Voi 24 No 27 Tuesday, July 2,1985 Two sections, 56 pages 25 cents ;> j Trouble in paradise iSuouiw abuse, domestic iliJencc v-i<alr\rryoucall it. battered wives arc no anomaly on Ssnibel and Capti.3 IB Spaces are all sold out on the Game orSanlbel Island. But individuals still can have tlieir names printed on the board game for as little as $15. 12A Tis the season IS! to tread carefully f r in Island waters George Campbell explains about tiic dreaded jellyfish that inhabit the seas around Sanibel and Capliva cvrry summer. Don't forget to give "" Signs ot5uinmer?l tl' the gift of life ^^t -i^" ^"^ ;-* * ' £• wlirn the Let' Memorial ton* of Ho ptLil hloodmobile \i it talugc to kWs en the Islands. Kor Baiiey's this Wednesday, July .1, under the sponsorship of the Ilotary. Kiwanss and Lions clulis and the American Ilusmcs Uoinrn\ Association. 3A George Homsany has been calling the shots at the Sanibcl Kccrcalion ~% AnarorlBeenldrittiflttSjounff Complex for the past three lbtff'Uie hreak rroni yeant. Last week the urn- ^'school IMIOKK Tnxnns mare pirt/referee aid food bye tn "forj>lfa»tirer«idlD(lfn*he»bailc £or>a<ttH trM at Guirfiiife City Island sportsmen. , Park,~I>hoU» by Martc Johnwn 12B »•*, 1 >fwl laJ lwg The ISLANDFR -- > »yi • y j £* M "ftwday Jaly x, MM Ttw ISUWDER 1984 Florida Press Association ISLAND SHORTS CommHnity news Better Weekly Newspaper Contest and announcements aboL.t your friends and neighbors Organizers hope sewing project will attract Islanders to help less fortunate Haitians Sharpen your scissors and thread jour needles They wtfl come in handy in a community wide project that will begin soon on Sanibcl and Captlva ' Police Olympics medal winners Jack Primm and rapt BlllTrcfny It All began when Lynn Arcndt, left to right Officer Dick Noon Sgl owner of Nimble Thimble donated SO Photo by Mark Johnson bolt* of material that she "wanted to -sec put to good use With this as the start, a group of young Islanoers laun- SPD wins four gold, one silver • »•• ched a project of caring and sharing Concerned about the extreme pover at state police Olympics ty on the Island of Haiti where many children are unable to attend school Three members of Top Snnibel per In swimming com because the) have no adequate the Sanibel Police former was SgL Jack petition Off cr Dick Jackson project coordinator Department competed Prjnm with gold clotring the group decided to under Everyone with any time talent, Noon placed first in the The Sanibel-Captiva Islander take a sewing project to turn Arcndt s in the Florida Law En medal efforts in both 50-yard freestyle event money or ideas Is invited to take part forcement Olympics in the singles and doubles donation Into clothing in a large range Suggestions and help arc both wanted and received A silver of children's sizes Tampa earlier this horseshoe event Capt medal for his pcrfor and needed month and returned to William Trefny joined First place, Special supplement Organizers hope the effort will mancc in thcSO->ard The group hopes bundles of clothing the Island with four Primm with a gold butterfly become a community project — a will be ready to reach Haiti In time for gold medals and one medal in the double, united Sanibel-Captiva venture with the opening of school in the fall If silver medal horseshoe competition many, if not all of the various groups you can cut sew iron or make sand on the Island represented wiches for those who can you re need We re looking for donations of sew ed Jackson says For more informa 1984 Hurricane Extra ing notions thread clastic, buttons tion call Jackson 472 1694 You can Two years later, junonia flnd makes the paper zippers left over material anything help make this project an overwhelm that can be used said Peggy irg success It took a while for did not know the value Judges' comments: him to bring it to our of his find office bat Robert - Last year he returned 'Well-planned and Information, please Jenkins of Jacksonville to Sanibel and learned Fla finally got a pic- he had found something thought-out. The fdnd phone directories have Jt ture of himself and his very special But alas junonia in Thr he had left the rare winner." Need an Island phone tion Club Proceeds Islander shell bark home tn number7 Before calling from donations for this Jenkins found the Jacksonville, *. information check the year a books will prized shell two years But finally onh» 1385 edition of the benefit the Sanibel ago in a pile of fill dirt third visit to Urn Island Sanibel-Captiva direc CapUva Conservation along the Rasprillfa — success^ Jenkins said lory The books became Foundation and Care Trail 'n the J N that hi? and iua parent The Sanibei-Captiva Islander available last week and and Rehabilitation of Ding Darling Na did not find anything will soon be distributed Wildlife tional Wildlife Refuge special on the beaches He was on his 'irst visit Robert Jenkins and .0 all Island residents The full-color draw this tnp, but even his unusual junonia First place, Local advertising campaign The directories are ing on the cover of the to the Islands and was so they do plan to n annual project of the directory was done by not an avid shelter so he return to the Islands ambel Police Recrea Steve Phillips manager cf the SCCF "Bailey's first" IS Ynn Ago This Week 5 Years Ago This Week July 2 1970 July] 1980 The Sanibel-Captiva Lions Club installed new of The Planning Commission last week denied a re- Judges' comments- "Excellent campaign, fleers at its regular meeting last week The new of quest 'rom Randal Personette for a pinball arcade ficers are Bob Aycock, president Duane White at the Landlubber Plaza The commission also great sales idea, thorough first vice president Don Marshall second vice agreed to recomnend that the city adopt a policy president Prancis Bailey third vice president that commercial amusement arcades not be con Great job!" Fred Eunnell secretary John Cook treasurer sidered permitted uses m the land use plan Karl Wtghtman Lion Tamer and Norm Chambers c Tail Twister Steve Maxwell former assistant lo the Sanibel ci ty manager has filed a lawsuit against the city of Bailey s advertised a pound of butter for G9 cents Sanibel and Police Chief John Butler spare ribs for 89 cents per pound cantaloupes for 39 cents each and a six pack of Busch beer for 93 cents A Sanibel man was arrested la<t week bv federal The Sanibel-Captiva Islander drug agents after he allegedly accepted $110 000 in 10 Years Ago This Week cash from an undercover agent in exchange for 4 4 Second place, Humorous column - Fishing and shelling tips July 3 1975 , pounds of cocaine Mario Hutton reported the total rainfall over Sanibel during the month of June was 4 2 inches near Ago ThisWeek by Capt Mike Fuery 20 Years Agn This Week considerably below normal for this time of year Julys 1984 July] 1965 Members of the Ssnibel Police Department finish T Wayne Miller, director of the Lee County Mos- Sanibel s Dr Zelma Herndon has been selected by cd seventh overall in competition with 113 other quito Control District, will address Island residents the American Biographical Institute toappear in the Florida law enforcement agencies at the recent 1984 The Sanibel-Captiva Islander tonight at the Sanibel Community House Miller s 1975-76 edition of Personalities of the South Her Florida Police OKmpics in fort Laudcrdale visit to Sanibel is sponsored by the Sanibel-Captiva biography has also appeared in Who s Who in the Chamber of Commerce <£r South and Southwest V,omen of the South The Na Erik Scibcr or Sanibel his been named this year s Third place, Sports story "The urge to climb" tional Register of Prominent Americans and The recipient of a Jl 000 scholarship from the Sanibt1 The staff at Sanibel-Captiva Real Estate has been Royal Blue Book Leaders or the English Speaking Captiva Rotary Club Selber plans to study getting fascinating post cards from Ken and Claire World aTonautica) cngireenng at Embry Riddle College by Scott Martell Walter as the two travel out west in Bunncll Fla Bob Starling stage nane for Bob Stokes of Someofthecastof 'ThcratSpy werconSanibel Sanibel, has been awarded a contract by United Ar The Sanibel-Captiva Islander for a few days recently shooting scenes for the pic lists to join the song writing staff for coun ture in the Lighthouse area try/western recording star Del Reese Third place. Front-page design i . ;" '-\ • ~',\'.m-n - * .-.•,.- .» ... - • - • ^ .v ".. :• j.-ri^ft--" . »- ."• •' '--.* J -••„=•- "•--.-•JL-"-..•%* -'•-"—. "-•• •• "" •1---s-- -• - -•-* ' " "tV1,* /.•tt'-.yf-1 v •• -. •>"• •*•' "*"C v *". <: Tucfcdiy July a. »M The 18UINDEK The ISLANDKIt Tueaday.,_Mr a. I« 5A What's inside Weather watch; Give the gift of life - this Wednesday at Bailey's Everybody The Sanlbd-Captiva Etoaon wUl be heJp- Uonc RoUryind ing someone in the Kiwanls dubs and the Island community who American Business need* blood and wi]' «c Thfi week the weatherman calif for bight la the Women a Association sure cremselves iina lower 90t an<2 lowi la the upper 10% under parti} will iponsor a blood memben of th*ir cloudy ikies There is a 40 percent chance of :cnt drive on the bland thk families that blood will Weilne«dsy. July 3 be available if and COTI member regrets committee's stance on Beach Road BMRH project lered thowen through Friday, Annual visitor hopes officals La*t week's weather according (o record* kept by The Lee Memorial when the need aiises the Saolbel-Caplha Chamber of Commerce wu »* Hospital bloodmobile Appointment* are not A copy of the following letter to because of a planned heavy
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