ESISTER \ 1934 VOLUME 24 NUMBER 245 * </a h t e d % Washington, Thursday, December 17, 1959 such commodity, such limitation shall not CONTENTS Title 6— AGRICULTURAL apply to the amount of price support re­ ceived by the cooperative marketing organ­ ization, or other persons, but the amount of Agricultural Marketing Service PaS® CREDIT price support made available to-any person Notices: through such cooperative marketing organ­ Winfield Livestock Auction, Inc., Chapter IV— Commodity Stabilization ization or other persons shall be included in et al. ; proposed posting of Service and Commodity Credit Cor­ determining the amount of price support stockyards_________________ 10233 poration, Department of Agriculture received by such person for purposes of such Proposed rule making: limitation, and (4) that the Secretary of SUBCHAPTER B— LOANS, PURCHASES, AND Agriculture shall issue regulations prescrib­ Milk in Detroit, Mich., and Cen­ QTHER OPERATIONS ing such rules as he determines necessary to tral Michigan marketing area; carry out this provision. decision on proposed amend­ PART 427— COTTON ments to tentative marketing To implement the above provisions of agreement and order________ 10207 Notice of Applicability of Provisions the Act, notice is hereby given of the Contained in I960 Agricultural Ap­ following: Agricultural Research Service 1. Upland cotton and extra long staple Notices: propriation Act— Public Law 86—80 Anti-hog-cholera serum and to Upland Cotton and Extra Long cotton have been declared to be in sur­ plus supply for the purpose of P.L. 86-90 hog-cholera virus, handling; Staple Cotton and the provisions of the Act are ap­ members and alternate mem­ bers of control agency_______ 10233 The provision in the Department of plicable to such commodities. The Agriculture and Farm Credit Adminis­ term “commodity” hereinafter used in Agriculture Department tration Appropriation Act for the fiscal this notice shall be deemed to refer sep­ See also Agricultural Marketing year 1960 (P.L. 86-80) placing a limita­ arately to upland cotton and to extra Service; Agricultural Research tion on the amount of price support long staple cotton. Service; Commodity Credit Cor­ which may be extended by Commodity 2. Each producer shall be required to poration; Commodity Stabiliza­ Credit Corporation to any person reads make a 20 percent reduction in the pro­ tion Service. duction of the commodity in 1960 below Notices: as follows: his 1959 production in order to be eligible South Carolina ; designation of Provided further, (1) That no part of this for nonrecourse price support on the area for production emer- authorization shall be used to formulate or commodity in excess of $50,000. The re­ gency loans________________ 10234 carry out a price support program for 1960 under which a total amount of price support duction in production shall be made on Civil and Defense Mobilization in excess of $50,000 would be extended an acreage basi , and the acreage repre­ Office through loans, purchases, or purchase agree­ sented by such reduction shall not be ments made or made available by Com­ put into production of the commodity Notices: modity Credit Corporation to any person on by any other person. In ttie case of up­ Oklahoma; major disaster------- 10240 the 1960 production of any agricultural com­ land cotton, the requirement of a 20 per­ Coast Guard modity declared by the Secretary to be in cent reduction from the 1959 acreage Notices: surplus supply, unless (a) such person shall will apply regardless of whether the pro­ Equipment, installations, or ma­ reduce his production of such commodity from that which such person produced the ducer elected Choice (A) or Choice (B) terials; changes in name cff preceding year, in such percentage, not to in 1959 or whether he elects Choice (A) products and in names and exceed 20 per centum, as the Secretary may or Choice (B) in 1960. addresses of manufacturers; determine to be essential to bring produc­ 3. Price support advances in excess of approval and termination of tion in line within a reasonable period of $50,000 on the commodity for which the approval, and amendment— 10224 time with that necessary to provide an ade­ producer has not made the required re­ quate supply to meet domestic and foreign Commerce Department duction of production shall be made only See Maritime Administration. demands, plus adequate reserves, or (b) through recourse price support loan ad­ such person shall agree to repay all amounts Commodify Credit Corporation advanced in excess of $50,000 for any agri­ vances. Producers affected by this pro­ cultural commodity within twelve months vision shall be extended rights of repay­ Rules and regulations: from the date of the advance of such funds ment for twelve months after the final Loans, purchases and other op­ or at such later date as the\Secretary may price support availability date for the erations : determine, (2) that the term “person” shall commodity. Cotton, upland and extra long mean an individual, partnership, firm, 4. In case a person receives price sup­ sta p le ___ _______ 10189 joint-stock company, corporation, associa­ Mohair; payment program— 10191 tion, trust, estate, or other legal entity, or a port advances in excess of $50,000 and such person is ineligible for unlimited Wool, shorn and pulled; in­ State, political subdivision of a State, or any centive level, 1960------------ 10191 agency thereof, (3) that in the case of any nonrecourse price support, the amount loan to, or purchase from, a cooperative due on a recourse basis shall be the Commodity Stabilization Service marketing organization, or with regard to amount advanced in excess of $50,000 Notices: price support on an agricultural commodity plus interest and charges on the amount Sugar in continental U.S.; im­ extended by purchases of a product of such in excess of $50,000. Charges shall in- portation for refining and commodity from, or by loans on such prod­ uct to, persons other than the producers of (Continued on p. 10191) storag e____________________ 10233 10189 10190 RULES AND REGULATIONS / w \ CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Power Commission Page Securities and Exchange Com- Pa®e FEDERALlpEGISTER Notices: mission— Continued V, 1834 r tornito ’ ^ Hearings, etc.: Notices—Continued Alabama-Tennessee Natural Hearings, etc.—Continued Gas Co___________________ 10238 One William Street Fund, REpublic 7—7500 * Extension 3261 Arizona Power Authority___ 10237 Inc---------- --------- --------------- 10241 Continental Oil Co. et al___ 10238 Oklahoma Gas and Electric Small Business Administration Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Co_____ _________________ 10239 Notices : and days following official Federal holidays, Standard Oil Co. of Texas et Authority delegations : by the Office of the Federal Register, National al________________________ 10239 Branch managers: Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Jackson, Miss____________ 10242 ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Tennessee Gas Transmission Co_________________ 10240 Washington, D.C.____ ____ 10242 thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Disaster field office managers: approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Federal Trade Commission Beaufort, S.C_____________ 10242 amended; 44 U.S.C., ch, 8 B ), under regula­ Rules and regulations: tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Charleston, S.C________ ___ 10242 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Cease and desist orders: Small business production pools: the President. Distribution is made only by A. & J. Engel, Inc__________ 10193 Allied Specialties Co.; par- * the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Cappell, Charles, et al____ _ 10192 -----, ticipation____ ____________ 10243 ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. Erie Sand and Gravel Co_____10193 General Tire Production Pool, The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Lowenthal’s Inc., et al________ 10194 Inc. ; withdrawal of partici­ mall to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Royal Sewing Machine Corp. pation. ..._____ __________ _ 10243 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in et al_____________________ 10195 advance. The charge for individual copies Tire and tube repair material Treasury Department ^ (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to industry____________________ 10195 See also Coast Guard. the size of the issue. Remit check or money Notices: order, made payable to the Superintendent Health, Education, and Welfare No sales at less than fair value; of Documents, directly to the Government Department Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. determinations: The regulatory material appearing herein Notices: Aluminum foil from Switzer- is keyed to the Code op F ederal R egulations, Public Health Service; organ­ land------------- ---------- J:____ 10231 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant ization and authority delega- Cyanuric chloride from to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as tions____________________ ___ 10234 Japan---------- ^___,_______ 10232 amended August 5, 1953. The Code op F ed­ Housing and Home Finance Monosodium glutamate from eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ Japan. ________J __________ 1Q232 tendent of Documents. Prices of books and Agency pocket supplements vary. Rules and regulations: Veterans Administration There are no restrictions on the re­ Programs and procedure____ ._ 10206 Rules and regulations: publication of material appearing in the Interior Department Claims; assistance in acquiring F ederal R egister, or the Code of F ederal specially adapted
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