CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1573 create a station resembling MTV, but it was Lee Adkisson, Boy Scout, from San Antonio, A TRIBUTE TO HIS HOLINESS not commercially feasible. TX, upon the notification of his advancement CATHOLICOS KAREKIN I Cocola began branching out into the low to the rank of Eagle Scout. power channels he was accumulating. At a Boy Scouts are awarded the prestigious HON. MICHAEL E. CAPUANO cable television convention, Colcola met Bud rank of Eagle Scout based on their faith and OF MASSACHUSETTS Paxson, the founder of the Home Shopping obedience to the Scout Oath. The Scout Oath IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES channel. In 1987, Cocola entered the shop- requires members to live with honor, loyalty, Friday, July 16, 1999 ping channel market. In 1988, the Spanish courage, cheerfulness, and an obligation to News Network out of New York City contacted service. Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to KMSG, and Cocola converted the channel to In addition, the rank of Eagle Scout is only pay tribute to His Holiness Catholicos Karekin Telemundo 59. bestowed once a Boy Scout satisfies duties in- I. On June 29, the Armenian community As the 80's went by, Cocola continued to cluding, the completion of 21 merit badges, mourned the loss of this Supreme Patriarch expand his ownership of the low power chan- performing a service project of significant and leader of the Armenian Apostolic Church. nels not offered on cable TV. He added more value to the community, and additional re- Born Nishan Sarkissian in Kessab, Syria, shopping channels, a pay for view music TV quirements listed in the Scout Handbook. Karekin I was ordained priest in 1949. channel, and a classic movie channel. Today Karekin I dedicated his life to preaching the his broadcast empire includes 10 stations In receiving this special recognition, I be- message of the Armenian Church in a dy- owned locally, including a full power station, lieve that Eagle Scout Casey Lee Adkisson namic and creative manner by devoting him- Channel 43, and an additional five channels in will guide and inspire his peers, toward the be- self to the instruction of a new generation of other locations throughout the United States. liefs of the Scout Oath. I am proud to offer my clergy which he dubbed ``Ambassadors of One station is a full power channel in Omaha, congratulations to Casey on this respected ac- Christian Faith''. Nebraska and another is a low power station complishment. During the 1970's, Karekin I was the head that delivers a new concept in Internet access. of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian This new idea will use broadcast to deliver ac- f Church in New York. In this capacity, he moti- cess to the Internet at a faster speed than the DR. BRUCE SOMMER vated the spiritual and cultural life of Arme- current linkups allow. nians and championed a modern vision within Cocola has provided a service to many theological writings. community members without cable by bringing HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS In his most recent role as co-President of them news, public affairs and entertainment the Pan Armenian Committee, His Holiness OF NEW YORK for free. was preparing for the celebration of 1,700 Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor Gary Cocola for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years of Christianity in Armenia. Without his his service to the community. I urge my col- Friday, July 16, 1999 contribution, this celebration would not have leagues to join me in wishing Gary many more been possible. Sadly, Karekin I will not bear years of continued success and happiness. Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, Dr. Bruce witness to the project's successful completion, f Sommer has impeccable academic and sur- expected in 2001. gical credentials with honors, ranging from Phi Karekin I made an impact on Armenians 130TH ANNIVERSARY OF MT. JOY Beta Kappa to the American College of Sur- MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH throughout the world, and particularly in east- geons; Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Sigma for Bi- ern Massachusetts. When Karekin I was bur- ology; Chi Episilon Mu for Chemistry; and Phi ied in his homeland of Etchmaidzin, Armenia, HON. JOHN SHIMKUS Sigma for Philosophy. local Armenians residing in Watertown and OF ILLINOIS Dr. Sommer, a native New Yorker, was born Cambridge, MS, grieved with others around IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on October 5, 1948, and received his M.D. de- the world at his passing. Karekin I was a com- Friday, July 16, 1999 gree and internship at the University of Min- passionate human being who affected the Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to nesota Medical School in 1974. He is pres- lives of Armenian Apostolic parishioners, par- take this time to make the House aware of the ently the Attending Surgeon Chief in the Divi- ticularly those whom he had visited at St. Ste- 130th anniversary of Mt. Joy Missionary Bap- sion of Transplantation at the University Hos- phen's in Watertown, and Holy Trinity in Cam- tist Church in Edwardsville. The church serves pital of Brooklyn with prior hospital appoint- bridge, MS. as a pillar of the community. The church ments that include Kings County, Ohio State Karekin I's spiritual teachings and services began in 1869 in the home of a church mem- University's liver transplantation unit, St. Paul made a vital contribution to the cohesiveness ber who was also an ex-slave. In 1871 the Ramsey Medical Center's Burn Center, and that today exists among a people scattered church moved to a log cabin nearby. The the Minneapolis Veterans Administration Hos- throughout the globe. The Armenian inter- church has always been a center for the com- pital. national community has suffered a great and munity to come together to interact. There will His professional memberships number over personal loss in the death of Karekin I, a man also be the very first showing of the new his- twenty, American Society of Transplant Sur- of eternal accomplishments. tory museum created by the church. geons, American Medical Association, Amer- f When a long time church member was ican College of Surgeon Fellows, New York TRIBUTE TO RETIRING HIGH questioned about the church she replied, ``I Surgical Society, National Kidney Foundation, SCHOOL SECRETARY KAREN used to like the old ice cream socials years not to mention the founding member of the ENSOR ago. It was a way for folks to get together, and cell transplant society in 1991. there was always a place for the kids to play.'' Given this illustrious professional back- HON. IKE SKELTON It is exciting to see a community get together ground, it is difficult to describe a more exem- OF MISSOURI to celebrate the anniversary of a historic insti- plary model of a research fellow. Dr. Sommer tution in its community. Such events create a is renowned for his funded research in acute IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sense of pride and history throughout the hepatic failure, minority tissue transplant, and Friday, July 16, 1999 community. cellular transplantation for enzymatic and met- Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, it has come to f abolic deficiencies. Moreover, Bruce was the my attention that Mrs. Karen Ensor, the prin- A TRIBUTE TO CASEY LEE principal investigator at the Bristol-Myers cipal's secretary for the past 26 years at Lex- ADKISSON FOR HIS PROMOTION Squibb Research Institute engaging in the ington High School in Lexington, Missouri, re- TO THE RANK OF EAGLE SCOUT phase III Study of Acute Renal Graft Rejection tired on June 30, 1999. with Deoxyspergulin. Mrs. Ensor began her career 33 years ago HON. CHARLES A. GONZALEZ This exceptional man of healing lives in Har- when she accepted a position as a teacher's OF TEXAS rison, New York with his family. The dedica- aide at Leslie Bell Elementary School. She re- tion and sensibility he brings to the medical mained at Leslie Bell for seven years and then IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES profession is unparalleled here in Brooklyn. I moved to the high school as the principal's Friday, July 16, 1999 would like my colleagues on both sides of the secretary. In that post, Karen served the stu- Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today aisle to join me in commending Dr. Sommer dents and staff Lexington High School for 26 to offer my sincerest congratulations to Casey for his achievements. years..
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