Santa Clara Valley Water District Landscape Rebate Program Qualifying Plant List Following is the current Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) Landscape Rebate Program Qualifying Plant List. The list is based on the WUCOLS IV 2014 Edition, published by the University of California Cooperative Extension and the California Department of Water Resources, as well as input from several botanists that work in Santa Clara County. WUCOLS stands for Water Use Classification of Landscape Species, and is a guide that provides evaluated water needs for more than 3,700 plant species in California. All of the plants on the Landscape Rebate Program (LRP) Qualifying Plant List are considered low or very low water using plants in Region 1 according to the WUCOLS guide. Highly invasive plants have been removed from the list. Customers are required to select plants from the following plant list in order to meet the minimum 50% plant coverage requirement for the Landscape Rebate Program. Plant coverage values are calculated based on the mature size of the plant. The value is obtained by determining the area of a circle using the plant spread or width as the diameter. To find the area of a circle, square the diameter and multiply by .7854. Squaring the diameter means multiplying the diameter by itself. For example, a plant with a 5 foot spread would be calculated as follows: .7854 x 5 ft diameter x 5 ft diameter = 20 sq ft (values are rounded to the nearest whole number). The coverage values have been predetermined for most of the plants listed on the LRP Qualifying Plant List. For values not provided, please refer to reputable gardening books or nurseries in order to determine the diameter of the plant at maturity or contact the SCVWD for assistance. Plants included on the LRP Qualifying Plant List that are listed by the genus name only (i.e. Ceanothus ssp.) indicate that every species and every cultivar of that plant is considered low or very low water using and each species would qualify toward the 50% plant coverage requirement. If you are planning to install one of these plants, please include the entire name of the plant (genus, species, and cultivar) on your plant list. If you need additional information or would like assistance in determining the plant coverage values, please contact the Santa Clara Valley Water District Water Conservation Hotline at (408) 630-2554 or email [email protected]. Plants noted as Potentially Invasive on the list below have the potential to spread aggressively. It is best not to plant these plants adjacent to [within 5 miles of] wild land, state/county/city parks, open space preserves, creeks, lakes or drainage ditches. (Highly invasive plants have already been removed from the Qualifying Plant List). Plants noted as Genetic Concern are plant species or cultivars that are within a genus which may be native to Santa Clara County. Consult a plant ecologist or native plant database to determine if your landscape project is located within 5 miles of wild populations. If so, please follow these suggestions to protect local genetic integrity: 1) select a local ecotype 2) avoid use of cultivars or hybrids, especially those with non-local or unknown parentage and 3) avoid use of nonnative ornamentals which share the same genus in order to prevent unnatural hybridization. Scientific Name Common Name Native Type(s) Coverage Abronia Maritima Sand Verbena Yes Perennial 7 Abutilon Palmeri Indian Mallow Yes Shrub 13 Acacia Boormanii Snowy River Wattle No Shrub 64 Acacia Cognata 'Cousin Itt' Cousin Itt Little River Wattle No Shrub 28 Acacia Cultriformis Knife Acacia No Shrub Tree 95 Acacia Glaucoptera Clay Wattle No Shrub 38 Acacia Greggii Catclaw Acacia (Shrub Form Yes Shrub Tree 177 Only) Acacia Linearifolia Golden Wattle No Shrub 33 Acacia Longifolia Sydney Golden Wattle No Shrub Tree 133 Acacia Podalyriifolia Pearl Acacia (Shrub Form No Shrub Tree 113 Only) Acacia Redolens Prostrate Acacia No Groundcover Shrub 177 Acacia Saligna Blue Leaf Wattle No Shrub Tree 241 Acacia Subporosa Subporosa Acacia (Shrub No Shrub Tree 314 Form Only) Achillea Ageratifolia Greek Yarrow No Perennial 1 Achillea Clavennae Silvery Yarrow No Perennial 1 Achillea Filipendulina Fern Leaf Yarrow No Perennial 7 Achillea Millefolium (Ca Common Yarrow Yes Groundcover Perennial 4 Native Cultivars) Achillea Tomentosa Woolly Yarrow No Groundcover Perennial 2 Achillea X 'Moonshine' Moonshine Yarrow No Perennial 3 Acmispon Glaber Deer Weed Yes Perennial 3 Adenanthos Cuneatus 'Coral Flame Bush No Shrub 13 Drift' Adenanthos Detmoldii Yellow Jugflower No Shrub 13 'Metallica' Adenanthos Drummondii Woolly Bush No Shrub 24 Adenanthos Meisneri Woollybush No Shrub 28 Adenanthos Sericea Woolly Bush No Shrub 133 Adenostoma Fasciculatum Chamise Yes Groundcover Shrub 57 Adenostoma Sparsifolium Red Shanks Or Ribbonwood Yes Shrub Tree 10 (Shrub Form Only) Aechmea Recurvata Var. False Tillandsia No Perennial 2 Recurvata Aeonium Spp. Canary Island Rose No Perennial Succulent 0 Agapanthus Inapertus Major Lily Of The Nile No Perennial 3 Agave Deserti Agave No Perennial Succulent 13 Agave Spp. Agave No Perennial Succulent 0 Alcea Rosea Perennial Hollyhock Yes Perennial 3 Aloe Bainelsi Tree Aloe No Succulent 12 Aloe Spp. Aloe No Succulent 0 Aloysia Triphylla Lemon Verbena No Shrub 28 Alstroemeria Ligtu Alstroemeria (Ligtu) No Bulb 7 Alyogyne Huegelii Blue Hibiscus No Shrub 28 Alyssum Montanum Mountain Alyssum No Perennial 2 Amaryllis Belladonna Naked Lady No Bulb 3 Ambrosia Chamissonis Sand Bur Yes Perennial 64 Amorpha Californica California False Indigo Bush Yes Shrub 24 Amsonia Grandiflora Large Flowered Blue Star No Perennial 7 Anaphalis Margaritacea Pearly Everlasting Yes Perennial 3 Anemone Coronaria Poppy-Flowered Anemone No Bulb 1 Angelica Pachycarpa Shiny Leaf Angelica No Perennial 7 Anigozanthos Flavidus Kangaroo Paw No Perennial 5 Anigozanthos Spp. & Cvs. Kangaroo Paw No Perennial 0 Anigozanthos Viridis Green Kangaroo Paw No Perennial 7 Antennaria Rosea Pussy Toes Yes Perennial 1 Antirrhinum Hispanicum Spanish Snapdragon No Perennial 3 Antirrhinum Sempervirens Silver Snapdragon No Perennial 2 Aptenia 'Red Apple' Ice Plant (Red Apple) No Groundcover Perennial 3 Aptenia Cordifolia Ice Plant (Aptenia) No Groundcover Perennial 3 Aquilegia Spp. Columbine Yes Perennial 3 Arabis Blepharophylla Coast Rock Cress No Perennial 1 'spring Charm' Arabis Spp. Rockcress No Perennial 0 Arbutus Unedo Strawberry Tree No Shrub Tree 50 Arctostaphylos Spp. And Manzanita Yes Groundcover Shrub Tree 0 Cultivars Arctotis Hybrids African Daisy No Perennial 1 Argemone Corymbosa Prickly Poppy Yes Perennial 5 Argemone Munita Prickly Poppy Yes Perennial 3 Argemone Pleiacantha South Western Prickly No Perennial 3 Poppy Argyranthemum Gracile Chelsea Girl And Other Cvs No Shrub 2 Aristida Purpurea Purple Three-Awn Yes Grass 2 Aristolochia Californica California Dutchman's Pipe Yes Vine 79 Artemisia Spp. Sagebrush No Groundcover Shrub 0 Arum Italicum Italian Arum No Perennial 1 Arundinaria Gigantea Cane Reed No Grass 1 Asclepias Milk Or Silk Weed Yes Perennial 2 Asclepias Spp. Asclepias Yes Perennial 0 Asphodeline Lutea Jacob's Rod Or Kings Spear No Perennial 7 Asphodeline Taurica Asphodel No Perennial 1 Aspidistra Elatior Cast Iron Plant No Perennial 2 Asplenium Scolopendrium Hart's Tongue Fern No Perennial 1 Atriplex Ca Native Species Saltbush Yes Groundcover Shrub 16 Atriplex Spp. Saltbush Yes Groundcover Shrub 0 Aubrieta Deltoidea Rock Cress No Perennial 2 Aurinia Saxatilis Hardy Alyssum Or Basket Of No Perennial 1 Gold Babiana Stricta Baboon Flower No Bulb 0.25 Baccharis Spp. Coyote Brush Yes Groundcover Shrub 0 Baeckea Virgata Tall Baeckia (Shrub Form No Shrub Tree 16 Only) Baileya Multiradiata Desert Marigold Yes Perennial 2 Ballota Pseudodictamnus Grecian Horehound No Perennial 3 Bambusa Spp. Bamboo No Bamboo Shrub 0 Banksia Baxteri Bird's Nest Banksia No Shrub 44 Banksia Ericifolia Heath-Leafed Banksia No Perennial Shrub 64 Banksia Integrifolia Tree Banksia (Shrub Form No Shrub Tree 177 Only) Banksia Menziesii Firewood Banksia No Shrub 123 Banksia Praemorsa Cut-Leaf Banksia No Shrub Tree 28 Banksia Speciosa Showy Banksia (Shrub Form No Shrub Tree 79 Only) Baptisia Australis False Indigo No Perennial 3 Bauhinia Galpinii Red Orchid Bush (Shrub No Shrub Tree 177 Form Only) Beaucarnea Recurvata Ponytail Palm No Shrub Tree 64 Beaucarnea Stricta Bottle Palm No Shrub 177 Berberis Aquifolium Var. Oregon Grape Yes Groundcover Shrub 13 Repens Berberis Nevinii Nevin Barberry Yes Shrub 50 Berberis Pinnata Shinyleaf Mahonia, Yes Shrub 3 California Barberry Berlandiera Lyrata Chocolate Scented Daisy No Perennial 1 Beschorneria Albiflora Trunking Beschorneria No Perennial Succulent 13 Beschorneria Yuccoides Mexican Lily No Perennial Succulent 28 Bidens Triplinervia Tickseed No Perennial 1 Bloomeria Crocea Golden Stars Yes Bulb 1 Boltonia Asteroides False Chamomile No Perennial 13 Bothriochloa Barbinodis Cane Bluestem No Perennial 8 Bougainvillea Spp. Bougainvillea No Groundcover Shrub Vine 0 Bouteloua Curtipendula Sideoats Gramma Yes Grass 3 Bouteloua Gracilis Blue Gramma Yes Grass 1 Brachyglottis Greyi Groundsel No Perennial 28 Brahea Armata Blue Hesper Palm No Palm Tree 44 Brahea Brandegeei San Jose Hesper Palm No Palm Tree 28 Brahea Edulis Guadalupe Palm Yes Palm Tree 50 Brickellia Californica Brickellbush Yes Shrub 20 Briza Media Quaking Grass No Grass 1 Brodiaea Spp. Brodiaea Yes Bulb 0.1 Bromus Carinatus California Brome Yes Grass 3 Buchloe Dactyloides Uc Verde Buffalo Grass No Grass 1 Buddleja Alternifolia Fountain Butterfly Bush No Shrub 177 Buddleja Lindleyana Weeping Butterfly Bush No Shrub 33 Bulbine Frutescens Stalked Bulbine No Perennial 5 Bulbine Latifolia Rooiwortel No Perennial 7 Bulbinella Elegans Cat's Tail Lily No Bulb 2 Bulbinella Floribunda Yellow Cat Tail No Bulb 3 Bulbinella Hookeri Maori Onion No Bulb 3 Bulbinella Nutans Bulbinella No Bulb 3 Bulbinella Robusta Bulbinella No Bulb 3 Bupleurum Fruticosum Shrubby Hare's Ear No Shrub 57 Butia Odorata Pindo Palm No Palm Tree 123 Caesalpinia Gilliesii Desert Bird Of Paradise No Shrub 28 Caesalpinia Pulcherrima Dwarf Poinciana No Shrub 38 Calandrinia Spp.
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