MICHIGAN -OHIO STAT-E November 21, 1964 50¢ Great New Name in MICHIGAN - OHIO STATE WILBUR E. SNYPP, Editor a11d Advertising Mai,ager John F . HummeL_ _____ Circulation Manager National Advertising Representative Spencer Advertising Co., 271 Madison Ave., New York 16, N. Y. The University Presidents --------------------· ·------------------ ------- ---------------------------- 2 University of Michigon O fficials ____________ ---------------------- -----------·- ------------ - 3 Pe rsonnel of The Marching Band --------------------------------- --------------------------- _ 4-5 Stars A mong the Wolverines ------------------------------------------------------------ --­ 6 University of Michigan Story ----------------------------------------- - ----------·-- ----- 7 1949 Football Squad Holds Reunion ____ ------·----------------- _ ---- 8 Ohio State Football Coaching Staff -·-------------------·- ____ ---·--. 9 Ohio State University Football Player Pages ___________ ] 0, 18, 22, 32, 36, 42, 44, 46 University of Michigan Football Player Pages _____________________________ 12, 20, 30, 34 University of Michigan Campus Scenes 14 Ohio State University Athletic Staff 16 Ohio State Winter Sports Schedules -----------------------------· 19 Michigan Football Coaching Staff _ ------ _ ---------- ----------- ------ --- 19 Ohio State University Football Roster --------- ___ -- ---- ------ ------ 24 University of Michigan Football Roster _____ ---------------- 29 Ex tension Service Observes Anniversary ------- -------- __ _ 38 Half-time Music by the Marching Band ______ _ _ _ -- ------ . 41 Ohio State University Freshman Football Roster 48 FROM POWER IN THE MAKING 100 million years, from t he age of the mighty dinosaurs, when oil was forming in the earth, comes Sinclair DI NO SUPREME, the advanced premium gasoline that OHIO STA TE FOOTBALL cleans as it powers- keeps your engine running smoother, longer. REWARDS THE SMART DRIVER who wants all the power he paid for in his high­ powered car. Try a tankful today. YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED by Sinclair-or your money back. Stop at t_he si$n of the Sinclair Dinosaur. DRIVE WITH CARE AND euv S1nc/111r ANNIVERSARY SINCLAIR REFINING COMPANY • 155 N. WACKER DRIVE • CHICAGO 6, ILL. The Universi·ty Presidents Representing The University of Michigan H. 0. (FRITZ) CRISLER Director of Athletics DR. NOVICE G. FAWCETT President, The Ohio State University CHALMERS (BUMP) ELLIOTT Head Football Coach DR. HARLAN HATCHER DR. MARCUS PLANT President, University of Michigan Faculty Representative 2 3 Personnel of The Marching Band FRED M. DART CHARLES L. SPOHN Assistant Director Director Name High School Nan:ae High School TROMBONIUM BASSES Crites, Harold Wilmington Arnold, Jeff New Philadelphia Dick, David Bellefontaine Battle, Lynwood Cincinnati Wolnut Hills Staff: Name High School Elsass, David Perry High, Canton Bendel, Robert Youngstown Boardman l. Spohn Podobnikar, Don Euclid Director- Dr. Charles Foster, Mike Deshler Dutt, Herb Marion Harding Fred M. Dart Rogers, George Hilliard Assistant Director - Grubs, Harold Sylvania Esswein, James Easlmoor Assistant - Roy l. Eubanks Schmidt, Lawrence Walnut Ridge Marching Band Graduate Holdeman, David Marion Harding Everly, Barry Marion Harding Seip, Scott Bellevue Announcer - Tom Johnson Hensen, Dwight Swanton, Toledo Gibbons, Thomes Columbus North - Richard Heine Speert, Paul Fairview, Dayton Music Arranger Herrman, George Lincoln, Cleveland Gill, Ernest Grandview Heights Thomas, Gary Teays Volley Huck, William Upper Arlington Henry, Larry Bellefontaine Nome High School T rinter, Thomas Columbus North Hulsman, Richard Kettering Fairmont, Dayton Hightower, John Columbus North Harper Olentongy, Delaware Varian, Grant East Conlon Drum Major - Robert (Link) Jon.,,, Beryl Cambridge Hunt, William Worthington - Mitch Breece Sidney Wegner, Chris Wyoming, Cincinnati Assistant Drum Major Lease, Tom Salem Kemper, Thomas Wilmington Wollick, Richa rd Brookhaven lust, Jan Columbus Mifflin Kortier, Dave Sylvania, Toledo Eb SOPRA NO CORNET Weimer, Robert Harbor, Ashtabula Nutting, N. Dick Fairborn Lindsley, Ben Sandusky Hilliard Weinocht, Ph ilip West Technical, Cleveland Baird, Raymond Westinghouse, Robert Worthington Meacham, James Newark Wells, Ronnie Vondolia-Butler, Dayton Burton, Don Marion Harding Mossbarger, Dovid Frankfort, Chillicothe Cromer, Roger Mansfield West, Joel Dublin TEN OR HOR N McKinley Westlake, Steve Franklin Hts. Everhart, Bob Linden Alden, Erick Wilmington PERCUSSION Conlon Central Hook, Robert Costanien, Roger Upper Sandusky Agriesti, Lou Cleveland Garfield Oneonta, N.Y. FLUEGELHORNS Jordon, Steve Vandolia-Butler, Fey, Dovid East Liverpool Browne, Donald Linden McKinley Bostian, John Old Fort, Tiffin Savory, Ernest Columbus East , Michael New Lexington Keller, Richard Delaware Willis Coll, John Waverly Holden Sevits, Dick Lorain Johonssen, John Sylvania, Toledo Koehler, Dave Upper Sandusky Ellis, Warren Grandview Showalter, lorry Columbus North Jones, Keith Cambridge Larrick, Geary Cambridge West Friend, Michael Sidney Watson, Timothy Columbus Longbrake, Richard Harrison-Adams, Massillon Mathews, Charles Springfield South Herron, Roger Dayton Chaminade Roller, Paul Defiance Peebles, Steve Shelby Bb CORNETS Hicks, Robert Columbus West Tilley, Stephen Grandview Hts. Post, Jeffrey Medina Bill Lancaster Berry, Stephan Cadiz McCleery, Yohman, J. Robert Oak Hills, Cincinnati Potter, Paul Sidney Bro wner, Tom Franklin Co., Frankfort, Ky. Smith, Richard Bellefontaine Ruddick, Doniel Willoughby South Carr, Richard Whiteoak, Cincinnati Tucker, Dennis Norwalk EUPHONIUM Siegel, Sanford Eastmoor Deatherage, Robert Rocky River Worman, Gene Newark Adcock, Albert Sandusky Steelman, Ron Eastmoor Dodd, Timothy Sidney Amerman, John Graham, Urbano Wenger, Dennis East Canton Frazier, James Reynoldsburg ALTO HORNS Bartels, Jeff Sylvania, Toledo Graber, James Norton, Barberton Ambrose, Edword Cleveland Collinwood Bo wman, James Pleasent View, Columbus Grunden, John Waite High, Toledo Barr, Harry Bexley Chenoweth, Earl Xenia MANAGER Euclid Harper, Gregg Breen, George Mansfield Eicher, la rry Fairlawn, Sidney Pickering, Dennis Piqua Central Hartrum, Thomes Com bridge Buker, Robert Mt. Vernon High Geese, R. Joseph Hilliard Jones, Robert Hamilton Gentry, Richard Cincinnati Madeira Elliott, John Sylvania, Toledo Keiser, D. laMar Sidney Gough, Jomes Wilmington MANAGERIAL STAFF William Warren G. Harding, Warren Lonese, Robert Brush, Cleveland Holmes, Hall, William Collinwood, Cleveland Flynn, James H. Perrysburg, Toledo Lang, Ronald Sylvania Hudson, Gerry Grandview Hawthorne, Roy Mansfield Hearst, James Piqua Central Loscio, Joseph Collinwood, Cleveland Livingston, David Urbana Heppner, Erick Mansfield Hoffmaster, Ray Youngstown Boardman Lovell, Marvin Morion Harding Lautzenheiser, Roy Wakefield, Arlington, Va. Herron, Gail Salem Lautzenheiser, Robert Louisville Magnusson, Paul Shaw, Cleveland McCloud, Thomas Washington, Massillon loveman, D. James Medina Harbor, Ashtabula Martello, Nick Murray, Wilson Elyria Myers, Tom Copley, Akron Meister, Fred Porma Senior High , Gallipolis LIBRARIANS Musser, Brice Elida, Lima Shaver, Robert Gallia Academy Mock, Larry Linden McKinley Spongier, H. Glendon Columbus North Foote, Frances Lorain Stanley, Stephen Dayton Fairview Moore, Gory Perkins, Sandusky Welker, Orville Medina Wenger, Lynn Eost Canton Pexton, Philip Bellefontaine Watkins, John La Rue 5 4 STARS AMONG THE WOLVERINES WILLI M L. I EATING, 6-2. 230, 19, junior. RICH RD 1\1. RTNDFU S , 6-0. 192, 21 , a enior Bill i youn oer 1 rother of T om K eating, top W'ol­ from Jiles, Ohio, Dick played m ore t han any other The University of Michigan Yerine tackl e pa t t hr e year . didn t ee any \Volverine la t year in earnino hi s econd letter-a action l a t eason b ut h owed r eal promi e in pring total of 425 minute in nine game . H e p layed mor drill . b ig, hard-hit­ than 50 minute in fo ur ting. a o li cl player ... co nte t , and again t bo r n ovember 22 , Ohio ta te he a,y 57 1944 in hi cago. minut a nd 20 -econd R OBERT W. T DI­ of action, enough to qual­ JN just t wo years, The niversity of both graduat and undergraduate hav BERLAKl•, 6-4, 215, 21, ify him as the workhor e Michigan will mark its 150th anniver ary. some in olvement with r arch project . a senior . Bob ha l een of any quad. Two year d st b eginning of only even During th la t acad mic year, the Uni­ a tanclo ut back fo r two ago he p layed 152 min­ From a mo ea on . As a ophomore utes, aver aging a bout students, taught by two professors, it has versity spent approximately $42 million on two year ago he played three yard on 20 plays, grown to an emollrnent of 29,103, taught re earch. Most of this came from the more than anv other back. coring one touchdown. by a facult of more nited States government, with the 1 a­ 325 minute ~ as left half In 1963 he lugged the tional Institute of Health providing the and quarte r back ... ball 5 ti me for a net of than 2,000. biggest amount. The remainder came from drafted to left h alf to fi ll 211 ya rd and a 3.64 In 1837, it was given gap. h d id o ut tanding yard ave r age, co ring indu try, foundations and th tate govern­ 40 acres of land as a job. J n 1962 he rushed three touchdo,,·n .. ment. BOB TIMBERLAKE 104 yards net on 74 trie . JIM CONLEY J :-. r E P. CO - campus site. ow it oc­ No. 28- Quarterback completed 16 of 34 passe Captain- No. 82- End LEY, 6-3. 198. 21, enior cupies som 2,300 acr Student life also is di erse. Over 7 ,500 fo r 179 va rcl and scored and captain from
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