THE BEST NEWS QUALITY, PRICE * In, This Paper Is The Advertisements. AND advertising ; \ ' They Tell Where You Can, Make Will Overcome Any Trade- Depre*» Hollars Worth More. si on. Use The Record. FIFTY-NINTH YEAR (Tuesday and Friday) B U C H A N A N , MICHIGAN. TUESDAY, ,JUIAr 20, 192(5. (Tuesday and Friday) NUMBER 39a Innocence Abroad • TWO STATE CONVENTIONS,; CAMP MEETINGS; BOYS ; AND GIRLS OUTINGS; j ! OTHER FEATURES. CAYO RUNS FULL CAPACITY . KIWANIS TO MEET-IN NILES. ! — 1 '—J— ; ADJOURN DURING SUMMER IDENTIFIED BY 5 The Buchanan Toy Company’s ; The annual series of conven_ j works, on Chicago street at the !tionsf conferences and camp meet- , The Kiwanis Club, in their meet­ mill race, is running: full capa- : jings at Riverside Camp, owned by ; ing Tuesday, decided to hold a city, and probably will have to | the Evangelical Church, the Kal- j meeting and dinner at the Four expand to keep up with orders - I amazoo District of the Michigan | Flags hotel In Niles, with the Ro_ from chain stores. They are j Conference, will begin August 16 ; tarians as their guests. Dr. R. making- three kinds o f tops and THEY WILL HELP RECALL CHAIN OF EVIDENCE SEEMS i and close August 29. Two state j H. Snowden and Harleigh. W . TO HAVE NO FLAWS; NA­ a doll clothes hanger, and de­ THOSE GOOD DAYS WHEN conventions will be held (luring j Riley are the committee to make livering as fast as they can turn j TIONAL SEARCH NOW the period, arrangements, and the same corn- j YOU KNEV^ EVERYBOD Y; BEING MADE. them out. A t present they are ; A boys and girls camp will be : mitcee will plan for a picnic, in ; WIN”A PRIZE completing more than toys . 2000 jheld from August 16 to 22. The . August. j a day. Mr. Cayo says the ten_ , |beautiful site, overlooking the St, I The State Convention of the* Ivi- j dency at present is to sell direct: Charles Butler is surely the I Joseph river, about a mile east I waiiis will be held at Sault Ste. ; Through the kindness of the from, factory to retailer, giving! Marie August 18-20. No dele_ , y M i r who looted the Galien ; of the Buchanan bridge, is being i gates have been named from the 1 Chicago-Buchanan Society and the people a better article at a ; i Improved and put into condition’ Sa.te B.ii'-k Monday, July. 12, say Buchanan club. Ex-Governor Os- ! its President, Dr. Claude B. Roe, lower price and netting the mak- j ' to accommodate the big bunch of • officers of the sheriff’s forces. A er a little more than when the : youngsters who will be present, j horn lives there and this will j The Berrien County Record an- i-r-uiUt y wide search is being' made middle man handles them. ! The girls camp is on the hill top J probahly be a notable occasion, i pounces a guessing program of f.-.r this Buchanan man, who has inside^the camp grounds wnile the Senator V atson of Indian a has ; historical value. It is to be an been identified by the cashier, his boys camp site is by the river on been secured as one of Jie speak- old Timers1 Memory -Contest. It a-sistant. a customer and a num- the lowlands. ers. is especially for those who lived in }■ r of ethers who saw Butler the ‘The Michigan Branch conven­ It was decided not to hold any of near Buchanan during the years day >’f the robbery. tion of the Woman’s Missionary other meetings during the sum­ from 1885 to 1900, or even farth­ Deputy-sheriff Bert Lister of society of the church 'Will hold its mer, hut to resume regular meet­ er back than that. Buchanan turned up the infor­ twenty-fourth annual session in ings in September. It was suggested and worked mation that resulted in the is­ the Riverside grove beginning on out by one of Buchanan’s “ Boys” suance on Wednesday morning by •The Inter-State Fair at South, August 19 and closing August 23, who lived here to manhood and Justice of the Peace Al. W . Char­ Women workers will 'be present since then has been living in Ghi- les of a warrant for Butler. He Bend:,, Ind., is to be held August ORONOKO CAMP IS from all over 'Michigan. j cago, HI. -He is now President of left immediately for Chicago, to 3-7 this year, two weeks earlier ] j A school of leadership 'training | the Chicago-Buchanan Society, in try to turn up the bandit before than usual, in order to secure the best racing talent in the coun­ and a Christian Endeavor con­ 1 that big “ village” of Chicago, and h»* should drive west. The officer vention will be iu session from i is doing all he possibly can, with ft It sure that he would strike for try. The fair association has: joined the Indiana-Illinois racing; August 23 to 29. Au especial -------------- - other members to boost his old the Pacific coast. effort will be made to bring the n „ i -e . i • home town and his Society. Bootlegger Squealed association and are thus able to ‘ Oronoko Camp for children of , A t the ]asfc annllai dinner of the outstanding leaders among the A man who has been mixed up secure grand circuit talent. ‘ opyright, v-.x.u.) young people of the state. Mrs. all ages, founded in '1910 and Chicago-Buchanan Society a simi- with bootlegging charges several 'Stake races will be sponsored < E, S. Faust,_ state intermediate greatly enlarged in T922-T923, lar Memory 'Contest was used as times told Lister that Butler and by the Tribune, the News-Times, * the Jefferson, Oliver and LaSalle superintendent, and !Mrs. Beatrice about eight miles northeast of Bu­ a means of an evening’s enter­ another man came to his place Foster, state junior superin­ tainment and it proved so popular north of town the night before hotels, and the Studebaker cor­ chanan, has capacity to take care poration; and there will be six ; CIVIL W—1CNIC tendent, will be in charge of con­ of more than 100 children. Saint that the members of the Society the robbery and said that they m ferences during the leadership decided to offer It to The Record. other pacing and trotting' events, f /t *-. j ■?r TTvsisiwiri i s r n Chrysostom's Episcopal Church were going to rob the G alien training- school. The plan is ns follows: A total of more than ?400,000 I A C 0 ? A V VFT k RA'NN of Chicago conducts this fine camp bank. This former bootlegger The Rev. Corwin B. Westfall, The Contest Plan got frightened and squealed. has been offered; and this has a t- ! \J'X \Jl\ri I 1 Li I laltiililJ for underprivileged .children, and Net Contests Six Days of Grand Rapids, will he in A description of forty old time The description of the ear tal­ tracted the best horses in the; maintains it through the liberal­ charge of recreation, assuring- the places, stores, people and other lied with the Cadillac iu -which the country. i ity of its, members in Chicago. The amusement program is the •MORE THAN 100 FRIENDS youngsters a busy and happy camp The camp is located at a turn landmarks of the old town, that rubbers were said to be driving. session. The Rev. Arthur De­ were commonly well known dur­ In Three Oaks, ‘'Babe” Lee, a richest ever offered by the as JOIN IN ANNUAL FESTIVI­ PLAY GOES ON ALL WEEK IN Girls’ Singles of the river, where it is probab­ Vries, of Detroit, will have charge ing this time mentioned above, are filling station manager, said that sociation. Many hair-raising-. TIES AT “THE OARS,” Emma Bohl vs. Virginia Snow­ ly broadest in all its course. For TOURNAMENT AT ATHLE- of the singing during the entire printed in the paper. The names Butler and his eompgmion had stunts will be seen daily, and ' ASHLEY CARLISLES den more than half a mile it extends JUNiOR BALL camp meeting period. will not be mentioned. Only a their gas tank filled, asking that some of the world’s best acrobats { ---------------- Helen Richards vs. Marjorie along the shore, the river being Notable speakers will foe heard short description will be given, it he filled to the top. The en­ will be on hand. These will defy . More than one hundred neo- TEAM PLAYS SAT. Hickey on one side and the country road every day during the two weeks and each will be numbered. gine was very hot, and when Lee heignt, fire and other terrifying- ple visited “ The Oaks.” home of on the other side o f the 'commod­ Girls’ Doubles of the camping period. Bishop All readers of The Record are remarked that they had been driv­ things for the amusement of the; Ashley Carlisle, on North Main Snowden & Hickey vs. Richards ious grounds. Riparian rights M. T, Maze, D. D ., who spoke so asked to try to remember who and ing fast. Butler boasted, “Yes! and mg crowds. street, for the annual picnic of & Bohl give them free access 'to the wat­ Pairings for the tennis tourna­ acceptably here last year, will be what they are, recall the names, we will be going- faster yet. That . bands "will be On hand, \ the soldiers of the Civil War, on Mixed Doubles er, where complete equipment for ment which began yesterday at present again.
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