UNITED NAIIONS Distr , GENERAL GENMAI {6aoo/aaa,7* A S S E M B LY 26 oef,obe" L95J ORIGINAj,: E{GLl6g [Fentieth sesslon Agenda lten 2J REPORT OF THE S!ECIA].,, COMKIITM ON TAE S]TUATIOI\I WIIH REGARD To mE IMPL,EMENTATION OF rHE DECLARATION oN IT{E GRANTItrTG 0F ' INDEPENDFJ{CE TO COI,ONIAL COUNTRTES AI\ID ?EOPI,ES (eoverlng its r,lork durlng r!!6) Rapporteur: l{r. K' NATWAR SINGH (fndia) CEAFTEBS T(-)0fi/1 CONT$IITS Chapter Paragraphs Page tr. SAIT]SH GU]ANA J. INFORMATION ON fEE TMRITORY . Introductlon I 5 A. Politlcat and. constitutiotral d-evelopnents 2-M , B, Economic condltlon6 \L-59 tq If . CONSIDffiATION BY tEE SPECIAL COMI'LITIffi 60-8r 20 Introduetlon 60 20 A. Wrltten petitions and hearlngs 6L-77 2Q 3, Statements bY roeubers ?B.BT 26 ]]I. ACTION TAI(M{ 3Y Ttr SPECIA]-, CC[.{T.{I!I[EE 82-83 26 ANNU: REPORT OF TI1E St]B-COl'44fTTm OF G00D OFI'ICES ON BRfTISE GUIANA genera} * fhis d-ocument contalns the chapters on forty Terrltorles. fL]e lntroductory chapter of the relort of the SpectaL Comolttee lrill be issued subsequently under the syrobol A/6oao ' other chapters of the report have been reproduced. as separate d.ocunents ' 6r-2609'l l A/6oop/Add.? Englii]h Paee f td. CONTII{TS (cont ) C!.apter Parag"apbs Pige )[V. IIJI]E AND TOKM,AU ISIANXS I. INTORMATION ON THE TEFRTTORIES 4,7 A. Nlue .(. or 3. Tokel-au IEI-and.s 6B XV. AMBICAN SAMOA 't- I. INFOIMAITON nN II|EIF TFFDDTTTIT'1D.I' a 59 X\II. GIIAM I. INFOEMATION .\NT ITIE F MTiTDDT,T].\DI' l--L+ 'tq II. PETITIONS I) X\rII . TRUST TERRTTORY OF ME PACITTC TSI.A$DS f . TIIFORMATION ON TF'E THUUTORY . 76 XWII. TRUST TERRTTORY O3 NAURU, PA?UA AND TRUST TERRTTORY OF NEW GIIINEA AND COCOS (I@ING) ISI,ANDS Bo I . INFONMAIION ON IHE TEBRITORTES " f-_)o A. Trust Terrltory of Nauru BO B, Papua and the Trust Territozy of Nev Guinea 1)\ - 42 81 C, Cocoe (Keeling ) f sl-and.s zz z( 4.7 ]cIX. NEW EBRIIES, GII,IIERT AND ELLICE ISI,AIfDS, PITCAIBIV AND SOLOMON ISLANDS I. INFONMATION ON THE TtriTtI[OFI3S . B9 A. Nerr Eebrld,eg a rL 89 B. Gilbert and Ellice Islands 'I 5 - 25 o'1 C" PLtcairn 26-zB o< D. Solomon Island.s 2a-L2 9+ ]O(. SBUNET I . INFOHI,4ATI ON ON TsE TMFITORY . I -2q 9'l )C(I. HONG KONG I. N\TFORMATION ON UIE TffiRITORY . LO3 rQtrf . r'AI;rfl4ND IST,ANIS ( Usr,VnVlS ) I . INFORIIATION ON fiIFI TffUIITORY -L - -LO 107 II . PflTITIONS 17 110 ANNEX: I,ETTIER DATED 20 APRIL 1964 TROM TflE DffiI]'IT PERMANfl\I RtrFESUSTATIVE OT' ARGU{TII{A ADDRESSED TO THE CFATRI4AN OF THE SFEC]AL COMi\trrlM 11r- A/6oco/Ad.d.7 nngJ.lsh Page 4 td CO]\rIE]\TS (cont ) Chapter Paragraphs Paee )fiIII. BERMUDA, SAHAMAg, TURI(S A$D CAICOS ISI,AI\IDS AITD CAYI{AN ISLA1VDS r. ]fiFOR}'4ATTOT\I ON THE TMRITORIXS f - Bb rrr A, Rarn' r.l o 2 | LJ.,) Tl - Trsh qho d 18 - 6t+ LLg C. Turlts and Caicos Islands 6r- T6 uI Cayman .7.7 al, D. Islands , . lr - )_1( rT IIRITIIil\T . PETJTIONS AND HEAR]-I{GS 85 - rrr Je9 mL STATm,4EI\TS By MEI\tsmS 1I2 - I2l+ rl8 )c(Iv. un'ImD srATEs vlacrN rsLAI\tDS, BRrrrsH vrRGrN rslAl\tDs, ll{TlcuA, DOMT$ICA, GRENADA, MONTSmRAT, ST, I{frTS_ NtriVIS.ANGUTLLA, ST, IUCIA, ST. VI1VCfl\T AI{D BABBANOS ',I. INFORMAT]ON ON TEE TffiRITORMS 1 - 200 lLl A. United. States Virgin Islands r- - L6 r|1 B" British Virgin IsLands 17 - 29 rt+7 C. 4ltlquaf Dominlca, crenada, Montserrat, St. Kitte -NevLs -Anguille, St. lucla and. St. Vlncent 10 - L7o l-5o r. Sarbadoa r7r - 200 L75 II. PETITIONS 201 181 )Qff. SRITISH EONDURAS I. INFOBMATION r ON THE TERRITORY ^!, 182 ECVT. II\IFORI{ATTON ON NOIV-SEI,F-GOVMNING TMRITORMS Tln$Slt{ITIm UNDEF. ARTICLIE 7j e OF Tm CEAttTffi Ar{D REI,ATD QIJESTIONS J-88 A]{ND(: INFORMATION FRoM NON-SELI'-GO.VmNING TmRrToRms IRANS}4II{M UI\DER ARTTCIE T, e oF TI{E CHARTffi: REPORT OF THE SECRETANY.GENMA! 1o) Su!,pl-euent I$o. el5oo:- Annuo,i- BeBort of the Becletarjr-(lenerEl r (corr.r (n)) on tbs Work of the Orgarl zatlon (r5 ,luae L96\ - L, Jrue 1965) a,/6aotlaaa.t InttoaluctloD to the Aanua,L RetrEtt of, tbe Secretary-GenereJ- oB tbe Work of, the Or6anlzation (16 Julc 196r+ - 15 JuBe 1965) al6f,oz Report of tE Securtty CouBclL (16,rury L95f - 15.rury 1965) el6ot ReBort of, tbe Econod.c andl SoclaL coulcil (16 euguot t#\ - lt tvjly L955) e/6oo2/ma..t Aililenchu to the Report of ths A Iicouod.c allit Soclal Couscil- Al6@\ Report of, the kueteeshlB Couacll- (ro.ft-e t96\ - g.Illtle 1965) a5cf/5 &r@et Estlnates f,or ths El.neoclaL leat L966 anal Inf,ornetlott An[exes el6wileaa.t Budtget f,or the Et Dancl€.l. Yee,t !#5 ,A al6oc6 ELnancIaJ- Rotrbrb alxd AccoutrtE for 6 (corr.r (n) ) the yeer eniled jL Dscent€r 1961t €ndt Report of tb6 BoarA of Audltors A/6M/tudd,.L Unlted Natloas ChiLdlrear E l\rail 6A e/6o6/eaa,e Udteal NationB Rell€f, Efil Workg 68 AgoEcy for FaJ-egblne Refirgee s ln tbe I{ear Es,Bt a/M/mut Volulltaly tr\rnaE Adlntnistereil by the & Untteal l{stlo[s Elg! Cod.esionef, f,or Beflrgoeo a6cF7 AalvLgorTr Connd.ttee on Adld.nt strative and Eudeetary Q;ue stloae - Slrtb Report to the geDBr.aJ. AeE€Ilbi.y at ttg tveDtieth sesgiou al6oc€ Uultefl Satlons Joht Staff Fenslon trlrnd - Annual Report of tle Unlted. NatLo[E rTolnt Steff Peuslon Soa,rdl Al@w Repott of, tb lnte!'tlatlolaJ- tar Co'nrl eslon on tbe vork of lts s€yonteer$Jr Eesslon (J May - 9 JuLy L96r) SuppLerent lgo-. al6oto Report of the Cod.ttee on L0 Co[tributloDs a,/6on/nev.:. ReIErt of the Unltedl lilatlons El.gb Cod.sgloner f,or Refugeeg $tun/aev.{aaa.t A':tdenflud to the ReXlort of, the ALA Uait€al NatlonE Et gb Co@lssLoEer for neflrgees N6otz ReBort of tbg Unlte(l lvatioDo La (corr.r (u)) Cod.salon f,or the Unlflcatlon a'|ral Rebabl].:ltetlon of Korea al@Lt Report of tbe Coad. gsiorsr-GereraJ- L, (co'r,r (sl) of, the Unltedl Natlons Rel-lef a,nd Workg Agency f,o! PaJ-estdro Befirgees ln tb€ lg6ga naot (x- Jlrly L964 - n Jvre t96r) Al6oL\ RegolutLoug adopted by tbe General. rl+ AssenbLy ihlrhg tts tseDtl€tb aegslon ( ?:. segtenber - 22 llBcenber LN5) N6oaglnev.L Ret)olt of, the frads o[al DeveLotrEe[t r.5 Bo€f,d.
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