Top of the News O p in io n S p o rts Aaachoooooo! Banana Splits Bombing Balkans Break Brings Wins Today is World Health Day, Hie U.S. plots to place a tariff on A sensitive area is under the UCSB men’s so ail of you sniffling, European goods in retaliation to fire and the problem volleyball team won five sneezing students EU discrimination of good old needs to be fixed. straight over Spring Break. better get to the (South) American fruit products. Student Health Center. See §§§ See p.6 See p.12 Foot Patrol UCSB Student Arrested To Increase in Sexual Assault Case Traffic Law After nearly a monthlong investigation, the UCSB Police Dept, has made an arrest following a reported on-campus sexual assault. Campus Police arrested freshman Daniel P. Venable on March 30 after Enforcement connecting him to an alleged sexual assault at 1 a.m. on Friday, March 5, in San Miguel Residence Hall. According to public information officer B y C h r is t in e Pu t m a n Cathy Farley, the victim, an 18-year-old female UCSB student, was an Reporter acquaintance of the 19-year-old Venable. “[Venable] is a UCSB student and a San Miguel resident,” she said. “We arrested him on a warrant March 30, in connection with a sexual as­ Bicycles are now fair game for W ILL WILD/DAILY NBXU3 sault in San Miguel March 5.” local law enforcement agencies, Senior history major Chris Hoffee runs a Trigo stop sign Tuesday after­ According to Farley, Venable, who allegedly entered the victim’s rooifi which have declared open season noon. The I. V. Foot Patrol is currently cracking down on traffic violations without using force, was arrested on a number of charges. on stop-sign and speed-limit viola­ such as this one, especially by bikers. “He was booked in the Santa Barbara County Jail on charges of at­ tors in Isla Vista. tempted rape, oral copulation and penetration with a foreign object,” she The 30-day conditioning period Traffic commissioners look at collisions or close calls that make said. for the California Highway Pat­ priors, and the person’s willingness Isla Vista unsafe for everyone,” he Venable was released from the county jail the same day as his formal ar­ rol’s new stricter enforcement of to correct the behavior,” he said. said. “If bikers and motorists can rest. According to the District Attorney's office, the case, which is sche­ speed limits for motorists and stop “Our goal is safety. W e don’t have a follow the rules, they won’t have duled to go to court April 20, is currendy under review by DA Eric signs for bicycles is scheduled to quota that encourages us to write problems with the police.” H anson. end around April 15. This new tickets like the majority believes we Some of the traffic concerns in - Rape Prevention Center Director Carol Mosely said many sexual as­ program, enforced in conjunction do. H owever, in som e cases we feel I.V. result from' blind spots caused saults g o unreported by the victim . R ape and assau lt victim s need to know with the I.V. Foot Patrol, is in­ that a ticket is the only way to en­ by oversized vehicles parked near that there are places at UCSB such as the Women’s Center where stu­ tended to give leniency to first­ force die rules.” intersections. According to John­ dents can go if they have problems or have questions about reporting an time violators of the existing— but According to Johnson, I.V. is a son, the local authorities want assault, she said. until now, loosely —- enforced high speeding area, and the TVFP some curbs painted red in order to “It’s important to realize that these assaults do happen on our campus. I traffic laws. wants to re-establish a safe reputa­ prevent hazardous accidents. think we should support those who attempt to take action,” Mosely said. According to CHP Officer tion for the town. Speeds of up to “We realize that parking in I.V. “There are many resources on our campus for help and questions.” Todd Johnson, radar tickets have 50 miles per hour have been is difficult for students and we The UCSB Women’s Center, which houses the Rape Prevention Edu­ yet to be issued since the new plan clocked on Trigo and Sabado sympathize with that,” he said. cation and Sexual Harassment Prevention programs, is located in Build­ has been in effect. Tarde roads, Johnson said. ing 434, Room 141, and can be reached at 893-3778. “We aren’t out to give tickets. “M ost of the problems are bike See TICKETS, p.8 — T ed Andersen IVRPD Acquires Land to Preserve Endangered Resources Alcohol Abuse B y Jer r y B eers Reporter Screening Can Aid Participants Local residents feeling cramped can breath a sigh of relief due to a B y R e n e e H e y m in g recent Isla Vista Recreation and Staff Writer Park District purchase that will en­ sure more open space along I.V.’s coastline. If you or someone you know After extended negotiations, the regularly wakes up in a strange IVRPD completed a deal for place after a night of heavy drink­ $450,000 with the Chase family to ing, an event this week could help purchase the blufftop properties put things in perspective. located near the end of the 6800 The first National Alcohol block of Del Playa Drive. The Screening Day will include an on- IVRPD has shown interest in the campus screening Thursday at property since 1977, but its previ­ Counseling 8c Career Services in ous purchase attem pts w ere unsuc­ an attempt to reach people who cessful. According to IVRPD Di­ think they or someone they know rector Dave Fortson, the deal was has difficulty managing alcohol m ade in order to protect one o f the consumption. Judy Hearsum, di­ few remaining undeveloped areas rector of the Alcohol and Other in I. V. and to preserve the rare ver­ Drug Program at UCSB Student nal pools located on the property. A student enjoys the view from the blufftops at the beginning of Del Playa’s 6800block. The IVRPD recently Health Services, said the free, Fortson said the two sides purchasedthis property in orderto preserve one ofl. V. 's few undeveloped areas. anonymous screening can help stu­ reached an agreement out of court dents recognize some of the red March 10 for three parcels of land said . “A ny open space left in I.V . is als for the land in 1977 and 1986 been developed. flags for problem drinking. at $150,000 each. The transaction prime real estate, and people want but was unsuccessful in both at­ “Vernal pools are a rare and en­ “Having frequent blackouts suffered a few setbacks because of to build on every open space they tempts. Since 1991, the board has dangered threatened resource,” he when you drink, having a high the location and the scarcity o f land can fin d.” been negotiating with the current said. “True vernal pools are found tolerance for alcohol, having nega­ in I.V., he added. According to IVRPD General owners of the property, the Chase only in Mediterranean climates tive consequences when you drink “Open space is one of the most Manager Derek Johnson, the fam ily. and contain native endemic veg­ but continuing to drink anyway in essential things in Isla V ista. From IVRPD first identified the bluf­ According to Johnson, die pre­ etation and animal life that is the same way, a family history of the park district’s standpoint, we ftop properties as part of its land sence of vernal pools — home to found nowhere else in the world. alcohol or other drug problems — feel we need more parks instead of acquisition plan in 1977. The park many rare plants and animals — houses and parking lots,” Fortson district attempted to negotiate de­ w as one reason the land had n ot yet See PROPERTY, p.9 See TESTING, p.10 2 Wednesday, April 7 ,1999 Daily Nexus Daily Nexus Editor in Chief Kerri Webb Managing Editor Tennille Tracy Layout/Design Editor ’ Carolyn Morrisroe U.S. Goes Bananas Over Import Tariffs News Editor Tony Biasotti Training Editor [ • i Alexis Rlippini battle, the United States has charged that the United Campus Editor V Jill S t John Asst Campus Editors I Ted Andersen, lisa Butterworth contended that E U rules un­ States was acting in an “un­ County Editor/ J Gretchen Macchiareila fairly discriminate against acceptable and unlawful” Asst County Editors K y * Curtis Brainard, David Downs WASHINGTON (AP) — WTO arbitrators concur AP Wire Editor ■ X Sarah Kent bananas grown by Chiquita manner in requiring impor­ features Editor Elizabeth Weihane T h e U nited States w as given with our position that the Brands International Inc. ters to post bonds before the Opinion Editor Megan Herr the go-ahead Tuesday to be­ EU banana regime is and Dole Food Co. in order W TO arbitration decision Asst. Opinion Editor Nathan Woodside Sports Editor Matt Hurst gin imposing punitive tariffs W TO-inconsistent and to favor bananas grown by was m ade. Asst. Sports Editor Marvin Gapultos on $191.4 million of Euro­ continues to damage the former European colonies in Europeans have con­ Artsweek Editors Robert Hanson, Jennifer Raub Asst. Artsweek Editor Tami Mnoian pean im ports in a nasty trade U.S.
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