North-Western Journal of Zoology Vol. 2, No. 2, 2006 – Short Note Notes regarding the presence of some Podarcis muralis (Laurenti 1768) populations on the railroads of western Romania Severus-Daniel COVACIU-MARCOV1,*, Horia V. BOGDAN1, Sara FERENTI1 1 University of Oradea, Faculty of Sciences, Universităţii str. No.1, 410087-Oradea, Romania * Corresponding author: S.D.Covaciu-Marcov, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract. Podarcis muralis is present on the railroad embankments and bridges from the train stations in some areas of western Romania. Sometimes these populations are in close vicinity to natural habitats, whilst at other times may be several km away. In the second case, they are probably brought accidentally, along with the rail stones. It is likely that the species, at the northern limit of its distribution, is advantaged in some way by the railroads, which offer numerous shelters and the possibility of much quicker thermal adjustment. Key Words: Podarcis muralis, distribution, railroad, western Romania Podarcis muralis occupies middle to In western Romania, several southern European-Anatolian distri- Podarcis muralis populations were bution (Guillaume 1997). Romania lies highlighted recently, distributed at the north-eastern limit of this area, coterminous to the Apuseni Moun- with P. muralis being distributed tains (Covaciu-Marcov et al 2003 a, b, mostly in the southern and central b, 2005, 2006), inhabiting mostly region of the Carpathian Mountains, natural rocky environments or without reaching their northern sector quarries but also, on rare occasions, in (Iftime 2005). In Romania, the species edges of forests or the edges of some prefers rocky habitats, quarries and forest roads. However, in the western walls and is considered xero- part of Romania, the species was thermophilic (Fuhn-Vancea 1961) documented in atypical habitats such despite the fact that in the southern as near, or even on, the embankments regions it inhabits humid areas of train stations. Thus, the common (Mayer & Beyerlein 1999). Due to the wall lizard was observed on the rarity of its habitats, the species is railroads that cross the Mures and quite uncommon in Transylvania and Crisul Repede narrow paths the western part of Romania (Ghira et (Covaciu-Marcov et al 2003, 2005). al 2002). Subsequently, we encountered other N West J Zool, 2, 2006 Oradea, Romania The presence of some Podarcis muralispopulations on the railroads 127 populations of Podarcis muralis on the the Arad train station, approximately railroads from the western part of 25 km from the specie’s area Romania, their localities being (Covaciu-Marcov et al. 2005). In 2006 indicated in fig. 1. we observed several specimens on the The species is distributed almost rails from the Simeria Triaj strain continuously on the railroad that station as well. The later is situated at crosses the Crisul Repede narrow about 3 km south of the town of path, on a length of aprroximately 20 Simeria, being a very important km, between Vadu Crisului and Bulz. railway selector, with numerous lines. However, it is not very abundant due The observations were made in to the rather shadowed valley with October, when the lizards were steep slopes around it. In the valley of basking on the embankment, the river Mures, however, it is more apparently undisturbed by the train. numerous, thanks to the presence of In the case of the populations from favorable habitats. We observed P. Arad and Simeria Triaj, no link with muralis here in a number of localities, any natural habitat can be found, at Radna being present even on the since the site is a few km away from passing from above the train station their typical environment. Further (Covaciu-Marcov et al 2005). The more, the population from Simeria presence of the species in the two Triaj lies in a very vast railroad areas isn’t surprising, simply because complex. The most plausible that the railroads often pass by rocky explanation of the presence of the mountainsides, typical for the species. species in these areas is the accidental This is how the common wall lizard’s transportation of some specimens habitat and the railroads are from different quarries together with neighboring each other, making it the rail stones. The unintentional very easy for the lizards to pass onto introduction was raised in other the embankments. The exact same situations, too, both in Romania causes allow some specimens to reach (Torok 2001, Iftime 2005) and I other the railroad that follows the Crisul regions from the specie’s areal as well Alb River, in the Talagiu – Varfuri (Rathbauer 2002, Hill & Mayer 2004). area. However, at least at least in the case In western Romania there are also of the population from Simeria, we “railroad” populations of Podarcis cannot exclude the direct migration of muralis (fig.2), situated large distances the species alongside the railways, from their characteristic habitats. The since numerous other populations of species is present at the ground level Podarcis muralis existing in the region and on the bridge that crosses over (Ghira et al 2002). N West J Zool, 2, 2006 128 S.D. Covaciu-Marcov, H.V. Bogdan, S. Ferenti Figure 1. The geographical position of “railroad” populations of Podarcis muralis in western Romania (Bihor county: 1.-Vadu Crişului, 2.-Şuncuiuş, 3.-Bratca, 4.-Bulz; Arad County: 5.-Vârfurile, 6.-Arad, 7.-Radna, 8.-Şoimoş, 9.-Vărădia de Mureş, 10.-Hălăliş, 11.-Săvărşin, 12.-Cuiaş; Hunedoara county: 13.-Simeria Triaj) Figure 2. Podarcis muralis individual from a “railroad” habitat (Simeria Triaj, Hunedoara county) (photo by: Horia Bogdan, CHO, 2006) The railroad populations of station. The presence of this species Podarcis muralis seem unaffected by despite the life in towns and impli- the railway traffic, people or cars that citly higher anthropogenic impact has cross the bridge over the Arad train been previously documented (Clark N West J Zool, 2, 2006 The presence of some Podarcis muralispopulations on the railroads 129 1989, 1992, Toth et all 2006). At least and metal. As a result the lizard’s on the railroads, this adjustment can higher temperature allows faster be explained by the occurrence of movement and sensing of predators plentiful shelters in the proximity of (Amo et al 2004). the animals. Previous research has At least theoretically, the railroads shown that the common wall lizard’s offer the lizards a larger number of reaction is directly proportional with refuges and possibilities of basking in the distance from a potential refuge – comparison to a natural habitat. This the farther the refuge, the quicker the fact could be an advantage at the reaction (Amo et al 2003). In the case northern limit of this specie’s of the railroad populations, the distribution, where Podarcis muralis presence of the shelters can decrease finds few favorable conditions and the anthropogenic pressure. This fact places. It is probable that these facts is essential for the survival of these can explain the survival of the populations because it has been railroad populations in these documented that a high frequency of conditions of anthropogenic stress, anti-predatory behaviors leads to a because in the Crisul Repede narrow decrease in body condition, with path there have been known lizards treating humans as predators populations ever since 1998. In the (Amo et al 2006). Probably, again same time, at its northern border of its because of the offered refuges, the distribution, where the species is railroads are also used by other strictly limited to rocky moun- species of the Podarcis genus, for tainsides and low altitudes, the example Podarcis taurica (Cruce 1971). railways can represent a means of At the same time, life on the widening their occupied territory. railroads can have its advantages, especially in autumn, when the lizards spend a lot of time basking. 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