blue - 300 c gree n - 362 c brown - 1535 c Monday, November 11, 2019 JEWISH NATIONAL FUND Subscribe to the 2019 NEGEV DINNER Ottawa Jewish Bulletin -------- HONOURING -------- SHARON & DAVID APPOTIVE Call 613-798-4696, Ext. 256 Ottawa Jewish Bulletin SEPTEMBER 23, 2019 | ELUL 23, 5779 ESTABLISHED 1937 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM | $2 Best wishes for a sweet, healthy and happy New Year. Shana Tova Umetukah! Rosh Hashanah 5780 inside: September 23, 2019 2 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM An ‘impressive array of new leaders’ A number of institutions in Ottawa’s Jewish community have seen the arrival of new professional leaders in recent months. Louise Rachlis reports. ew leadership brings new ideas, renewed in the coming months and years.” energy and even more opportunities for Rabbi Boruch Perton, the new head of school at positive partnerships,” said Jewish Torah Day School of Ottawa, an Orthodox elementa- Federation of Ottawa President and CEO ry day school, says he has “the unique opportunity ‘NAndrea Freedman, noting that several institutions in to look at Torah Day School from a new and fresh set the community have new leadership in their profes- of eyes.” sional ranks. “The words, ‘we don’t do it like this,’ or ‘that’s never “I firmly believe that as a community we are worked,’ don’t speak to me,” said Rabbi Perton. “Any- strengthened when all organizations are optimally thing and everything is possible. positioned for success,” said Freedman. “A rising tide “There is an excitement at Torah Day School as we raises all ships, and so with the impressive array of welcome four new teachers joining us from around new leaders, it is a wonderful time for Jewish Ottawa.” the globe – two rabbis from the States, one rabbi from Freedman said she is “excited to work with all Israel and a morah (female teacher) from Montreal,” my Jewish communal colleagues and warmly look he said. “They bring with them exciting ideas and sug- forward to forging productive relationships with gestions from other communities and schools that will everyone.” enhance Torah Day. We are not afraid of change, we “It’s an exciting time to be in Ottawa,” said Rabbi embrace it!” Daniel Mikelberg, the new spiritual leader of Temple Avi Marcovitz is the new head of Jewish studies at Israel. “I feel humbled to follow a number of longtime the Ottawa Jewish Community School (OJCS). Sarah Caspi is the new executive director of Jewish Family leaders in the community. Myself, and the cohort of “It is a privilege to work in an institution which cel- Services of Ottawa. leaders under 45 are continuing to walk the path of ebrates a love of being Jewish and a love of Israel,” said Torah, passing our values l’dor v’dor (from generation Marcovitz. “Walking through the halls at OJCS, seeing to generation). We bring renewed energy and appre- the smiles first thing in the morning and listening to ciation for the opportunities and challenges of living the tefilot, is truly priceless.” Jewishly in the 21st century. I’m especially honoured to His colleague, Jon Mitzmacher, beginning his third serve at Temple Israel as a steward of inclusivity and year as head of school at OJCS, said the infusion of tikkun olam.” new leadership at his and other institutions in the Rabbi Gavriel Rudin, the new spiritual leader of community inspires him. Young Israel of Ottawa is also “very excited to be part “Part of my decision-making process that brought of the new leadership in the Ottawa Jewish community me to Ottawa was not only the potential that I saw in at this crucial time.” the school, but the potential I saw in the Jewish com- “There is so much potential for growth,” said Rabbi munity. I am confident that our success at the school Rudin, “and the positive energy from other communi- – in growth, in excellence and in word of mouth – is ty members and leaders creates the ideal atmosphere tightly bound to the renewed commitments between to allow this to happen. Since moving here, I have had our institutions. It is a blessing to work and live in a a number of conversations with my colleagues about Jewish community whose institutions truly view them- how we can help bring the community to the next selves as partners, invested in each other’s successes,” level. I look forward to turning those ideas into actions said Mitzmacher. Rabbi Dov Nimchinsky, the new principal of the Milan Topolovec Orthodox high schools Ottawa Torah Institute (for B.A., TEP, CLU, CHS, RCIS. boys) and Machon Sarah (for girls), had been in Otta- From his two operating companies wa just 10 days when he spoke to the Ottawa Jewish and with over 33 years of Bulletin. He said that much of his career “has been professional experience, Milan spent bringing Jewish education, Torah education, to brings a unique knowledge base, deep contact base, and an smaller communities. unparalleled ability to drive the “What I see in Ottawa is a city that is very warm L’SHANA TOVA! process forward for his clients. and welcoming, filled with a tremendous amount of potential and energy. The city is at a turning point, ready to step forward. It’s a point where it’s coming Rabbi Boruch Perton is the new head of Torah Day School of See Leaders on page 8 Ottawa. 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Co-Chair Karen Palayew, Kickoff Co-Chair Evelyn Silverman, Annual Campaign Co-Chair Rabbi Reuven Bulka, headliner Elon Gold, Kickoff Co-Chair Howard Silverman and Federation Chair filled with Ottawa Jews. “The bar is high,” said Rabbi Bulka, Michael Polowin gather at the dessert reception following Gold’s performance. Gold said he did this to prove a friend following the record success of the 2019 wrong – a friend who’d told him, “There Annual Campaign. He joked that he are no Jews in Ottawa.” hoped Gold’s performance would “trans- branches and a big lemon in every direc- “The area code is 613. It doesn’t get late into money for the Federation’s tion like we won something,” Gold said. more Jewish than that. Every time you Campaign.” Gold said because of kashrut, Jews pick up the phone it’s a mitzvah,” Gold The 2020 Annual Campaign video, are obsessed with “time, food and tim- said. featuring Palayew and Rabbi Bulka and ing our food.” Non-Jews would never Kickoff Co-Chairs Howard and Evelyn individuals impacted by programs from ask each other how long they wait to eat Silverman hosted the evening. along Ottawa’s “Jewish Superhighway,” dairy after eating meat, as the answer When the couple was first asked to was shown before “community comedi- would be, “I’m eating a cheeseburger host the event, Howard said, they “were ans,” representing several Jewish orga- right now, so I guess zero minutes.” surprised and took time to reflect on nizations participated in a joke-off and “I wear two watches. Some people what the community means to us and spoke briefly about the importance of ask, ‘New York and Los Angeles?’ Nope, why we chose Ottawa as our home.” their organizations to Ottawa’s Jewish it’s for meat and dairy,” Gold joked. Evelyn said while Jewish communities community. One of Gold’s funniest routines was around the world are known for welcom- The community comedians includ- a satirical impression of U.S. President ing newcomers, Ottawa’s Jewish commu- ed Ottawa Jewish Community School Donald Trump on fast-forward. Another nity is made special by its humility. graduate Itzy Kamil, who also acted as hilarious routine had Gold simultane- “We have a wonderful, close-knit MC for the comedy show; Irwin Kreis- ously impersonating an Israeli and an and caring community that prides itself man, past-president of the Bess and Italian-American New Yorker as they ask on being modest, yet committed,” she Moe Greenberg Family Hillel Lodge; each other, “You got a problem?” WELLINGTON IMAGERY said. “Chairing Kickoff has deepened Rabbi Boruch Perton, Head of Torah Day Comedian Elon Gold performs at the Jewish Gold said while he has heard many our sense of pride and belonging to this School of Ottawa; Camp B’nai Brith of Federation of Ottawa 2020 Annual Campaign people say, “We live in crazy times,” community.” Ottawa staffer Jill Doctor with campers Kickoff, September 10, at Algonquin modern day problems pale in compari- Annual Campaign Co-Chairs Karen Elliott O’Meara and Georgia Smith; and Commons Theatre.
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