Rolls-Royce and Bentley Motor Cars Postwar Vehicles - 1946 to 1999 Engine Settings Chassis Numbers Booklet Although This Section was Prepared for 30,000-Series SZ Vehicles, it Also Proudly provided by the Rolls-Royce Owners Club of Australia for all Rolls-Royce and Bentley Enthusiasts rht September 2008 Whilst this information is given In qood faith based upon the latest knowledge available, Rolls-Royce Motors Limited gives no warranty or representation concerning such information and such information must not be taken as forming part of or establishing any contractual or other commitment on the part of Rolls-Royce Motors Limited. T.S.D. Publication 4552 Published by Rolls-Royce’Motors Limited Crewe Cheshire CWl 3PL England Printed in England by Delmar Press, Nantwich 1O/83/1 M Contents The information contained in this publication is applicable to Page Rolls-Royce and Bentley motor cars up to the introduction of LongWheelbase .._.......................... 7 Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN). Continental . , . 8 Page Bentley S2 Standard Saloon ............................. 9 Production Summary LongWheelbase.. ........................... 10 Continental ................................. 11 Bentley . 1 Bentley S3 Rolls-Royce . 1 Standard Saloon ............................. 11 LongWheelbase.. ........................... 12 Rolls-Royce and Bentley . 1 Continental ................................. 13 Bentley Roils-Royce 3’/2 Litre . , . _ , . 3 10H.P. 14 41/4 Litre . , . 3 15 H.P. 14 Bentley MK. V . 3 20H.P. * . 14 Bentley MK. VI . 3 30 H.P. 14 Bentley ‘R’ Type Saloon . ..__............... 5 Legalimit . 14 Continental . , . , . 5 Silver Ghost . _ . 14 Bentley Sl Standard Saloon . , . 5 20H.P. ..I.............. 14 CONTENTS Page Page Rolls-Royce (continued) Rolls-Royce and Bentley 20125 H.P. 15 Phantom V . 25 25/30 H.P. ................. ................ 16 Silver Shadow, Sliver Shadow II, Silver Wraith II .... 27 Wraith ............................. ....... 16 TSeriesandT2.. ............................ 27 - Phantom1 .................................. 16 Corniche ................................. 27 Phantom11 . 17 Phantom VI . 27 . Phantom111 ......... ....................... 17 Camargue.. ................................ 27 Silver Dawn . 17 Srlver Wraith ShortWheelbase . .._....._...... 19 Long Wheelbase . 20 Phantom IV . 21 Silver Cloud I Standard Saloon . , . 21 LongWheelbase............................. 22 Silver Cloud II Standard Saloon . 22 LongWheelbase............................. 23 Silver Cloud III Standard Saloon ............................. 24 Long Wheelbase ............................. 24 Coachbuilt .................................. 25 ’ Production Summary Productton EngineSize Model Production Cylinders EngineSize Bentley Legalmlt ;nvlslble 3 Lrtre 1922-1929 2SS6cc engine 1905-l 906 V8 3’h Litres Sliver Ghost 41h Litre 1927 1931 4 398 cc 19061910 6 7 036 cc Sliver Ghost 4’h Litre (Supercharged1 1929-1931 4 398 cc 1910-1925 6 7 438cc 61/z Litre (Std.) 1926-l 930 6 597 cc New Phantom or P I 1925-l 929 6 7 668 cc Phantom II @2 Litre (Speed SIX) 1929-1930 6 6 597 cc 1929-1935 6 7668cc 8 Lttre 1930-1931 7 982 cc Phantom Ill 1936-l 939 VI2 734occ 4 Lrtre 1931 3915cc. Twenty (20 Ii P I 1922-192s 6 3127~~ 3’h Litre 1934-1936 3669cc 20125 t-l P 1926-1936 6 3669cc 41/4 Litre 1936-1940 6 4 257 cc 25/30 Ii P 1936-l 936 6 4 257 cc MKV 19391940 6 4257~~ Wrarth 1939 6 4 257 cc SrlverWratth MKVI 1946-1952 6 1947-1959 6 1946-1951 4 257 cc 19451951 4257~~ 1951.1952 4 556 cc 1951-1955 4556~~. 1955-l 959 48a7cc ‘R’ Type 1952-l 955 6 4 556 cc Sliver Dawn 1949-l 955 6 ContInental 1952-1955 6 4 556 cc 19451952 4 257 cc 4887cc. 1952-1955 4556cc. Phantom IV 1950-l 956 8 5675 cc. S Tvpe 1955-1959 6 4867cc Silver Cloud I 1955-1959 6 s2 19601962 V8 6 230 cc 4887cc Srlver Cloud ) I s3 1962-1965 V8 1959-1962 VB 6230~~ Srlver Cloud Ill 1962-1965 V8 6 230 cc ROIIS-R0yCfl Phantom V 1959-1968 V8 6230~: 10H P 1904-l 906 2 1.8or 2 Litres 15l-l P 1904-1906 3 Litres Rolls-Royce end Bentley 20H P 1904-1906 4 4 Litres Sliver Shadow 19651969 V8 6230 cc 30H P 1904-1906 6 1969-1976 6750~~ T Senes 1965-l 969 V8 6 230 cc 1969-1976 6750~~ T2 1976-1980 V8 6 750 cc Phantom VI 1968-1978 V8 6 230 cc 197ETo date 6750~~ Cornche 1971-Todate V8 6750~~ Camargue 1975To date V8 675Occ 2 Bentley 9 Approximate Series Chassis number Modification Introduced Approximate Serier Chaaaisnumber Introduced OeliveFydates Delivery dates 1 Bentley3% litre 1939 M B-MR 2 to B-MR 200 Dverdnvegearbox; 6.50x 17 BMX 1 to B-MX 203 tjrres; lOx43rearaxle; Maries 193314 A BAE 1 to BAE 203 Centre-pornt radratormountrng B. 33-AE steering; rmprovedcamshaft. B-AH 2 to B-AH 198 thermostat with dummy shutters 1933/4 B B-BL 1 to B-BL201 lmprovedfrontdamper support B 155.BL B-BN 2 to B-BN 99 B0ntkyMk.V 19334 C B-CR 2 to B-CR 200 Drillad-upconn. rods 1939141 B2AWtoB34AW B-CWl toBCW203 Controlled dampers B. 10% BanuayMk.vl 1935 D B-DG 2 to BUG 200 Concealed front Xmember; clutch springdrivedeleted; propeller Nov.46 to Jul.47 A B2AKtoB254AK Servodamper B. 70-AK shaft damper; Dunlop road Apr.47 to Dct.47 Bl AttoB247Al Squwt hole in connecting rods B. 126-AK wheels; rubber rearengrne Shock absorber screw? inserts B. 256AK mountfng Twin ignition coils B. l-Al Parkerisedtappets j 1935 D B-DK 1 to B-DK 199 Headlamp strffener. Hardened push rods B. 31-Al rear axle oil seal B. 87-DK Modifii horn push button B. 185AJ extra cylinder lubm. 8.189DK Jun.47 to Jan.48 B B2BHtoB480BH AC air deaner 1935 E B-EF 2 to B-EF 200 Aemfitepistcms; r.w. road Sep.47 to Mar.48 81 BGtoB401 BG SCcarburetter needles B. 2BH B-EJ 1 to B-EJ 203 whads; geared starter drive; Strengthenedwheai disc flange light fNwheel and clutch Heaterretumtapdeteted 8. 7O-BH Water excfuders B. 153-EJ Heeterdraintapadded 1935 F B-FB 2 to B-FB 206 Isolated gaar lever; Pfovi%ovi~r5~~ B. 112-BH B-FC 1 to B-FC 159 w.b. bumpers B. 19B-Bf-l Modified interior door locks B. PPBBH &ntby 4% utra lncreasedsynchrocamangles B .292-BH M0difii distriiordrfve 1936 BGA2toBGA260 3.5’ boremgm.; Borg and Beck G B. 39B-BH B-GP 1 to B-GP 203 clutch; au coofed dynamo; sprinsrinp lncreasedfrontshockabso~r fiftersonrearxmember. B. 1BBBG Bottlatypafuses B. 62-GA win0 Nehsrrockercoverjt B.30386 1936 H EHK2toBHK200 Export body modifiitions B. 321~BG B-HM 1 to B-HM 203 Dec.47 to Aug.48 C B2CFtoB5OOCF Aluminium tappet doors B. 2CF 1937 J B-JD2toBJD200 Prop. shaft damper reinstated Mar.48 to Dec.48 BlCDtoB5OlCD Largerrearhubbeerings I BJY 1 to B-JY 203 B 53JY Bronze exhaust vafve guides B. 26-CF Modified clutch thrust race B. 164-CF 1937 K. B-KT 2 to B-KT 206 Improved scraper rings Solid door striker pletes B.206-CF B-KU 1 to B-KU 203 De-turbulsted cyi. head B. l-KU Homsuppresaor B. 21B-CF Short pendulum lever B. 175KU Dunklpjacks B. 236CF 1938 B-LS 2 to B-LS 200 Whrte-metaf No. 7 bearing B. 112-LS W&opening radiator shutters B.32O-CF B-LE 1 to B-LE 203 Thermord clutch liners B. 182-LS 2.4” sewo b&me lever B. 344CF Open type fuses B 63-LE 5”dynsmo B.426CF 3 BENTLEY Approximate Series olassis number Modification Introduced Approximate Serves Chassis number Modification Introduced Delivery dates Delivery dates B2CFtoB500CF C &A cyknder headgasket Modrhed s s tube socket B 244.FU Dee 47 to Aug 48 C 0 i CD Mar 48 to Dee 48 BlCDtoB501 CD Accelerator countershaft guard I Modrfred x.s tube sockets 8 581.FU (contrnued) 13’brake expanders I3 17.CD G 81 GTtoB401 GT Revised steering geometry 25” servo cams Apr 50 to Sep 50 1 Thrcker lrpped brakedrums B l-GT Mcdrfred coolant pump B 1150-I Annrumble brakes Improved rubber door seals El 347CD 2nd mod to rear s d. plates 0 67 GT Servo protectron plate I Four foot mounted arr srlencer 8 111.GT Modrfredqurckkft wrndow stop B 363.CD Improved rear no plate box Extended petrol tank breather El 475.CD B 165.GT Revrsad Blur pipes to rear shackles I Jul48toMay49 0 BlDAto8500DA Low lift camshaft Reduced speed fan I3 213.GT Ott 48 to Jan 49 BlDZtoB501 DZ Lucas screen wtpers B Z-DA Keyhole sockets on gear control B 28i-LGT Modified core plugs t One prece rear brake equ-lever El 381.GT 011caps In No 7 Journal I3 62.DA Bench type spring dnve B 128-DA Jul50toJan 51 H 82HRtoB250HR Alumrntum camwheel Longer upper tnangle levers B 134DA Jul 50toMar 51 BlHPtoB251HP Electncclock Short cyltnder Inserts B 144-DA Low rate011feed toclutch thrust El 2-HR Rear shock damper Jrnkage 11 ” clutch (kght type) modifrcatron B ZOC-DA 3 bush rear brakeequ-support Battery chargrng plug B. 252-DA Mod starter solenord swatch Larger frontal area radiator Lower bush rsd. linkdeleted B llO-HR B 270-DA Speedodrp wamrng lrght B 31-HP Anti-spill valve In radtator I Large borecarburetters Chromium-pfated servo plate B 384-DA B 83.HP Strengthened door hrnges B 420.DA Mod clutch sprgot bearing I lncreaseddtameter scuttledrarn B 492-DA Closerfrttrng 2nd &3rd speed %arn cyknder studs B 95-DZ bushes B 95-HP N S. front window wrnder B 117.DZ Triple pass de-mtster Inter schemeB 149-HP Improved wrndow run channels B. 131.DZ Longer bosses on r.s d. plates B 179-HP Square edge bearngs. 1St and Sep 50 to Feb 51 J B2JOtoB25OJO Thrcker r s d plates 8.154JO 3rd mot shafts B 150-D,? Nov 50 toMay Bl JNtoB251 JN Mod.
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