VOLUME 26 NUMBER^ September 1989 -V -i •:->:::::::-: ;7 f \*-s ™. • ...-t >-"•*' Mining the Murrumbidgee The Wild Man meets Venus on the Shoalhaven NPA BULLETIN VOLUME26NUMBER3 September 1989 CONTENTS ACT Parks 4 NPA News 5 Mining the Murrumbidgee ACT Government bows out 6 Parkwatch 9 The alps 10 Adventure on the Shoalhaven 12 Books 14 Cover Hut plans 16 Photo: Reg Alder. As in the Association's emblem, an emu and a kanga­ The Yerrabi Track 17 roo tread the sandy shore of Lake Mungo. Sites of At Bournda in June 18 Aboriginal occupation date back to 40,000 years at Ben Hall's cave 20 Lake Mungo. The Aboriginal remains have been found Canoeing the Mongarlowe 21 in the eroding sands; the lake dried up at the end of the last ice age. Recent rains have wet the easternside Education at Birrigai 22 of Lake Mungo, attracting a profusion of birds. National Parks Association (ACT) Telephone: (062) 571063 Address: GPO Box 457 Canberra 2601. Incorporated Contribute to your Bulletin Inaugurated 1960 Contributions of articles (news, description or fiction), black-and-white photographs and line drawings are Aims and objects of the Association keenly sought for the Bulletin. Creative works will be • Promotion of national parks and of measures for the given a high priority for placement. Please label pho­ protection of fauna and flora, scenery and natural tographs with the name of the subject, the name of features in the Australian Capital Territory and the photographer and the date. Letters to the editor elsewhere, and the reservation of specific areas. should be brief (less than 500 words). Leave • Interest in the provision of appropriate outdoor contributions at the office or phone the editor, Roger recreation areas. Green, on (062) 470059. • Stimulation of interest in, and appreciation and enjoyment OF, such natural phenomena by organised Articles by contributors may not necessarily reflect field outings, meetings or any other means. Association opinion or objectives. • Co-operation with organisations and persons having similar interests and objectives. Deadline for December issue: 1 November, 1989. • Promotion of, and education for, nature Material received after this date will be held over for conservation, and the planning of land-use to achieve a later issue. conservation. NPA Bulletin is produced by Green Words for the Office-bearers and Committee National Parks Associaton (ACT). It is produced with Contact the office the assistance of an ACT Community Development Fund grant. Subscription rates (1 July - 30 June) Designed by Design Direction, Phillip, ACT Household members $20 Single members $15 Printed by Highland Press, Queanbeyan, NSW. Corporate members $10 Bulletin only $10 Concession: half above rates ISSN 0727-8837 For new subscriptions joining between: 1 January and 31 March - half specified rate 1 April and 30 June - annual subscription Membership enquiries welcome Please phone Laraine Frawley at the NPA office. Beware the red dot A red dot on the mailing label means that you are no The NPA (ACT) office is located in Kingsley Street, longer a financial member of the association. Unless Acton. Office hours are: you renew your subscription this will be the last 10am to 2pm Mondays Bulletin you receive. 9am to 2pm Tuesdays and Thursdays COMMITTEE The complex demands of con­ temporary conservation activity President's foreword will continue to impose strains on voluntary committee members, es­ At the same time as the Federal the Federal Government on co­ pecially those in full time employ­ Government launched its environ­ operative management. As well, ment. Increasingly, they will need ment statement, advice has come an Australian Alps National Parks to be supported by employed staff that the New South Wales Liaison Committee was estab­ with the skills to efficiently carry Government plans to continue lished representing the responsi­ out both specialist and time- moving in the other direction, with ble management agencies. In 1988 consuming routine tasks. Our proposals to further weaken the the scientific significance of the office in Civic with its computer fa­ National Parks and Wildlife alps was the focus of the first cilities, the employment of a pro­ Service — already suffering staff Fenner Conference at the fessional Bulletin editor cuts. (Members will be aware of Australian Academy of Science. (dramatically reducing the seem­ the disgraceful level of staffing al­ This meeting gave endorsement to ingly interminable problems with ready, for many of the parks.) a world heritage nomination for its publication), and recently, the Particularly affected would be the the area. Shortly after, Geoff employment of a part-time admin­ natural resources division of the Mosley, acting as a consultant to istrative assistant have all been service. The NPWS director, John the NPAs of Victoria (which took progressive steps in this direction. Whitehouse, has indicated that the primary role), ACT and NSW It is worth stressing, however, the land conservation branch is prepared a World Heritage nomi­ that the role of such staff is to sup­ likely to be stripped of staff and nation evaluation which was pub­ port voluntary effort not replace it. funds for land acquisition severely lished by VNPA cut. Ultimately this means no new In conclusion, I believe the Meanwhile in Victoria, the 30- reservations nor additions to exist­ Association is in a sound position year-long struggle to achieve a ing areas. Also, the service will to influence conservation policy in continuous alpine park continued, have to withdraw from the valua­ the ACT and region and my best and was finally rewarded in May ble role it plays in 'off-park' conser­ wishes go to the incoming execu­ by the passage of the National vation — such as responding to (i) tive and committee. Parks (Alpine National Park) Bill, clearing and cultivation licence ap­ 1989. In July the proposal for an plications in the Western Division, alpine world heritage nomination (ii) Crown leasehold conversion ap­ was formally put to Senator plications, (iii) environmental Graham Richardson under the sig­ impact statements, and (iv) local natures of the three National and regional environmental plans. Parks Association presidents (rep­ Advertising parks If you visit NSW national parks resenting 13,000 members) and A recent issue of The Australian and other reserves why not spend Brian Egan (President, Australian newspaper featured a supplement a few minutes writing, or faxing in National Parks Council). Stay on the environment. The National support of them. tuned for the next instalment... Parks Associations of the ACT, Hon Nick Greiner, Premier of NSW and Victoria jointly funded an advertisement in this supple­ NSW /|N /(\ /(\ State Office Block, Phillip Street, ment promoting national parks. Sydney NSW 2000 In this, my last president's fore­ Fax (02) 2311110, word, I would like to take the op­ Jervis Bay Telex AA 121269 portunity to thank the other The Association is planning to Hon TimMoore W Minister members of the committee for hold a weekend at Jervis Bay, ten­ for the Environment their support and effort over the tatively scheduled for 28-29 8-18 Bent Street, past three years. I would like to October. The purpose of the week­ Sydney NSW 2000 thank also, those who have con­ end is to combine education and Fax (02) 233 7195 tributed much through sub­ enjoyment, and will help members committees and in other ways. The make comments on the forthcom­ standing of the Association de­ ing environmental impact state­ pends ultimately on the contribu­ ment from the Department of Over the last few years much at­ tion it makes in the conservation Defence on the Navy's proposed re­ tention has been focussed on field and hence on the work of its location to Jervis Bay. alpine area conservation and it membership. There is still plenty has absorbed a good proportion of of scope for more involvement, for ACT Government the current committee's time. example, in the subcommittees. To A briefing paper has been pre­ Following the Association's alpine take one example, the environ­ pared for presentation to the ACT conference late in 1985, a memo­ ment subcommittee needs a few Minister responsible for national randum of understanding was members to focus on ACT plan­ parks and other reserves, Elinor signed between the three relevant ning, especially as it affects nature Grassby. conservation and open spaces. state and territory authorities and Julia Trainor ACT PARKS Shaping Canl>err a Map and guide for Namadgi Nature Park Several initiatives by the ACT Parks and Conservation Service The March edition of NPA Bulletin ceive further information, includ­ are set to dramatically raise com­ contained background information ing a map of areas currently man­ munity awareness about Namadgi on Canberra Nature Park and out­ aged and those proposed to be National Park. lined the current activities of the added to the park. They will also The Namadgi map and guide ACT Parks and Conservation receive resource statements on was released in July and will fulfil Service in raising awareness of a areas close to where they live and a long standing need. When folded draft management plan for the a questionnaire. out one side forms a poster featur­ park. Parks and Conservation The initial public participa­ ing a beautiful painting by Bev Service officers also addressed the tion phase will be open until Bruen and photographs by Rob March meeting of the Association. the end of October 1989. All Blakers and Henry Gold. The text As previewed in the earlier arti­ written comments received by that covers natural and cultural fea­ cle, the latter half of 1989 will be time will be considered in prepar­ tures, recreation and minimum significant for Canberrans inter­ ing the draft management plan. impact. ested in their local environment.
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