E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 152 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2006 No. 18 House of Representatives The House met at 2 p.m. and was come forward and lead the House in the THE PRESIDENT’S BUDGET called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Pledge of Allegiance. PROPOSAL pore (Mr. ISSA). Mr. GINGREY led the Pledge of Alle- (Ms. CARSON asked and was given f giance as follows: permission to address the House for 1 I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the minute and to revise and extend her re- DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER United States of America, and to the Repub- marks.) PRO TEMPORE lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Ms. CARSON. Mr. Speaker, today is The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Valentine’s Day, representing our fore the House the following commu- heart. I would like to extend my heart nication from the Speaker: f to all of the Members of the United WASHINGTON, DC. States Congress. February 14, 2006. NSA TERRORIST SURVEILLANCE The President’s budget does not, in I hereby appoint the Honorable DARRELL E. fact, reflect a warm heart, as it elimi- (Mrs. MILLER of Michigan asked and ISSA to act as Speaker pro tempore on this nates funding for the Commodity Sup- was given permission to address the day. plemental Food Program. Each month, J. DENNIS HASTERT House for 1 minute.) CSFP provides over 475,000 low-income Speaker of the House of Representatives. Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. individuals with nutritious food pack- Speaker, since it has been revealed f ages; 85 percent of the recipients are that the NSA had a terrorist surveil- seniors, all with income levels below a PRAYER lance program, opponents of the ad- meager $12,400 per year. The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. ministration have been quick to criti- In Indiana, 4,979 seniors are currently Coughlin, offered the following prayer: cize this program. enrolled in this program. Next year, Lord God Almighty, giver of all good Let us try to set the record straight they could go hungry if the program is gifts and authority’s source of wisdom, on this effective tool in fighting the eliminated. we stand humbly before You. We ask war on terror. One Senator has charged The budget proposal enables partici- Your forgiveness for the times we are the NSA is eavesdropping on Ameri- pants to enroll in a food stamp pro- self-centered and not attuned to the cans who have no indication of wrong- gram once the CSFP is eliminated. The needs of others or Your holy inspira- doing. The Senate minority leader, who food stamp program, while extremely tions. has been briefed on the program, called important, does not offer the same ben- Give us strength today to accomplish it domestic spying. efit and convenience that CSFP does. the work of the people in the House of In fact, this program is extremely The food packages that seniors receive freedom and civil expression. Receive limited to international communica- from the CSFP go to veterans who are our praise and thanksgiving for Your tions, in which one party is suspected sleeping under a bridge and who are countless gifts and the opportunity to of links to al Qaeda or other terrorist homeless. serve in government. organizations, like calls made by 9/11 I would ask the majority leadership To You be honor and glory now and hijackers to their leaders in Afghani- of this Congress to redress those in- forever. Amen. stan. equities in the President’s budget. f Are some Democrats so confused, or Some seniors are also hesitant to partici- do they care more about attempting to pate in the food stamp program because they THE JOURNAL gain political advantage than pro- perceive it as a welfare program. Yet these The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tecting our Nation? same seniors participate in the CSFP in Indi- Chair has examined the Journal of the Mr. Speaker, we know our enemies ana. last day’s proceedings and announces place operatives within our borders I was touched by the story of a senior who to the House his approval thereof. who blend in and wait to strike as they received her first CSFP box from Gleaners. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- did on 9/11, but they are still out there. She cried after discovering 12 pudding cups in nal stands approved. I do not care one iota about protecting her box. Her case manager explained, ‘‘Pud- f the privacy of terrorists who have been ding is a luxury she has not been able to af- sent to this country to murder inno- ford in a very long time.’’ Let’s not forget that PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE cent Americans. It is regretful that as we craft a budget resolution, something as The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the some seek political gain at the expense simple as pudding cups are a great luxury for gentleman from Georgia (Mr. GINGREY) of our security. some Americans. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H227 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:02 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H14FE6.REC H14FE6 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H228 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 14, 2006 Our budget is a reflection of our values and President and Texan George Bush. lion over the next 5 years. Medicaid, as priorities. Our seniors deserve the very best Please join me in congratulating the many of you know, helps women and from us, and it is incumbent upon us to keep Longhorns on their championship sea- children, the most vulnerable in our them in mind when determining our budget al- son. Hook ’Em Horns. population. I urge the Congress to re- locations. f ject this morally irresponsible budget. f OLYMPIAN AND TEXAN CHAD f SALUTING THE BRAVERY OF HEDRICK MORAL SECURITY BORDER PATROL AGENTS (Mr. POE asked and was given per- (Mrs. BLACKBURN asked and was (Mr. KELLER asked and was given mission to address the House for 1 given permission to address the House permission to address the House for 1 minute.) for 1 minute and to revise and extend minute.) Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, there is a her remarks.) Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, today I Texas-sized force to be reckoned with Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, our rise to salute the bravery of Border Pa- in Italy. Chad Hedrick, the 28-year-old constituents expect us to not only trol agents working along the Mexican former inline skating icon from Spring, guard the economic and national secu- border. I recently returned from a Texas, is speed skating his way to vic- rity of this Nation; they expect us to week-long trip to the Mexican-Cali- tory. preserve the moral security that has fornia border, where I had the oppor- In the first day of Olympic competi- made this Nation great. Just the other tunity to ride along with our Border tion, he has already garnered gold, the day, I had the chance to deliver the keynote address at an event for the Patrol agents. first for him and the United States in Tennessee Boy Scouts. I was impressed by the bravery of the these Olympics. Chad’s love for skating Mr. Speaker, in this job we do as Border Patrol agents who escorted me. started at age 2 in roller skates at his Members of Congress, there are times We personally saw a Border Patrol su- parents’ roller skating rink in Spring, when you speak to a group and you can pervisor pull an illegal alien off a 10- Texas. just feel that they are doing the right foot wall and arrest him despite his He grew up and became one of the things. The Boy Scouts fit in that cat- violent attempts to resist arrest. I wit- world’s most famous inline skaters, but egory. They are teaching our boys nessed another Border Patrol agent he switched to speed stating only 4 what it means to serve their commu- scale a 5,000-foot mountain at 2 in the years ago. Chad Hedrick is a contender nity. morning in freezing 30-degree weather for four more medals in the games in We are a Nation built on shared and single-handedly arrest and hand- Italy, and he is off to a spectacular moral values. Families across the cuff eight illegal aliens. start. country know that our communities The Border Patrol agent I rode with Although the rink and the type of are strong and that this country is told me that he had been shot at on skates have changed, this hometown strong when those values are respected several occasions. Twenty-three of his hero’s passion and talents have only and protected and preserved for future colleagues have been killed in the line gotten stronger throughout the years, generations. House Republicans know of duty since 1990. For example, Border and his passion was shown when he be- this, and we will be working here each Patrol agents Susan Rodriguez and Ri- came teary eyed when the Star Span- and every day to protect this Nation’s cardo Salinas were gunned down by a gled Banner played as he was awarded security.
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