o > I- - PQ Ol THE WESTPIELD LEADER TAe Leading and Moat Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County 3MUJ Publl.hed NINETY-FIRST YEAR. NO. 48 WESTFIELD, NEV,1 JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1981 22 Pages—25 Cents u Wruridd. N J. Every Thuridny Proposed Alarm System Expected To Expedite Police Response The Westfield Police Department will Must businesses comply wilh the Why must alarm companies be licen- How will registration increase ef- be able to service the community more registration procedure? sed? flciency? effectively and efficiently if the Yes. Companies must be licensed with the By having a complete list of alarm proposed ordinance regulating use and How much is the registration fee? police department to protect locations which will be cross-referenced installation of home burglar and fire For an alarm that sound a horn or homeowners from improper installation, by registration number and location by alarm systems is approved by Town siren and is considered a "local alarm," "fly-by-night" outfits and convicted street number, police will be able to Council, according to Det. Robert the fee is $6 annually. If your alarm criminals. Fees of $50 annually for respond more quickly. Availability of Kenny. sounds at police headquarters or at a alarm businesses and $10 for each in- emergency numbers will give police Kenny, who has been researching central station of an alarm company the staller will be assessed. easier access to homes and in the event information for the 31 page ordinance fee is S12. of a malfunctioning, continuously Why is a (ee necessary? ringing alarm, a quicker way of shutting since October, remarks that due to the Will the Westfield Police Department it off. Incidentally, under the new or- increase of burglar and fire alarm in- Monies collected will offset the cost of install alarm systems? dinance local alarms will be required to stallations in Westfield it is imperative administration of the program. No. have a shut-off ufter ringing for 15 that the police department know minutes. locations of these systems so that How will false alarms be reduced? response time can be shortened He adds that the ordinance should reduce Residents v/ill be allowed (inly four the number of false alarms received at false alarms a year. After the fourth headquarters. Last year 1700 false false alarm residents will be notified by alarms were sounded including those mail that they have reached the limit accidentally tripped and those due to and should familiarize themselves with the ordinance which will be available at improper installation. Answering such the town clerk's office. Any future false calls reduces police efficiency and SKt. Del. Wesley Moore discusses problems with a young person at the juvenile bureau alarms will result in a fine. wastes manpower. Why is a central alarm panel at police of the Westfield Police Department. The proposed ordinance will require headquarters necessary? residents and businesses to register First in a Series their alarm systems with the police This panel will provide a way of an- department and pay annual fees of $6 nouncing alarms quickly. There are four and $12. Alarm installers must be methods of announcing alarms. A horn On Juveniles and the Law or siren is considered a local alarm; a licensed by police as well. Residents tape dialer sends an alarm to police may connect their system to a proposed headquarters with a taped message on a central panel at headquarters; tape special emergency line; an alarm Minors' Offenses Major dialer systems will be permitted with hookup from residence to alarm com- annual inspection and certification by pany's central station requires call from licensed installers required. company to police; and the central Town Council introduced the or- alarm panel at police headquarters will dinance last week. Public hearing will be effect immediate police response. Concern in Westfield July 7 at 8:30 p.m. at council chambers. How will tape dialers be handled under In order to convey information to the ordinance? While two teen-aged girls — 53 more than in the various crimes. Kecently residents concerning the proposed or- are shopping at a local previous year. To this point the' number of drug-related dinance, Kenny responded to the Taped alarms now come into police department store, one dares in 1981 apprehensions have arrests have decreased, headquarters through the regular 232- following questions. 1000 number and can interfere with her companion to steal a continued at last year's however, alcohol-related How do I comply with the ordinance if I bl Ating the dare regular emergency calls. In the future lttrt t pace. Consider that 840 apprehensions have in- already have a burglar-fire alarm special police numbers and telephone p g adults were arrested in I960, creased.- "• • system? lines will be provided for use by tape caught, the other slips the approximately 40 percent of Moore adds that juvenile You must register your system at blouse into her handbag. dialers. arrests made in Westfield crime has indicated a trend police headquarters. You will find out a What if I already have a tape dialer? Her smug smile turns to are juvenile related. toward violence — simple form giving your name, address horror when the store's You will be permitted to continue Last year 575 juveniles muggings and assaults on and phone number, and the name and using it. After passage of the ordinance, security guard stops her as were arrested in Westfield teachers are no longer phone number of your alarm company. she is about to leave. however, tape dialer systems will be — 59 more than in the unheard of in Westfield. You must also provide the name of reprograrmned to a special line A group of sixteer.-year- previous year. To this point This year, too, the first someone who has a key to the house and olds decide to have a picnic designated solely for them and they in 1961 apprehensions have murder of a school-age child tbs alarm system and who is must be inspected and certified by a of sandwiches and beer at continued at last year's by another was committed knowledgeable in how to reset the licensed inspector. Tamaques Park. As the day pace. Considering that 840 in town. system. You will be assigned a number. wears on they become more What will the central panel cost tax- adults were arrested in 1980, Susan Scarola, Union How am I affected if I do not presently payers? and more boisterous and are approximately 40 percent of County's prosecutor in have a burglar-fire alarm system? surprised when a policeman There will be no cost to the town. arrests made in Westfield charge of juvenile justice, Before having a system installed you Companies will bid for rental of space on appears and arrests them are juvenile related. agrees that juvenile crime must fill out an application at police for possession of alcohol. panel. The winnig bidder will receive a "A 24-hour-a-day job" is has shown an increase in headquarters, pay fee, receive a number three-year license to maintain the Coming home from a how Sgt. Del. Wesley Moore violence. She says that and have licensed company put in Westfield residents use a variety of systems as fire and burglar alarms. New or- dinance, which requires registration by owners, and licensing for Installers, will be system under requirements set up by the party, a few boys begin describes his job as head of juveniles are committing system. Residents who do not plan to police chief and town council. Residents throwing rocks at an empty the juvenile bureau. Moore, more "adult-like" offenses; have a system installed will continue to voted on at Tuesday's meeting of Ihe Town Council. The measure, designed to provide who use the panel will pay monthly house. As window after a 26 year veteran of the such as burglaries of large receive traditional response and greater protection for all Westfield residents, is expected to result In more efficiency window is shattered, a Westfield Police Force, has amounts of jewelry and protection from the police department. and faster response time by police. {Continuod on page 4) patrol car appears. The been assigned to the silver. Many of these thefts boys attempt to run away, juvenile department for the are almost professionally Woman but they are apprehended past 16 years. Det. Bernard planned. Some juvenile Holy Trinity Graduates 33 Residents Asked to and taken to police Tracy joined him last criminals are younger, Sexually headquarters. November. smaller children to gain The eighth grade class of Curry Thomas Foxton In each case, the teen- According to Moore, entry through cellar win- Holy Trinity Elementary Richard Patrick Deegan Nadine Marie Gagliardo Share Views on School agers involved have become juvenile arrests peaked in dows while others are School held its graduation Suzanne Marie D'Eufemia Mary Frances Hanover Assaulted statistics in the spiraling 1978 when 806 were reported prepared with logical exercises June 12 at a Mass Patricia M. Dervin Kathleen M. Laffan ranization A 19-year-old woman was problem of juvenile crime. including over 100 drug- reasons when they are concelebrated by the Rev. Joan Marie Dombrowski Wanda Frances Lubiak Orgi robbed and sexually Last year 575 juveniles Gerald W. Fitzgerald Claudia Anne Luecke assaulted shortly after related violations. At that stopped by police in neigh- Robert T. Lennon, pastor , The Westfield Board of at 302 Elm Street at 8 p.m. were arrested in Westfield time juvenile arrests almost borhoods far from their The Rev. Msgr. Charles B. Timothy Patrick McCabe midnight yesterday by two Christopher Joseph McGinn Education has scheduled At a special meeting on men, one of whom claimed ~ " 1 matched the number of homes.
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