P Edison CoIJeg, Library Hdrnaonburg, Virginia WE BREEZE 0KlK*91 Vol. xxvni Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, Dec. 14, 1951 No. 13 2^ r1 Students Choose Committee For G. T. Millej? Giftord Announces Exams V. P. I. Princess Students Use After Vacation MONDAY, JANUARY 21 P. Warren 8:00- 9:50—Biol. 1, All Sections, Aud., and Ed. 88, All Sections, Aud. Student members of the Student- Again invited to send a princess to 10:00-11:50—Clagses that meet for the first time on Monday, 2:30 P.. M. Faculty relations committee are elect- the Third Annual Engineering Confer- 1:30- 3:20—P. S. 31, All Sections, Aud. ed from the four classes. Each class Attend Meet 3:30- 5:20—Math. 7, All Sections, Aud., and.B. E. 66, All Sections, Aud. ence at Virginia Polytechnic Institute has three representatives to this com- President G. Tyler Miller and Mr. February 21, 22, 23, 1952, Madison 'mittee, also the president of the S. G. TUESDAY, JANUARY 22 Percy Warren recently returned from students and faculty will select a prin- A. and eleven faculty members are on 8:00- 9:50— Chem. 1, All Sections, Aud., and Eng. 31, All Sections, Aud. the annual meeting of the Southern cess immediately after the Christmas the committee. 10:00-11:50—Psy. 31 and Psy. 55, All Sections, Aud.; Ed. 3, All Sections, W 24. Association of Colleges and Universi- holidays. Student members of the committee 1:30- 3:20^-Classes that meet for the first time on Tuesday, 1:30 P. M. William Ives, Jr., entertainment ties at St. Petersburg, Florida. Mrs. are: Fae Wilson,-Connie »Roach,' and 3:30- 5:20—Classes that meet for the first time on Monday, 8:00 A. M: . Warren, Mrs. Miller, and Elise Brown- chairman Tor V. P. I.'s program, stip- Betty George Ramsey from the Sen- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23 ing Miller accompanied them. ulated that the representative ". be ior Class; Jane Moulse, Betty McFar- 8:00- 9:50—S. S. 5, All Sections, Aud.; H. E. 60, All Sections. Outstanding feature of the ^confer- selected by students and faculty of land, and Jackie Dedertck from the 10:00-11:50—Classes that meet for the first time on Monday, 3:30 P. M. • each school." Acting accordingly, the ence was the banquet speech by Dr. Junior Class; Pat Norwood, Margaret 1:30- 3:20—Classes that meet for the first time on Tuesday, 2:30 P. M. Willard Gosland of Peabod'y College. Executive Council of the Student Gov- Galloway, and Audery Sanderson from 3:30- 5:20—Classes that meet for the first time, on Monday, 9:00 A. M. eminent proposed a plan to have the, ,. , ~. ~ . Dr. Gosland's subject was "Education . 'the sophomorec Class; Dons JeanT THURSDAY, JANUARY 24 ' t officers of each class select two peo- and Freedom of the 1950's." *The Miller, Juanita Wood, and Mary Leb,- 8:00- 9:50—Eng. 1, All Sections, Aud., and Ed. 51, All Sections, Aud. ple to serve with faculty advisors of most stirring and powerful talk on ling from the Freshman Class; and 10:00-11:50—Classes that meet for the first time, Monday,' 10:00 A. M. the classes as a nominating committee. education I have heard for some Betty Hiner, President of the Student 1:30- 3:20—Classes that meet for the first time, Monday, 11:00 A. M. Those serving on the committee are time," states Mr. Miller. Government Association. Other featured speakers were Dr. 3:30- 5:20—Classes that meet for the first time, Tuesday, 9:00 A. M. Anne Colonna, vice president of S. G. The Student-Faculty Relations E. G. McGraft, who dealt with the FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 A. and last year's princess, as chair- Committee has organized for its work effect of conditions in Washington on 8:00- 9:50—Classes that meet for the first time, Monday, 1:30 P. M. this year by dividing into three sub- man; Mr. Percy Warren, Senior Class our nation's schools; and Mr. J. Coat- 10:00-1 l:50^Classes that meet for the first time, Tuesday, 8:00 A. M. committees. Each group is led by a advisor; Dr. Raymond Dingledine, es, who spoke on "Meeting the So- 1:30- 3:20—Classes that meet for the first tima. Tuesday, 11:00 A. M. senior student and will study a parti- Junior Class advisor; Dr. .Raymond viet Challenge." 3:30- 5:20—Classes that meet for the first time, Tuesday, 10:00 A. M. cular type of problem and report Mr. Miller attended meetings of SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 Poindexter, Sophomore class advisor. ,back to the entire committee. These special interest to him including a 8:00- 9:50—Classes that meet for the "first time, Tuesday, 3:30 P. M. ^Others serving on the committee are sub-committees are: (1) Committee panel discussion on "Co-ordinating 10:00-11:50—B. E. 96; H. E. 78; Science 95. - -- ^ « ^w^=— Becky Hooper and Laila Grubb, from on Specific Problems, Fae Wilson, : a Higher Education," in which Tklr. Mil- Any student having 4 exams on same day report to Mr. Sanders immedi- Chairman, (2) Committee on Revi- lie senior class; Betty Jean Hammack ler participated. Mr. "Warren visited ately. sion of the Handbook, Connie Roach, and Dottie Pruett from the Junior groups concerning women's colleges '**' —f chairman, and (3) Committee on Im- Class; Sheila Bell and Flo. Pettyjohn, i and attended a meeting of Academic provement of Human Relations, Betty Deans. ' of the Sophomore Class; Sonya Schulz George Ramsey, chairman. Breeze Staff Visits Santa-L^and; Luncheon meetings and a banquet and Judy > Glover, of the Freshman The faculty is represented on the completed the program of the con- Class. committee by Dr. Raymond Dingle- ference. Rudolph Leads Reindeer On Trip; dine, Chairman, Mrs. Hope V. Mil- Madison must choose not less than The Millers and Warrens made a ler, Dr. Walter Gifford, Dr. Raymond two candidates and not more than leisurely tfip down, stopping at St. Poindexter, Miss Margaret Hoffman, Mrs. Clqus Serves Refreshments \ six. The nominating com'mitee will Augustine, where Dr. Miller and Mr. Dr. Clarence Hamrick, Dr. Charles by Shirley Castine—— for. the bells, so we're not "punchy" Warren stopped to drink from the meet before .Christmas so that candi- Caldwell, Mr. Benjamin Partlow, Mr. While gay carolers sing "Merry after all) parked on Logan's front Fountain of Youth. Two drinks for dates may be presented and voted Murl Shawver, Mrs. Mary Lockard, Christmas", here we work in The lawn. It is drawn by one, two, three each was the order of the day, after and Miss Feme Hoover. Breeze room. The Christmas issue is —yes, eight reindeer led by our old upon during the January 7 assembly. which they were ready for the con- Students and faculty members are well on its way, and we relax a friend, Rudolph. Faculty members will also have an ference. invited and urged to refer suggestions while to enjoy the atmosphere pro- "All aboard!" and we're off! opportunity to vote on the candidates. on problems concerning college regu- vided by the singers. Blending in "Harrisonburg sure is brightly lit." Both students and faculty are urged lations, student life, or student-faculty with the songs we hear tinkling bells. "If looks just like a toy village frdm to submit suggestions to members of relations to any-member of the Stu- Students Party! "Sounds like sound effects for Winter up here." the nominating committee. dent-Faculty Relations Committee. Christmas, Christmas everywhere Wonderland," someone observes, "or a "Now we can see the whole valley!" and what's Christmas without a'party! cue for Rudolph." "Gee, how pretty!" Many parties on campus are being A tiny knock, hardly audible, gets The reindeer climb up, up, where Madison Glee Club Presents held this week and next, to give a Bobbie to the door. there is less space ship traffic so we boost to the traditional spirit of the "No one is here." can make better time. We can see season. "Some joke." nothing of Earth; the ethereal dark- Festival Oi Christmas Music The Mercury Club's Christmas -par- """Looking down four feet, however,, ness of the surrounding sky shimmer- by Betty Smith ty took place last Tuesday night and we discovered the culprit. It was a ing with stars gives us a breathtaking tive by the multi-colored light ar* Nothing can fill one with that won- each member! brought toys and cloth- little elf about two feet tall with point- thrill. Even more breathtaking, how- rangements were presented with the derful Christmas spirit more quickly es to give sOme unfortunate children ed ears and a tall hat. ever, the reindeer lunge downward and Glee Club singing the familiar Christ- than a festival of Christmas music. a Merry Christmas, too. These gifts "What—." we leave our tummies on a star. mas carols in the background. "Deck The program presented by the Madi- were wrapped during the meeting "Who?" „ Earth below shows good signs of The Halls With Boughs of Holly" son Glee Club on December 9th and with entertainment and refreshments "What have we here? Is it a bird, having a white Christmas as it seems was sung as men and women gather- featuring the popular harpist Artiss on the side. a plane, or is it Santa's helper?" the North Pole has enough to go ing holly and cedar was pictured on , Saturday night after singing carols "You are exactly right," the thing arOund.
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