feb. 25. tives: Nicholas Muraszko and Dniytro that they were well off and had. nothing to compain about. —rTho insistent, demands of, the (ialychyn, Ukrainian.Jfational Associa­ ; Ukrainians ,4ni Rumania < fior the tion; . Vasile Shabatiiraand Joseph But onthe other hand, it can bemterprete4?|n a manner privilege of*i|i*via g their own, Michalhik, Ukrainian National. Aid As­ schools and the protection of the sociation; Dr. Miroslav Simiens, and which.allows the Poles to say thatsjustice/free national Dr. Omelan Tarnaysky, United Hetinan and cultural^|evelopment etc., will,be. assured рп1у;Щ Ukrainian - Orthodox CbuvchixJMtW Organizations; Prof. Alexander .those who "remained faithful to the-state,\\^d here,the being pressed. oe.;Jthe vgovemment^ noVsky and Vdlodirair <• Dushnyck, have .put?the Ukrainian - movement ODWU (Organization for - the . Re­ Poles can easily claim that Ukrainians were not faithful :into tie h^%hfcH*gain. The^cen- ?t^j6ft; the I movement Ms *1а Buko- birth of Ukraine); Anastasia Wagner ..•^^ven^y^ugh-^robably ^thousands, of them died, in defense ; and Annette. Kmetz, Soyuz Ukrainok of: Poland, against the Nazis—and, therefore, npl|^ntitlec( vina. (Ukraiujan National Women's.;Alliance 1 Of thei 1,0(Ю,0(Юггикгаіпіап8 Іа of America); Stephanie Halychyiv,and, to national rights in'a reconstituted Poland. Rumania aboufe^OOiOOO^^iifi-iBu- Anastasia Swystun, 'Ukrainian Golden kovin>feand about ^700,000 іпг-Тдаа- Cross; jMichael .Ріадак,". Jroby^dnanye .-»As:if tp give added,weight to our reasoning, Mr. Re- sylvania and in Besaajcabia. \ Codrdlmlrig, СоттШеот^лшІ.';, with 1 John Kosbln the Ukrainian' Yonth's* tinger continues: "Acts keep apace with, words. A Zion­ •When Germany backed, the-move- League of North America* Dr.' Luke ist leader was chosen as a member of the National Counpil, ment for an independent -Ukraine Myshuha, •' 'JObyednanye* (United )4 the Ukrainians .tpeRumania were Ukrainian Organizations of America); ano^e^^tJbeing reserved for an orthj <||;,RabbL Simul­ strong, adherents: of- Adolf Hitler, Eugene.jdLachowitch, Ukrainian Legion; taneously several men of Jewish faith and: descent were ap­ but when Herr Hitler jallowed HUQ- Nicholas Hawrylko, Ukrainian Pro- pointed to high,administrative,posts, 'Шс& to mention, the gary.to oceup^yithesu|K2arpathian fessionalist Association; Olga Zado- Ukraine-i ^andt -then made his. pact refslty and Roman Lapica, Youth of two Polish consuls^in Palestine, bpth professing. Jews." with tthe' Russians they called him ODWUj^Dr. Walter '.jGallan, Ronjan a traitor. j -ЩШ Slobodian and ..Stephen Shumeyko, »To which we say: Why weren't any Ukrainians ap­ "Obyednanye" Coordinating Commit- pointed to any such, posts, especially since the Ukrain­ The- Russians -made use of Uk­ t&;JJohn W. Koos and John Panch'uk, rainians troops -in- the occupation Cleveland Pre-Congress Committee. ians constituted the largest "national minority" еЩрге- of t the Polish Ukraine, and on-the I-The conference was held under .
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