BODY ART IN IOWA CITY ALSO: INTERVIEWS WITH AL JARREAU, RETTA, AND LOUIE ANDERSON. 80 HOURS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 DAILYIOWAN.COM 50¢ Ceremony welcomes Schools fall short new Americans in report The Iowa City school district falls short of meeting proficiency standards created by No Child Left Behind. By ALEKSANDRA VUJICIC [email protected] The Iowa City School District was labeled as “in need of assistance,” along with 44 other Iowa districts, ac- cording to the 2014 State Report Card for No Child Left Behind. The results are based on student performance on standardized tests taken throughout the 2013-14 school year for the third through eighth grade, as well as the 11th grade. The federal law requires pub- lic schools to meet adequate yearly progress standards, which measures proficiency under federal law, for the overall school population and for de- mographic subgroups. These subgroups can include so- cioeconomic status, limited English proficiency, and special education, according to the state Department of Education. If a district does not meet the profi- ciency benchmark in math and read- ing for two-consecutive years, it is la- beled as “in need of assistance.” Participants in a citizenship ceremony in West Branch raise their hands as they take the oath of citizenship Wednesday. More than 70 people received their nationalized citizenship Wednesday. School Board President Chris Lynch (The Daily Iowan/Sergio Flores) said the target proficiency rate has changed over time, and this year it re- New citizens were naturalized at a ceremony at the Herbert Hoover quired 100 percent proficiency, which means every student must reach Presidential Library and Museum. grade-level standards set by the law. This year, the state saw an 11.8 By NICK MOFFITT tion of Germany allowed her to meet her after her naturalization on Wednesday. percent increase in the number of dis- [email protected] future husband — an American citizen. She said she cannot wait to use her tricts labeled as in need of assistance Schulze, an employee at the Universi- new rights as an American citizen, with compared with last year, according to Birgit Schulze never intended to come ty of Iowa Hygienic Lab, said the process one she’ll be able to use this November. the report. to America. was easy with the support of her col- “I will be very happy to go and vote Education Department spokeswom- Having only lived in East Germany, leagues at the lab, as well as her friends. soon,” Schulze said. an Staci Hupp said the percentage Schulze’s fate changed after the fall of Now divorced from the man she fol- of schools that are not meeting the the Berlin Wall in 1989. The reunifica- lowed to Iowa, Schulze felt pure bliss SEE CITIZENS, 3A yearly progress targets has gone up because the target goes up every year. SEE EDUCATION, 3A Biden pushes minimum-wage hike Something Nuns on a Bus and Biden new in promote a minimum-wage hike at the Capitol. By CASSIDY RILEY local food [email protected] A food cart in the Iowa City DES MOINES — Visiting just a few Downtown District is seeing days after Hillary Rodham Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden sharpened his rhet- an increase in the number of oric in the State Capitol on Wednesday, customers. calling on both the U.S. Congress and Gov. Terry Branstad to raise the mini- By DANIEL VALENTIN mum wage. [email protected] “There used to be a consensus in the Congress,” Biden told a small crowd It’s late at night, and students from gathered outside the Statehouse. “[Dem- the University of Iowa are looking ocrats and Republicans] constantly in- for a meal around 10:30 p.m. Now, creased the minimum wage.” they’ve discovered a food cart on the Biden’s talks of minimum wage fit the Pedestrian Mall: Cornroc. discussion of the event he helped kick off, Makotsi Rukundo, the owner of the Nuns on the Bus tour — a 36-city trip Cornroc, has noticed a sizable in- to promote voter registration and a raise crease in the number of student cus- in employee wages. Union members and Vice President Joe Biden speaks at the kickoff event for the “We the People, We the Voters” bus tour. The stop in Des Moines was the tomers since the beginning of the small business owners shared stories first of 36 cities for the tour. (The Daily Iowan/Kristen East) school year. about why they believe Iowa’s $7.25 min- “It is a different kind of setting than imum wage is insufficient, also calling on raising the wage comes at a time when in the next legislative session and the a restaurant,” he said. “It’s outside, so both state and federal governments to many candidates for federal office use next session of Congress. I get to talk to customers.” enact a higher starting point. the issue as a campaign platform — a The vice president’s discussion of foreshadowing that it may be a priority SEE WAGE, 3A SEE CORNROC, 3A WEATHER DAILY IOWAN TV ON THE WEB INDEX HIGH LOW CLASSIFIED 7B 72 50 • SCAN THIS CODE CHECK DAILYIOWAN.COM FOR HOURLY DAILY BREAK 6A • GO TO DAILYIOWAN.COM UPDATES AND ONLINE EXCLUSIVES. FOLLOW 80 HOURS 1B Mostly sunny, light breezes. • WATCH UITV AT 9 P.M. @THEDAILYIOWAN ON TWITTER AND LIKE US OPINIONS 4A SUNDAY THROUGH THURSDAY ON FACEBOOK FOR MORE CONTENT. SPORTS 8A 2A NEWS THE DAILY IOWAN DAILYIOWAN.COM THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 READY FOR HILLARY The Daily Iowan Volume 147 Issue 50 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher 335-5788 Email: [email protected] William Casey Fax: 335-6297 Editor-in-Chief 335-6030 Jordyn Reiland CORRECTIONS Managing Editor 335-6030 Call: 335-6030 Stacey Murray Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for accuracy Metro Editors 335-6063 and fairness in the reporting of news. If a Rebecca Morin report is wrong or misleading, a request Lily Abromeit for a correction or a clarification may be Opinions Editor 335-5863 made. Nick Hassett Sports Editor 335-5848 PUBLISHING INFO Danny Payne The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is pub- Pregame Editor 335-5848 lished by Student Publications Inc., E131 Cody Goodwin Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Iowa Arts Editor 335-5851 52242-2004, daily except Saturdays, Sun- Emma McClatchey days, legal and university holidays, and Copy Chief 335-6063 university vacations. Periodicals postage Beau Elliot paid at the Iowa City Post Office under the Photo Editor 335-5852 Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Tessa Hursh Projects Editor 335-5855 SUBSCRIPTIONS Jordyn Reiland Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 Politics Editor 335-5855 Email: [email protected] Kristen East Subscription rates: Design Editors 335-5855 Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one Mercedes Potter Supporters of Hillary Rodham Clinton gather signatures on Clinton Street near the Pentacrest on Wednesday. The volunteers also helped people register to vote. (The Daily semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 Chelsea Weis Iowan/Joshua Housing) for summer session, $50 for full year. Convergence Editor 335-6063 Out of town: $40 for one sememster, $80 Quentin Misiag for two semesters, $20 for summer TV News Director 335-6063 session, $100 all year. Dora Grote Send address changes to: The Daily Iowan, TV Sports Director 335-6063 100 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Chelsie Brown Iowa 52242-2004 Jalyn Souchek Web Editor 335-5829 Park & Ride coming to town Advertising Manager 335-5193 Tony Phan Renee Manders Business Manager 335-5786 Advertising Sales Staff Debra Plath Park and Ride systems are in the Iowa City area’s future, according to the Iowa DOT. Bev Mrstik 335-5792 Classifed Ads/Circulation Manager Cathy Witt 335-5794 Juli Krause 335-5784 By MITCH MCANDREW with time. the local level. The site would either be Production Manager 335-5789 [email protected] The plan is part of broad- Reducing the number at the intersection of I-380 Heidi Owen er initiative called “Iowa In of cars on the road would and County Road F28 in All across the state, Motion — Planning Ahead greatly improve travel con- North Liberty or I-80 and Iowa transportation offi- 2040,” which focuses on ditions for Iowans. First Avenue in Coralville. cials are seeking input on improving safety, efficiency, “Pulling more traffic Interstate 380 has an av- a new plan that will allow and quality of life in Iowa. off of heavily traveled erage annual daily traffic drivers to share rides and The need for a new ap- roads will lead to more that hovers around 25,000 carpool often. proach is significant, with longevity in our road- vehicles/ day, according to Park and Ride is a sys- traffic levels increasing ways,” Pedersen said. Iowa DOT data. tem that lets participants 37 percent in the last 20 The reduced traffic would This area’s selection is leave their cars in a lot years. Additionally, only also improve safety, because the result of analysis by and utilize carpools or 9 percent of commuters less traffic will reduce ex- the Iowa DOT and several public transport for their carpool, while 78.7 percent posure to crashes and alle- county Metropolitan Plan- commutes, said Garrett drive to work alone, ac- viate congestion, according ning Organizations. Pedersen, transpor- The locations pro- tation planner for the ‘Pulling more traffic off of heavily traveled roads will lead to posed in the Park Iowa Department of and Ride System Transportation. The more longevity in our roadways,’ Plan also experi- response from these — Garrett Petersen, transportation planner for the Iowa Department of Transportation enced heavy county meetings will help to county traffic, gaps complete plans for the cording to the Iowa DOT.
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