ASPECTS OF THE ART/SCIENCE EQUATION – MEDIA ART MEETS HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS Chris Henschke, School of Media & Communication, RMIT University, Mel- bourne, Australia E-mail: [email protected] Abstract In this paper the argument is made that formal and methodological relationships exist between media art and particle physics. This argument is supported Fig. 1. Infra-red experiment (untitled detail) © Chris Henschke by examples from artist-in-residence projects under- physics, and these can be revealed taken by Chris Henschke at the Australian Synchro- arts have led to a mistrust of it within the tron. Through the development of collaborative through art / science residencies and experiments using a hands-on and emergent meth- projects. I will use my residency experi- sciences, and even in wider culture. Staf- odology, correlations were found between the two ford writes that ‘cultural bias, convinced disciplines, and material was developed for the ences to support this argument, and alt- hough largely limited to personal pro- of the superiority of written or proposi- production of artworks. The development of, and tional language… devalues sensory af- responses to the works are discussed, and, in con- jects and outcomes, the experiences clusion, a plea is made to artists working with gained during these activities provide fective and kinetic forms of communica- scientific research to be more critically aware and insights into the art / science equation. tion precisely because they often baffle engaged. verbal resolution’ [7]. And yet, although Keywords: media art, particle physics, Australian Historical and philosophical factors it may seem paradoxical, in science the Synchrotron, CERN The influential physicist and philosopher visualization and ‘witnessing of a phe- Karl Popper states that scientific discov- nomenon … is essential to its acceptance Introduction in the body of natural knowledge’ [8]. Art and science seem to be very different eries are born from processes of stimula- tion and the release of inspiration, which This has been the case since the time of disciplines, but are they really so una- Faraday, who made drawings to develop like? What happens when art comes into itself is not a scientific or logical pro- cess. Popper argues that every discovery his revolutionary understanding of elec- contact with science in settings such as tromagnetism and used public demon- the Australian Synchrotron and CERN, contains ‘an irrational element or a crea- tive intuition’, which the scientist then strations to increase people’s understand- the European Organization for Nuclear ing of his theories. Research? What results when these ‘critically judges, alters, or rejects’ in accordance with the epistemological worlds collide? The conflicts around the role of images framework of falsifiability [3]. Addition- al non-scientific forces also influence the in science are found even in the heart of The Australian Synchrotron is a device modern physics. The pillars of twentieth two hundred metres in circumference development of scientific “paradigms”, including historical, economic and polit- century physics, Einstein and Heisen- that accelerates electrons to ninety-nine berg, fundamentally disagreed over the percent of the speed of light; it is also the ical factors, as well as the intuitions and passions of the researchers [4]. Such interpretation of the same quantum me- community of scientists, engineers and chanical experiments, to the point where other personnel who harness the energy factors are also present in the develop- ment of art movements; the art critic Heisenberg stated that he found Ein- emitted from the device with which they stein’s visualizations ‘disgusting’ [9]. In conduct experiments. This is done in Ernest Gombrich pointing out that the ‘idea of pure observation has proved a contemporary physics, images are rou- accordance with the empirical method, a tinely used to assist in the analysis of rigorously structured process of develop- mirage in science no less than in art’ [5]. However, unlike the properties the even the most abstract properties (alt- ing theories based upon observations of hough contention over interpretation still natural phenomena. Scientists undertake physical sciences deal with, art does not need to objectively define or illustrate exists). Digital visualization tools are experiments to test their theories against widely used to represent data in physics, the phenomena in question, and, through specifics. Instead, to use an analogy pro- posed by philosopher Barbara Maria and many equivalent tools are used in adjusting both the theory and the exper- digital art. iment, arrive at a clear and precise fit of Stafford, art can be seen as a mirror held up to reflect aspects of the world, which theory to observation. This method Residency at the Australian Synchro- seems to be at odds with the practice of ‘collects and brings within its circumfer- ence all that lies scattered about us and tron, 2007 art, which is popularly perceived as be- The factors described above provided me ing driven by subjective, inward-looking, re-launches it in sharper or cloudier form’ [6]. The mirror of art does not with initial points of connection to the and irrationally inspired individuals [1]. scientists I worked with at the Australian Such clichéd generalizations tend to perfectly reflect reality, nor does it in- tend to. It is more like a fun-house mir- Synchrotron. I undertook two artist resi- describe a superficial disparity between dencies, in 2007 and 2010, respectively these ‘Two Cultures’ [2]. However, I ror, yet its distortions are sometimes constructed with a precision akin to the through the Arts Victoria and the Aus- argue that connections exist between the tralia Council 'Synapse' program, both of disciplines of media art and experimental exactitude found in science. Such image incongruences employed in the visual which were mediated through the Aus- Please reference as: [Author(s)-of-paper] (2013) [Title-of-paper] in Cleland, K., Fisher, L. & Harley, R. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium of Electronic Art, ISEA2013, Sydney. http://ses.library.usyd.edu.au/handle/2123/9475 Page numbering begins at 1 at the start of the paper. tralian Network for Art and Technology. From discussions with various scientists and engineers at the complex, who all worked in ultra-specialized fields, each of which may take a lifetime to fully understand, I began to realize that the synchrotron is a device of such complex- ity that it is ultimately unknowable. That is, it is impossible for any one person to completely understand all of its scientific and technological dimensions, even among those who build such devices. This state is described by philosopher Jurgen Habermas' term “neue- unubersichlichkeit” – that is, a state of total unsurveyability in the modern Fig. 2. The New Sun (detail) © Chris Henschke world [17]. Habermas posits that this creates a pessimism towards complex The Protein Crystallography beamline is The New Sun (Fig. 2) is a twenty metre technology and its increasing ‘probabil- the highest energy beam at the Synchro- translucent print on acrylic panels that ity of dysfunctional secondary effects’, tron, and allows scientists to see struc- paints a ‘synchrotron portrait’, using the stating ‘forthright “helplessness” more tures on a molecular scale. I set up and synchrotron itself as both the subject of and more replaces attempts to find orien- conducted such an experiment, and de- the work and the brush used to paint it. tation determined by and directed toward veloped animations made from the data The piece was made by collaging the the future. It may be that the situation is taken from an insulin molecule I scanned synchrotron's engineering diagrams with objectively obscure’ [18]. However, in the X-ray beam. I was inspired to un- the light captured from the Optical Diag- given art’s its ability to express that conventionally capture and process the nostics, Infra-Red, Soft X-ray and Pro- which cannot be rationally comprehend- visual data by an eloquent outburst from tein Crystallography beamlines, overlaid ed, can art manifest, and thus maybe a usually reserved scientist, who told me with the visible spectrum of the sun. This even sublimate, such a state of unsur- that seeing the sample on its micron work attempts to convey the overwhelm- veyability? scale would be like gazing up at an infi- ingly complex and yet finely balanced nite sky of endlessly repeated electron nature of the synchrotron. Commis- During my residencies I used digital constellations. My result, empirical in a sioned in 2008, and developed with peo- media to develop processes that brought scientifically meaningless way, sought to ple in the science, engineering, and ex- together different aspects of the practices capture that poetic insight, using the raw ternal relations departments, the work used at the Synchrotron. These processes images to visually create what I felt it was initially designed to be placed in were loosely based on their methods of would be like to inhabit such a micro- front of the actual synchrotron, providing undertaking experiments and collecting cosmic space. an impossible view into the heart of the data and sought to probe the nature of device. The title of the mural is from an materials and in a sense materiality. The Accelerator experiment Einsturzende Neubauten song; the cho- techniques I developed allowed me to During my – residency I was inspired by rus of which is “The new sun burns more bring together formal and conceptual the accelerator physicists’ description of than it illuminates” [19]. Perhaps such elements of the synchrotron in various the precise combination of magnetic critical elements are too subtle, but if I combinations, often with unexpected fields and electric forces in the hundreds used more explicit means such as radia- results. of magnets that drive the Synchrotron, tion symbols, the more reactionary scien- which they call the “synchrotron tune”. tists may not have allowed the work to Infra-red Beamline experiment Several accelerator physicists and I de- be put up.
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