![The Fastest Route by Car from Presov, Presov, SK to Jalta [Respublika Krym]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
The fastest route by car from Presov, Presov, SK to Jalta [Respublika Krym], UA Time: 27 hours 10 minutes; Distance: 1570 km; Costs: Sk 5692,37; Fuel: 138,16 litre (1 : 11,4); Expense allowance: Sk 0,00 200200 kmkm (1(1 :: 66 500500 000)000) B E L A R U S RUSSIAN FEDERATION Warszawa P O L A N D Kyjiv SLOVAK REPUBLIC 1. Presov, Presov, SK U K R A I N E MOLDOVA HUNGARY Chisinau R O M A N I A Beograd Bucuresti 2. Jalta [Respublika Krym], UA YUGOSLAVIA B U L G A R I A Sofia A Skopje L B MACEDONIA A NI A T U R K E Y GREECE Copyright © ROUTE 66 1993-2002. All rights reserved. IMPORTANT: No part of the contents of this publication may be reproduced, archived, or 1 made public, electronically or by means of print, photocopy, microfilm or any other means, without the express written permission from ROUTE 66. rabdzi.com - nobody´s perfect ... 1010 kmkm (1(1 :: 440440 000)000) Košarovce Hanusovce nad Toplou Baskovce Svinia Holčíkovce Župčany E371 Vyšná Šebastová Bystré E50 Prešov Ohradzany Lubisa Vyšný Žipov Snina Ruská Nová Ves Udavské 1. Presov, Presov, SK Slovenská Kajna Bajerov Dlhé nad Cirochou Bzenov Kokošovce Merník Humenné Zemplínske Hámre Kendice Sol Sedlice Topol ovka P r e s o v Drienovská Nová Ves Zámutov Vranov nad Toplou Chlmec Drienov Velka Lodina Vechec Strážske Lemešany Nižný Hrabovec S L O V A K R E P U B L I C D1 Kecerovce Nacina Ves Sačurov Jovsa Dlhé Klčovo Nižný Hrušov Vinné K o s i c e Herlany Družstevná pri Hornáde Sečovská Polianka Hnojné Parchovany Rozhanovce Bidovce Michalovce Velke Revistia Dargovský Priesmyk Nižný Klátov E50 Košice Tušická Nová Ves Čečehov Sady nad Torysou Sečovce Lastomír E50 Horovce Blatné Remety Ruskov Vojčice Bánovce nad Ondavou Šemša Velke Ozorovce E71 Bohdanovce Hatalov Palín Bracovce Valaliky Zemplínska Teplica Slanec Trebišov Falkušovce begin) (begin) Presov, Presov, SK: Leave in north-eastern direction. After 250 m keep to the right towards the 68 00:00 250 m (68) Kosicka ulica: After 1,5 km take the motorway 00:01 1,8 km (D1) Presov Juh: After 4,9 km straight on to the (D1) Ličartovce 00:04 6,6 km (D1) Ličartovce: After 11,9 km straight on to the (D1) Budimír 00:11 18,5 km (D1) Budimír: After 10,0 km straight on to the (68) (68) Presovska cesta (50) Secovska cesta (50) Herlianska u 00:17 28,4 km (68) (68) Presovska cesta (50) Secovska cesta (50) Herlianska u: After 6,3 km straight on to the (50) Herlianska ulica 00:25 34,7 km (50) Herlianska ulica: After 2,8 km straight on to the (50) 00:27 37,5 km (50): After 1,6 km keep to the left towards the 50 00:29 39,1 km Kosicke Olsany: After 2,3 km straight on to the (50) Svinica 00:31 41,4 km (50) Svinica: After 7,7 km straight on to the (50) 00:38 49,1 km (50): After 2,7 km straight on to the Košický Klečenov 00:40 51,8 km Košický Klečenov: After 2,0 km keep to the right towards the 50 00:42 53,8 km (50): After 870 m straight on to the Dargovský Priesmyk 00:43 54,7 km Dargovský Priesmyk: After 470 m keep to the left towards the 50 00:43 55,2 km (50) Dargov: After 4,5 km straight on to the (50) Habes 00:47 59,7 km (50) Habes: After 5,6 km straight on to the (50) Sečovce 00:52 65,3 km (50) Sečovce: After 1,2 km straight on to the (50) Sečovce (Kochanovce) 00:54 66,6 km (50) Sečovce (Kochanovce): After 1,4 km straight on to the (50) Hriadky 00:55 67,9 km (50) Hriadky: After 4,6 km straight on to the (50) Trhovište 00:59 72,5 km (50) Trhovište: After 9,1 km straight on to the (50) Pozdišovce 01:07 81,7 km (50) Pozdišovce: After 1,4 km straight on to the (50) Michalovce (Močarany) 01:09 83,1 km (50) Michalovce (Močarany): After 1,2 km straight on to the (50) Mocarianska ulica 01:10 84,3 km (50) Mocarianska ulica: After 2,1 km keep to the right towards the 50 01:12 86,4 km (50) Sobranska cesta (50) Zalužice: After 7,2 km straight on to the (50) Lucky Copyright © ROUTE 66 1993-2002. All rights reserved. IMPORTANT: No part of the contents of this publication may be reproduced, archived, or 2 made public, electronically or by means of print, photocopy, microfilm or any other means, without the express written permission from ROUTE 66. rabdzi.com - nobody´s perfect ... 2020 kmkm (1(1 :: 720720 000)000) Kolbasov Ohradzany Lubisa Snina Ulič Dlhé nad Cirochou Klenová Humenné Ladomirov P r e s o v Šmigovec Ubla Velykyj Bereznyj E50 Strážske L ' v i v s ' k a Remetské Hámre E471 Nacina Ves Jovsa Podhorod Vinné Hnojné Choňkovce Z a k a r p a t s ' k a Nyz.-Vorota Michalovce M17 Sobrance Perecyn Pozdišovce Tur'i Remety Volovec Blatné Remety Lastomír SLOVAK REPUBLIC Krčava U K R A I N E Bracovce Palín Jenkovce K o s i c eBezovec Uzhorod Drahňov Majdan Malčice Lekárovce Velke Kapusany E471 Svaljava Ruská Serednje Mizhir'ja Oborín Čičarovce E573 Cynadijeve M17 Rad Bol Leles E50 Kralovsky Chlmec Cop Mukaceve Kusnycja M17 Velayka Dobron' Somotor Pribeník Malé Trakany Borsod-Abaúji-Zemplén Tiszaszentmárton Dovhe H U N G A R Y Il'nycja 01:19 93,6 km (50) Lucky: After 5,7 km straight on to the Zavadka 01:24 99,3 km Zavadka: After 960 m straight on to the (50) Sobrance 01:25 100 km (50) Sobrance: After 7,5 km straight on to the (50) Orechová 01:32 108 km (50) Orechová: After 8,2 km straight on to the Krčava 01:39 116 km Krčava: After 570 m straight on to the (50) 01:40 117 km (50): After 2,8 km straight on to the Vyšné Nemecké 01:42 119 km Vyšné Nemecké: After 530 m cross the border towards Ukraine 01:43 120 km After 1,1 km keep to the left 01:44 121 km Onokivci: After 5,6 km keep to the right towards the A262 01:49 127 km (A262): After 150 m keep to the left 01:49 127 km (M17) Hlyboke [Zakarpats'ka]: After 17,2 km straight on to the (M17) 02:05 144 km (M17): After 27,2 km keep to the left towards the M17 02:30 171 km Cynadijeve: After 8,4 km straight on to the (M17) 02:38 180 km (M17): After 7,0 km straight on to the Suskove 02:44 187 km Suskove: After 5,2 km keep to the right towards the M17 02:48 192 km (M17): After 1,9 km keep to the left towards the M17 02:50 194 km Han'kovycja: After 14,0 km keep to the left towards the M17 03:03 208 km (M17): After 11,4 km keep to the right towards the M17 03:13 219 km (M17): After 4,6 km keep to the right towards the M17 03:17 224 km Nyz.-Vorota: After 2,8 km straight on to the (M17) 03:20 226 km (M17): After 5,0 km keep to the right towards the M17 03:24 231 km Tysiv: After 690 m straight on to the (M17) 03:25 232 km (M17): After 20,1 km keep to the right towards the M17 03:43 252 km (M17): After 5,7 km keep to the left towards the M17 03:48 258 km Tuchol'ka: After 210 m straight on to the (M17) Orjava Copyright © ROUTE 66 1993-2002. All rights reserved. IMPORTANT: No part of the contents of this publication may be reproduced, archived, or 3 made public, electronically or by means of print, photocopy, microfilm or any other means, without the express written permission from ROUTE 66. rabdzi.com - nobody´s perfect ... 2020 kmkm (1(1 :: 760760 000)000) Mykolajiv Novi Strilysca Dubljany Novyj Rozdil Rozdil Medenyci Tern M17 Chodoriv Rohatyn Zydaciv o E50 pil' Drohobyc E50 Hnizdyciv s Pidbuz 'ka Boryslav E471 L ' v i v s ' k a Zuravne Ivano-Frankivs'ka Schidnycja Stryj Burstyn Bil'sivci U K R A I N E Turka M17 Morsyn Vojnyliv Halic Verchnje Syn'ovydne Bolechiv Skole Kalus Brosniv-Osada E50 Dolyna Vyhoda Roznjativ Ivano-Frankivs'k E471 Tysmenycja Tuchol'ka Krasne Perehins'ke 03:48 258 km (M17) Orjava: After 8,7 km straight on to the (M17) Koz'ova 03:56 267 km (M17) Koz'ova: After 720 m straight on to the (M17) 03:57 267 km (M17): After 12,8 km keep to the left towards the M17 04:08 280 km Skole: After 5,7 km straight on to the (M17) Verchnje Syn'ovydne 04:14 286 km (M17) Verchnje Syn'ovydne: After 9,8 km straight on to the (M17) Ljubynci 04:23 296 km (M17) Ljubynci: After 10,1 km straight on to the (M17) Hirs'ke [L'vivs'ka] 04:33 306 km (M17) Hirs'ke [L'vivs'ka]: After 6,0 km straight on to the (M17) 04:38 312 km (M17): After 10,5 km keep to the left towards the M17 04:50 322 km (M17): After 560 m keep to the right towards the M17 04:50 323 km Stryj: After 330 m straight on to the (M17) 04:51 323 km (M17): After 5,3 km keep to the right towards the A266 04:57 329 km (A266): After 6,1 km keep to the left towards the A266 05:03 335 km Lysjatyci: After 540 m straight on to the (A266) 05:04 335 km (A266): After 6,4 km keep to the right towards the A266 05:10 342 km (A266): After 680 m keep to the left towards the A266 05:11 342 km (A266): After 5,5 km keep to the right towards the A266 05:16 348 km (A266): After 2,8 km keep to the right towards the A266 05:19 350 km (A266): After 220 m keep to the left towards the A266 05:19 351 km (A266): After 400 m keep to the left towards the A266 05:20 351 km (A266): After 430 m keep to the right towards the A266 05:20 352 km Zydaciv [L'vivs'ka]: After 120 m straight on to the (A266) 05:21 352 km (A266): After 9,7 km keep to the right towards the A266 05:30 361 km Chodoriv [L'vivs'ka]: After 4,2 km straight on to the (A266) 05:34 366 km (A266): After 23,2 km keep to the left towards the A265 05:56 389 km (A265): After 1,6 km keep to the right towards the A266 Copyright © ROUTE 66 1993-2002.
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