,..., t-:. C/l < J < 0 .0 0 c: 0- 0 N t- 0 Ci) . Archbishop Capucci States :::: f-,tll - tll • :;:- ..l..J e:: 'Forced Into The Guerrillas' WW • TEL AVIV: The Greek Catholic Fatah agents, but no contacts were "? C ..o z Archbishop of Jer.usalem, who was made. • < • arrested on charges of smuggling The Archbishop was reported to > 0- 0 weapons for Palestinian guerrillas, have led police to "drop points" • C n-:: h a s r e p o r t e d 1 y t o I d h i s where he had left exploxives for the 0:: N n. NL Y ENGLISH-JEW/SH W EEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. interrogators that he had been Al Fatah agents to pick up. He forced into guerrilla service by never saw the agents personally, the threats of blackmail. Israeli officials said. YULUMt LV 111, NUMBER 26 FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1974 16PAGES 20c PERCOPY According to Israeli officials, An authoritative Israeli source Archbishop Hilarion Capucci said here said that in addition to being representatives in Lebanon of the charged with being a member of a Abraham Segal To Speak guerrilla organization Al Falah had terrorist organization and with threatened him with physical arms smuggling, the Archbishop At Bureau Conference violence and with disclosure of faced a charge of being an Abraham Segal, director of edu­ actions that might jeopardize his accessory to murder. cation of the Union of American position in the church. As According to the informant, this Hebrew Congregations, will be the patriarchal vicar he is the spiritual steins from a statement by three keynote speaker at the Fall Con­ leader of about 4 ,500 Greek brothers accused 'of murdering a ference of the Jewish teachers and Catholocs, most of them Arabs Jerusalem taxi driver. The brothers principals of Rhode Island. The living in Jerusalem, the occupied reportedly said they got their theme of the conference which will West Bank of Jordan and in central weapons at one.of the Archbishop's be held at the Jewish Community Israel. "drops." Center on Wednesday, September Details of the police investigation Patr,·arch Consults 4, from 7:30 to 1-0 P.M. will be have been given to the Most Rev. "Approaches 'to Teaching ·Jewish William A. Carew, the Vatican's p / R History." representative in Jerusalem, and to Ope n Om e The conference will be held un­ three churchmen from Lebanon BEIRUT, Lebanon: Patriarch der the joint auspices of the who will report to the Greek Maximos V. Hakim of the Greek Educators Council and the Bureau Catholic Middle East Synod now Catholic Church flew to Rome to of Jewish Education of Rhode Is­ meeting in Beirut. discuss with Pope Paul VI the land. The legal adviser to the Greek detention by Israel of the Most Following Mr. Segal's address Catholic Church in Jerusalem, Aziz Rev. Hilarion Capucci, the Greek • TO FETE RABBI: Rabbi WiNiam G. concurrent workshops on the Shehadeh, h as undertaken to Catholic Archbishop of East Braude of Temple Beth El, will be represent the Archbishop. He said Jerusalem. honored at-a reception to be given primary grades, intermediate that he had not initiated any action The Archbishop was arrested by the congregatien ·on ·Sunday, grades and secondary grades will September 8, between 3 and 5 be conducted from 8:30 to 9: 15 and was awaiting instruction from August 18 on charges of p.m. Rabbi Braude has been with p.m. The plenary session will fol­ ABRAHAM SEGAL the Archbishop and the church smuggling weapons to Palestinian representatives. guerrillas in the Israeli-occupied the congregation for 42 years and low from 9:20 to 10 p.m. Seymour Krieger, principal, The fin al decision on whether the West Bank of Jordan and ol being beginning September 1, will bes Mr. Segal has been active in Temple Beth El; Lenore Levin, come Rabbi Emeritus. church leader is to be put on trial is an agent of Al Falah, the major 'Jewish education for more than 40 principal, South County Hebrew to be made at Cabinet level. guerrilla organization. The committee on arrange­ years as teacher and principal, and School; Saul Troen, principal, ments is headed by Mrs. Bertram Israeli officials told the A decision to take the case to as instructor of adult classes, Temple Emanu-EI, and Elliot L Bernhardt. Other members are churchmen that the Archbishop the Vatican was adopted by the teacher courses and seminars. Schwartz, executive director, Bu­ Mrs. Newton Cohn, Mrs. Howard had been a courier for Al Fatah for Greek Catholic Synod. Rosenberg, Mrs. Maurice Shore, He has , served as editorial con­ reau of Jewish Education. sultant and writer for many Jc:wish more than a year. At first, the The Synod sent a three-member Mrs. Norman Goldberg, Mrs. Jo­ officials said, Al Falah used him to mission to Israel to investigate the seph Schwartz, Miss Amy Berman, agencies and is the author of many J. Lyman Williams, Murry Halpert, articles and books in the field. Israeli ~all-Up .R1:1ns carry fu nds across the border for charges. president of the congregation, and Members of the planning com­ Smoothly, Efficiently the dependents of guerrillas in One of the members of the Joseph M . Finkle: . mittee for the conference are Rab­ Israeli-held territory. mission, Bi shop Bartholomeus The congregation has invited all bi Nachman Cohen, chairman, TEL AVIV: Responding to code­ The search of the Archbishop's . Samman, was quoted in the press friends of Rabbi Braude to attend Educators Council; Aaron Fal­ worded calls such as "birthpangs," car near Jerusalem was said to have · as having declared: "We have the reception. cofsky, principal, Temple Sinai; "slaughtered chicken" and been filmed and reco rded on tape discovered that all the changes -' 'Sampson and Delilah," thousands by Is r a e Ii o ffi c i a 1 s. The made against the Archbishop were of Israeli war veterans immediately Archbishop, who had just returned lies." France To Re-Examine Arms joined their reserve units in a test from Lebanon, was said to have He also said that Archbishop mobilization. been in the car when it was Capucci has gone on a hunger Sales To Libya, Arab Countries The code words were broadcast intercepted. He later reportedly strike in an effort to compel the PARIS: The French government had told the Israelis that they had repeatedly from noon by Israeli wrote a statement to the police in Israelis to accord him better has announced that it will "re­ been trained under Libyan television and radio and from longhand. treatment. examine" its arms sales to the Arab identities at a French air base near cruising police cars: They were also . The Archbishop was then Patriarch Maximos has countries, especially to Libya. This Dijon. posted on billboards, and leaflets allowed to go free for 10 days but protested the detention of the decision was taken following The following day, Oct. 10, 1973, were dropped from aircraft over was kept under surveillance. The Archbishop in prison, contending Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's French Information Minister cities and beaches. Israelis were said to have hoped that he should be held instead in admission that Libyan Mirages ·are Joseph Comiti said, "The only The purpose of the exercise was that he would be approached by Al house arrest. stationed in Egypt, flown by Mirages used in the Middle East to test the effectiveness of those Egyptian pilots and -had war are those belonging to Israel." media in alerting reservists who participated in the Yorn Kippur A few days later, October 14, the make up the bulk of Israel's forces. Lisbon Denies Report War fighting. Libyan government denied Israel's . Figures are not revealed here, but Political circles here believe that charge, and the French Foreign foreign sources have said that the French government's decision Ministry released a report from the reservists swell the standing army By US State Dept. to study the entire issue of arms French military attache in Tel Aviv from 75,000 to 300,000. WASHINGTON: The State renewal was in I 972, for two years. sales to the Arabs was taken after a saying that "Israel has not An informed source said that Department said that it had The current accord has been i only a few of the reservists were number of ministers pressed at a submitted any evidence to its received reports that some extended until a new one is ~ Cabinet session for an immediate claims." One month later, Libyan being called up and registered. The unidentified Arab nation had negotiated. t halt to all deliveries of arms and President Muammar Qaddafi military command did not stage the offered Portugal $400-million to Robert J . McCloskey , 1 spa re parts to Libya. It is officially denied the claim in an call-up as suddenly as lt would have deny the United States the use of Ambassador-at-large, will begin understood that the Ministers of interview with the French liked for fear the Arabs might the Azores, which served as a talks on September 3 with the Foreign Affairs and Defense newspaper "Le Monde." misinterpret the mobilization. The refueling point for the American Portuguese Ambassador to , plans were made public although promised to present concrete Now the issue has become a airlift to Israel during last Washington, Joao Hall Themido, recommendations on this subject at public scandal as Sadat accused the the date of the operation was not October's Arab-Israeli war. the State Department said. announced. the next government session.
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