Angola Teach-In Brings Charges of Panel Bias by flnky Majur those who support the MPLA Swlf Writer around the world." The first publicized teach-in held The symposium was held to at a university on US involvement " raise the level of public debate" in the Angolan civil war evoked a so that any further commitment or mixed but energetic response from involvement in Angola is made many of the estimated 375 persons with full public knowledge and in attendence Tuesday night. A understanding, according to UC packed auditorium in the new San Diego Professor, David Third college complex attested to Laitan. the mounting opposition of Both Laitin and Third College students and the community to US Provost Joseph Waton, who were policy and intervention in Angola . the moving forces behind the . During the symposium three teach-in, felt the attempt was Panelists at W ednesd sy's Ang ola teach-in (left to right!: D av id Laitln, A SSOCIate experts on African affairs, ranging successful in its goal to provide a Profeseor of P olitical SCIen ce a nd c o -spons or o ~, th e ev ent, .John M er~u~:. P rov ost of from conservative to liberal on the forum and to educate the public, Merrill C"ollege at UC S anta Cruz and auth o r of The Angolan Re volutIon , Professor political spectrum spoke to the despite several problems that Louis Gann of Sta nford's Hoover Institute of W a r ; G e rald Bende r , who s p ent two . th fIt '· 1 ed d ears in A ngola working on his PhD . dlssertetion . (TT Photo: Conle y M ajor ) lssuhes ey e w~redelnb VO v ban emerged which were not an­ Y to t e concerns rats y mem ers ticipated. of the audience. The source of one problem that Gerald Bender and John Mar­ did not become apparent to the cum, who spoke in opposition to US sponsors before the symposium military intervention in the began, seemed to focus around domestic affairs of Angola, were Laitin's assumption that " America critical of past American foreign is still undecided, on the issue. policy towards Africa as a whole. Much of the audience appeared to Louis Gann, describing himself disagree with Laitin, as evidenced as an ultra conservative and anti­ by the ensuing dialogue and a 20 communist, argued that South foot sign calling for the support of Africa was directly threatened by the MPLA. communist-supported guerilla An occurence, precluding the movements, which would come start of the evening debate, whIch from Angola, if the Soviet-backed threatened to upstage its Councils To Discuss BOA C'ity Counci'l MPLA forces are successful. significance, was when the State According to Gann this would not Department failed to send an of­ be in the best interest of the U.S. ficial representative to support US Control of Student Center Students who obviously had policy. by Mark Stadler on the issue and that after a few Votes in Favor of strong convictions concerning US According to Laitin, the State News Editor meetings those objections could be involvement in Angola voiced Dept. informed him that Edward worked out. protests that the issues dealt with Fugit of the Bureau of African Members of the college councils, Murphy's objections are in the Black's Nudity by the panel debate were not Affairs had been called to Moscow the Student Cooperative and the area of the appointment The San Diego City Council getting to the heart of the matter. by Sec. of State Henry Kissinger. Graduate Student Council (GSC) procedure, renumeration for yesterday narrowly defeated a As debate ensued Bender con­ Thomas Killoran, a State Dept. will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. to members and the board's policy measure that would have ended tended that the US had no stategic official who was also to appear, discuss and fonn a unified student making powers. nude sunbathing at Black's interest in Angola, while Gann had to replace Fugit in position on the proposed Board of In a recent interview Murphy Beach, which has had a swim­ insisted there was no such thing as Washington, Laitin said. Laitin Authority (BOA), which would said it would be unfair to single out suits optional area since 1974. US neo-colonialism in Africa and said the State Dept. insisted that no control operation of the student BOA members for payment. "In The vote was taken after a two cited statistical evidence to back. one else was knowledgable enough center. any notion of fairness" other and a half hour session, which up his a sertion. to represent the departments The gathering was scheduled student committees like saw opposition to the swimsuits­ Students reacted with some position. after a meeting of the four councils registration fee and the program optional area from the La Jolla dismay at these conclusions. The absence of State Dept. Wednesday night. People at­ review committee would also have Farms Assn., the La jolla Town Marcum and Bender maintained representatives did not lessen the tending the meeting next week will to be considered for payment, Council, the Pacific Beach Town some optimism that an African attempts by some students to form a committee to meet with Murphy said. Council and various religious solution will emerge to resolve the discredit the debate on the basis Vice-chancellor and Dean of groups. Bookman said yesterday the Angola conflict with a coalition that, as one student shouted. "this Student Affairs George Murphy to problem could be solved by other A member of the Nude Beaches goverrunent between the US­ is not a teach - in, this not what "hammer out" a compromise on happened in Michigan in 1965, this forms of renumeration-such as Committee opposed the backed UNITA and MPLA forces. the issue. is academic propaganda." class credits or fee defennents. He resolution to rescind. Bender also addressed a The panel replaces a proposed said such methods have been used Council members voting question from the audience about The audience's mood often committee which was initiated by successfully at other universities, against the motion were: Gil the-possibility of continued querilla tended to shift the debate away Murphy and student center such as UCLA. Johnson, Maureen O'Conner, warfare by the FNLA forces which from the issue and toward personal di rector Mark Bookman. That However, he added that a " fair Leon Williams, Floyd Morrow are also backed by the US, if a attacks on Gann. This prompted committee would have been and Jess Haro. Favoring the across the board" policy for all coalition is established between the some students and at least one composed of single representatives resolution to ban nudity were Lee MPLA and UNITA. In answer he African professor to confide that from the same groups that will student committees must be worked out. Hubbard, Tom Gade, Jim Ellis said that " I'm afraid there will Gann should never been invited to meet next week. and Mayor Wilson. probably be a guerilla war at some UCSD. That committee was devised Two NOplinees Johnson, who represents UC time. One of the members of the He was accused from the because the two administrators San Diego and the area including FNLA political Bureau stated last audience as being ... " one of the fclt there was " absolutely no Black's, said he felt people would week in Kinshasa that they were Murphy objected to the ap­ chief defenders of imperialism in progress" on the BOA proposal use the beach for nudity even if Africa." pointments procedure for board going to continue the struggle over the last 15 weeks, as Bookman the council rescinded its 1974 members. Currently the various using what he called palestinian Laitin emphasized, however, put it yesterday. action. tactics of terrorism aimed at all ontinued on Page 3 groups are to forward two Eight Members nominees to the Coop's ap­ pointments and evaluations action An Interview With Avrum Stroll The current BOA proposal sets center, which makes the final choice. by Ran Anbar amount of sacrifice in all levels of up a panel of eight members, with Staff Writer the university, including more rep resentatives of the college Murphy said he thought the college councils would reject this, teaching time put in by the councils, the Coop, the GSC, the " Both on the grounds of because they wouIa rather appoint faculty and, perhaps, a rejection Cra fts Center and the Student desirability and lack of funding, their own representatives. So far of some students, he said. Information Center (EDNA). UC San Diego faculty will have to UCSD will also have to start re­ t~e councils have looked with The original BOA proposal, pick up some of the load the T As disfavor on that provision. evaluating its use of TAs, said worked out by a group of students are now carrying. It is much Stroll. " In my view, the teaching last summer, had six members, Murphy did not like the BOA to more desirable for un­ assistants are here primarily to from the councils, Coop and have powers of hiring and firing dergraduates to be exposed to learn to be professionals in their Graduate Student Union. student affairs personnel and faculty members than to chosen field. Therefore, it is Although Murphy has several making final department policy. teaching assistants. There are inadvi able to use them as objections to BOA as currently Yesterday the vic~hanceUor exceptions to that of course, but teachers, as it interferes with structured, both he and Bookman said he would accept a system in as a generalization it seems to be their learning," he said.
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