5.5 X 10 Long Title .P65

5.5 X 10 Long Title .P65

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19747-2 - A Genealogy of Evil: Anti-Semitism from Nazism to Islamic Jihad David Patterson Index More information Index Abbas, Mahmoud, 240, 253 al-Atasi, Jamal, 226 Abbasid Caliphate, 54 al-Atassi, Neredddin, 232 Abbud, Ibrahim, 149, 150 al-Attas, Hamida, 218 Abdel-Fattah, Said, 96 Al-Azhar University, 29, 57, 74, 108, 138, Abdi, Mohammed, Yusuf, 141 166 Abduh, Muhammad, 57 al-Azim, Lufti Abd, 101 Abdul Hamid II, 56 al-Aziz, Ahmad Abd, 134 Abdullah, Ahmed Abdullah, 141 al-Bakr, Ahmad Hasan, 233 Abu-Amr, Ziad, 3–4, 22, 110, 126, 128, al-Banna, Abd-al-Rahman, 66, 111, 131 130, 137, 160, 167 al-Banna, Ahmad Bin Adur Rahman, 64 Adam, 265 al-Banna, Hasan, xi, 18, 53, 64–74, 108, al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din, 57, 66 128, 132–33, 145, 146, 159, 181;on Afghanistan, Soviet invasion of, 209, 212, death, 6, 73; on youth groups, 22; 219 influenced by Nazis, 26–27, 67, 68, Aflaq, Michel, 223, 225–27, 229, 233, 69, 130–31, 150, 177, 213, 254;on 254; on Israel and the Jews, 230–31; Zionism, 37; on Judaism and loss of influence in the Baath Party, Christianity, 67;andHajAmin 231; and Saddam Hussein, 232, al-Husseini, 121–22, 123, 125, 133, 234–35 182; as Supreme Guide, 130;and Ahmad, Hafiz Manzurudin, 114 the Arab League, 133;onjihad Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 14, 35, 199, against the Jews, 134; assassination 268 of, 135; influence on Palestinian Ahmed, Ali Sheikh, 141 Islamic Jihad, 161, 162;and Akef, Mohammad Mahdi, 67n101 Ruhullah Khomeini, 171, 183;and al-Aisami, Shibli, 228 the Hamas Charter of Allah, 174, al-Alami, Imad, 171 175; and Muhammad Navab-Safavi, al-Ali, Ibrahim, 169 183; and Seyyed Abolqassem al-Amili, Muhammad, 52, 62 Kashani, 185. See also Muslim al-Amin, Ibrahim, 203 Brotherhood al-Assad, Bashar, 144, 232–33 al-Bashir, Omar, 66, 89, 151, 158, 254, al-Assad, Hafez, 143, 170, 232 268; rise to power, 152–53, 157;and al-Astal, Yunus, 172–73 the Sudanese genocide, 158–59 285 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19747-2 - A Genealogy of Evil: Anti-Semitism from Nazism to Islamic Jihad David Patterson Index More information 286 Index al-Bitar, Madhat, 226 Alexander the Great, 257 al-Bitar, Salah al-Din, 225–26, 227, 229, Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA), 230 157, 210 al-Budairi, Kamel, 109 Algerian Islamic Jihad, 156 al-Bukhari, Muhammad ibn Ismail, 50 Alghali, Salah Ali, 159 al-Dawalibi, Maruf, 28 Ali, Burhanuddin, 48, 52 al-Dhahab, Suwar, 152 Allah, 6, 44, 79, 167, 172; Islamic Jihadist al-Droubi, Sami, 226 rebellion against, 34, 130, 173–74, al-Gannushi, Rashid, 143 180–81, 202–3, 221. See also God al-Gaylani, Rashid Ali, 114, 116, 117, Allah, Abd al-Rahman Hasab, 64 226, 233 Alliance for Palestinian Forces (APF), al-Ghanim, Wahib, 226, 229 164 al-Hafiz, Amin, 231 al-Majidhi, Sadiq Abdullah Abd, 148 al-Haj, Luis, 93, 104, 106, 107–8. See also Al-Manar Television Station, 3, 28–29, Louis Heiden 37, 103, 172, 205 al-Hajjaj, Muslim ibn, 50 al-Mirghani, Muhammad Uthman, al-Hamid, Hafiz Abd, 64 150n10 al-Hamound, Abd-al-Fattah, 137 al-Misri, Ahmad, 64 al-Haqq, Jad al-Haqq Ali Jad, xi al-Misri, Aziz, 132–33 al-Hassan, Khaled, 240 al-Mubarak, Abdallah ibn, 49 al-Hawrani, Akram, 229 al-Mughrabi, Zaki, 64 al-Hud, Khalid, 113 al-Mu mini, Ahmad, 90 al-Hudaybi, Hassan Ismail, 67n101, 137 al-Mutawakkil, 54 al-Hudaybi, Mamun, 67n101 al-Muzeini, Sadiq, 138 al-Husseini, Abd al-Qadir, 122 al-Nasai, Ahmad ibn, 50 al-Husseini, Haj Amin, 12–13, 20, 32, 34, al-Nashashibi, Raghib, 109 43, 99–100, 108–24, 131, 181, 183, al-Nashshar, Issa, 166 254; on youth groups, 22; on the al-Nasr, Muhammad Hamid Abu, 67n101 world Jewish conspiracy, 38; and the al-Nizam al-Khass, 65 Nazi-backed uprising in Iraq of al-Nuqrashi, Mahmud Fahmi, 65, 135 1941, 114, 233; meeting with Adolf al-Qassam, Izz ad-Din, 110, 131 Hitler, 41, 115; and the Muslim al-Qayrawani, Ibn Abi Zayd, 48 Brotherhood, 66, 67–68, 93, al-Quwatli, Shukri, 229 111–12, 121–22, 125, 182;and al-Rakhawi, Yahya, 101 Yasser Arafat, 100, 122, 238–39, al-Rantisi, Abel Aziz, 140, 166, 170 246–47; and the elimination of the al-Rashid, Harun, 54 Nashashibi clan, 112, 132;andNazi al-Rikabi, Fuad, 229 radio propaganda, 116–17, 120, al-Sadr, Mussa, 200 258; granted asylum in Egypt, 133; al-Said, Nuri, 234 influence on Ahmed Yassin, 166 al-Saih, Abd al-Hamid, 247 al-Husseini, Tahir, 108 al-Sanadi, Abd al-Rahman, 137 al-Islambuli, Khalid, 142, 161 al-Sandhuri, Jamal al-Din, 148 al-Jalahma, Umayma Ahmad, 103 al-Sharif, Sayyed Imam, 160–61 al-Jamaat al-Islamiyyah, 157–58 al-Shaybani, Muhammad, 47 al-Jihaz al-Sirri, 65 al-Sijistani, Abu Daud, 50 al-Jundi, Sami, 227 al-Sinwani, Amira, 30 al-Kasm, Badi, 226 al-Sud, Abdul Birr Iyun, 226 al-Khaladi, Mahmoud Aziz, 109 al-Sudairi, Turki, 103 al-Khatib, Abdul Rahman, 112 al-Tahir, Rashid, 149 al-Khatib, Said, 112 al-Tal, Wasfi, 42, 244 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19747-2 - A Genealogy of Evil: Anti-Semitism from Nazism to Islamic Jihad David Patterson Index More information Index 287 al-Tamimi, Asad Bayyud, 194 Arendt, Hannah, 9 al-Tamini, Muhammad Abd al-Wahhab, Arif, Abdul Salam, 138, 231 51n29, 56, 66 Aristotle, 257 Altern, Erich, 100 Arjomand, Said Amir, 141 al-Tikriti, Barzan Ibrahim, 235 Armenian Genocide, 56 al-Tilmisani, Umar, 67n101 Arsuzi, Zaki, 227 al-Tirmidi, Eesa Muhammad ibn Eesa, 50 Atta, Mohammed, 30, 220 al-Tufaili, Subhi, 204 Auschwitz, 115n86, 116, 126, 255, 262, al-Turabi, Hasan, 140–41, 149, 182, 183, 265 219, 268; and Jafar Numeiri, Averroes, 51 150–51; and the Muslim Avrahami, Yossi, 3, 258 Brotherhood, 151, 152, 254;and Ayyash, Yahya, 248 Omar al-Bashir, 152–53, 157, 158; Azhar, Maulana Masood, 210 and Jihadist organizations, 153–58, Azzam, Abdullah, 138, 209, 211–15; 208, 254 influenced by Sayyid Qutb, 211, 213, al-Wazir, Khalil, 240 255; and Osama bin Laden, 174, al-Yazuri, Ibrahim, 166 212, 219; and Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Zahar, Mahmoud, 145–46, 166, 171 212;onmartyrdom,212–13;on al-Zaim, Husni, 228 jihad, 213–14; on Jews, 214 al-Zanun, Riyad, 138 Azzam, Mahfouz, 215 al-Zanun, Salim, 137 al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab, 4 Baath Party, the, 170, 173, 225–38;and al-Zawahiri, Ayman, 78, 160, 209, 211, Hezbollah, 224–25; on the Jews, 215–18, 221n193; and Egyptian 226–27, 229, 234; Constitution of Islamic Jihad, 161, 215;and 1947, 227–28;inIraq,231, 232, Abdullah Azzam, 212, 215; 233–38; Provisional Constitution of, influenced by Sayyid Qutb, 215, 217, 231–32 255; influenced by Ruhullah Balfour Declaration, 108, 109, 126, Khomeini, 215; on jihad, 216;on 128 Israel and the Jews, 216, 217–18 Bani-Sadr, Abdul Hassan, 196 Amal, 200, 202 Banu Nadir, 11, 54 Amalek, 43, 244 Banu Qainuqah, 11, 54 Ammar, Abu. See Yasser Arafat Banu Qurayzah, 11, 54, 86, 189–90 Ansar Party, 150 Baram, Amatzia, 236 Aqel, Ibrahim, 168 Barre, Said, 141 Arab Brigade, 116 Bartel, Franz, 94 Arab Higher Committee, 110–11, 123 Barud, Abd-al-Rahman, 138 Arab League, 122–23, 133, 134, 241, 245 Bat Ye or, 54 Arab Resurrection Party, 227 Belsen, 116 Arab Revolt of 1936, 22, 26, 66, 110–12, Belzec, 115n86 131 Bender, Bernhard, 94 Arabische Freiheitskorps, 119 Bentwich, Norman, 110 Arafat, Yasser, 21–22, 137, 143, 224, Berner, Willy, 100 238–41; and Haj Amin al-Husseini, Bey, Naji Shawkat, 42 100, 122, 238–39, 246–47, 254;and Biazar-Shirazi, Abdul-Karim, 187 Hasan al-Turabi, 154, 156; and the Bin Baz, 30 Muslim Brotherhood, 239, 240;and Bin Laden, Muhammad Awad, 218 Ruhullah Khomeini, 244, 246. See Bin Laden, Osama, 6, 30, 138, 174, 207, also Palestinian Liberation 209, 211, 218–22; on Muslim use of Organization nuclear weapons, 35, 75n138, 189; © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19747-2 - A Genealogy of Evil: Anti-Semitism from Nazism to Islamic Jihad David Patterson Index More information 288 Index Bin Laden, Osama (cont.) Cook, Barbara, 103–4 at King Abd al-Aziz University, 140, Cook, David, 45, 50, 76 151, 218; and the Muslim Corps of Guardians of the Islamic Brotherhood, 151, 218–19; in the revolution, 141–42 Sudan, 153, 155, 158, 219, 254;and Council of Scholars from the Arabian Hezbollah, 208–9; on Jews, 210, Peninsula, 23 218, 220–21;onSharia,218; Covenant, the, 257, 261 influenced by Sayyid Qutb, 219;and Cyrus the Great, 236 the Taliban, 219; on Christians, 221 Birgal, Walter, 94 Dachau, 95 Black September, 42–43, 244, 245 Dahir, Ali, 28, 205 Blood Libel, 28, 103 Dahlan, Mohammed, 251 Bockler,¨ Wilhelm, 94 Daim, Abdullah Abdul, 226 Bollman, Walter, 94 Dalin, David, 41, 110, 116, 117, 118 Bonner, Michael, 45, 50 Damascus Blood Libel of 1840, 55–56, Bosnia, 118 95 Bostom, Andrew, xii, 48, 54, 56, Damascus, University of, 138, 209, 211 139–40 Darfur, 154, 159 British Political Intelligence Centre Darwish, Mahmoud, 248–49 Middle East, 65 Darwish, Nonie, 8n22 British White Paper of 1939, 112–13 Daumling,¨ Joachim, 94 Brunner, Alois, 93 Democratic Front for the Liberation of Buber, Martin, 264 Palestine, 242 Buchenwald, 95 Deutsch-Arabische Lehrabteilung, Bunsche,¨ Franz, 93 116–17 Bunz, Erich, 94 Dhimmi status, 54, 261 Burke, Edmund, 259 Dirlewanger, Oskar, 94 Burke, Jason, 213–14 Displacement theology.

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